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Absolute Clarity: Allow the Truth to Reveal Itself
Absolute Clarity: Allow the Truth to Reveal Itself
Absolute Clarity: Allow the Truth to Reveal Itself
Ebook161 pages5 hours

Absolute Clarity: Allow the Truth to Reveal Itself

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Its a simple question: Are you happy?

How would you like to undertake an incredible, inspirational journey that could change the way you look at life? Would you be interested in learning how to see life for what it really is? What if you could discover the secrets to achieve your dreams?

With Absolute Clarity, you might discover some of the secrets and tools you need to unlock lifes greatest mysteriesmysteries that cant wait to be discovered. Youll be inspired to find the answers to some of lifes biggest questions.

What is this thing called life about?

How beautiful and amazing can life really be?

How radiant can you feel?

How can you influence people around you in an incredible way?

How wonderful would it be to experience life at its fullest and most abundant?

Most people look for a better life, yet very few find it. A great life awaits you, and the secret is simple: be open-minded.

Imagine mastering that which is of utmost importance to you; having the thoughts, feelings, and qualities you need to have to create the life you want to live; and creating a more fulfilling life with an open mind and heart.

When you start applying the content and ideas in this guide, youll be able to learn faster than you ever imagined, take on new ideas, and steer your life in a new direction.

Release dateJun 27, 2012
Absolute Clarity: Allow the Truth to Reveal Itself

Kevin Harding

KEVIN HARDING has had the opportunity to deeply explore the workings of the mind; as a result, he has determined his life’s purpose. He embraces life with passion and would like to share the joy and sense of fulfillment. He, his wife, and their three children live in tropical North Queensland, Australia.

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    Absolute Clarity - Kevin Harding





    Kevin Harding

    Copyright © 2012 Kevin Harding

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    Chapter 1     Preparing for the Ride of Your Lifetime

    Chapter 2     Going Deeper into the Mind

    Chapter 3     Life Reflects What We Really Believe

    Chapter 4      Focusing on Words—Truth

    Chapter 5     Conditioning and False Truths

    Chapter 6     The Life Force Energy

    Chapter 7     Flowing With Life

    Chapter 8     The Shake-up of Old Programs

    Chapter 9     The Genius Within

    Chapter 10      Like a Horse Out of Control

    Chapter 11      Regaining Control

    Chapter 12     Guidance

    Chapter 13     The Magnifying Glass Effect

    Chapter 14      The Dawn of Ego

    Chapter 15      Where Do We Go from Here?

    Chapter 16     Meditation

    Chapter 17     Being Guided

    About the Author


    The following people have hugely contributed to my knowledge, success, and personal growth in life thus far. I have accomplished so much as a result of their coaching and mentorship, and I am extremely grateful.

    Terri Miles

    Dennis Elliot

    David Ferrier

    Michael Domeyko Rowland

    Kerwin Rae

    Jan du Toit deserves a special mention as the man who inspired me the most. His guidance and encouragement were a true blessing.

    Finally, my wife, Wendy, has enabled me to live out my dreams, and I thank her for her love and support.

    Chapter 1

    Preparing for the Ride of Your Lifetime

    Your journey begins with adopting the right mindset in order to get the best possible outcome from this book.

    Before you read a book of knowledge, it is important for you to become aware of how your mind reacts to new information, both consciously and subconsciously.

    To be able to absorb the best and the most information, you need to be very open-minded.

    When you are learning, you are often unaware that your mind is passing judgment on what you’re learning. You may not be aware that your mind filters and rejects information that doesn’t agree with your programming. This may be a bit of a shock. "But I am open-minded" may be your automatic response. But believe me, once you have read this book, you will realize that your ability to embrace new ideas may well be limited. In fact, you could be close-minded subconsciously, without being aware!

    Being Close-Minded

    I encourage you to really contemplate this concept: You may not be completely open-minded because you (along with everyone else) are probably open-minded only if the ideas being put forward fit within your own particular belief system.

    We are brought up in a world of diversity, but we see the world according to the beliefs we have acquired from our cultural, family, and educational backgrounds. Throughout our lives, our conditioning and experiences create deeply entrenched belief systems that close us off to alternative points of view and leave us unable to accept anything that is contrary to our conditioning. This means we are automatically close-minded to many things—without being aware of it!

    Our conditioning results in a lack of understanding of other perspectives. This is the reason there is so much conflict in the world. People can have completely opposite opinions and competing ideologies, and unless they’re aware of their own beliefs and are willing to be open-minded to alternative points of view, any true understanding and mutually agreeable solutions become impossible.

    So when you are having difficulty accepting new ideas or experiences, remember—it’s not you who is refusing to believe something. It’s your mind trying to process new and unfamiliar ideas through the filters of your conditioning.

    As hard as it may be, it’s important to take ownership of the fact that we normally dismiss anything that doesn’t fit in with our belief systems. Every adult is close-minded to some extent. But remember, it’s not because we consciously want to be close-minded. It’s just a product of our subconscious programming.

    Think about a child who is just learning about the world. You can tell a child anything and he or she accepts it as the truth. A child doesn’t have any pre-programmed beliefs that are so common in adults, such as, But this is how things really are. That means this new information is wrong. If you try to tell an adult something that is contrary to his or her belief systems, he or she will automatically reject it.

    For example, before quantum physics became well-known, if you were to tell most adults that the universe is made up of energy, they would quickly knock on the nearest hard object and tell you that no, obviously the world is made up of solids, liquids, and gases (while they’re looking at you with pity or a sense of superiority since you are clearly delusional). As adults, our experience in the physical world points to the obvious facts that we have processed through our physical senses and interpreted by our conditioning. A child would have a much easier time accepting that the universe is made up of energy because he or she is not conditioned to think otherwise.

    Of course, you don’t remember this personally, but not that long ago, people believed without any shred of doubt that the world was flat. There was no changing their minds about that obvious fact.

    Our own values and beliefs act as a filter to what our minds will accept.

    It is not a surprise then to realize that not all of our beliefs are positive and helpful. People used to be terrified of sailing too far from shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world, and so for many years they missed out on the opportunity to explore the other side of the world.

    As ridiculous as that sounds today, back then it was common knowledge and an absolute certainty that the world was flat—if you went too far, you would fall off.

    Certain beliefs can be viewed as pollutants—beliefs that get in the way of who we really are and what we really want.

    These pollutants aren’t always easy to spot. Many are deeply entrenched, buried deep from events that have taken place in our lives so long ago that we are totally unaware that these beliefs even exist.

    An example of this would be people’s attitude toward money. If you grew up with parents who frequently said, We can’t afford that, your belief about money has automatically become one of scarcity—that there isn’t enough for you to have what you want. Think about your relationship with money. Do you constantly worry about having enough? Do you use phrases like your parents did? It’s important to grasp the concept that your belief systems drive your actions subconsciously and you end up creating, or manifesting, exactly what you believe to be true.

    The real kicker is, once our beliefs are exposed, we don’t like to challenge them because then that means we were wrong. This is the ego at work. It really takes courage to be able to admit that you were wrong. Even if you didn’t choose a belief system that has been proven false, you are still attached to it, and you bristle at the thought of being wrong.

    But this painful experience of letting go of outmoded beliefs is also a healing process and a road to change. It is the way forward.

    So when you hit these areas of resistance and an urge to cling to what you know (even if it’s wrong), get excited about it! You know that some important growth is about to take place.

    So how do you master open-mindedness? The short answer is that it requires constant vigilance, persistence, and consistency. And the good news is you can do it. In fact, every time you open yourself up to a new belief, you become a little more open-minded. And every time this happens, it becomes easier to accept other new ideas. This builds on itself in an amazing way.

    It’s truly liberating to see yourself opening your mind like a flower opens to receive the golden rays of sunshine!

    The Beginning of Clarity

    It’s simple. But it’s not easy. It’s not a matter of saying, Okay, I’m going to be open-minded now and changing, just like that. It requires, in essence, completely reprogramming your mind.

    How do you start?

    Begin by adopting the belief that you are close-minded to some extent. Allow yourself the to some extent so you don’t start feeling bad about yourself and so your mind doesn’t automatically reject what you’re going to read here.

    Remember, you didn’t choose most of your beliefs, so how about you start letting go of the responsibility of holding onto them?

    If you can do this, you’ll see very quickly how amazingly good it feels to let go of beliefs that don’t serve your best interests. So adopt the I’m close-minded attitude and challenge yourself to be more open every time you come across an idea that is contrary to your version of reality.

    Version of reality? Yes!

    Always remember—reality is 100 per cent unique to you. Each one of us has a different version of reality, and it’s absolutely valid to us. Nobody, absolutely nobody, sees things the same way as you do. Challenge yourself to seeing the world through the eyes of an eager child or upside down or in any way you can. Have fun imagining alternative realities.

    Look around you at the many diverse cultures that colour the world’s tapestry of human civilization. How boring it would be if every one of them were the same! So enjoy the uniqueness of each culture and each person, and try to see things from their perspective. Open yourself up to the wonders of the world. Remember—beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is ugliness, as is the right way and the wrong way. Truth and delusions are also subjective concepts.

    I can hear your mind already

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