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The Physician in Spite of Himself
The Physician in Spite of Himself
The Physician in Spite of Himself
Ebook64 pages39 minutes

The Physician in Spite of Himself

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Molière was a French playwright who is considered to be one of the greatest comedians in all of Western literature.  With classics such as Tartuffe, The School for Wives, and The Misanthrope, Molière is one of the most widely read playwrights in history.  This edition of The Physician in Spite of Himself includes a table of contents.
Release dateMar 22, 2018
The Physician in Spite of Himself


Molière was a French playwright, actor, and poet. Widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the French language and universal literature, his extant works include comedies, farces, tragicomedies, comédie-ballets, and more.

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    The Physician in Spite of Himself - Molière





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    Copyright © 2016 by Molière

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    The Physician in Spite of Himself

    Dramatis Personae

    Act I

    Scene I.—Sganarelle, Martine (appearing on the stage, quarrelling).

    Scene II.—M. Robert, Sganarelle, Martine.

    Scene III.—Sganarelle, Martine.

    Scene IV.—Martine, alone.

    Scene V.—Valère, Lucas, Martine.

    Scene VI.—Sganarelle, Valère, Lucas.

    Act II

    Scene I.—Géronte, Valère, Lucas, Jacqueline.

    Scene II.—Géronte, Jacqueline, Lucas.

    Scene III.—Valère, Sganarelle, Géronte, Lucas, Jacqueline.

    Scene IV.—Sganarelle, Jacqueline, Lucas.

    Scene V.—Géronte, Sganarelle, Lucas, Jacqueline.

    Scene VI.—Lucinde, Géronte, Sganarelle, Valère, Lucas, Jacqueline.

    Scene VII.—Géronte, Sganarelle, Jacqueline.

    Scene VIII.—Géronte, Sganarelle.

    Scene IX.—Léandre, Sganarelle.

    Act III

    Scene I.—Léandre, Sganarelle.

    Scene II.—Thibaut, Perrin, Sganarelle.

    Scene III.—(The Scene changes, and represents, as in the Second Act, a room in Géronte’s house)—Jacqueline, Sganarelle, Lucas, at the far end of the stage.

    Scene IV.—Géronte, Lucas.

    Scene V.—Sganarelle, Léandre, Géronte.

    Scene VI.—Lucinde, Géronte, Léandre, Jacqueline, Sganarelle.

    Scene VII.—Géronte, Sganarelle.

    Scene VIII.—Lucas, Géronte, Sganarelle.

    Scene IX.—Martine, Sganarelle, Lucas.

    Scene X.—Géronte, Sganarelle, Martine.

    Scene XI.—Géronte, Léandre, Lucinde, Sganarelle, Lucas, Martine.



    Translated by Henri Van Laun


    Géronte, father to Lucinde.

    Léandre, Lucinde’s lover.

    Sganarelle, husband to Martine.

    M. Robert, Sganarelle’s neighbour.

    Lucas, husband to Jacqueline.

    Valère, Géronte’s servant.

    Thibaut, peasants

    Perrin, his son, peasants,

    Lucinde, Géronte’s daughter.

    Martine, Sganarelle’s wife.

    Jacqueline, nurse at Géronte’s, and Lucas’ wife.

    The Scene represents a Forest.

    ACT I


    Sganarelle. No; I tell you that I will do nothing of the kind, and that it is for me to speak, and to be master.

    Martine. And I tell you that I will have you live as I like, and that I am not married to you to put up with your vagaries.

    Sganarelle. Oh! what a nuisance it is to have a wife! and Aristotle is perfectly right in saying that a woman is worse than a demon.

    Martine. Look at Master Clever, with his silly Aristotle!

    Sganarelle. Yes, Master Clever. Find me another faggot-binder who can argue upon things as I can, who has served a famous physician for six years, and who, when only a boy, knew his grammar by heart!

    Martine. Plague on the arrant fool.

    Sganarelle. Plague on the slut!

    Martine. Cursed be the hour and the day when I took it into my head to say yes.

    Sganarelle. Cursed be the cuckold of a notary that made me sign my own ruination.

    Martine. Certainly it well becomes you to complain on that score. Ought you not rather to thank Heaven every minute of the day that you have me for a wife? and did you deserve to marry a woman like me?

    Sganarelle. It is true you did me too much honour, and I had great occasion to be satisfied with my wedding-night. Zounds!

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