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The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny: The Billionaire Vampire's Memoir, #3
The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny: The Billionaire Vampire's Memoir, #3
The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny: The Billionaire Vampire's Memoir, #3
Ebook50 pages46 minutes

The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny: The Billionaire Vampire's Memoir, #3

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Part 3 of the Billionaire Vampire's Memoir Series!

Emily Shields has been in the employ of the alluring, reclusive Vampire author known as Damian Corinth for over a year. But after spending the past six months apart to promote his tell-all memoir, Emily now has to break it to the centuries-old Vampire that she has cheated on him - with a Vampire Hunter, no less!

As if that wasn't enough, Emily must contend with a dangerous new player in Damian's mysterious game. The newcomer, Stephen, just happens to be Damian's own Vampire progeny - and he quickly casts doubt on many of the things Damian has told her about his own past. It doesn't take long before Emily finds herself wondering who she can trust, and even questioning her devotion to Damian. After all, they've been apart for so long... 

Emily is caught up in the passionate young Vampire's web... only this time, she's not so sure she wants to escape.


The vampire swirled the wine at the bottom of his glass. The deep red liquid shone like blood in the firelight. "It would seem you are rather fortunate that I am not quite so savage."

"'Just a little taste,' that's all you want, right?" Emily scoffed, throwing back the rest of the wine.

"If you are offering."

Emily felt a stirring inside her. Once, Damian had spoken to her with such playfulness. It had never failed to excite her. The wineglass hovered inches from her parted lips for a few beats. Stephen continued on, a gleam in his amber eye.

"How long has it been since Damian drank of you? How long since you have felt the touch of his fangs?" His voice was a low whisper, and Emily found herself moving closer to hear him. His aura of cold no longer seemed so uncomfortable. It felt oddly pleasant, the chill, tingling sensation prickling the hairs on her skin. She could not be sure if the shiver that coursed through her was from the strange aura… or from a deep, buried longing it was stirring up. "He would never know. He might suspect. A vampire can sense things about those they have tasted, you see, but we have difficulty detecting one another. And even you would not betray me. I could seal your memory, make you forget I was ever here. Make you forget anything we might do together..."

Stephen's hand was inches from her face. The sliver of fear that lingered in her was slowly being drowned out by a whirlwind of sensations, an aching desire to relinquish control and sink into the pleasant haze this charming, dangerous vampire's words were conjuring up.

"I warned you once…" Emily pulled back, trying to sound scolding. In reality, she wanted the sensation to continue, but she couldn't let him know it.

"An old habit. I'm not used to speaking with humans without using my glamour. I'll try to be more... careful. "

"Just tell me why you are really here."

"Because we are very much alike, you and I." The vampire smiled and seemed to shimmer. Suddenly the distance between them had disappeared. His nearness was palpable, his icy aura tickling at her skin as he leaned close against her. She was about to leap to her feet when a hand grasped her gently by the wrist. The coldness shot through her like an icy balm, relaxing her muscles and soothing the knot that had lodged in her stomach ever since she had woken this morning. Emily let out an involuntary sigh, unable or unwilling to pull away from the strange vampire. Stephen loomed over her, drawing her in. She shivered and braced herself, half expecting him to kiss her, waiting breathlessly for the sharp pain of his fangs on her neck.

PublisherSage Reamen
Release dateOct 19, 2015
The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny: The Billionaire Vampire's Memoir, #3

Sage Reamen

Sage Reamen is a school teacher with a very naughty hobby. After a long day in the classroom, she uses her erotic stories and romances to live out her secret fantasies by night. Sage knows that fun sex is good sex, and she strives to inject humor and playfulness into steamy situations and red-hot lovemaking. For a walk on her wild side, check out her catalog to find a plethora of great books that will keep you up at night.

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    Book preview

    The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny - Sage Reamen

    The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny

    The Billionaire Vampire's Memoir, Volume 3

    Sage Reamen

    Published by Sage Reamen, 2015.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. October 19, 2015.

    Copyright © 2015 Sage Reamen.

    ISBN: 978-1516359356

    Written by Sage Reamen.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    The Billionaire Vampire's Progeny (The Billionaire Vampire's Memior, #3)

    Sign up for Sage Reamen's Mailing List

    Further Reading: The Billionaire Vampire's Project

    About the Author

    Final boarding call for flight 4273 with service to Târgu-Mureș, Romania. We repeat: This is your final boarding call for outflight 4273 to Transylvania.

    Emily jolted awake where she sat slumped over her handbag, visions of sinister fanged figures flashing before her eyes. Romania. Origin of the vampire myth, home of the legendary Vlad the Impaler. She laughed quietly to herself even as a chill shivered through her.

    ‘No thanks, Transylvania. I have enough vampires to deal with,’ she mused. Emily drew back into her chair as the remnants of some shadowy nightmare danced at the edge of her mind. For once, she wasn’t here to board a plane for some business meeting in a new country on behalf of her employer and lover.... a man who just happened to be a centuries-old vampire. This time, he was coming to her.

    Emily stared blankly at the arrivals screen before her and began to chew her lip. The clock at the bottom flashed a number. It was late, dark already. She shivered again. A few days ago, Emily would have been thrilled at what that darkness implied, giddy with anticipation, knowing that her lover would arrive with the coming of night. She would have welcomed the inky blackness, knowing that soon she would soon be enveloped in Damian’s soft embrace. But now... well, things were suddenly very different.

    And very soon, she would have to deal with the consequences.

    Emily wished she could be happier about his arrival. She hadn’t seen Damian in months, had only found out this morning that he would be arriving on the first flight in that evening. His voice had stolen her breath away; it instantly called to mind the last night they’d spent together, a scene she’d played over and over in her head every evening. Every evening, until she met the vampire hunter who had saved her from Damian’s own progeny, another vampire her lover had never thought to warn her about. That same hunter had made her doubt Damian, with his sexy Outback take on tousled blond hair and green eyes, right up until he seduced her into one of the most passionate nights of her life. She hadn’t even had time to eat breakfast the next morning before her lover called her, announcing his imminent, and extremely inconvenient, arrival. That couldn’t have been a coincidence... could it?

    Either way, Emily was going to find out how a vampire reacted when he found out he’d been cheated on.

    ‘It’s your own damn fault,’ a voice screamed in her head, ‘ what are you going to do about it now?’ She’d been chastising herself nonstop since she’d woken up this morning next to the dangerous young vampire hunter, Nolan Andrews. Well, actually, next to the space he had previously occupied. Emily didn’t know when he’d left or how he’d slipped out without her noticing.

    Damian would never have slipped out without a word. But then, Damian was never a one-night affair... for either of them.

    Something like this had been building. She’d been managing this book tour on her lover’s behalf for months, as it was no easy feat to cater to the masses when you could only come out safely after dark. Emily pined for her ebony-haired lover, longing for the touch of his masterful, alabaster hands. Week after

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