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The KEY3 Holder
The KEY3 Holder
The KEY3 Holder
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The KEY3 Holder

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Become the KEY3 Holder through a transformational programme of spiritual change to wage war on poverty by donating preloved goods to create a more equitable world society; consider need or greed and their tenuous connection to diminishing fossil fuels and native habitats; apply hands-on healing for personal wellness, and teach children the KEY3 ideals using the interactive Children's Workbook because children inherit the world and need the information for the future.

PublisherReadOnTime BV
Release dateOct 9, 2014
The KEY3 Holder

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    The KEY3 Holder - Trinley Norbu


    ALL living conscious entities emit vibrations into the atmosphere, electromagnetic energy directly resulting from the normal thought process. These in turn, are affected by all other thought vibrations from life forms on our planet as they intermix to form the consciousness net enveloping the Earth like an invisible veil.

    Everyone experiences this energy frequency and its imprinted thought patterns with every intake of breath, directly affecting consciousness and cellular DNA. In this way thoughts become flesh: thoughts become you and me.

    Thought precedes action. Your thought processes combine with incoming energy to affect your consciousness and direct your actions. If you want peace and happiness in your life you must consciously choose positive thoughts. Anger similarly results from a negative thinking pattern. When you have loving thoughts, the electromagnetic energy generated through your aura leads to higher levels of inner consciousness and a happier, calmer life. Thought vibrations also affect family, neighbourhood, town, country and eventually, the world. This is the Butterfly Effect: what happens on one side of the world spreads via energy vibration to affect the other.

    The negative connotations of war, dispute and domestic disharmony; anger, pollution and greed coupled with other world societal issues; any situation affecting home, country and globe generates powerful vibrations for disharmony throughout the living cosmos of atmospheric energy we all breathe. To counteract this and displace harmful energy, you can collectively raise the positive thought force using your own loving vibration to calm and heal where it is needed. By utilising the Butterfly Effect you can spread a web of loving living energy across the world, healing vibrations for anyone to use anywhere. This energy is accessed through the breath, skin and eyes and used by the body for its highest good.

    Higher consciousness enables your body to better utilise the healing power within. Self-healing is a natural normal function carried out automatically by your body. You can easily tap into this healing energy and expand and direct it where you need it most to become the best you can be. This is the Divine spark of life - your gift from the Universal Being available to all.

    Higher consciousness also heightens awareness of your personal responsibility for all the inhabitants of the world. No matter your skin colour, language, creed or nationality, all are world citizens: brothers and sisters, one family sharing one planet called home. All are light beings, Divine creatures with universal power to think and act with love and conviction; to differentiate between need and greed, right and wrong. All are the result of Divine spirit, genetic biology and circumstance: creatures that have evolved in different ways to cope with different environments. Respecting these differences is essential if all are to work together equitably for the environment and life on Earth.

    The New Age is upon us and it is no longer morally acceptable for people to be without food, suffer poverty, unchecked disease and inhumane living conditions when the world has reached a zenith in technology, science and manufacture from which all could benefit. Native forests are ripped down taking your breath with them; oceans are depleted and with it, a significant food source; wars alienate people causing famine, homelessness and despair. Homelessness abounds even in wealthy countries, and Earth′s natural resources are depleted without thought of cost or consequence. It is insane and unconscionable.

    In first world countries, progressive societies have achieved a lifestyle better than any in living memory. It has also meant that for many, the amount of disposable income is also greater. Counter this against the needs of a family struggling to feed and house children in a situation of war and pestilence. It becomes obvious, even to the lay person, that a more equitable system is needed; a fairer distribution of the world’s resources. Life can be inequitable, but do you care enough to share a little of what you have with others?

    Resources are energy in many different forms. Thought vibration is the energy resource preceding the action of giving or Gifting. Personal energy transactions between giver and receiver are gifts of love. Gifting, as a resource, rewards the donor with personal satisfaction and enhances levels of spirit and internal consciousness. It also helps spread resources in a more equitable manner.

    Sharing resources means sharing energy vibrations. Money is energy; helping is energy; barter and community work are energy, as is babysitting, cleaning the car or putting clothes away. Checking on an elderly neighbour is the energy of love, charity and kindness; meals-on-wheels; neighbourhood watch; and the list is endless. It does not have to mean donating money, unless that is your energy transaction preference.

    Think of ways to share your personal energy resource with family and friends, street, community and further afield; gain personal satisfaction and pride in the process of sharing yourself in this way. What happens in your street echoes through neighbourhood, town and country – because you chose to share with someone in need.

    Then there is the energy to help those less fortunate through circumstance or geography – volunteering your time or expertise to help others; supporting worthwhile refugee organisations; or volunteering and supporting non-government organisations in developing countries needing help to advance living standards, skill base and society in general.

    You can have an energy transaction by simply Gifting to an organisation abroad. Give to provide chickens [eggs to eat and a source of income]; a goat perhaps; resources for schools; a new well for potable water and so on. If there is a need there is an energetic way to fill it.

    Gifting is not age or gender related. Children understand kindness, good thoughts and actions, and experience the happiness that accompanies acts of good will. Children mirror the altruism of adults and peers, and given the chance will find ways to Gift on their own. Your Gifting example will resound through your family in perpetuity. You are living the KEY3 ideals without knowing it.

    Using the energy of Gifting can help your universal family with a hand up, not a hand out. As caring humanitarian beings you can and do change things for the better all the time. This is the Law of the Ancients, the new way of the world; a new consciousness, a new way to heal, a new equality. What affects one eventually affects all.

    To fail in this ultimate quest for an equitable future is to fail humanity and your planet. Failure is incomprehensible when you consider what you can lose through neglect. Failure ultimately means annihilation for all species. There will be no way back.

    Do you care enough to help the world help itself, to save your planet for future generations? It only takes one to start the process and spread the KEY3 ideals. Will you join me?

    You need to show you care, and share.......

    Read the book and take the challenge!


    WITH guidance from an Ascended Master unknown to me, I was asked to write about a worldwide challenge for peace and healing, a system to save mankind from self-destruction, and the importance of children to the survival of our planet. In a dream state I received instructions to write several books in quick succession, the first released as the world entered a new era of social consciousness. I was stunned, disbelieving and overwhelmed.

    On holiday overseas I had a reading with a clairvoyant, a totally unexpected epiphany. A book was to begin my life’s work: a new consciousness, a simple way to live and share loving thought patterns and healing vibrations. It would herald a new age where vibration energy, healing, and care for the planet would be essential to future life on Earth. The information would come in dreams and cryptic meditation, ancient teachings lost yet intuitively known and hidden deep in human memory DNA. My life was mapped out for years to come. The clairvoyant and I were speechless. The reading had taken one and a half hours but had passed in the blink of an eye.

    Most of us have had a spiritual reading at some time: a bit of fun, I have had several over the years. Imagine how I felt this time on receiving direct guidance, intense yet warm, friendly and compassionate. At no time was I frightened, just completely overawed and disbelieving.

    Two weeks later and still on holidays, my mind continually drifted to the experience and I was suffering oppressive headaches. It all felt so unreal, unlike anything I had ever experienced before, yet no further spiritual guidance seemed forthcoming and I was perplexed.

    As a novice writer, totally overwhelmed and not knowing where to start, I decided to write down everything that came into my head. Unexpectedly, several book titles came immediately...... then absolute silence. I was shaken to the core. Now I knew for certain the experience was real!

    That night I slept fitfully while jumbled ideas, symbols, themes and reasoning endlessly circled my brain. Gradually the muddle assumed an oral discourse, like a CD playing in my head. I was shown a new world challenge, and this was the basis of the teachings. The lesson stopped abruptly in the early hours of the morning, and I finally fell into exhausted sleep.

    On rising, I wrote down all I could remember. The sceptic in me found it hard to comprehend, and common sense told me it couldn’t possibly be true. This happened to other people, not to me. But the proof was in front of me in my own writing. Best of all though, my headache had disappeared.

    Several months on and Divine expectation occupies my thoughts constantly. The original thoughts have at last evolved into a workable format and I feel more comfortable with transcribing and writing. Thankfully, this seems the preferred mode of contact now. A sacred contract has been brokered: I will write if Divine will guide [though cryptic symbology is often confusing].

    Despite this unorthodox alliance, spiritual contact still overwhelms me. Headaches can indicate another information download, an intense energy field that dissipates when the lesson finishes. Sometimes, talking about new ideas solves a writing block; an inability to sleep can signal another message is imminent and I reach for pen and paper. Most days, I write for several hours then ′know′ what needs changing, if not immediately, then certainly overnight.

    Why me? I honestly don’t know, I haven’t written a book before. Vibration energy has always interested me and I consciously use it to enrich my daily life. Nevertheless, I must be one of many capable of evoking Divine ideas and I admit to thinking why me, why now?

    It is a huge responsibility to be chosen to reveal enlightened ideas to the world, and I have tried to do this to best benefit your life and our planet. It is the last thing I would have thought of doing at this stage in my life. However, I hope I have done justice to expectation, and humbly ask you to read with an open mind and draw your own conclusions.

    In love and grace,

    Trinley Norbu


    THE KEY3 Personal Challenge is a concept and system to increase your conscious awareness of self and others, and questions your needs and behaviour patterns and the impact they have on world sustainability. It is a timeless system of love and kindness, an awareness of the power of loving vibration and the dynamic effect it has on all life.

    Assume personal responsibility for self by controlling thought patterns: how thoughts impact every aspect of your life, and how your responses echo around the world to affect all people because one person is really a part of all. Using universal loving vibration energy to control thought patterns results in peaceful thoughts that can lead to peaceful solutions – it could ultimately mean an end to war. It is the way of the future. It can heal and bring peace to a troubled world and YOU can make it happen.

    Resurrect a simple system to access the extraordinary power of electromagnetic energy stored in your body. Enhance health and take personal control of your spiritual and emotional life.

    Is money simply something you earn so you can spend? Is helping a neighbour with a street clean-up being a good citizen? ′Yes′ to both questions, but both are also resources, and therefore tradeable within the KEY3 system. Experience the joy and personal satisfaction of doing something worthwhile for yourself and others by redefining resources and choosing to Gift, and the impact this has on the environment. The KEY3 Holder uses these new skills at home and to help brothers and sisters worldwide.

    Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the KEY3 system and the challenge it offers. It is easy to learn and use, an extremely powerful vehicle for change in your life. Your involvement in the KEY3 Challenge broadcasts loving vibrations into the atmosphere, and these, added to the multitude emitted by others, really can change the world.

    Thought energy vibration

    Thoughts, and the patterns they make, are actually vibrations of energy. Amazingly, every thought or action you take is displayed through your aura as a vibration, the frequency, colour and pattern dependent on the thought or action contemplated.

    This is not mumbo-jumbo nonsense. All living entities display energetic emissions through the aura, an invisible bubble of subtle energy layers surrounding your body. The emissions are electromagnetic energy and their radiant vibrations have been captured using special photographic techniques.

    Electromagnetic energy, also known as universal or cosmic energy, is a natural part of every living thing. It is naturally generated in response to the basic needs of your body. Cosmic energy is also received through the breath and in natural light through the eyes and skin. It is processed through the pineal gland, situated behind the eyes, but the purpose and process is not yet fully understood.

    Processing is thought to involve the chakra system, an ancient concept of invisible wheel-like transformers aligned with your spine from base to crown. Each chakra resonates with electromagnetic energy impulses, and has its own colour and vibration frequency. Individual chakras respond to different human behaviour patterns, releasing corresponding colours through the aura. Some traditional modalities have their basis in the chakra system.

    Current belief is that universal energy is generated within to maintain internal balance by supplying needs for health and spiritual well being. The body’s need for universal energy, or the part it plays in the subtle energy system, is not yet fully understood, but it is acknowledged that the need is genuine. Likewise, investigation into the human transmission of electromagnetic energy is proving of interest to science.

    Social responsibility

    The KEY3 Challenge highlights your responsibility for others and the fate of the world. It questions human greed and the need for more, when you don’t use what you already have.

    Despite wealth and possessions, many people are surprised to discover that this is not enough to live a fulfilled and happy life. Too much of this, too much of that; little used and probably sitting at the bottom of a cupboard - why? What inner need represents your need to hoard?

    Clearing home and life of unnecessary clutter lifts a weight from your shoulders - less to worry about, less to insure, less to lose - and makes space for more important experiences and attitudes to surround you.

    Gifting is at the spiritual heart of the KEY3 concept. When you recycle Gift your unwanted items, the energy of donation finds a meaningful use for it once again. Sharing helps develop a more equitable world. Improving another′s life immeasurably, it also enhances your spiritual consciousness.

    Loving vibration healing

    Learn how easy it is to access energy vibration to heal yourself and others. A simple system of the Ancients, hands-on healing is etched deep in your memory DNA, unused and forgotten. It utilises the amazing power of electromagnetic energy already available on tap in your body, and readily available through the cosmic breath. Universal energy is already used by your body to maintain balance. This system takes the same energy and directs it through your hands.

    I promise a moment of revelation when you realise you already know how to use this healing system. The KEY3 Holder resurrects the knowledge so you can use it wherever and whenever it is needed. It will change your life.

    The basics

    This book is a personal dialogue between you and me. It is written in simple language to avoid misunderstanding. I have made no attempt at scientific study or to present scientific evidence as truth. The views expressed are from personal experience and reading, and messages are transcribed with Divine guidance. I apologise in advance for any offence incurred whilst reading this book or taking part in the KEY3 Challenge.

    We are all at different stages of our spiritual and physical manifestation on Earth, and as such, no two life experiences will be the same. Read this book with an open mind. You need to live the KEY3 concept and challenge to gain maximum benefit for self and others. Together we can change the world: every effort on the part of one will affect the degree of consciousness of the collective. You can, and will make a difference if you become a KEY3 Holder.

    The lessons are basic and everyone can participate in the learning and the challenge. There is no gender or age requirement. Children follow the system with ease and quickly grasp basic ideas if presented in a way suited to age and development.

    There is no religious basis to the teachings and they will not affect your personal belief system. However, the KEY3 system embraces many of the basic humanitarian concepts embodied in major world religions – care for self and others, kindness, love for self and mankind, self-development, self-control, and sharing with others elsewhere in the world.

    Remember the old way of helping one another with no thought of gain, your parents saying to you, ′One good turn deserves another,′ or ′Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?′ It was the way of the Ancients, the way we were taught to live, and it is the way of the future if we want to survive.

    Early beginnings

    At the tender age of six, and the only child of new emigrants, I felt the full force of leaving family, friends and home, and suffering personal discrimination and isolation for my strange accent and different clothes. Not everything proved true to the advertised dream as we moved constantly while Dad looked for work and a place to put down roots.

    Life became disillusion, with my father constantly absent for weeks at a time and my mother unhappy and isolated on a rural property, in the middle of nowhere, in a strange country: circumstances that eventually led to marriage breakdown. I was eight years old at the time and by then, also had a baby sister.

    As deemed appropriate at the time, my baby sister remained with Mum and I went with Dad. Over the years I was shuttled between parents, creating confusion and stress in a little girl who loved both parents unconditionally and did not understand what was happening. Consequently, I cannot remember the period between the ages of eight and twelve without jumbled events merging one with another in no specific chronological order: perhaps it was my way of coping with life at the time.

    Despite family help with recall, the period must have significantly affected me because my brain refuses to update old memories to the true version of events. I absolutely accept the truth, but am unable to recall the corrections at will: I have to consult the written version.

    Imagine too, the impact on my little sister who saw me fleetingly, only to lose contact altogether for at least twelve years. We are close in spirit despite living in different countries. My mother also became an important part of my family again, until she passed several years ago. With hindsight, I think I became an adult at a very young age, and it was not until I married [my husband had a happy, stable family life] that I realised the impact my broken childhood had had on me.

    Many people wear similar stories to mine. Situations and circumstances differ, but most have needed resilience and courage to survive. It is one of many pathways to wisdom and spiritual development; it defined my future and readied me for spiritual expectation and experience.

    The spirit rises

    My mother had the most spiritual influence on my life. She had the ability to heal. Phoning Mum would instantly send healing wherever we were around the world.

    After much research I believed that traditional vibration healing was the energy my mother used and I was very keen to learn more about it. I instinctively grasped the concept greedily as if a dormant memory was being recalled, the universal energy integrating seamlessly and naturally into my life. I am eternally grateful to my teacher for sharing her wisdom, insight and knowledge. She remains a valued and loving friend.

    Practice led to gradual dissatisfaction with some aspects, but I fervently believed in the energy and the process so dismissed my dissent as being ungrateful for the wondrous gift. Over time, a simpler form of practise evolved and I tried the new system on family and friends, documenting and comparing experiences with the traditional system I used on clients. The new way was simpler and results equally impressive.

    I believe my

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