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This book began out of need in my family situation. The idea to write down my life experience is not a coincidence or an afterthought but an inspiration from God and my kids to publish this book.

I decided to jot down these experiences for keepsake for my son, Isaac. Isaac is deaf with special needs. He is the main inspiration for my writing down of what life has taught me. We take for granted the amount of things we learn as a person who can hear (who is audible) without formal teaching. Most of our life lessons are picked up during conversation which is different with a deaf person. The need to equip Isaac with lifes road map, to give Isaac structured guidance, motivated me to write down these entries. His receptive language is strong since he is a visual learner. This project is very exciting to us, my kids and I. There is a saying, the faintest ink is better than the most retentive memory; I constantly battle how much can I write down and when to stop. As a mother, I have the responsibility to equip my kids for life in a Godly way.

Though we may not have a choice of what life gives to us but we certainly have a choice in what we do with it. I have learned a lot being Isaacs mum. I no longer take things for granted but make teachable moments with my children, especially my son.

I do not expect everyone to agree with all my entries because your life experiences are different from my own. However, we can both agree on the fact that these life experiences help shape our journey in life. Some of these entries l have learned through disappointments, hard times and fun times while some have brought me spiritual growth, joy, hope, fulfillment and a degree of efficiency to my life.

Thank you for reading. I hope you will be encouraged to share your own life experience to enrich the next generation.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 7, 2017
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The author is a woman, a teacher by profession. She’s married with two lovely young adults who are always an inspiration to her. She’s passionate about mentoring girls. She is the founder of an international organization - Ornaments of Grace and Virtue Int. (OGAV) that works with girls in partnership with secondary schools to advance girls education in south-west of Nigeria and also involved with mentoring program in Toronto.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-7829-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-7828-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017903560

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/28/2017


    ➢ Having more money does not necessarily mean having more happiness.

    ➢ Being on holiday or vacation from work does not mean you are resting.

    ➢ If you want the world to be at peace with you, you have to be at peace with yourself.

    ➢ Siblings who grew up close and friendly do not necessarily remain close later in life.

    ➢ No matter what your age or status, you will always remain a child to your parents.

    ➢ Someone’s success is not a measure of his or her material possessions.

    ➢ It is better to be frank and honest than to be sly.

    ➢ The more a parent disciplines you, the more he or she cares about you.

    ➢ Going out with older people makes you mature faster than going out with your mates.

    ➢ In teaching others, you learn and remember more.

    ➢ A party is good when the guests have truly enjoyed themselves.

    ➢ My mother’s voice will always ring in my ears when I am dragging my feet or being lazy.

    ➢ Being on holiday means spending more money to keep your children entertained.

    ➢ You have to love yourself before others can love you.

    ➢ Perception is based on what others see and believe about you even if it is unintentional.

    ➢ Before you can be successful, you must be intrinsically motivated.

    ➢ It is better to ask for help than to struggle in ignorance.

    ➢ When you miss your way, it is better to ask a child for directions than to drive aimlessly and waste gas.

    ➢ Being

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