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He Speaks Through Her Too!
He Speaks Through Her Too!
He Speaks Through Her Too!
Ebook198 pages3 hours

He Speaks Through Her Too!

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He Speaks Through Her Too is a compilation of several powerful sermons that were preached by Jackson throughout the years. Jackson said her desire is for women to be accepted as God's spokespersons who only want to fulfill their calling. . . and that is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The calling is too powerful to be placed under a bushel. It is not a competition; it is just an act of obedience.
Release dateSep 7, 2011
He Speaks Through Her Too!

Hattie C. Jackson

Rev. Hattie C. Jackson is an ordained preacher who began her preaching ministry in 1997. She has pastored two churches; and has a love for God's people. Rev. Jackson published a book in 1998 entitled Experiencing Faith - A Daily Devotional. She has a passion for preaching, teaching, and writing the Word of God. Hattie states that she believes that God put men and women here to work together as a team to do His work; and that neither will reach his or her true destiny until the bond of unity is accomplished between them. She states that "Women need to know that they were not put here just to be "incubators." If that had been the case, God would not have given us such brilliant minds. We can be of great service to mankind when allowed to do so." Hattie is also counselor and is presently continuing her education in counseling and theology. She is a divorced mother of two and grandmother of four. She lives in the small college town of Montevallo, Alabama, where she received her B.S. in Psychology and her Masters in Counseling from the University of Montevallo; and her Bachelors in Theology from the Tennessee School of Religion. She is also a motivational speaker and writer who loves learning new things and studying the Word of God so that she can share it with others. He Speaks Through Her Too contains only a few powerful sermons that Jackson has preached throughout the years.

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    He Speaks Through Her Too! - Hattie C. Jackson

    Where Will You Spend Eternity?

    Luke 16:19-31

    Key Verses: Luke 16:22-23: "And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom."

    This sermon is very appropriate for the beginning of this book. Why? Because, this title was my call to salvation when I was six years old, when it all began for me. I remember I was at a revival at my home church, Epsibeth Baptist church in Aldrich (the old camp, so called because it had once been a coal mining camp), a small township on the outskirts of Montevallo, Alabama. My pastor was Reverend G. C. Massey. His wife, Mrs. Massey was my second grade teacher. That was a long time ago, but

    I remember it as if it was today. The preacher was preaching, and I looked over across the aisle and saw one of my older girl friends crying. To this day, I do not know what she was crying about; maybe the word touched her. I do not really know; and to this day, I have never asked her. I don’t know if she would even remember the incident after fifty-three years. But I remember listening to what the preacher said, and his words resonated in my ears and in my heart. And then, he asked the question, Where will you spend eternity? I knew he was talking to me, that six-year old little girl, who had not lived any life, but who would need a savior as she traveled the road of life in her future.

    Eternity is defined as unlimited time; it is time without beginning or end. The bible speaks of the eternity of God because we know Him as Alfa and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the first and the last, and without him, there was nothing made that is made. As Creator, He brought the world into being, even before the beginning of time as we know it. He will also bring the world to its ultimate conclusion as we know it, in accordance with His will and purpose. I want to give you three quick points on this subject:

    My first point is:

    Don’t put your trust in the riches of this world.

    The story of the rich man and Lazarus is a very well known story. It was one told by Jesus as He was teaching His disciples. And of course, whenever Jesus was teaching, the Pharisees were always somewhere around trying to find something wrong with what He was saying or what He was doing. We have plenty of Pharisee spirits in the churches today. There are people not trying to get close to God, but just sitting around trying to find something wrong to talk about. Jesus was telling His disciples the parable of the manager of his masters’ estate and how his master fired him for the mismanagement of his money. Now the Pharisees did not like what Jesus was saying because this was stepping on their toes. I don’t know if you know it or not, but if you listen to the Word of God long enough, it is going to step on your toes too. I know it stomps on my toes sometime, and not only my toes, but my whole feet. You see, no matter what some people may think, none of us has arrived yet. We are all still a work in progress, but we must strive to reach perfection. Amen?

    So the Pharisees talked about Jesus and ridiculed Him. But Jesus knew their hearts. How many of you know that there is nothing we can say or do that surprises God? Jesus did not worry about what they said. He had a job to do, and their talking about Him and lying on him, and trying to scandalize His name was not going to stop Jesus from doing what He had to do. Am I talking to anyone here today? We can listen to what folk say and not what God says and allow folk to stop us from fulfilling the destiny that God has planned for us. Jesus was determined to please the Father, not man. What about us? Where will you spend eternity? The Scriptures do not give us the name of the rich man, but because the Latin word for rich is dives, Dives is the name that the rich man has been traditionally given. This rich man had all that money could buy, but mind you, I said all that money can buy. He had fine rich clothes; he ate the best food, lived in the finest house, and drove a Rolls Royce camel. You have seen this man of today. We are not told how he got rich. He may have worked hard and earned every dime of his money legally; but that is really not the issue here. The issue was what he did or didn’t do with his wealth.

    Jesus wants to show us that a man or woman can have great wealth and still end up in hell. It is not a sin to have wealth; but as we can see in this story, when the wealthy refuse to share their wealth with the poor and needy, it does lead to bad consequences. In other words, it is not bad to have wealth, but it is bad for wealth to have you. It is not a sin to have money; it is a sin to love money. Some people cannot handle money. Some will lose their eternal souls trying to get money or to hold on to money. Wealthy living causes many people to be lifted up in pride, which leads to destruction. They forget to give God the praise for blessing them.

    The poor man, the Word says his name was Lazarus… not the Lazarus that Jesus raised from the dead. This is another Lazarus. This poor man Lazarus was hungry; he had sores all over him. Evidently, he did not have a family, or as we know, some families don’t have time for you when you’re down and out. Amen? We do not know how he became poor. Maybe he lost his job, maybe he got on drugs or alcohol, maybe he gave it all away, or if he was poor all of his life. That is not important either. What we do know is that he was poor and in need, and somebody placed him at the rich man’s gate to beg for food.

    Now, let us look at this rich man who had the finest clothes, best food, finest house, do not forget the Rolls Royce camel. He really had it going on. Now this poor man Lazarus only wanted something to eat; but the rich man, Dives, we call him, flat out refused him.

    Do you know anyone who has money and literally turn their noses up at people who are less fortunate than they? They have the attitude that they worked for what they have and everyone else should do the same. They seem to forget that had it not been for God’s grace and His mercy, they would not have what they have today. They seem to forget that was it not for God’s goodness, they could be in the same shoes and the poor.

    Lazarus was not asking for a big meal from the rich man’s table, he only asked for the crumbs. He did not whine and complain about his condition or his situation in life. He only wanted enough food to stay alive.

    This story tells us that a person’s spiritual state cannot be judged by his or her outward appearance or physical condition. Only God can see the heart of man, and the heart is what really counts. It does not matter how shiny the outward appearance is if the heart is black and evil. God had blessed the rich man and he had proven to be an unfaithful steward over his riches. What we must understand is that everything we have belongs to God, he just made us stewards over it to use wisely in a Christian manner. In other words, God blesses us not only for us to have abundant life but also for us to be a blessing to others.

    Here was an opportunity for the rich man to wisely use God’s blessings to be a blessing to someone else that was in need. But instead, the rich man turned away and refused to share what he had. The rich man was bringing doom upon himself. This is the kind of person that Jesus will say to one day, I was hungry, and you gave me no meat.

    I wonder how the rich people whom God has blessed, who have read the gospel of Christ, and say that they believe it, can be so unconcerned about the needs of those less fortunate than they. I just wonder! Do they think God’s Word does not apply to them? If so, they are in for a rude awakening. Where will you spend eternity?

    This rich man fed his dog’s good food. Some people care more about their animals, their houses, their cars and other things than they do about their brothers and sisters. They have made things their gods. In the story, the dogs licked Lazarus’ sores which gave him some relief. The dogs showed more concern for Lazarus than the rich man did.

    My second point is:

    It doesn’t end here. Say that with me. It does not end here!

    The Scripture tells us that the beggar, Lazarus died first and was carried by angels to Abraham’s bosom. We don’t know if he had a funeral or not… no, probably not. If he did, it was surely a poor funeral without all the trimmings as we are sure the rich man had at his funeral. But think of the honor the poor man received. He had a royal escort of God’s holy angels. You see, when a person dies, his or her spirit is not bound to roam the earth. The spirit of a saved person immediately goes to God as soon as it frees from the body. I am reminded that Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, hallelujah! And according to this parable that Jesus told, the spirit of a sinner goes immediately to torment.

    And as we can see by this story, Christ does not trust those who belong to Him to travel alone, so He sends His holy angels to make sure the spirit arrives to Him safe and sound and with honor. Isn’t that good news!

    The rich man may have had an elaborate funeral with all the trimmings, but as with the earthly things, it was only temporary for his friends and family. He did not enjoy it at all. The rich man soon found out that all the money in the world could not buy him a seat in paradise. So, he lifted up his eyes in hell.

    Where will you spend eternity?

    For my third and final

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