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Peace in Truth: Every Moment in Life Gives a Lesson
Peace in Truth: Every Moment in Life Gives a Lesson
Peace in Truth: Every Moment in Life Gives a Lesson
Ebook177 pages2 hours

Peace in Truth: Every Moment in Life Gives a Lesson

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This book is about learning everything we can from our lives. Every moment, waking or sleeping, has a message for us about who we are and what we are on the earth to do. It is exciting to understand this concept and to know how connected we really are to each other and to the universal energy that runs through all of us. We can be quiet in meditation and receive this great energy and knowledge.
Forgiveness can bring our purpose in life closer to being fulfilled. We are blessed with something to do in this life that will help others. This is like throwing a pebble into a still pond. The ripples of our actions in life can bring about wonderful growth and change in the entire world. Look at the influence parents have on children and multiply that by thousands. The world is ready for you. Are you ready to experience your own fulfillment?
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 25, 2014
Peace in Truth: Every Moment in Life Gives a Lesson

Rev. Carrie D. Larson MA CCHT

Rev. Carrie D. Larson MA, CCHT, is married with four grown children, three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She has been writing for decades, which served her well in her education at Cuesta Community College in San Luis Obispo, California, from which she received three AA degrees. This was followed by two years at California State Polytechnic University also in San Luis Obispo. She also became a certified clinic hypnotherapist with the Hypnosis Training Institute in San Luis Obispo. Her bachelor’s degree was finished in Eastern Oregon University, followed with her master’s degree in psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. She has had her own counseling business since 1991. She graduated with honors and is a lifetime member of Pi Gamma Mu and Pinnacle Honor Societies. Carrie served on the speaking bureau at Cuesta College and the Cal Poly campuses. She was born with one of the muscular dystrophies and has spoken to many groups and been actively educating groups and individuals about these conditions for decades. She and her small service dog, Two Bits, will readily answer questions for children and adults alike. Carrie became a minister in 1990 and presently holds two ordinations. She and her husband own White Dove Wedding Services in Oregon. They have performed seven hundred weddings as of 2014. She has been writing in her spare time and now is publishing those writings and continuing with her active lifestyle. Carrie sees herself as a life coach. Her goal in life is to be of use in the betterment of lives wherever possible.

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    Peace in Truth - Rev. Carrie D. Larson MA CCHT

    Copyright © 2014 Rev. Carrie D. Larson, MA, CCHT.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    The names in this book have largely been changed to protect the privacy of those who are living and the innocent.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-9470-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-9472-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-9471-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014905226

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/20/2014


    Daily Word




    Chapter 1   What Am I Here to Do?

    Chapter 2   Molestation and Survival

    Chapter 3   School Days

    Chapter 4   Intuition Abounds

    Chapter 5   Life Moves On

    Chapter 6   I Am A Rule Learner

    Chapter 7   Pleasant Memories

    Chapter 8   Some Teachers Have Four Legs

    Chapter 9   Lessons I Have Learned

    Chapter 10   A False Start, With New Insight

    Chapter 11   Special Memories

    Chapter 12   With The Help Of Angels

    Chapter 13   Dreams Do Come True

    Chapter 14   Life Is A Learning Experience

    Chapter 15   Baby on the Way, Our Baby’s Story

    Chapter 16   Life Changes




    Sunset Bay, Wild Oregon Photography



    Self–discovery and observation are the practices that free me from limiting thoughts and beliefs and enhance my development and growth. I being awareness to my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to identify what serves me well and what I am ready to release.

    If I carry a heavy burden from the past, this is the time of liberation. I consciously turn my attention to Spirit for guidance and prepare to release, heal, forgive, and renew.

    I let go of what no longer serves me, lay down the burden of lack and limitation, and pick up a new vision of promise and potential. I make room for new perspectives and fresh experiences. I embrace the Truth that sets me free.

    I relieve your shoulder of the burden; your hands were freed from the basket-Psalm 81:6

    Reprinted with permission of Unity, publisher of Daily Word copyrite.

    Editor, Daily Word, Laura Harvey


    THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO those closest to me who have been at my side through the lessons of life that were so difficult to learn. To my husband, Ray Larson, my grandparents, Bill and Dorothy Furber, my Aunt Millie Metzler, and the several four legged friends Tyke, Chang, and my service dogs, Sonny, and Two Bits, thank you and hugs. To the many adopted family members who have encouraged me to share this book with the world, thank you. To my professors in my university career, it never would have happened without you and your influence.


    PHOTOGRAPHY: H&M PHOTOGRAPHY, DANIELL M McAfee for the author photo.

    Cover photo by: Wild Oregon Photography

    First editing for content: Leona Evans

    Second Editing for manuscript construction: Lynette Larson

    Hair styling: Troy Thomas

    Life’s teachings: All of my various teachers, relatives, and friends.

    Patience beyond call of duty: Raymon G. Larson, my husband.


    EVERY ACTION WE DO AND reaction we have affects those around us just as the ripples in a pond when a pebble is thrown into still water. I have used my own life as an example. The lessons in this book look into my life to learn who I am and what talents I brought with me into this existence and the lives that agreed to be here with me to show me my chosen path. I found the truth of the pebble and ripple example. All of life is a teaching moment. It is up to us to sort out the opinions and teachings of others to know ourselves and who we chose to be before entering this earthly existence. Many times the opinions of others are reflected through their own experiences. They are in front of us as a reminder of what we had agreed to learn. Our own interpretation of the experiences has everything to do with who we become.

    A step mother of one of my clients asked me why her step-son couldn’t find friends without any major problems in their families. My response was, Look at how many parents and step-parents children now have in their lives. How many bonds are made and broken before the child learns not to trust anyone. Are we setting our children up for problems by our own choices of the people we let into our family and the reconstruction of those families with divorce followed by multiple marriages? Who chose the lesson of divorce, the parents or the child?

    Life is the ripple effect of the pebbles we throw into the pond of life. Each decision we make every day is another pebble in the pond of life. This creates a series of effects and reactions for people around us. Many positive life lessons can come from these ripples. Many challenges can too. The direction we take in life is still our decision. What if both the parents and children chose to experience these life sculpting events as part of their contract before entering this life?

    This is my story. It took me decades to learn these lessons. I have sorted them out in my life with the help of other teachers along the way. My goal is to help others sort their lessons too. Everyone I have shared a section of this content with has remarked, You just wrote my story too! It took much soul searching for me to come to the realization this book needed to be printed and circulated. I am a teacher at heart in everything I do. I had to forgive those who put their negativity onto me and rise up to the mission of my own life. I’ve had to experience both to realize my own mission.

    It has taken a team of people to get me to this point. No man or woman is an island unto themselves. This is especially so when the family dynamic changes the lessons to be learned.



    I HAVE ALWAYS ASKED MYSELF where did I come from, where am I to go, what am I to do? This is common to most people. I am a born intuitive. I often feel things before they happen. I have been able to see and feel auras around people and read them.

    I never quite fit into my age group at school either. I started school a year early but it seemed to further tell me that I have always been in a different time zone of life. I even wondered if I came from a different planet like Superman! These feelings are common in teenagers but I felt like this when I was still very small, two to three years old. My maternal Grandmother knew it too. This story will explain where these feelings came from and where they have led me in my life.

    LESSON: Short times of confusion and sadness are the spirit’s way of allowing us to recalculate our circumstances, make new plans, and reconnect with who we really are. How many people around us are throwing their pebbles into our personal space and what ripples are we experiencing from those actions? ***

    Do some of us come with more knowledge on board in our psyche than others? How do the various connections with others change us and who we are? Why do some of us feel like we just don’t belong anywhere or to anybody from childhood on through adulthood? How does an adopted child feel there is something else and someone else they belong to without anyone telling them they were adopted? What lessons are for others to teach us and what lessons are for us to find on our own? We are really the same but with different lessons to learn and missions to fulfill. Some are said to be old souls having been through various life’s lessons at different times.

    I can see where the lessons I have learned had to come to me the way they did and through the people they came from as well. My spirit and spirituality needed the things that I experienced even though some were very painful. I wanted and needed to learn forgiveness. I needed to know what a blessing forgiveness of others would bring to me. I needed to know love and how to love. I knew very early on that I was a teacher.

    My whole life experience has prepared me for the adopted and foster children I was to have in the future. My presence in their lives has changed their lives and has added another dimension to my own life in the process. I needed to go through a variety of experiences early in my life to intuitively understand the needs of these children. I needed to see how the choices of others would shape the lives of young children for a lifetime.

    I am a psychologist and a minister. I have my own experiences which I will share in this book. This and all other conclusions are left to the reader. I am an expert on my own experiences and life. I have had many teachers. My first teachers were what I used to think of as negative for the most part. I will share my own insight into what I learned from these experiences in the end.

    LESSON: Every famous statue that has stood the test of time was once a rough stone of marble or some other very hard mineral. It took the sculptor’s vision and talent to chip away the rough edges to expose the beauty of the figure within the stone. I believe this is also true in life. Others provide the sandpaper and chisels to help us become who we are and who we are to be. This is my gift to you. ***

    I have learned much in writing this book. I can see where pebbles and ripples in my life have taught me the lessons I need to learn. I needed to look at the ripples from others and of my own creation, and see my spirit rather than the shell of the physical body I have been living in. These lessons will add up and make sense to everyone in their own time and own life. Ideally these lessons will tell us what our passion or mission is in life and how to fulfill it.

    I personally believe we all know what our passion or mission is when we see it and feel it. I believe we know in our heart and soul when we have learned our lessons and are ready to move on in our eternal journey. I have always been drawn to very wise older people who have related this message to me in many kind gentle and loving ways. This lesson has indeed been a blessing to me. They leave this life peacefully and easily with their life and lessons completed. Others leave with heavy hearts and unspoken regrets. Their passing seems lonely. This too is a lesson for those of us who are not in this transition period yet.

    It is with great pleasure and some tears too, I share my life in these pages for those who are asking themselves what their life means to them and others. I send my blessings to all who read these pages.

    LESSON: I believe I chose to come into this existence that taught me to be who I wanted to be. I chose those who would be the sandpaper in my life that would help me take off the raw edges of me to create who and what I will become. I chose the terribly sharp chisels that would chip away at the rough stone to expose who I am and what my mission is here. I thereby learned what I was going to need to know. There is a lesson in every action we take just as every action against us is a lesson also. Rev Carrie D. Larson, MA, CCHT **

    Dad never tired of telling me that it was 70 degrees the day before I was born. My feet were clubbed at birth which means they were turned inward. They were taped in the upright position at birth. I was put in light casts at my first doctor’s visit. My condition is inherited, as I would find out and put together later in my life.

    In many cases, clubbed feet is the first sign of a form of Muscular Dystrophy called CMT, so named for the three doctors who isolated the mutated gene that caused it and the inheritance factor found through the study of families who have passed it down. The doctor’s surnames were Charcot, Marie, and Tooth. I was later to be diagnosed with the Muscular Dystrophy (CMT) at 39 years old after my 8th broken ankle and 35-40 sprained ankles over the course of my life. In some cases clubbed feet are from other issues while in the uterus. Crowding of the fetus is one. The Muscular Dystrophy diagnoses can be made by research into the family medical history and medical tests. CMT is inherited, while crowding in the uterus is not. In my case, the foot condition is present in my maternal line therefore her father’s line. It went undiagnosed as Muscular Dystrophy. It has Up until this diagnoses, my injuries were blamed on

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