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Hank the "Miracle Dog"
Hank the "Miracle Dog"
Hank the "Miracle Dog"
Ebook131 pages31 minutes

Hank the "Miracle Dog"

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About this ebook

Hank the "Miracle Dog" tells the true story of a dog that was diagnosed with sarcoma, a rare cancer of the connective tissue. Through the cancer diagnosis, Hank and his mom Amy learned to "Stop and Smell the Roses" by enjoying every minute together. Hank the Miracle Dog shares the unmistakable bond and unconditional love between Hank and Amy as they battle his sarcoma together.

Release dateDec 29, 2015
Hank the "Miracle Dog"

Dr. Amy Carpenter Kabel

Dr. Amy Kabel graduated with her bachelor of science degree in education from Ohio University in 1994, the same year she began her first year of teaching. Amy went on to obtain her master’s in curriculum and instruction from Ashland University in 1996. In 1998, she received a master’s in reading from the University of Dayton. Dr. Kabel went to Xavier University in 2000 to accept a degree in counseling. In 2008, Amy became a doctor of philosophy, receiving her degree in curriculum and instruction from Ohio University.  Amy is currently a third-grade teacher with Logan Elm Schools, where she has worked for nineteen years. She has taught kindergarten and first grade as well as third grade. Dr. Kabel received her National Board Certification in 2002 and 2012.  Amy lives in Lancaster, Ohio, with Hank and her husband, Paul.

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    Hank the "Miracle Dog" - Dr. Amy Carpenter Kabel

    Copyright 2016 Dr. Amy Carpenter-Kabel.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-6775-8 (sc)

               978-1-4907-6774-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015921321

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    Dedication Page


    I dedicate this book to Hank. He is the strongest and bravest boy I know! Thank you for teaching me to stop and smell the roses and for your unconditional love. I am so proud to be your mommy! :)

    I dedicate this book to Caroline Toffoli who encouraged me to get a second opinion which ended up saving Hank’s life. I am so grateful to you. I know meeting you on that airplane was destiny!

    I dedicate this book to Dr. Townsend, Dr. London, Dr. Adin, and Dr. Pugliese at Ohio State University Veterinary School for saving Hank’s life and removing his grapefruit size tumor. I appreciate each and every one of you so much!



    Hank is posing for a picture at his granny’s house in front of her pretty flowers. This picture was Hank’s first time on his local tv station in Ohio. Since then Hank has been on the news 29 more times. Hank has another children’s book called Hank’s Visit to the Doggie Store. Hank is loved by everyone that knows him! :)

    Age: 8

    Nickname: Doodle & Handsome Hank

    Likes: Taking Car Rides, Kabota Rides, & Swing Rides and Getting Attention!

    Dislikes: His Arch Enemy is the Bunny Rabbit! Hank also dislikes thunderstorms, squirrels, kitty cats, raccoons, deer, etc…

    Favorite Foods: Chicken, Steak, Broccoli, Black Raspberries, and Doggie Treats

    Favorite Pastime: Spending time at his grannys walking, swimming in the pond, and chasing things.


    February 1, 2013 was the saddest day of my life. Since our school was cancelled for snow I was home when my mom called and told me that my nephew Hank wouldn’t eat and was straining to go to the bathroom. I could hear the worry in my mom’s voice which alarmed me. I immediately rushed out to check on Hank.


    When I arrived at my moms Hank was sitting by the front door. I could tell

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