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Herbal Remedies Guide: Uses of 100 Herbs for Common Ailments: Step-By-Step Guide for Using Herbal Remedies
Herbal Remedies Guide: Uses of 100 Herbs for Common Ailments: Step-By-Step Guide for Using Herbal Remedies
Herbal Remedies Guide: Uses of 100 Herbs for Common Ailments: Step-By-Step Guide for Using Herbal Remedies
Ebook36 pages22 minutes

Herbal Remedies Guide: Uses of 100 Herbs for Common Ailments: Step-By-Step Guide for Using Herbal Remedies

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This book highlights the real effects that herbal remedies can have on the human body. The most popular herbs are outlined along with a few that are not so well known. The main point is that they are highlighted for their properties and the positive effects that they can have on particular illnesses. A lot of the herbs are typically found in your local supermarket and may even be used for everyday cooking purposes. The fact is that they are not hard to find and once taken under the guidance of a qualified herbalist or doctor can do wonders for alleviating whichever illness you may have. Nowadays people are opting to go with the more natural options and herbal remedies are in the list. As the effects of chemically manufactured medications are much worse sometimes fatal it is much easier to go with an option that works just as effectively and is one hundred percent natural. As the world moves toward health and wellness, the herbs highlighted in the book will become more prevalent in many courses of treatment that is prescribed for persons. Even the traditional doctors are starting to include natural remedies in their treatment plan. After all the chemically based medicines all came from herbs didn't they?
Release dateOct 2, 2012
Herbal Remedies Guide: Uses of 100 Herbs for Common Ailments: Step-By-Step Guide for Using Herbal Remedies

Angela Curtis

Angela Curtis has spent most of her adult life learning about herbs and the effects that they can have on certain illnesses that plague mankind. From the wealth of knowledge that she has garnered "Herbal Remedies Explained" was born. She outlines in as much detail as she can the various properties of the herbs and how they work to heal the body. A few recipes (if you want to term them as such) are outlined as well for some simple yet effective home remedies. One thing that Angela does not deviate from is the fact that no matter what you may have diagnosed by yourself that a medical professional ought to be consulted before any herb or combination of herbs is taken. This is vital as the wrong amounts can be taken which might trigger some adverse effects. She puts everything together in a few chapters but she could go on and on as these herbs do work on more than one illness. The one highlighted are the most common like asthma and eczema. Even issues with the ear, nose and throat are covered. She is not claiming to be a guru but she is as close to it as one can get with the knowledge that she has chosen to impart on effective herbal remedies.

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