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Poetic Justice: Criminal Justice & Criminology
Poetic Justice: Criminal Justice & Criminology
Poetic Justice: Criminal Justice & Criminology
Ebook399 pages1 hour

Poetic Justice: Criminal Justice & Criminology

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About this ebook

This is a poetry book about criminal justice and criminology.  
Poems include persuasion theories, criminal theories, and morals.
They also include police department orientations, ethical systems,
Interrogation techniques, and laurels.

Full color illustrations

Release dateJun 18, 2020
Poetic Justice: Criminal Justice & Criminology

Wayne L Davis

Wayne L. Davis holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Master of Science in Business Administration, and a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice. Dr. Davis has graduated from city, state, and federal law enforcement academies and he has over 20 years of law enforcement experience with city, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Dr. Davis was a field-training officer with the Indiana State Police and has received the U.S. Customs & Border Protection Commissioner's Award.

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    Poetic Justice - Wayne L Davis

    Attribution Theory

    Because jurors do not want to be tricked,

    They seek a motive before they will convict.

    Jurors seek reasons to explain a defendant’s actions

    Before they will convict the defendant for his or her transactions.

    Jurors want to be sure before they recommend jail

    Because they do not want to be the next ones facing bail.

    Congruity Principle Theory

    Because incompatible concepts jurors will try to align,

    The prosecutor can use this theory to reach the goal line.

    By aligning the criminal activity to a negative concept held by the jury,

    The prosecutor can create the desired fury.

    For example, if the county is dry and the jurors hate booze,

    A drug conviction can be achieved by linking alcohol to the drug user’s tattoos.


    Cognitive Dissonance Theory

    The prosecutor will try to manipulate

    The jurors’ sentiments

    Because she knows that people will behave in ways

    That reduce dissonance between two cognitive elements.

    For example, if the accused is set free,

    Then one of the jurors may be

    The defendant’s next prey

    During his forthcoming crime spree.

    Furthermore, because justice and democracy

    Demand fair payment,

    Jail is the perfect place for the guilty

    And should be his home after arraignment.

    Learning Theory

    People’s behaviors can be molded like clay,

    And jurors can be persuaded to respond in a certain way.

    Like a dog that Pavlov conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell,

    Jurors can be placed under the prosecutor’s spell.

    By associating the particular crime with something that the jurors hate,

    The prosecutor can direct their anger toward the defendant’s fate.

    For example, if the jurors are upset about paying a high tax,

    The prosecutor can illustrate how the accused is laughing at them as he

    uses their money to slip by them like he was on a slope of slippery wax.

    Functional Theory

    People like a life full of spices and salts,

    And they refuse to humble themselves and to admit any personal faults.

    Law abiding individuals perform actions that they find beneficial,

    And they distance themselves from others who have been labeled antisocial.

    People tend to act in ways that eliminate doubt,

    And their pride can be used against them to get them to pout.

    The prosecutor will tell the jurors that the accused believes that they are fools

    Because he is a vicious criminal who is using them as a box of tools.

    The jurors will also be told that each of them is a community pillar,

    And society is relying on them for protection against the killer.

    Inoculation Theory

    For an argument, the best persuasion is one that supports one side

    And, at that same time, refutes the other side so that it falls by the wayside.

    The best persuasion is one that discusses the benefit of action

    And the cost for the jury’s inaction.

    For example, the prosecutor will argue that in order to reduce crime,

    The jurors must convict the defendant and make him serve time.

    If, on the other hand, the defendant is not locked away,

    Then each juror’s safety is at risk because the accused may again slay.

    Counter-Attitudinal Advocacy Theory

    Beliefs and behaviors are best construed

    When they are linked to intrinsic rewards as personally viewed.

    Laws and rules define a legal border.

    Freedom and democracy depend upon law and order.

    It is the jurors’ civic duty to act patriotic

    And to remove from society individuals who act chaotic.


    Rational Orientation

    Some police departments treat law enforcement as a business.

    They believe achieving peace and security is not hopeless.

    Crime can be controlled by punishing lawbreakers

    And by making the cost of crime too expensive for troublemakers.

    Indeed, everyone is expected to follow the rules

    And not to encroach upon the rights of others like a bunch of fools.

    If the penalties are not high enough to discourage future acts of deviance,

    Then the police will experience a lack of public obedience.

    The greater the offender’s cost is to the public,

    A more severe penalty is required based on logic.

    In short, everyone in society gives up some rights as a token

    For security, freedom, and ideas that are spoken.

    System Orientation

    Criminal justice has interacting, yet independent, agencies

    That must work together and not each other tease.

    By working together and displaying kinetic energy,

    The agencies will experience the benefits of synergy.

    The various agencies collect convicts to rehabilitate them.

    Through behavior modification programs, the agencies try to create a polished gem.

    If each agency adds a little grease,

    It is hoped that the released offenders will slip back into society and promote social peace.

    When legislative, executive, judicial, and correctional agencies hit the target like darts,

    It is expected that the sum of their efforts will be greater than their isolated parts.

    However, it is assumed that those persons who have legal authority

    Are capable of making decisions that are deemed rational by the public majority.

    Crime Control Orientation

    The main purpose of the police is to secure order and peace

    By arresting as many law violators as possible without hope of early release.

    To suppress crime, mistakes in due process are tolerated

    Because the defendants are presumed guilty and the police are obligated.

    Releasing suspects due to procedural mistakes is wrong,

    And constitutional restraints to restrict police action is not the choice of song.

    It is assumed that law enforcers are fair and trustworthy

    And will show the public common courtesy.

    Due Process Orientation

    The main purpose of the police is to protect people’s rights

    By exposing the government’s actions with floodlights.

    Police officers need to defend their investigative procedures in front of a judge,

    Someone who is neutral and does not

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