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The Rejuvenation Process
The Rejuvenation Process
The Rejuvenation Process
Ebook127 pages2 hours

The Rejuvenation Process

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About this ebook

The Rejuvenation Process is a playbook to assist you during those seasons in the wilderness. Long gone are the days of wandering the wilderness for 40 years. Through raw “Unmasked Moments,” anecdotes, analogies, and prayers, this book was created to help you get your fight back. Not only does it help you get your fight back, but also it gives you strategy to win the fight!
Release dateDec 15, 2014
The Rejuvenation Process

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    Are you one of those people who celebrate and rejoice when those around you excel? Do you get excited and praise the Lord when they get the things they have prayed for? God is no respecter of persons and in principle, what He does for one, He can do for another...a.k.a. YOU! When it happens for the next person, do you jump up and declare, it might as well be me, after hearing their testimony?

    Days, months, even years pass and that thing you believed God to do, has yet to come to pass. Everyone else is getting the things God has promised or the things they have desired; seemingly in an instant. Everyone else is getting married. Everyone else is getting a new car. Everyone else is living in the home of their dreams. Everyone else is having children. But what about you?

    The saints of God try to encourage you with the last shall be first and the first shall be last scripture. It doesn’t feel so great being the last when the end does not look like it’s anywhere in sight. Friends and family usually counteract what the saints of God say by weighing in just like Job’s friends did. Don’t you go to church every Sunday? Aren’t you serving faithfully and tithing? Are you STILL believing God for that promise? Where’s your happily ever after? Don’t feel discontented and lose hope for the things God has promised. Don’t lose hope for the desires of your heart.

    When feelings of complacency, discontentment, anger, hurt, bitterness, impatience, faithlessness, and resentment (to name a few) occur, it is time to enter God’s spa and get rejuvenated. A spa is typically a place where a person goes to receive various health treatments to help one relax, heal, and enjoy oneself. These health treatments are called spa treatments, which are non-medical procedures that assist with the health of one’s body. Treatments frequently offered include: body wraps, massages, facials, aromatherapy, manicures, pedicures, skin exfoliation, waxing, meditation, and bathing options such as hot tub, mud bath, steam bath, sauna and peat pulp bath to help a person release stress, relax, and have a better mental state. Some of these treatments even help your body detox, but we’ll discuss that later.

    When you get tired in the faith fight, it’s time for a spa treatment. When you don’t have faith in what you believe anymore, it’s time for a spa treatment. When you feel like giving up, it’s time for you to schedule a spa day. When you feel your arms are too heavy to stay raised alone, it’s time to have a spa party with some close friends. When you don’t feel like you can go on anymore, it’s time for a much needed spa package. And I’m talking about the works! When your heart feels so heavy that you just can’t seem to keep it together, it’s time to spend some time at the spa. If you are in the midst of a transition and there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, it just may be time for a spa weekend. Spa time is definitely an investment. But aren’t you worth the investment?

    Although everyone reading this may not have the privilege of frequenting an actual spa on a regular basis, I must admit after leaving God’s spiritual spa (an altar if you will), I’ve felt much better than leaving the physical, real-life spa. God’s touch can relax you, release goodness into your life, refresh your spirit, and restore your faith. When I leave God’s presence after letting Him hook me up, I don’t know about you, but I feel rejuvenated. It is my deepest prayer that as you read this book, God will rejuvenate your spirit and you will be equipped to dominate every area of your life. When we are weary and need a faith boost or relaxation from a stressful environment, God’s spa should be the first place we go. When the kids are super rambunctious, time away helps. But, time away with God rejuvenates me to last longer; and be stronger when I go back to those sweet and worrisome faces. When your spouse is not acting right, time away together may help make things better. But until there has been time away with God, don’t expect all things to be worked out. Just because my spouse is being argumentative, does not mean there is not something that God wants to change in me. Time away with God helps me fix me, so God can in turn, fix my spouse.

    After a break-up, jumping into another relationship or the club scene does not change the hurt on the inside, but time away with God does. We should be visiting God before things get bad and before and during seasons when trials occur. Time at the spa is a time of rest and rejuvenation, restoration, and relaxation. Time in the spa builds endurance, trust, and faith in our lives. The spa is our place of refuge. Let’s stop getting worn down before we let God invigorate us.

    This book, this tool will provide you with weapons to gird you up for faith fights, deep trenches, and encourage you to take regular spa treatments. I will share some of my own spa sessions through candid, unmasked moments. I pray that your areas of hurt, shame, and brokenness are completely obliterated after the completion and internalization of this book.

    The rejuvenation process should occur several times within our lives because we each constantly experience transition throughout our walk. I encourage you to read and reread The Rejuvenation Process. It will be a quick read, but for internalization purposes you will need to reflect and pray often. I also encourage you to journal through this entire process. Journaling can be very therapeutic and allow your heart to spill out everything your mind will not allow it to say. Are you excited to dive into these chapters? Me too! Grab your journal and let’s go!

    1: Peace in the Wilderness

    Unmasked Moment with Yahweh

    God can you hear me? Am I on mute? *taps mic* Is this thing on? Just need to let it all out. I don’t understand this at all. I don’t feel complete. Something is definitely missing. What else can I do? I’m asking, believing, confessing, demonstrating, expecting, and forgiving. I have the ABC’s of faith covered, what next? Are my expectations too high? Because each time it doesn’t happen, I hit an ugly low. I didn’t even know I could get THIS low.

    There’s so much disappointment and hurt. I’m so tired of slapping my neighbor and confessing God’s gonna do it. Shoot! I’m not even sure He’s gonna do it. Is this His will? Why would He put this desire in my heart, if He’s never gonna allow it to happen? My heart has been torn into pieces several times and at this point I just want to salvage the pieces I have left. Heal me Lord. It’s been too much to bear alone. This journey seems so uncertain.

    Carrying this hurt around is too much for any one. I’m still standing, still holding on, still praying, still changing. Nothing’s ever been so hard. Seemingly holding it together isn’t cutting it anymore. My pieces are falling apart slowly. Can You put me back together again?

    God I just want to lay down my will for Your will. If You never see fit for that thing to come to pass, You are still Holy and perfect in ALL of Your ways. I ask that You take my will and burn it. Not my will, but Your will be done in my life Lord. I don’t want anything that You don’t want me to have. All the selfish desires and even those that don’t line up with Your perfect will in my life; take them out of my heart. Burn them out of my mind. Empty me of all my desires Lord. Fill me up with only the things You want inside of me. You make no mistakes and You know exactly what I can and cannot handle.

    It is Well with My Soul

    A Shunammite woman longed for a son gravely. The prophet Elisha spoke into her life and told her she would have a son next year. Indeed, what he’d spoken had come to pass. Much time passed and the boy grew. One day he didn’t feel well and died. She told Gehazi It is well although her son was dead. The child she’d always desired to have was gone and clearly her soul was distressed. But in the midst of it all she confessed, It is well. Her actions were driven by her faith. At one point in her life having a child come from her womb seemed nearly impossible. And here comes the prophet Elisha making what was impossible for so long, possible.

    Her faith takes her so far that she doesn’t even tell anyone her son is no longer alive. She made haste to go see the prophet at a time that was not the typical time one would take a trip to see the man of God. She sets her faith to reach the prophet in hopes that he can make the impossible, possible once again. Before she left she even went as far as to tell her husband, It is well or in other words, It’s gon' be alright. It is my belief that she continued to tell herself It is well the entire trip until she met with the prophet Elisha.

    Although she told Gehazi one thing, Elisha could tell by the way she ran to him, everything was not so. She maintained her peace during a traumatic experience and believed for God to show up once again. God did show up and her son’s life was restored. It is imperative that no matter the situation or circumstance that you keep your peace. Even if you have to continually confess it is well for you and your situation, maintaining the peace God gave you can help you through any situation that comes your way including storms. John 14:27 clearly states that the world didn’t give you peace in the first place, so nothing in this world can take it away

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