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Acts of the Apostles: Regeneration Translation (Regeneration Translation Bible Series Book 3)
Acts of the Apostles: Regeneration Translation (Regeneration Translation Bible Series Book 3)
Acts of the Apostles: Regeneration Translation (Regeneration Translation Bible Series Book 3)
Ebook148 pages2 hours

Acts of the Apostles: Regeneration Translation (Regeneration Translation Bible Series Book 3)

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About this ebook

This lively book profiles Satanically influenced followers of Christ; magic and wizardry; supernatural transportation; a large scale book burning; witches, sorcery and magical arts, supernatural powers and occurrences; miraculous signs, wonders, and healing; angelic deliverance and assassination; heavenly visions; idol worship; Jewish exorcism; demon-possessed rape; and murder, bribery, and corruption at various levels of government and church.

Believed to have been written by the Gentile believer and physician Luke around A.D. 63 and 70, this book delivers a carefully documented first hand account of the delivery of the Holy Spirit to believers, the harsh realities of life in the early Christian Church, as well as various conflicts many still experience in modern day church.

A completely revitalized version of the Holy Bible in plain English, the Regeneration Translation has been carefully updated to modernize archaic numerology, words, and phrases, while maintaining the original character and integrity of earlier translations.

So scroll up and grab your copy right now!

Release dateAug 15, 2016
Acts of the Apostles: Regeneration Translation (Regeneration Translation Bible Series Book 3)

Tyra Buburuz

Tyra Buburuz is the President & CEO of Upper Room Productions Inc. and works to produce Bible based media products to encourage spiritual growth such as DVDs, books and online media.

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    Book preview

    Acts of the Apostles - Tyra Buburuz


    This lively book profiles Satanically influenced followers of Christ; magic and wizardry; supernatural transportation; a large scale book burning; witches, sorcery and magical arts; supernatural powers and occurrences; miraculous signs, wonders, and healing; angelic deliverance and assassination; heavenly visions; idol worship; Jewish exorcism; demon-possessed rape; and murder, bribery, and corruption at various levels of government and church.

    Believed to have been written by the Gentile believer and physician Luke around A.D. 63 and 70, this book delivers a carefully documented first hand account of the delivery of the Holy Spirit to believers, the harsh realities of life in the early Christian Church, as well as various conflicts many still experience in modern day church.

    A completely revitalized version of the Holy Bible in plain English, the Regeneration Translation has been carefully updated to modernize archaic numerology, words, and phrases, while maintaining the original character and integrity of earlier translations. modernize archaic numerology and words and phrases while maintaining the original character and integrity of earlier translations.

    I hope you enjoy it!

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    Chapter 1

    1 Dear Theophilus, the former statements and writings I made and conducted regarding each and every thing that Jesus began to both do and teach, 2 up until the time he was taken up, after having given orders and instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen and selected. 3 Those to whom he also presented himself alive, living and breathing in their midst, after his intense sufferings, by numerous proofs and evidences, having being seen by them for a period of forty days, and speaking to them regarding the things pertaining to God’s kingdom. 4 And being gathered together with them, he ordered and instructed them, and spoke to them, saying, Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for what was promised by the Father; which, I spoke to you, saying, 5 ‘Because John in truth baptized with water; but you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit in a short time from now.’

    6 Because of this, when they were gathered together, they asked him, saying, Lord, are you now restoring the kingdom to Israel?

    7 And he spoke to them, saying, It is not for you to know the fixed times or particular seasons, which the Father has placed within his own power of choice. 8 But you will receive power and strength and ability, after the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses and give testimony in both Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the very ends of the earth.

    9 And when he had finished speaking these things, as they watched him, he was lifted up; and a cloud took him out of their view.

    10 And as they were watching firmly and unwaveringly as he went up into heaven, look, two men stood by them dressed in white clothing; 11 who spoke to them, saying, You men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was lifted up from you into heaven, will also come in the same way as you watched him go into heaven.

    12 Then they went back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, which is a Sabbath day’s journey from Jerusalem. 13 And when they arrived, they went up into the upper room where they had been residing. Both Peter and John and James and Andrew; and Philip and Thomas; and Bartholomew and Matthew; and Alphaeus’ son James, and the Zealot Simon; and James’ son Judas. 14 These all persevered harmoniously and in agreement, firmly and unwaveringly, in both their prayers and petitions to God, together with the women, and Jesus’ mother Mary, and with his brothers.

    15 And in those times Peter stood up among the disciples, and spoke, saying, (and the number of people assembled together there was about a hundred and twenty), 16 Brothers and sisters, it was necessary for the scripture to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke in past times through and by the mouth of David in regard to Judas, who was a guide and leader to those who seized Jesus. 17 Because he was counted together with us; and received, by lot, his share in this ministry.

    18 (Now this person acquired a field with the wages of his lawlessness and iniquity; and tumbling forward, he broke open in the middle, and all his insides poured out. 19 And it became common knowledge to everyone residing in Jerusalem; so much so that in their own dialect that field was named Akeldama, which is the same as saying, ‘Field of Blood.’)

    20 "Because it is written in the book of Psalms:

    " ‘Allow his dwelling to be made lonely and uninhabited and desolate; and allow no person to reside in it;’


    " ‘Allow another person to take over his position and duties.’

    21 Therefore of these men which have convened and assembled together with us the entire time that the Lord Jesus was living in our midst, 22 starting with the baptism of John, up until the time that he was lifted up from us, it is necessary that one of these must become a witness alongside us of his resurrection from death.

    23 And they nominated two men: Joseph named Barsabbas, whose surname was Justus, and Matthias. 24 And they prayed, and spoke, saying, You, Lord, who has absolute knowledge of each and every person’s heart, indicate which of these two men you have chosen and selected, 25 so that he may take part in this service and ministry and apostleship, from which Judas, through and by violating orders and instructions, turned from in order to depart to his own place. 26 And they cast their lots; and the lot came down on Matthias; and he was counted with the eleven apostles.

    Chapter 2

    1 And when the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all harmonious and in agreement and gathered together in one particular place in a house. 2 And all of a sudden a roar like the sweeping of a violent and forcible wind came from heaven, and filled the entire house where they were all sitting down. 3 And tongues split and divided like fire appeared to them there; and it sat down on each and every one of them. 4 And each and every one of them were filled and influenced with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak and utter words in different languages and dialects as the Spirit gave them speech.

    5 And there were devout and religious men who were Jewish people residing in Jerusalem, from each and every nation under heaven. 6 And when the sound of their speaking and utterance was heard, the large crowds of people assembled together, and were very confused and perplexed, because each and every person heard them speak and utter words in their own dialect and in their own language. 7 And they were all amazed and astounded, and were very surprised and astonished, and spoke, saying, Look, are not all these people who are speaking from Galilee? 8 So how is it that we, and each and every person hears them speaking in our own native dialects and in our own native languages? 9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites; and those residing in Mesopotamia; and in Judea; and in Cappadocia; and in Pontus, and in Asia; 10 and those in Phrygia and Pamphylia; and in Egypt and the regions of Libya around Cyrene; and temporary residents from Rome, both Jewish people and converts to Judaism; 11 Cretans and Arabians, each and every person hears them speaking in our own native dialects and in our own native languages the excellent and splendid and wonderful works of God.

    12 And they were all amazed and astounded, and were puzzled and baffled, speaking to one another, saying, What does this mean?

    13 But others poking fun spoke, saying, These men are intoxicated with sweet wine.

    14 But Peter, standing alongside the eleven, raised his voice, and spoke to them, saying, "You men of Judea, and each and every one of you who reside in Jerusalem, let this be well known to you, and listen closely and attentively to my words. 15 Because these people are not drunk and intoxicated, as you assume and suspect they are; seeing as it is only nine o’clock in the morning; 16 but this is what was spoken of through and by the prophet Joel when he spoke, saying,

    17 " ‘And it will happen in the final times, God announces, that I will give and measure out my Spirit on all mankind. And your sons and your daughters will foretell and speak my will and my message through divine inspiration, and your young men will see inspired visions, and your old men will dream inspired dreams. 18 Yes, and at that time I will give and measure out my Spirit on my male and female servants; and they will foretell and speak my will and my message through divine inspiration. 19 And I will grant wonders and miracles in the heaven above; and signs and miracles and wonders on the earth below; vital blood and fiery fire and vapors of smoke. 20 The sun will be corrupted into darkness, and the moon will become blood, before the immense and glorious and illustrious time of the Lord’s coming. 21 And it will happen that whoever calls on the name and authority of the Lord will be saved.’

    22 "You men descended from Israel, listen closely to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved of by God as seen among you through and by powerful works and miracles and signs and wonders which God brought about and caused to happen by him in your midst, as you yourselves already know; 23 him, being given over by the predetermined purpose and forethought and per–arrangement of God, you have seized, and by wicked and evil hands, have crucified and violently murdered. 24 Whom God gloriously raised up, having dissolved the intolerable anguish and dire calamity of death, because it was not possible for him to be retained or remain captive by it. 25 Because David spoke regarding him, saying,

    " ‘I discerned the Lord in front of me at all times; because he is on my right hand I will not

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