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Illusion Human: You are more than your physical body
Illusion Human: You are more than your physical body
Illusion Human: You are more than your physical body
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Illusion Human: You are more than your physical body

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Illusion human You are much more than your body! The fascinating book of Heinz Kaletsch – now available: Who or what exactly is a human being? Are we just a body with a brain that has a consciousness and a spirit for the time of our earthly life and then vanishes? Is our consciousness immortal and what exactly is its purpose? Do we have a free will? Is there good and evil? What about the ego? And is today's knowledge about our brain the last word on the subject? Not only the personal experiences of the author over many decades, but also the astonishing parallels between ancient spiritual traditions and new findings of modern mortality research and genetics, theology, medicine and quantum physics provide convincing evidence that we are much more than our human body suggests. We are immortal beings on the way to experience ourselves, in this and in still hidden worlds. Our worldview will change completely in the next decades and lead us out of the world of mysticism into real reality and to our true selves. Be there and renew your perspective, rethink your values and accompany the author on a journey that gives an inkling that we are something much greater than a materialistic worldview can convey. This richly illustrated book is written for those who like to be inspired, who are open to new models and who want to get a complete perspective on life. Break with the paradigm of inevitable death. We are all one with the universe and together creators of something new and even greater. Let yourself be inspired. You will change.
Release dateApr 7, 2021
Illusion Human: You are more than your physical body

Heinz Kaletsch

Heinz Kaletsch was born in 1960 and has been working for global IT companies for over 35 years. To recognize and realize himself holistically is his motivation, and so he questions people, life, birth and death. Years of practical experience in meditation, spiritual healing and shamanic journeys, the training and certification as a mental trainer and burnout coach, personal experiences with out-of-body experiences and expanded states of consciousness, the connection of ancient spiritual traditions with new scientific knowledge have led him to a modern, holistic worldview. The author lives with his family in Germany in beautiful Bavaria. »Illusion human« is his first book.

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    Illusion Human - Heinz Kaletsch

    Preface to Illusion Human by Evelyn Ohly

    The present work by Heinz Kaletsch is like a treasure chest. It is an entertaining, excitingly written book, rich with scientifically sound and very well researched information from the field of so-called spiritual »fringe sciences«. Heinz Kaletsch gives the reader a »different perspective« based on the latest findings from brain research and quantum physics, which allows a new view of our three-dimensional reality. The reader, who has not yet dealt with spiritual topics, receives here a summary for his spiritual development - also in the form of methods and techniques for self-practice - which enables him to make a quantum leap for which he alone might have needed decades. The present content is able to help him to an enormous expansion of consciousness in a very short time.

    For those who are already on the path of spiritual awakening, the book is an exciting collection of many of us all inherent and documented human abilities as well as an expansion of our own knowledge and experience. It gives them the opportunity to read and remember again in order to draw strength for everyday life from the information collected.

    It is important for both reader groups to develop their own potential more consciously. Because if we all succeed in doing this more and more, we can meet the challenges of our time in a solution-oriented manner and in this way create a better future for all of us and our subsequent generations on this (or perhaps on another) planet.

    And so I now wholeheartedly wish you lots of joy and insightful moments while reading this »treasure chest« written by Heinz Kaletsch.

    Evelyn Ohly


    Preface to Illusion Human by Johann Nepomuk Maier

    Just when you stop searching you will find it.

    There are innumerable books out there on the subject of thanatology and the afterlife. Some became world bestsellers and others did not get past the first edition. I have read sensationally good and perfectly researched books, which really meticulously listed one circumstantial evidence after another, which point a life after death, but are hardly read. Other books that have appeared in larger editions are, in my opinion, often far too esoteric and too superficial.

    What you are now holding in your hands certainly belongs to the league of nonfiction books with inherent depth. Not only does it bridge the various areas of knowledge from very little known facts, but it also contains the author's personal experiences. He dares to test and try everything himself. Because one thing is certain for me, only those who have had the experiences themselves, how it feels to have been outside the physical body, how deep a lucid dream reaches into the soul and how far spiritual experiences help in coping with everyday life, know what they are writing about.

    It is a mighty work. Over 400 pages that have it all. But the book takes you on a journey of discovery into truths which, for whatever reason, are not publicly discussed with the necessary attention

    Those who have already had unusual experiences themselves will find answers in this book, and those who are looking for the meaning of life will not find it here either, but they will get tools with which they can take their next search steps more easily

    There are countless statements about the meaning of life that we have lost our bearings. And mainstream science has never been in search of the truth. Questions such as »What is life and what was before the Big Bang or why is there no nothing?« are not asked. Philosophy did not get anywhere in the last 2,300 years and could not answer fundamental questions like »What is man?«. But one thing becomes clearer with each page of the book: What we learn every day in school, hear and see on the news or are presented about our cultural traditions is only a very insignificant narrow excerpt from something we have given the name reality.

    If we follow the author, it becomes unmistakably clear that truth and reality are not two sides of the same coin, but fundamentally different. Heinz not only shows us the facts of research in physics, biology, chemistry or neurology, but also at the limits of our being, but it becomes clearer with each chapter why he has titled the book »Illusion human«.

    We all have a picture of our being, of our life and of life on earth. It is certainly clear to each of us that this picture can never show the entire truth behind the work. »Illusion human« will show you - if you are impartial and a little courageous - a different, larger picture of us, the world and being, which you may never have seen before. It takes a lot of dedication, commitment and a razor-sharp analytical mind to write such a book. I pay him a lot of respect here.

    But this book is more than imparting knowledge. It's intuition and printed devotion. It reads like an adventure novel in which one would like to be the leading character, who ventures into the rough terrain of a reality that fascinates him and never lets him go until suddenly a whole new world opens up.

    Again and again new and unbelievable findings are presented. New perspectives, fields of vision and insights into a work that we can only recognize from within ourselves. Everyone has often asked themselves: »Who am I and why am I here?« A few years ago the German philosopher Richard David Precht wrote a book with the following title: »Who am I - and if so, how many?« A new unknown psychogram of our being. Heinz Kaletsch has picked up where others stop when it comes to showing insights that we would classify as unimportant, unnecessary or even paranormal. The courageous reader is presented with a fantastic journey of adventure that he will certainly not forget his whole life and that may also help him to start or continue his own adventure of being. »Illusion human«, a book that is more than a compilation of facts from many insights, but a companion, a navigation device for people who do not let someone lead them down the garden path, who like to draw their own conclusions and can recognize it when a new way of looking at things is presented.

    We will only break new ground if we leave our own tracks. I am sure this book will make you happy because it gives courage, hope and shows that our greatest adventure is still ahead of us. The current materialistic worldview has reached the limits of what is tolerable - for us and for all of our fellow creatures in our reality. Unlimited growth, impetuous business without a sense of proportion, only committed to our own ego and shareholder value, is a strategic dead end from which we should quickly find a way out. As in Monopoly, such a game is of foreseeable time if only one winner remains in the end. Who wants to live in a world in which the winner looks back on a destroyed flora and fauna, on a lonely and abandoned reality? A reality in which death still means the end of being, esotericism is just an unimportant knowledge and intuition a gut feeling that nobody should take seriously. If you think, you see the future in the rearview mirror. The same thought processes, beliefs and wisdom over and over again leads to similar results. No, thinking is great for the tangible things of being, but not for our work.

    It is precisely the intangible side of our existence that contains solutions for each and every one of us when we are ready to open the void. As already stated in some old traditions: You have eyes and do not see, you have ears and do not hear and we also have feelings that we no longer want to go into. Our entire life is determined by logic and the thinking of our experts, because they will know what they do and what to do. Maybe, but it looks like the bulk of it denies a part of the knowledge that stands for the greatest and most important part of our existence! Find out what this can be - the book you are now holding has not found its way to you for nothing.

    Many speak of the fact that we are facing a change in consciousness, it looks like this. But the world, our being, has always been in upheaval. But time and again, thought managed to put a stop to it, to hinder the individual development of our being. It is precisely the many religions that began to proclaim a universal wisdom, rose with their actions to become a mediator between the worlds, with laws, duties and guidelines that do not lead to our personal salvation unless they are followed. I think many of us feel that there is a wrong track and a mistaken belief. After attempts in the 1990s to uphold their dogmatic image of a randomized evolutionary theory according to Darwin through evolutionary research by all means, the voices are now getting quieter again. It is understandable that the creationists tried to fill this vacuum, especially in the USA, and claim the truth for themselves, but the insight that we exist in a goal-oriented reality has yet to be internalized.

    More than two thirds of the world's population is certain that there is something that transcends our thinking and our being - a transcendence. All weirdos, these people? Hardly likely. Deep inside they experience a being of which they are a part, that they are far more than flesh and blood, skin and bones - that this life isn't everything! Many just believe what official science says. But their errors are almost as great as their successes. At all times there was an official worldview that is taught in school. The physicist and scientific theorist Thomas Kuhn writes in his book »The Structure of Scientific Revolutions« that science does not develop linearly, but erratically. Whenever anomalies are examined more closely and recognized on the fringes of the most diverse research areas, there is a leap in knowledge, which he calls a paradigm shift. Let's rely on a new holistic view of the world, in which matter is no longer the focus of being. I am sure that in about 100 years from now, people will frown down at our epoch and say: »How could researchers behave so dogmatically when so many convincing new facts were right before their eyes?«

    I call our epoch the age of communication. This now offers us the opportunity to break through these old cultural fetters of thought and to work out our own picture of reality. Whereas a few decades ago mainstream research was sure that »reality« exists independently of us, there is no longer any doubt that it does not. Now it is important to make something out of these insights, out of these findings, which creates more community for one's own individual path in a community, and on the other hand makes negative thoughts, deeds and destructive one-sided economic activity more difficult. To close with the wise words of the philosopher Martin Seel:

    »The measurable side of the world is not the world, it is only the measurable side of the world.«

    Johann Nepomuk Maier

    Author and filmmaker


    Dear Reader,

    »Know yourself« was already written above the entrance portal of the ancient Greeks in Delphi and so I would like to take the reader of this book on a journey to find himself. I wrote it for all those who like to think outside the box in order to direct their attention to the reality of the world outside of the institutionalized sciences, people who like to deal with the questions of classical metaphysics: Who or what am I? Have we been thrown together from matter and energy by a gigantic coincidence or is there an intelligent designer behind life? What does life really mean? How did I get here, what was before I was born and what will be when my body dies? Are we more than a physical body? Is there a god or gods? Do we have a free will? What is the purpose of my existence? People who ask such questions are usually not to be found in the mainstream. I have never been satisfied with reading the unusual only in books. I always wanted to experience what was written with my senses and check whether it corresponds to the truth. Over many decades, I have met extraordinary people and, inspired by them, made my own personal experiences, including in the areas of telekinesis and telepathy as well as in relation to out-of-body experiences and expanded states of consciousness. I wanted to check these things for their truthfulness and effectiveness myself and to know whether I, as an ordinary person, am able to put them into practice in a comprehensible and verifiable manner. Modern science gives us an abundance of fascinating technologies that help describe the world around us better and better. They grant us shortliving joys that appear important in the outer world, but are actually only snapshots and often make inner values and spiritual growth wither. This is how life sneaks past us unnoticed and overtakes us. We are then surprised to find that we are nearing physical death. Much of what seemed indispensable to us, propagated as needs by advertising and marketing, and the procurement of which cost us valuable lifetime, lies in the attic, collects dust in the basement or simply ends up in the garbage as disposable products after our death. But what is really left? Is there something left that will outlast inevitable death? Let's go on a journey together to find answers to mankind's oldest questions. That we are immortal beings in a perishable body has always been proclaimed to us by spiritual teachers, mystics and priests in their ancient »Holy Scriptures«. What is new is that modern science with its quantum physics has also been doing this for several decades. It tells of a so-called »observer« who is able to influence matter. Such a balancing act from science to mysticism is long overdue and inevitably breaks the dogmas of today's material worldview. Put aside self-created illusions and learn about the reality that was created by God. Let us dive together into a fascinating world of our thoughts, consciousness and matter. Recognizing who and what we are can give you meaning and healing and show you the world from a new perspective that may have remained hidden from you until today. Feel and sense inside yourself in order to be able to explore, discover and experience new things. Stop for a moment in your journey through life and breathe in knowledge and inspiration to recognize. What do you see? How is your world? What is your environment like, the people around you, what do you think about them and do you believe that this corresponds to the truth and reality that God created? Or is this just your personal, subjectively perceived reality of a much larger whole? How is life? How is it really like? Why do you go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning to a new dream called reality? Is this the true reality or is there an even more real world behind it all that we can experience in expanded states of consciousness? A multidimensional world, much larger than that which we can perceive with our senses? How many realities are there? Or are we just living in this one you know when you open your eyes in the morning? But where was your mind at night when you dreamed? How many personalities are you? What is your role right now? Does reality have different levels of perception? Do we earth people all perceive the same thing with our five senses or does each person have his own reality and perception? We could also say that everything in this life is a dream, whether you are asleep or awake. Is the next awakening the transition from physical death to the hereafter? What is death? Do we only live once or do we incarnate in several lives? Is there a cycle of life, death and birth? Does God exist and are we all parts of him or are we a part of a higher organism in God?

    In this book I have included my personal experiences and the knowledge of many researchers who do not necessarily fit into the large grid of the mainstream. On the whole, it's kept simple and enriched with my own experiences over and over again. I have tried to write the chapters in a way that slowly leads you to the idea that there is no death in the universe. It may be difficult at times to follow my thoughts, then just skip a chapter and come back to it later if you feel like it. Repetitions are wanted in order to develop a lasting understanding. Just be open to new topics, even if you can't find your own opinion as you read it. This is important in order to have a personal picture of who or what you are by the end of the book. I also make no claim to completeness and that this information can explain everything and is »set in stone«, but they are real experiences that I have personally made and that therefore correspond to my honest beliefs. Just as politicians and parties campaign for the votes of the people by presenting their various election programs in order to be able to govern a country, it is ultimately also in science. There are hundreds of theories about what the universe, time or man is or could be. Groups of opinion leaders try to enforce their ideas and pass them off as general lessons. Most theories, however, will disappear from the scene in a few decades. We live in a time in which the dogma of a materialistic worldview prevails. It is very likely that there were already many advanced civilizations on our planet that were spiritually very far or perhaps even much more developed than we are in our current era. Evidence and traditions can be found around the world for this too. Technological development as we experience it today can definitely only represent a short-term manifestation in human evolution over a period of several centuries. But what remains when the materialistic age is over? Perhaps the hope of having discovered a little more truth and reality of who or what we are.

    In this book I have compiled evidence that can give a preview of a new, expanded worldview. See these lines as a bridge between old knowledge and today's science, from personal experiences to new medical discoveries. Inexplicable phenomena have the potential to sharpen our eye for new things. To take a closer look and to develop new ideas with the knowledge and information gained, that is my intention.

    Erich von Däniken once said: »It's the visionaries who change the world, not the bean counters.«

    Heinz Kaletsch

    Chapter One: The scientific worldview yesterday and today

    The smallest particles in our universe are atoms, God created the world in seven days, the pyramids were tombs for the pharaohs, when man dies, at the most a small heap of ashes remains and Charles Darwin explained how man was created through the evolution of species on earth. This is how the elderly of us learned it a few decades ago in school. That sounds like a perfect world, like from a fairy tale of bygone times, doesn't it? It is said that fairy tales always contain a grain of truth. That certainly applies here as well, but nothing more. Strictly speaking, a person is not in a position to describe a complete picture of the world, as it describes all the tangible parts of a reality, which in turn is more than the sum of its individual parts. Since humans can only perceive a tiny section of the very large universe and only limited information filtered by the brain is available, they live in a subjective reality that probably has very little to do with the objective world.

    We will deal with this more intensively in this book. The world does not stop. Theories that are no longer tenable disappear like cultures from ancient times in the fog. Great researchers from various fields of science keep presenting us with new approaches to the nature of our world and inexorably approaching a greater truth and reality. But what did it look like in the last 100 years? In physics, the Danish physicist Nils Bohr developed the model of the electron, which orbits an atomic nucleus, as early as 1913. According to this, atoms consist of protons and neutrons as well as electrons circling in orbit and rotating around themselves. Claus Jönsson carried out the double slit experiment with electrons in 1962 (Thomas Young did this with light as early as 1802) and one of the findings was that it is maximally possible to determine the probability of the position of an electron at a certain point in time. Atoms with their electrons show up one time as a wave and another time as solid matter particles. Depending on whether they are observed or measured, they materialize or disappear again into the »non-locality« of all waves, so to speak into the quantum space, from which we can assume that everything there is connected in a mysterious way. Elementary particle physics was born and since then it has combined its knowledge in a standard model. It tries to explain the structure of matter in our universe with the tiniest of particles. If we look at the developments in quantum physics over the past few decades, we are currently experiencing a paradigm shift towards a completely new worldview. Between 1963 and 1965 the physicist André Petermann and around the same time Murray Gell-Mann developed the model of the quarks. Protons and neutrons would be composed of even smaller particles - that was the view at the time, for which Murray received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969. This then completely new knowledge changed our view of the world by another small bit and was still a snapshot and by no means the last word on the subject. All in all, the world turned out to be relatively simple at first: Our universe seemed to consist of a few billion galaxy clusters and huge empty spaces in between, and it was similar in the microcosm. Enormous distances between atomic nuclei and electrons with a gaping void between them dominated the imagination of the great thinkers. Somehow everything seemed like a quietly ticking clockwork, beautifully calculable and predictable. Einstein would certainly have liked this model had it not been for the »spooky action at a distance,« as he himself called it, which only conjured up the beginning of the end of a scientific era. The British natural scientist Charles Darwin had made a name for himself in the natural sciences with his theory of evolution by describing the origin of species and a possible development of earthly man in his work in 1859, well, I would say, in »an understandable way«. The fact that humans should descend from apes may initially have been a shock for many, as we humans had already chosen ourselves as the »crown of creation« on the evolutionary ladder of life. And now that! Eventually we came to terms with the idea that we and our close relatives had to have at least the same roots. But Darwin was also aware of the limits of his theoretical model and so he asked himself: »If the species have developed in small steps from other species, why don't we find countless specimens of the transitional forms in the many layers of the earth's crust?«

    Around 160 years have now passed since 1859, the numerous transitional forms were never found, and under »the pressure to succeed« many a found skeleton or artifact that was supposed to provide evidence of Darwin's theory turned out to be simply a fake. What remains to this day is a school system that still teaches Darwinism and marginalizes an intelligent designer or creator who deliberately plans life. In Catholic religious instruction, however, the priests preached to us that, according to Genesis, God created the world in seven days and man on the sixth day of creation. Mmh … just the opposite of what Darwin was trying to convey. Now who was right, Darwin or Moses? These were the important questions for me during my school days, which I tried to fathom in my further life. My childish mind just wanted one honest, truthful answer and kept asking itself: Who or what is man? Where are we from? What is life? How can life arise from dead matter? What is the difference between something that lives and something that does not live? Does a stone also have a kind of life in it? Why do we sleep at night? Is there any extraterrestrial life? What is awareness? What is the reason for our existence? Is there a kind of consciousness even in apparently lifeless manifestations like crystals? And how could a primordial cell have come into being that lived and reproduced itself when its constituents, the amino acids, are considered inanimate? Is there a multiverse? What if we die? Is there a soul? And is there life before birth? Does consciousness invigorate matter?

    The world of physics is still concerned with apparently lifeless things, our biologists, on the other hand, only with what is alive, and the humanities with religious, intellectual, media and cultural phenomena. What is information, what are mind and consciousness and in which scientific field do they find their place? Who can bridge the gap between these scientific disciplines? Will physics, biology and our humanities enter into a symbiosis at the round table of knowledge in the future when we discover that spirit and matter can no longer be separated for an explanation of the world? A large part of our physical reality is still hidden from us and the area of subtle matter is only just becoming an object of research. Consciousness and spirit produce life and represent the driving intelligent forces behind all life. Scientists from all disciplines who discover new things in as yet unexplored areas act as a link for a holistic theory of the big picture and thus work on a completion of our subjective view of the world.

    We have been a spaceflight nation for over 50 years and live in a high-tech world. At the same time, we still know far too little about ourselves. How can this be explained? If you look at the traditions of ancient writings from the earliest past, you get the impression that well-founded knowledge about our planet, people and the world was available many thousands of years ago, but wiped out possibly through natural disasters such as ice ages, comet impacts, pole shifts and the flood about 13,000 years ago. Evidence of this can be found scattered across our planet. The countless pyramids in Egypt, China, Latin America and Iran as well as the huge megaliths weighing up to 200 tons that were built into buildings are evidence of this, as are the Nazcar lines, the neatly cut huge blocks of stone around the world and the deep drilled holes and milled edges in some of the hardest rocks such as diorite. Core drillings, as can be found on the statue of King Chephren, as well as the perfectly fitting stone walls of Pumapunku in Tiahuanaco or the finds of giant skeletons, long skulls and extraordinary old relics and artifacts put our ancestors in a completely different light than that of the club-armed stone age people. The Internet is full of information about it, but separating the wheat from the chaff, that is, distinguishing genuine from falsified information, is extremely difficult. What cannot be classified in our current historical model is quickly sorted out, dismissed as a forgery, ignored or disappears in the cellars of museums or private collectors. Many people have never heard of such things in their lives or do not want to bother with them. They probably like to stick to the ideology of a heliocentric worldview that declares the earth to be the centre of the universe, but they presume to be opinion leaders for our future worldview. Take a look at the following picture: a monolith in Lebanon lying there as if it had simply been forgotten at some point, far from its final destination. Even with today's technology and special cranes, we humans would not be able to easily transport this 1,650-tonne monolith over long distances. Which technologies were used here? How could these be cut, hewn and transported with such ease thousands of years ago? And who needed these huge monoliths, since it is well known that large buildings can also be built with smaller stones?

    Were the angels and sons of the gods at work here, as described in the Bible in the book of Enoch? Or the Annunaki, which are handed down in the 22,000 Sumerian clay tablets in cuneiform script over 6,000 years ago - those gods from prehistoric times who inhabited the Mesopotamia between the Euphrates and the Tigris, the home of the Sumerians, a culture that dates back 4,000 years BC. and built temples and villages?

    Thousands of years ago, the human mind accomplished things that we would struggle to imitate using the most modern tools and technologies. Was our past perhaps very different from what we are told? Or did we just forget? Questions upon questions! And so I got older and older and got no real answers to many of them. On the contrary - my questionnaire grew and grew and only a few people were able to give me satisfactory, understandable answers, at least at times. So I started to get first-hand information and to shape my worldview through personal experiences and insights, true to the motto »Only believe what you have heard, seen and experienced yourself.«

    Illustration 1: Limestone monolith with an estimated weight of 1,650 t in Baalbek, Lebanon

    Now let's begin to learn who or what we actually are. Do you feel like it? Then let's start with some theory.

    Have fun.

    Chapter 2: Invisible forces and fields

    Illustration 2: The sun and the magnetic field of earth

    When I first held a magnet in my hand as a child, I was fascinated and tried to connect two of them and then separate them again. I quickly noticed that this only worked with certain sides. What impressed me most was that there was some kind of force at work, but one that could not be seen. It felt like a piece of magic - something that you can't see and that is there anyway. This force of the magnets could even work through my fingers without it hurting or being felt.

    »How does this alternating force of attraction and repulsion come about?« I asked myself as a child. At the time, nobody in my environment could really explain it to me. Then many years later in school I got my answers. Poles of the same name repel each other and unlike poles attract, in stark contrast to the so-called »wavelength« between two people. If two people like each other, they are attracted to each other, if they do not like each other, they repel each other. With magnets it is exactly the opposite. This is how our teacher explained it to us at the time, so that we could remember it better. As you can see it worked.

    Permanent magnets were not very strong back then, but nowadays there are super magnets with enormous power. The extremely high adhesive force of neodymium magnets with an area of just a few square centimetres, for example, allows a bicycle to dangle easily on the garage wall. What I would like to convey to you is that there are fields that clearly have an effect on something, but cannot be perceived by our senses. The force that works between these magnets can be made visible in a roundabout way, for example by placing the permanent magnet under a sheet of paper and scattering iron filings on the paper. By touching the paper, the small iron filings align themselves along the field lines of the magnet and make them visible indirectly. The result is a beautiful two-dimensional image that reveals an otherwise invisible world of forces.

    Illustration 3: Magnetic field lines, made visible by iron filings

    Where does a magnet actually get its power from? Physics teaches us that it basically consists of little magnets that are made up of electrons, the movement of which creates a magnetic field. Each electron is, so to speak, a mini-magnet, which by its own rotation creates a magnetic field. We call this rotation a spin. Many electrons with the same rotation and orientation result in a permanent magnet. This model of the particles rotating around their own axis to explain the spin, however, contains contradictions and is not the ultimate conclusion. One reason for this is that, with the advent of quantum physics, atoms and electrons no longer have to be viewed only as particles, but also as waves. Strictly speaking, we don't know what an electron looks like in detail. Is it a wave, a cloud, an energy ball, or a particle? At least it seems to be crystallizing that it is not a mini-particle of matter that orbits an atomic nucleus like the moon does around the earth. This also raises the question of who or what is specifically responsible for electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus, just like planets in our solar system around the sun and entire solar systems in our galaxy around a centre consisting of a black hole. In fact, it is not yet known exactly where this angular momentum or spin of the electrons comes from and what energy causes the orbiting of the planets around suns. Einstein had already asked himself the question of the origin of this energy responsible for the rotation and movement in our universe and could not finally clarify it. A definition from the Internet states that the spin was given to every particle during the Big Bang. But just as quickly as I found that answer, it could also be refuted, because the further an electron or planet is from its centre, the slower its orbital speed becomes. So we can assume that a few more explanations of magnetism are needed to get a complete picture of what it really is. Our technical possibilities for researching the micro- and macrocosm give us hope that these questions can also be clarified in the near future and that our knowledge of our universe will become a little more complete. The example with the magnet and the forces connected with it is ideally suited to get a better idea of how energies and fields affect people, animals and plants, surround us and penetrate us without our noticing. Everything in our universe is flooded with fields, and that which we often call »nothing« in our ignorance does not exist, because even this nothing completes energy with its inherent information to a whole. Everything is woven together like in a giant spider web and we humans are part of it. One theory is that all matter in our universe was condensed to the size of a pea and extremely hot before the Big Bang. All information and energies were one and still are after the Big Bang, although the universe has been expanding for 13.81 billion years. As we shall see, everything consists of a visible and an invisible part, a material and a subtle component, which are inextricably linked. Just as we can make the field lines of a magnet visible with iron filings without being able to see the field lines themselves, it is now also possible to represent the energy body of animate organic and inanimate inorganic materials. At the beginning of the 19th century there were already the first attempts in photography to make improved and more detailed images of the field body visible. This visualization is called Kirlian photography or high-frequency high-voltage photography. As early as 1920, the Russian scientist and biologist Alexander Gurwitsch, who was experimenting with germinating onions, believed that cells emit light. The Soviet electrical engineer Semjon Davidowitsch Kirlian developed a photographic method in 1937 that provided evidence for this thesis and had it patented several times in 1949. In the 1970s, the German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp was able to detect light emission from biological tissue, which he called »emission of biophotons«. Although it moves roughly in the range of the wavelength that we can see with our eyes, it is not sufficient for real optical perception. The visible light is in the frequency range of a wavelength from 380 nm (violet) to 760 nm (red). Animals, on the other hand, can also perceive the shorter-wave ultraviolet and / or the longer-wave infrared light. For example, some freshwater fish see infrared radiation, which we humans only feel as heat radiation, while short-wave ultraviolet light is recognized by many insects, reptiles, some species of birds and also by deep-sea fish. When a bee flies over a meadow landscape, it sees the flowers differently than we do, as it is particularly strongly attracted by the ultraviolet light of some plants and settles there.

    Illustration 4: Representation of a leaf with Kirlian photography

    They worked hard to make these light emissions visible to the human eye. In 2007, for example, the first patent was released for a corona camera that contained a sensitive UV image sensor in order to map the strong UV emission of the discharge. On this and the next two pages you can see three photographs of a leaf, a hand and a coin made with Kirlian photography.

    The blue ring of light around the leaf is clearly recognizable. All electrically conductive materials can exhibit these electrical discharges. In the second picture you can see a human hand.

    The more vital a body is, the more intense the radiation and the fewer boundaries or gaps that can be recognized. Kirlian photography works with both animate and inanimate matter, as you can see from this 1-pfennig piece.

    Illustration 5: Representation of a hand with Kirlian photography

    Many researchers assume that Kirlian photography can measure the biophoton concentration of a living body, and many alternative practitioners work with this technique of corona discharge photography in order to be able to carry out an optimal patient history. Just like plants, all of our organs also reflect the state of bio-photon radiation, which can be recognized from the body's vitality.

    Illustration 6: Kirlian photo of the front and backside of a 1-Pfennig coin

    We can influence it positively and favorably through healthy eating, sport, meditation and »spiritual hygiene«. There are now extremely sophisticated measuring devices that can display the light radiation on the fingers and thus allow good conclusions to be drawn about a patient's vitality or possible illnesses. This works best when the person is treated holistically in body and soul.

    The present book deals with our mind, our consciousness and matter. Similar to a magnet that exerts a force on iron filings and gives them a certain direction, the subtle body also acts on the material body of a person and enables the consciousness to control it together with the spirit and a will. Consciousness and spirit are the sources of a non-physical information field that guides the body and outlasts physical death, the existence of which we are forced to assume. This intangible, electromagnetically undetectable intelligent field will open up completely new areas of research for our scientists in the coming decades. Just think of the phenomenon of the influence of matter by an observer, as the double slit experiment showed at the beginning of

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