Adversarial Mindset

One of the fundamentals of fighting well is to know your enemy. When we’re talking about fighting violent crime and criminals, there are a lot of varied opinions. Some people see violent criminals as victims of a flawed economic system or argue they’re just mentally ill, while others see them as cunning rational actors engaged in rational acts. Hopefully, the essay that follows will give you a quick summary of who criminals are, how criminals think, how they pick their victims, and how to truly win confrontations with them.

Any time we’re generalizing, we must be careful to remember there are always exceptions. The discussion that follows reflects the reality of a Western country with a somewhat intact legal system and a place where scarcity is a forgotten concern. As we move away from these realities, the general advice that follows will likely change.

Criminal Motivations

The first question we must ask ourselves is what drives someone to commit a violent crime? When violent crimes are committed, most experts agree there are two main motivations and a third special category that’s a combination of both. Generally, violent crimes are either instrumental or expressive.

Instrumental Crimes

In these crimes, the criminal is looking to achieve a rational goal. For instance, the criminal will use force or the threat of force to take something of value. Whatever is taken is then sold or traded to obtain something the criminal really wants, from drugs to groceries. Crimes such as these are easy to understand — we may not agree with the methods, but the desired end state is something we all pursue by going to work.

Expressive Crimes

The other common motivation for violent crimes is known as expressive. In an expressive crime, the crime itself is the goal, mostly to send a message. These crimes are scarier because the act used to send the message doesn’t seem rational to the normal person. The noncriminal just can’t understand what the desired end state was and why such methods would be used to achieve it. Expressive crimes tend to be more horrific — such as a Jihadi motivated bombing, a drug cartel decapitation, or a mass shooting. What normal people see as “overkill” is actually part of the message —

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