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Daily Walk Devotion vol. 2: Daily Walk Devotion, #2
Daily Walk Devotion vol. 2: Daily Walk Devotion, #2
Daily Walk Devotion vol. 2: Daily Walk Devotion, #2
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Daily Walk Devotion vol. 2: Daily Walk Devotion, #2

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Your faith in Jesus Christ is something that you have to live on a daily basis. The Apostle Paul describes it as a daily walk. This devotional gives you 365 daily devotions to encourage you in your daily walk with Jesus. 

Release dateSep 5, 2020
Daily Walk Devotion vol. 2: Daily Walk Devotion, #2

Chuck Musselwhite

After graduating from Vanguard University in 1994 he entered full-time ministry where he served for twelve years in various ministry positions. In 2006 he answered the call to plant a church in Vandenberg Village, Ca where he still serves. In 2017 he began to post daily devotions on his website He is married to his wife Jennifer and they have four children. 

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    Daily Walk Devotion vol. 2 - Chuck Musselwhite


    Keep Growing

    Paul wanted the Colossians to continue to live for Christ after they accepted him as their savior. He knew the key was for them to keep growing in their faith. For this to happen, they had to be rooted in the Word of God and established in their faith so that they could endure what was ahead. We need to keep growing as well.

    Colossians 2:6-7

    So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude.

    We should never stop growing as Christians. Our lives should go deeper in our knowledge of Christ and grow closer to him. It is both an upward and downward work. If you imagine a tree, it is continuously growing towards the sun and sending its roots deeper into the ground. Both serve a purpose in the health of the tree.

    Reach upward towards Christ. We want to get closer to him so that we can live in him. This happens when we pray. Our communication with the Lord is essential to our life in him. We need to talk to him on a daily basis. We also need to trust him. He has our best interests in his heart and leads us on the best path. Just as a tree grows upwards we want to stretch towards the life-giving Son.

    Next, we need to establish a healthy root system. This happens as we draw from the water of the word. The Bible is our daily food. It's where we go for instruction and wisdom for daily life. Neglecting it starves our

    soul and recedes our growth. The more we put into our heart, the deeper our roots go. That may not seem significant, but the next time a storm blows through your life you will be thankful for a deep root system.

    Finally, we need to be filled with gratitude. Be thankful for what Christ has done for you. When was the last time you wrote down all the blessings God has bestowed upon you? Start your day by thanking him for all that he has done for you. It will infuse your day with the right attitude and protect you from the negativity.

    No Artificial Ingredients

    Have you ever looked at the ingredients on some of the food you eat? If you're like me, you can't pronounce most of them let alone know what they are. When you taste something with artificial ingredients, it doesn't taste the same as the real stuff. The same goes when we start to add things to God's Word that weren't there originally. It feels fake. We are drawn to those products that say All Natural no artificial ingredients needed.

    Deuteronomy 4:2, 24

    You must not add anything to what I command you or take anything away from it, so that you may keep the commands of the Lord your God I am giving you....For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God."

    False teaching permeates the church. It's subtle, but some of what Christians say just isn't supported by Scripture. Take for instance, God helps those who help themselves. Sounds Biblical and right on but it's not found anywhere in the Bible. In fact, God helps those who can't help themselves. No one can save themselves only Jesus can.

    We are to take God’s word for what it is. We cannot edit it or add to it. We can’t remove a verse that we disagree with or embellish a verse that we cherish. God’s word is perfect as it is. Either we accept the whole Bible, or we reject it all. Some churches like to add traditions and regulations on top of God's word. God tells Moses not to add anything to His Word so that people can obey him. If we change it at all, we run the risk of sinning against God.

    God also told Moses that he is a consuming fire, a jealous God. Moses is making a point that if God didn't spare him when he sinned, he wouldn't spare them if they turned to other idols. God is jealous for us. He doesn't want to compete with idols. He will take action to remove them from our lives so that our communion can be pure.

    Motivated to Change

    What is your biggest fear? Is it spiders or snakes? Or is it speaking in front of people or confrontation? Fear motivates us for the good or the bad. If we see someone we don't want to talk to we will trip over everything to avoid them. If we run into a spider, we might freeze or scream. Fear can be used for our benefit. Many of us are motivated to change when fear strikes.

    Deuteronomy 5:29

    If only they had such a heart to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that they and their children would prosper forever.

    Israel wouldn’t come near the mountain where God was. They used Moses as an intermediary. They were afraid of God and didn’t want to go near Him for fear of death. God recognizes this and only wishes this fear would cause them to obey Him. Unfortunately, they weren't motivated to change in that way. If they could've, they would've prospered for generations.

    There is a healthy and unhealthy fear. Unhealthy fear causes a person to run and hide. Healthy fear causes a person to act. God desires that we fear him. That means we have such reverence for him that we want to obey and please him. Many live with the unhealthy fear that God is unhappy with us and is going to condemn us for our sin. The opposite is true. He is gracious and loving hoping that we would come to him for restoration. Live with a healthy fear of God. Live in such a way that you know you are loved by him but that he is an almighty God who holds the universe in his hand.

    We can be motivated to change for the good when we understand that God is is both a mighty God and a loving one too. Our obedience to him should be based on our love for him. When we are motivated to change that way, we will see our lives begin to improve and prosper.

    Write These Words

    on Your Heart

    If something is important, we write it down. If it is really important, we memorize it. Some things are so important we can't forget them. God's word is in that category. He commands us to write these words on your heart. Put them in a place where we can be reminded daily about them.

    Deuteronomy 6:4-7

    Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

    This passage of scripture is called the Shema. It is the classic Hebrew confession of faith, describing who God is and what our duty is towards Him. Every Israelite had to commit it to memory. They wrote it down on a scroll and put it in a Mezuzah, which is a tiny box, and attached it to their doorpost. It fulfilled the command to write God's Word and put it on the gates and doorposts of your house (vs. 7-9). God wanted them to take the command of God seriously and keep it in sight at all times.

    We are to write God's Word on our heart. We are to commit it to memory and then obey it. Start by recognizing that there is one God and then love him with all of our heart, soul, and strength. God reduced all of the commandments down to one. With everything we have, we are to love the Lord. Our hearts, minds, and muscles are to be wholly committed to him.

    We are also to pass this on to our children. They are to learn and practice that very same love. They learn it by watching our example and us teaching them the Bible. Most kids grow up with no desire to follow the Lord because their parents show the same attitude. If we want our children to turn out well, we need to invest what will bring the greatest reward. Talk to them when you are eating dinner, driving in the car, and right before they go to bed.

    Share Your Life

    Have you ever watched toddlers play together? The most common word used is Mine. In their immaturity, they haven't learned the benefit of sharing with others. God Word says to Share Your Life. Paul and Timothy were excellent examples of investing in the churches they ministered to, and those people became dear to them. Don't miss out on one of the most significant benefits we can get by being unwilling to share.

    1 Thessalonians 2:8

    We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.

    Paul and Timothy invested in the people in whom they ministered. They would teach the people and share the Gospel, but after that, they shared their lives with them because they loved them. Sharing their lives means that they lived amongst them and got to know them. They became so dear to Paul and Timothy that it was hard leaving when they had to go to the next city.

    Our walk with Christ isn't just learning a bunch of information and then trying to apply it. We are part of the church, which is a community of people who invest in one another. We get to know one another and are there for them when they are struggling. It is much more enjoyable when we walk the path of faith with others.

    Share your life with other people. Give others the blessing of knowing you and benefitting from your gifts and abilities. Give without the thought of getting anything in return because the Lord sees your investment. Not everyone is going to accept it or treat us right, but if we don't try, we will never know the joy of finding those true brothers and sisters who bless us. As Garth Brooks says in his song; Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.

    Sing for Joy to the Living God

    The reason worship moves us so much is because it brings us closer to the dwelling place of the Lord. It's not the music that does it but our hearts rendered to God that draws us close. When the presence of the Lord is there, we can't help but sing for joy to the living God. There is no place else like the courts of the Lord.

    Psalm 84:1-2

    How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

    The Psalmist knew how wonderful it was to be in the presence of the LORD. It was the place he preferred to be over anywhere else. To be in the place where the LORD dwelled gave him the best feeling he could experience. His soul was consumed with the beauty and power of the Almighty God. We can experience the beauty of the presence of the LORD through the power of the Holy Spirit. It can be almost anywhere, but we have to seek it.

    The writer of this Psalm longed to be in the Lord's dwelling place. The desire in his heart was so great that he was ready to faint if he didn't make it there. To long for something means that it affects every area of your body. Your gut craves it, your mind focuses on it, and your heart rides the emotional roller coaster until you realize it. Is the writer being overly dramatic? Not at all! He has been in the presence of the Lord, and nothing else compares to it.

    When he finally arrives in the Holy of Holies, he is completely satisfied. Everything in him sings for joy. His heart is satisfied, and his flesh is full of life. When we experience the presence of the Lord, it changes us forever, and we can't get enough of it. Seek the dwelling place of the Lord. When you arrive there, sing for joy to the living God.

    Knowing God’s Will

    For Your Life

    The most asked question of all time in Christianity is What is God's will for my life? Knowing God's will for your life isn't always clear. It's more than who you will marry or what career you should choose. It also covers how you are to live your life on a daily basis. Paul instructs us on a significant topic of knowing God's will today.

    1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

    For this is God’s will, your sanctification: that you keep away from sexual immorality, that each of you knows how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not with lustful passions, like the Gentiles, who don’t know God.

    Our holiness is God's will for our life. To be holy is to be like him. The word sanctification means to be made holy or purified and to dedicate your life to God. God wants us to live honorable lives that glorify him. So many Christians want to be used by God in powerful ways, and that can happen, but it has to start here. We have to control our bodies.

    To be holy, we need to avoid immorality, especially sexual immorality. The Gentiles is a term for those who aren't of Jewish descent, but it also came to represent those who lived ungodly pagan lives. They would go to the Greek temples and sleep with prostitutes as an act of worship. There was no self-control in them at all. They gave into every lustful passion. Many Christians in the church were following suit. Knowing God's will for your life means that we also know what not to do.

    To be used by God we need to be a clean and usable vessel. He won't work through someone who is disqualified. When we are a clean and honorable (not perfect) vessel, he can pour his Holy Spirit into us and then we can be poured out for his service. That is when we start to see the power of God in our life. Knowing God's will for your life is being prepared as much as it is being used by God.

    God Ask Three Things From You

    Imagine if you could simplify being a Christian down to just a few instructions. Moses does that for us today. He tells the Israelites that God asks three things from you, to walk in his ways, love him, and worship him with all of your heart. Focus on these three, and you won't go wrong.

    Deuteronomy 10:12

    And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you except to fear the Lord your God by walking in all his ways, to love him, and to worship the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul?

    Moses is writing these words as he is bringing the second set of the ten commandments down from the mountain. The last time didn't go so well. As he descended the mountain, he found the Israelites worshipping a golden calf, so he broke the tablets against the rocks. Now he is bringing the second set, and he summarizes what's in them; obey these commandments and worship the Lord.

    Sometimes we want to know what to do, to boil it down to the basics, so it is easy to remember. Moses makes it very easy for us. He wants us to focus on three things: walk in his ways, love him, and worship with all your heart. Sounds simple but in reality, it takes total commitment on our part. Before you get overwhelmed let's break it down.

    First, we need to walk in his ways. Obedience is a daily thing, but it is something that we get better at as we do it. When we were young, it took a long time to strengthen our legs to be able to walk. Even then we were still a little wobbly. The more we do it, the better we get and the stronger we become. If you struggle with walking with God, start with just one step and then the next. Give it time and don't beat yourself up when you stumble.

    Second, we need to love the Lord. We are to love God just as a child loves their parents. He is our heavenly father who loves us dearly. We are to return that love to him. He has redeemed us and placed his Holy Spirit in us, and that should spark a sense of gratitude in our heats.

    Finally, we need to worship him with all of our heart and soul. This means all of our emotions and spirit needs to be poured out when we worship God. He is worthy of all of our praise, and when we do praise him, we need to do it with all of our heart and soul.

    Not In My House

    I saw the other day that a major shoe company had converted an old historic church to a basketball gym and locker room. It turned out beautiful, but I was a little saddened. How many people had once called that building their church home? How many salvations and baptisms had occurred there? No matter what the facility, I always consider places of worship holy ground. So did Jesus. He told the money changers Not in my house!

    Mark 11:15-17

    And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. And he was teaching them and saying to them, Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers."

    The religious elite had turned the temple into a money-making flea market. There were money exchangers who would exchange your pagan money for purified temple money, at a fee of course. Some people sold sacrifice approved animals. The temple leaders got a cut of all of these transactions making their pockets bulge.

    Jesus wasn't having any of it. He came in and started turning over the tables and sending the sellers and animals scurrying out of the temple court. The temple was holy ground, and it wasn't going to be a place of profit. Imagine that scene.

    Jesus then quotes Isaiah 56:7 Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers. God's house is a place of prayer. It is where we go to be in his presence. When we make going to church anything else besides worshipping him, we shortchange ourselves. A lot of people will tell you the building isn't the church, and there is some truth to that, but we still go to a place of worship to meet God.

    Keep It Simple

    We make things so complicated. Remember to keep it simple. When it comes to following Jesus we need to remember two things: Love God and Love Others. One of the scribes in Jesus' time wanted to know what the most important law was. Jesus' reply was to keep it simple. Love God and love others.

    Mark 12:30-31

    Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is, Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.

    We need to remember to keep it simple as a Christian. A couple of days ago we looked at the Shema, an Old Testament command that every Jew was supposed to memorize and write on their doorposts. There were a lot of laws in the Jewish life, and people were looking for clarity on what they were to focus on the most. Jesus takes all of the Old Testament laws and simplifies them.

    Jesus knew to keep it simple. He boils the ten commandments down into two very easy to remember commands. It is the Christian life summarized right here: Love the Lord and love each other. He is very clear that the love we are to show is to be with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. No area is left untouched. Full total love is expected and essential to our daily walk.

    We can’t love Jesus and others half-heartedly. That comes off worse than if we didn’t love them at all. Our love needs to be with everything we have. What prevents that? Our love of ourselves. The enemy of agape love is self-love. Be warned; you cannot manufacture this love on your own. It has to be placed in you by the Holy Spirit. When we try to love others under our power, we will do good, but eventually, we will tire or get burned out. When we love out of the fruit of the Spirit, it is pure and tapped into a source that is renewable.

    Keep it simple. Of course, that is easier said than done. Both of these commands force us to focus on others as much as we focus on ourselves. Loving God with everything we have will stretch us and force us to make changes. Loving others will take us out of our comfort zone in every way imaginable. While it is daunting the rewards on the other side are incredible.

    Live With Wisdom

    Imagine if you knew how long you would live? I'm not talking about a doctor giving you a diagnosis of a terminal disease. I'm talking about God telling you how many days you will live. If you knew that information how would it change your life? Would it give your life more purpose? Would you fulfill everything on your bucket list? Moses asks God to teach the Israelites to number their days so that they would live with wisdom.

    Psalms 90:12

    Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.

    Moses is the author of this Psalm. It is the only one he writes. Most of Psalm 90 is about how beautiful and sovereign God is, but verses ten through twelve talk about a persons length of life. He says the years of life is seventy, eighty if you are strong. Those years are filled with toil and trouble yet no one trusts God. He asks that we will be reminded of our length of life and live with wisdom.

    We only have so much time on earth. If we get to live a long life it is a blessing, if not it is God’s will. Because of that, we need to make everyday count. Wasting days on sinful vices is losing time. We need to live with wisdom and walk in the steadfast love of the Lord. What does it mean to do that?

    Living with the wisdom of the Lord means that we measure what we want to do against what the wisdom of God's word says. We seek him in prayer and ask that he will guide us as we make our decisions. Most of all, we learn from our mistakes and make every effort not to repeat them.

    Walking in the steadfast love of the Lord is a common phrase used in the book of Psalms. David loved to use it because it reminded him that God's love wasn't conditional and that every morning it was there waiting for him and it wasn't going anywhere. You cannot shake the steadfast love of the Lord. He loves you whether you are doing good or blowing it. Walk each day knowing that you are loved by the Lord.

    Making Sense of It All

    It seems like the world is upside down right now. What was once right is now wrong and what was once bad is now good. Isaiah the prophet told us Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. How do we navigate this new world as Christians? Making sense of it all can be challenging. Don't lose hope.

    Mark 14:48-50

    And Jesus said to them, Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled. And they all left him and fled.

    Betrayed and deserted, Jesus knew the heartache of doing the will of his father. He ministered to people all over Israel, healing the sick, yet he was crucified by those who should've known better. When he was in Jerusalem, he was in the temple teaching, yet the leaders of the temple arrested him in the middle of the night. What was his disciple's response? They all left him and fled. At the cross, Jesus stood alone.

    Where is the justice in the world? Why would they want to get rid of someone who did so much good? Jesus gives us a clue when he says let the Scriptures be fulfilled. He knew he had to go to the cross to accomplish his Father's plans. It may not seem fair but in the whole scheme of things, it was necessary.

    Following Jesus will make you part of the church, but your obedience to him might find you lonely and isolated. The path that God has you on may be going upstream while everyone you know is going with the flow. Don't get discouraged. You have to remember that you are never alone, CHRIST is with you. As long as you trust him he will give you the strength, peace, and joy that you need to walk daily with him. Making sense of it all.

    Power of Remaining Silent

    Silence isn't valued as much as it used to be. Someone who is a strong silent type used to be looked at with respect, now they are viewed as socially awkward. Silence is a strength that can't be overestimated. The power of remaining silent in a situation can be a valuable tool when dealing with difficult people. Jesus shows us how it works.

    Mark 15:2-5

    So Pilate asked him, Are you the King of the Jews? He answered him, You say so. And the chief priests accused him of many things. Pilate questioned him again, Aren’t you going to answer? Look how many things they are accusing you of! But Jesus still did not answer, and so Pilate was amazed.

    Many argue over who killed Jesus. Some say the Romans did, while others insist the Jews did. Honestly, Jesus willingly died for us. As Pilate was questioning him, he could've easily said anything and been a free man. That would've thwarted God's plan and our path to redemption and salvation. No man could stop Christ from going to the cross. The ultimate act of love took necessary steps by Jesus to make it happen.

    Sometimes we just need to keep our mouths shut. We need to understand the power of remaining silent. The problem is that most of us start to babble when we get nervous so this is a real challenge. There is a lesson to be learned from Jesus here. Remaining silent can accomplish God's will.

    Too many people talk too much. You turn on the TV, and there are people paid to give you their opinion. Activists scream their beliefs in the faces of those who don't believe the way they do. Gossips blather on and on about every insignificant detail of other peoples lives.

    The power of remaining silent is that you give your opponent ample opportunity to make themselves look foolish and for you to look smart. Proverbs tells us even the fool who remains silent appears wise. (Proverbs 17:28) We need to speak when God leads us and be quiet when he doesn't. Our voice can add to the problem, and our silence can often defuse it. Next time you are going to add your two cents think twice and remember the power of remaining silent.

    Pursue Justice

    Henry was in a tight bind. He wanted to do the right thing, but his boss was offering him a promotion if he would turn a blind eye to the activity going on in the back room. Henry knew it was wrong but his family needed the extra income. Deep down he knew he couldn't live with himself if he did overlook it. When the owner of the company asked him what was going on, he chose to pursue justice and tell the truth. Unfortunately, he didn't get the promotion, but he did keep his integrity.

    Deuteronomy 16:19-20

    Do not deny justice or show partiality to anyone. Do not accept a bribe, for it blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. Pursue justice and justice alone, so that you will live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.

    Showing partiality causes division in families, friendships, and churches. It creates an atmosphere of tension as those who were neglected hold it against those who were favored. Bribes can be used to get something that was not deserved. It can also lead to denying justice to those who need it the most. Be the one to pursue justice.

    Favoritism blinds our eyes. When we deny justice or show favoritism, it darkens our wisdom and taints our words. It prevents us from doing the right thing. Those who were favored expect it to continue. We need to be careful and strive to live a life of integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking.

    Pursue justice for those who have been wronged. Stand up for the weak, and speak up for the silent. Don't be afraid to stand up to those who have the power. When we do this we will possess the blessings God intends for us and our spirit will walk in freedom knowing that we have done the right thing.

    Received with a Thankful Heart

    Have you noticed that people are getting crazier about their diets? You have to eliminate all the carbs, gluten, and processed food. It's almost as if food has become its own religion. This has left a lot of people confused about what to eat and what not to eat, and it's easy to twist scripture to support your stance. Peter sifts through it all and makes it easy: Everything created by God is good as long as it is received with a thankful heart.

    1 Timothy 4:4-5

    For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, since it is sanctified by the word of God and by prayer.

    People like rules. Rules give clarity and help us to determine right and wrong. Where that goes wrong is when we become too rigid with the rules. People in Peter's day were becoming so radical in their beliefs that they were departing from their faith. They focused so intensely on areas like diet that they lost the big picture. Peter attempts to clear it up by telling that whatever God has created is good as long as it is received with a thankful heart.

    There has been a resurgence in the fitness community on the purity of a person's diet. It has to be pure, clean, and holistic for it to be genuinely beneficial. While there is a benefit to this, it can cross over the line of reason when it consumes our lives, and we start to be judgmental of those who don't eat like us. For the Christian, there needs to be moderation in everything, so it doesn't take us away from our devotion to Jesus Christ.

    Live with a thankful heart. Enjoy God's creation and tell him how grateful you are for it. Nothing God has created is bad; it is for our benefit and enjoyment. Remember to keep your priorities straight. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. Your holiness is to remain your primary goal.

    One Smart Kid

    Have you ever watched the TV show Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? It was a funny show that pitted grown-ups against your typical fifth grader. They would ask questions from class curriculum to adults and see if they knew the answers. It was comedy watching these adults trying to come up with the answers. Jesus went to the temple when he was twelve and astounded the grown-ups with his questions and knowledge. He was one smart kid.

    Luke 2:46-47

    After three days, they found him in the temple sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all those who heard him were astounded at his understanding and his answers.

    At a young age, Jesus astonished the people in the temple with his knowledge. For a twelve-year-old, he was one smart kid. It was Passover, and his family had traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate. When they returned, he didn't follow his parents back to Nazareth. Instead, he stayed in Jerusalem for three days causing quite the stir in the temple. When his parents found him, he told them he was about his fathers business.

    Some skeptics would say Sure he was smart, he was God. They would be right. He was both fully God and man while he walked the earth, but he was asking questions which showed his desire to learn. He possessed a maturity beyond his years, but he had to grow up like all other boys. The main point is that while Jesus walked the earth, he possessed incredible knowledge and wisdom.

    Now that he is in heaven at the right hand of his Father he is all-knowing. That means we can go to him with any questions we might have. He can answer anything we want to know. Tap into that information bank. Seek him, and you shall find what you are looking for. Ask, and it will be answered. Don't be shy but go boldly with your request to the throne of God. Remember he is one smart kid.

    Beware of This Trap

    There are a lot of traps you can fall into as a Christian but beware of this trap: love of money. It is the one snare that can have all the outer appearances of being right. It's easy to justify and very hard to root out. It also spawns foolish and harmful behavior.

    1 Timothy 6:9-10

    But those who want to be rich fall into temptation, a trap, and many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

    Paul is writing Timothy to warn the people of Ephesus about wanting to be rich. Ephesus was a prosperous port city where a lot of banking and trade happened. With opulence all around them, it was easy to fall into the trap or pursuing riches. Paul warns Timothy to beware of this trap.

    Love of Money is at the bottom of a lot of motives. Whether it be a desire for more stuff or the prestige that comes from being wealthy, people are consumed by greed. Wealth is a trap that has destroyed many people. To rid ourselves of this desire we have to attack it at the root. We have to remove all desire for wealth and learn to be content with what we have. Jesus told the wealthy young ruler to sell all that he had because his money was a stumbling block to serving the Lord.

    Beware of this trap because it can have fatal consequences. Paul says some who have craved the desire to be wealthy have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. The love of money can so consume people that they will become spiritually lost. I have seen multiple people stop going to church, abandon their friends, and ultimately change their lifestyle in their pursuit of riches. Sadly in their search for riches, it has only caused them and those around them great grief and pain.

    There is a way to overcome this. Repent of your lust for money. Tell God that you have let it become an idol. Next, begin to invest in what matters. Pour yourself and your resources into the needy. You will find that this will change your perspective faster than anything. Finally, learn contentment. Train yourself to be satisfied with what God has given you. You will find that hidden treasures are waiting to be discovered. Beware of this trap of wanting to be rich.

    Called With a Holy Calling

    Not too many people use their phones to call people today. If our phone rings, it gives us a brief scare. Who's calling me? What do they want? Why didn't they just text me?" These are all thoughts that go through people's minds. When we begin a relationship with Jesus, we are called with a holy calling. He has a purpose for our lives, not based on our efforts, but on his grace.

    2 Timothy 1:9

    He has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.

    Every Christian has the assurance that their life has purpose and meaning. We are called with a holy calling. What is that calling? To live for Christ and to make him known. Each day we are to set out to live a holy life. This is not by our effort but by our surrender. When we strive to be holy, it dissolves into legalism. When we submit to the Lord and ask him to guide us, we walk under the power of the Holy Spirit.

    The second part of our holy calling is to make Jesus known to those in our lives who don't know him. We need to share the Gospel with those who are going to hell. Do this in a loving, prayerful way. Show them how much Jesus loves them and be yourself, flaws and all. People value authenticity over everything else.

    Finally, understand that you were called with a holy calling not because of how talented or special you are but because of Jesus' grace. We can impress other with our knowledge and our talents, but that doesn't impress God. Paul tells us in Philippians that those are like filthy rags to him. We are called solely based on the grace of Jesus Christ, and that happened before time began. Everything we have in Christ is through his grace. It is a gift that is freely given.

    Crushed by Our Sin

    The picture of the cross is never pretty. What Christ endured is unthinkable. What he accomplished is unbelievable. Jesus willingly went to the cross to be crushed by our sin. A price needed to be paid for every transgression, and he was the perfect sacrifice to do it. The one who knew no sin became sin so ours could be forgiven.

    Isaiah 53:4-5

    "Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are

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