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Female Sexual Potential
Female Sexual Potential
Female Sexual Potential
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Female Sexual Potential

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This book contains a theory of why most women remain unaware of their unusual sexual capacities as women with female physiologies. It looks at sexual expression, voltage and current as a function of internal emotional and mental conditions and only secondarily as a function of external stimulation.
Release dateSep 13, 2014
Female Sexual Potential

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    Female Sexual Potential - William H. Watts


    Chapter One

    Extended Foreplay

    A few hundred years ago a famous saint in India said that if he were to forget God for even half a second, his life would be in vain. He strove for continual remembrance of the Divine Lover and eventually merged in Him. Very few individuals have the sublime spiritual destiny which would enable them to hold such a view, and permit a life of such continually exalted focus. However, those whose lives are lived primarily in the so-called secular realm – and in particular within a domestic context – could learn something from this uncompromising utterance, and the dedicated mental attitude which prompted it.

    Most human beings live a householder existence at one time or another, participate in a sustained relationship with another person of the opposite sex, beget children and make some attempt to bring them up with a proper set of moral and ethical values which nurtures all aspects of their well-being.

    If the goals of such activities are peace, contentment, happiness and fulfillment for those involved in them, it might be well if the individuals concerned could strive to hold a more or less constant awareness that it is the expansion of happiness and not the infliction of misery at which they are aiming; the really ambitious might even strive for a refined state of being wherein their fundamental aspirations are not lost sight of for even ‘half a second’.

    Awareness of fundamental goals should be continual as far as it is practical, for accomplishments in secular and domestic life require the same attributes that serve as a basis for growth in spiritual life: constancy, one-pointedness, recollectedness, commitment of the requisite levels of energy, and intense dedication to the ideals to be realized. The development of these success attributes provides the energetic focus which lies at the basis of accomplishment in any sphere of life.

    There is an abundance of literature demonstrating the application of ‘success attributes’ in religious, entrepreneurial and athletic life but a scarcity of writing on how these same attributes can be applied to human relationships. Perhaps that is because the small but constant acts of love which nourish and sustain successful relationships, and give enormous comfort and stability during the daily difficulties and challenges or ordinary life, have never gained a glamorous profile in the hierarchy of modern cultural values.

    That a well-crafted presentation of deep, constant – yet ordinary – human love would have huge popular appeal and generate universal interest has been demonstrated by the enormous financial success of the movie ‘Forrest Gump’ whose main character embodies many of the attributes which have been put forth in this chapter as a basic requirement for successful relationships. The deep emotional responses in people who have watched ‘Forrest Gump’ prove that the portrayal of the value of pure, simple, unselfish love causes a deep resonance in the human heart for such love is absolutely essential for human growth and fulfillment.

    One of the major reasons male-female relationships slip into sexual mediocrity is that men manifest floppy and negligent attitudes toward the sensibilities of women. This is caused by a lack of concerted focus on the primary purpose of a relationship between the sexes; which is to nourish and facilitate the happiness of two human beings.

    Assuming that a male is interested in focusing unselfishly on the happiness of others in the family environment, what then are the qualities of personality which facilitate the realization of his goal?

    If there are qualities in the male head of a family which might be said to be absolutely indispensable for a happy home life for all members of the family, they are probably those of imperturbability, serenity, fidelity, and inexhaustible sympathy and support; imperturbability and serenity preclude anger and violence, fidelity gives the woman a profound and permanent feeling of security, and sympathy and support are the ultimate solvents for dissolving the stresses of the individual members of a household.

    Within family life there are constant activities which test a man’s capacity to avoid expressing anger. As children roar through the house like crazed banshees, the physiological rigidities of adulthood cringe before their seemingly mindless ebullience, and beleaguered mothers naturally displace their frustration and angst onto their spouses.

    If men could dissolve the impulses to anger and perhaps violence which tend to occur in these situations, family life would always have an underlying tone of emotional quiet and tolerance. These qualities would pulsate in the background like a soft balm despite any temporary madness in the home generated by the fiercely competitive and volatile egos of developing children and by the wackily accelerated pace of modern life.

    A controlled, self-disciplined male would serve as a core of sweet sanity, approval and support which would ensure that any derangement of household peace by warring children and fatigue-driven wives would soon be resolved without any ugly residue generated by angry or violent responses to hectic situations.

    One of the interesting concepts in eastern philosophy which describes in detail the entire inner structure of the human personality, is that of the subtle body: the mental and emotional complex of a human being.

    Our instinctive knowledge about this subtle body and its susceptibility to injury – despite its metaphysical nature – is contained in everyday expressions like, you hurt my feelings and its vulnerability to lasting damage is now recognized in legal circles by actions in tort for ‘mental distress’ and ‘emotional shock’. The subtle body is not identical with the physical body but when the mind or emotions are traumatized, any disturbance in them is transmitted to the nerves and plexus areas of the physical body where it creates knots of stress and ultimately produces sickness.

    For several generations, children who have unconsciously learned the value of a strong subtle body have uttered the following taunt to their playmates: Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Would that it were so during their entire lives.

    The subtle body of a woman is particularly sensitive.

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