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Drop the Fig Leaf: Dropping the Barriers to Freedom for Men and Women
Drop the Fig Leaf: Dropping the Barriers to Freedom for Men and Women
Drop the Fig Leaf: Dropping the Barriers to Freedom for Men and Women
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Drop the Fig Leaf: Dropping the Barriers to Freedom for Men and Women

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About this ebook

We were not designed to live in this world of deception, lust, judgment, and greed. We were made for freedom, adventure, the infinite, to live freely, openly, honestly and uninhibited. Given the reality of life on earth, leaving ourselves too vulnerable, too exposed to all the selfishness and greed is simply not a viable survival option. All of us eventually have to put up our guard and run for cover. We close ourselves in, put up walls and when that happens, we cover up much of our intended greatness. These coverings we feel forced to place over our hearts, minds, spirits and bodies are the Fig Leaves of our lives.

Drop the Fig Leaf takes a very straightforward look at these fig leaves, what lies behind them, how did they get there and most importantly, how to remove them. We will look at whats at stake, whats on the other side of the fig-leaves, what was intended for us all along, and how we can fight back and ultimately win the greatest battle of our lives. Get ready for an exhilarating, eye opening and life changing journey - The battle for our original and natural freedom.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 3, 2013
Drop the Fig Leaf: Dropping the Barriers to Freedom for Men and Women

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    Drop the Fig Leaf - Everest Bryce

    Copyright © 2013 Everest Bryce.

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    Editor: Polly Stanoch Rix

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-8937-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-8938-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-8936-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013905433

    WestBow Press rev. date: 3/29/2013

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1  The Bird That Cannot Fly

    Chapter 2  In The Beginning

    Chapter 3  Timeless Truth

    Chapter 4  Wrestling in the Leaves

    Chapter 5  Crown Jewel

    Chapter 6  Real Strength

    Chapter 7  Crossing the Chasm

    Chapter 8  Drop the Fig Leaf



    T o my wife Kristen, two daughters, parents, family & friends! Your love, support & encouragement has made this book possible. Thank you!


    Book Titled: Drop the Fig Leaf

    Dropping the Barriers to Freedom for Men and Women.

    I t just doesn’t make sense. We are all made for paradise. Eden was our home to enjoy, to build our lives, our relationships, to share ourselves openly, honestly and completely with each other in an exotic paradise. We enjoyed complete freedom and expression of ourselves. We were so free that we did not even know what it meant to be afraid. We didn’t know what judgment was or what it felt like. We ran openly, wildly, in an endless adventure of exploration and expression of every part of our naked hearts, minds, spirits and bodies. It was a world of excitement, discovery, endless possibilities, perfect love, and complete freedom. This is the world that we were made for.

    Yet, here we are. Eden is clearly not the world that you and I live in today. This limited, fear driven, deceiving, twisted fog that we wake up to each morning is a train wreck of what once was. It is not what was intended for us, and it is not what is natural to us. We were never designed for judgment, evil, deception, guilt, worry and all the daily attacks we are under. This is foreign turf for us. This is not our home field. This is a classic example of what it means to be a square peg in a round hole. You and I were made for paradise, but here we are in this world of greed, sickness, lies, selfishness and thieves.

    For a moment set aside how we got here. All of us are still born into this life on earth with our original design – loaded up with our explosive dreams, our wild passions, and our deep desires for love, expression and fulfillment. The make-up of the human spirit hasn’t changed. Our design, and who we are born to be, hasn’t changed. It is the world that we live in that has changed.

    So then, how are we supposed to be all that we are? How should we express ourselves and all that we feel building up inside? How should we expect to flourish? How well does a bird express itself while earthbound? Or, how well does a mountain lion live in a desert? Our predicament is almost on par with expecting a fish to live out of water or a cheetah to live at sea. Freedom to the human spirit is literally our oxygen. We find it nearly impossible to breathe without the air of freedom. All things considered, the human spirit has done pretty well. Although thousands of years removed from Eden we continue to make best of our fallen world. We strive to express ourselves, to take the risk of opening up our dreams, to relate to others, to grow and to find air. It is in our DNA to find a way. Our thirst for freedom is truly unquenchable.

    However, ultimately we feel a need to protect ourselves and to cover ourselves up. Sooner or later we have to respond to the daily onslaught of lies, lust, judgment and greed. Given the reality of life on earth, leaving ourselves too vulnerable, too exposed is simply not a viable survival option. In the end, we put up our guard and take cover. Even the strongest of human beings is driven eventually to build some defenses. We close ourselves in, put up walls and begin to cover up much of our greatness.

    And when that inevitably happens, we all lose.

    These coverings we feel compelled to place over our hearts, minds, spirits and bodies are the fig leaves of our lives. The leaves themselves are not the problem, but they are evidence that we’ve been under attack. They are barriers to a greater expression of freedom, because we feel as if a part of our freedom is taken away from us. Clearly we would not wear coverings if we did not feel we had to. Wearing these fig leaves is not natural for us. Given the choice, every one of us would choose freedom, open expression, deeper relationships, joy and fulfillment. Given the right surroundings, no one would desire to put another fig leaf on. Given the choice, we would run to freedom.

    This book is written as a guide for adult men and women to work through the liberating process of removing the barriers to living a life of freedom. We will take a straightforward look at these fig leaves, answering the questions – what lies behind them, how did they get there and how do we remove them? We will look at what is at stake, what is under the fig leaves, what was intended for us all along, and how we can fight back and ultimately win the greatest battle of our lives – the battle for our natural freedom.

    This is both an invitation back to what was intended for us from the start, as well as a new beginning. To begin I ask you to bring your guard down…just a bit. Allow yourself to consider the possibility. What if you could have complete freedom back? It was once yours and it can be yours once again. Give yourself permission to imagine…


    The Bird That Cannot Fly

    T he river carried Alex in his canoe steadily and effortlessly around bend after bend. He’d purchased his cabin 12 years ago, and each year he looked forward to his get-away into this amazing wilderness for a week or more. The cascading mountain ranges jetted upward to the west, offering a breathtaking view of what seemed like an untouched part of the earth. For him, this was a paradise, an open window to a part of the world created in its original form. The rugged terrain to the east of the river guaranteed solitude during his time here. Alex sensed no one could be within miles of this special place. He had it all to himself. In this place there was no judgment, no deception – in this place nothing was tainted. And it was the purity of his experience, more than anything that drove him to return each year.

    In spite of this sense of peace and contentment, he noticed his heart grew with loneliness when his stay lasted for more than about five days. He missed Allie, his wife. He missed his kids, Allison and Travis. He missed his closest friends, some of his co-workers. He even missed Mrs. Smith, the annoying lady three doors down the street who rarely let a week pass without finding a reason to ring his door bell and pay his family a visit. Sometimes she asked for help with hanging a picture and other times she brought over a loaf of freshly baked bread.

    Alex dipped his hand into the icy mountain stream. He tilted his head to the sound of rippling water mixed with the squawks of a handful of eagles soaring high overhead. The sun was heating up, and he could feel it gently baking the skin on his bare back. Out here he was never self-conscious about only wearing a pair of shorts and walking shoes. Sure he intended to lose that extra 15 pounds before the year was out, and he was aware much of his hair was turning gray. But out here he felt content, and he liked not hiding his 46-year-old body. To him, it was more truthful to blend in with his surroundings. It seemed as if the environment would be insulted if he was not as genuine and exposed as it was.

    He scanned the river ahead and noticed a branch had broken off of a tree up ahead to his right, leaving its balance of leaves out of sync to one side. Looking over the mountain ranges, he saw crevices cut out of the mountain’s sides. How fascinating…from afar the mountain looked uniform and complete. Yet, the caved in mountain sides – from past avalanches he guessed – made the scene all the more grand. The crevices defined the mountain’s presence, its character, its personality. He breathed in and peace filled him. His mind opened and the questions unfolded.

    •   Why are purity, acceptance and honesty always present in this place but are rare back home in the tussle of day-to-day life?

    •   Why does this place display purpose and tranquility in its imperfections, yet people hide their flaws when they are around each other and even keep their personal imperfections from those closest to them?

    •   What would it be like to live life without any judgment or deceit and to embrace – even celebrate – our imperfections?

    •   Why did he feel deeply connected and comfortable in this natural world but out of sync and disconnected when living in the real world?

    He wondered if he could find the answers to these questions. He imagined if he discovered the answers everything about his life would change. Is a peaceful, sincere and honest existence possible? Is such an existence intended to be part of our life here on earth? Just how were things supposed to be?

    What is worse?

    To have never lived in freedom

    Or not to know that it exists

    Destinations left barren

    Or to think this is all there is?

    On his drive home Alex tried to find a perspective on the questions racing through his mind.

    Is the life I’ve lived, the way that it was meant to be? he asked himself.

    He quickly dismissed the thought.

    It couldn’t possibly be. There is such a gap between what I experienced in the mountains and the way people interact and live back in the city.

    Why? He wondered. Either something was clearly broken or he was trying to imagine something that only happens in a fantasy world.

    We are all capable of so much more, he thought. Dreams are easy to dream, but it takes hard work to make them come true.

    Just like Alex, many of us have wrestled with similar questions. We find a part of ourselves reaching for more. We feel a pulling inside that inspires us to harvest more out of our life – a better job, a closer family or a greater impact on an important cause. And though we might grow weary or feel forced to settle for a tough hand we have been dealt, something inside pushes us to hold out for more.

    Our passions have much to say about who we are. Our hearts, minds and spirits are filled with personal and intimate goals, interest in social causes, desire for meaningful relationships, enthusiasm for making a difference, and personal discovery and fulfillment. We long for adventure, the wild, teamwork, growth, wisdom, joy and happiness. Our hearts speak to us about the passions alive within us. These passions ache to help define the all-important question: why am I here?

    What are the deepest desires of your heart? What are your body’s deepest desires? Where do your spirit’s deepest passions want to go? When we allow ourselves to put aside our doubt and fear, we find our deepest passions waiting for us. These passions might be dormant or perhaps even caged, but they still are alive and well. We find many of our deepest desires are within reach of our everyday comfort zones. Imagine removing the obstacles and fears holding us back in life. Each one of us would sprint to become everything we are capable of being. Our experiences in this life would soar to the unimaginable!

    Taking the cover off my deepest desires

    Wanting to cleanse myself from the thieves and liars

    Dancing in the rain with a spirit that is free

    Living the life that was intended for me

    What is on your list of what you want most in life? What comes to mind first? Take a moment to jot down your short list.

    My list includes a wish to live the life I was made for, to marry the finest woman, to surround myself with the best of friends, to inspire those around me, to be a part of a dynamic family, to travel to exotic places, to taste the finest wines, to build successful businesses, and to leave a legacy that will last long after I’m gone. I find it fascinating how in a world where it is difficult to make all our dreams come true, our passions surface quickly to the top!

    Our passions are gifts given to us at birth. The natural flow is for our passions to bring people together, yet the opposite often happens. We end up alienated, hurt and divided. At first glance, none of this makes sense. Why fight against what appears quite natural and very appealing? Every day we are forced to choose what is safe to let into our world. We struggle to find ways to deal with releasing or containing our restless internal gifts while deciding how much to take in from the outside.

    My good friend Rachel illustrates this concept. I have known Rachel for years. Life has held many challenges for her. She has plenty of reasons to be bitter or withdrawn – a broken marriage, the death of loved ones. However,

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