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Timeless Search: The Adventures Of Janr Ssor
Timeless Search: The Adventures Of Janr Ssor
Timeless Search: The Adventures Of Janr Ssor
Ebook385 pages6 hours

Timeless Search: The Adventures Of Janr Ssor

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Timeless Search is destined to be a cult classic for those of you with unfettered imagination! It is a challenging Rubik's cube. One formed from the molten lava of esoteric thinking and annealed with the scientific speculation of today's best research, by master alchemist, author Janr Ssor. It is a journey through wonderland kicked off with the magical simplicity of Dorothy’s shoes, made of nothing more than Janr’s lucid dreams and some very hypnotic computer technology. After all, dreams are a doorway to another dimension, the D-Dimension. But before the adventure begins, the author treats us to a hint of what’s to come through a very different view of creation with all the Kabbalistic mysticism of Genesis and none of the love of God. A must read for those who want to dream outside the box!

PublisherJanr Ssor
Release dateSep 2, 2011
Timeless Search: The Adventures Of Janr Ssor

Janr Ssor

Janr Ssor is a Nome De Plume for Dr Joseph A Ross and Janr is a hero of our stories. In reality, Dr Ross has been writing science fiction, mysticism, medical educational materials and software for nearly 40 years. Dr Ross created the concept of Holistic Vision Care and founded He later designed and programmed both medical software which allows the diagnosis of systemic health problems through the eyes as well as anti-spam software. This was distributed through his software company, Dr Ross is a community leader who was a co-founder of - a group of holistic healers who share innovative healing techniques each month and - A think tank for creative local business leaders. Dr Ross has spent many years studying mysticism, energy medicine, theology, and is a perennial student of science especially in the areas of physics. His hobbies are computers, motorcycles, bicycle riding and, of course, writing.

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    Timeless Search - Janr Ssor


    Published by Janr Ssor At Smashwords.

    PROLOGUE: In the beginning, before Earth was born, there was no time, no space, no change and it was good. All the child minds of the god like Eterna shared the knowledge of All Knowledge and took joy in its creation and sharing. Scalar energy manifested for all in all. In its infinite forms, we were it and it was us. All of our being was energized with enthusiasm, joy and creativity. The dream of dimensionless and dimension-full being spun in our mind. All the endless possibilities of the infinite dream manifest in our singing the Song Of Eternal Unity.

    It was in the Eternal Song that the First Event manifested. The Eternal Song Stopped and took notice and a new world was born without our knowledge! Still there was nothing but the Eternal Song and it's newborn child world. But the newborn child world was an opposing song and so the Eternal melody took upon itself a new life but one not planned. This life was in opposition to the New Song. It was a new contrapuntal device that could never cease, as we together became the apparent new universe. And it was the very first Event. So a point of reference entered eternity and it was good.

    In the Joy Of The New Song, the Second Event manifested. The Eternal Song sung in two voices gave creation to linear existence, as each song became more conscious of its mirror existence. Linear separation manifested its very first existence. So the Linear World in all its manifestations was formed. And it was the second Event.

    It was in the wave of new musical harmony that the Third Event manifested. In the joy of singing two melodies, all linear infinity chose to be in more than one dimension. In so choosing, Infinite space filled with song in all directions and a universe of three dimensions became manifest. It was the third Event.

    As our consciousness grew in variation and new knowledge, we realized we were separate from that which was now apparently part of the expanded universe. There was now distance between us and the new universe. The Eternal Song manifested in all directions but in its contrapuntal waveform there were the seeds of something still unborn, the dimension of time. And it was then that space became one with infinite time. Time and change had manifested to add richness to our song. It was the fourth Event.

    Now we had known ourselves as infinite but in this expanded existence we were but a part of an infinite universe. We were small and alone but still with endless opportunity. In great variation on theme and melody we chose to fill eternity. It was the first beginning of physical existence. As our song exploded outward to fill our new eternity, so did new dimensional energy in its opposing song. Great energy was born in many forms, both moving and frozen. Each rushed out with us to fill all Eternity. Physical being was manifested. It was the Fifth Event.

    It was then and there that we new our first limitation. The new eternal universe showed within itself thought and process and began to manifest without us in its own infinite form. We were separate from this new existence. We were alone, without meaning, without purpose, without physical being in a universe born anew and filling with physical being. Where once there was peace and perfection in infinite mental form, now there was change and variation in infinite physical form. We could only look on and listen to the new song of which we, without physical being, had no part. It was the Sixth Event.

    It was then that we rested from our Eternal Song and looked upon that which was our new universe and we wondered. It was the Seventh Event. We wondered; would it be good?

    We watched as the universe was molded into its infinite forms. We watched as small worlds formed with its myriads of life forms. We watched as the life forms became sentient and empowered. We watched because we were one with but not one of. We were not its creator!

    Chapter 1 - The Physical World

    One of the earliest worlds to acquire life was named Terra by its two sentient beings. One was male and the other female. We watched as they began to discover the universe they had been created to experience. The universe itself had created them as melody within the new contrapuntal song in contrast to our singing. They lived in joy as we had done and unlike us in our infinite multitude, they were small and alone. Alone until their sharing created something quite unexpected, a child born from the body of the female. They lavished all their love upon the child and we could see the potential. The world blossomed with life that served them and nourished them physically. In a universe like this, with the dimension of time, they would fill the universe as we once did. With that process they would take ownership, something we could not do. Something new filled our minds, rage!

    Though we had no physical form, we knew we could still influence the energy patterns and physical laws of this world. A plan swiftly emerged in our minds. We began to heat the core of this planet beneath a mountain that formed the backdrop to the valley in which these beings chose to live. The mountain split open and poured golden lava into the valley. All the green life forms that these beings fed upon went up in smoke. It was a satisfying aroma to our imagined senses! The beings climbed onto a rock wall and into a cavern cradling their small child, believing they could defy us. Now the lava filled the valley and rose higher and higher. They huddled in the cavern opening trembling in fear. Finally as the lava breached the opening, in a futile gesture the beings wrapped their arms and bodies around their small creation even hoping to succeed as their bodies burst into steaming debris. And then the child died with a final scream of agony! We had won!

    But the lava was receding without our will. The mountain was cooling. Our strength was infinite but our grasp was slipping away. The energy of our creation lit the stars of this universe, the dreams of our infinite mind gave it harmonious laws and yet it was beginning to exist without our devotion! In some way we were less connected with this new existence. We were not physical beings, like these! Our energy was no longer interacting with the energy and physical being of this new world’s song. In puzzlement and confusion our contact faded and we became little more than observers! There was for the first time, separation of knowledge. The energy stream was different? We did not understand this separation! How could the world exist without our giving it defined structure? Our existence had changed, for in this world of physical being, we now appeared to have no part. We could not affect it in any way. We were totally disenfranchised, where once we were all empowered! Our song was for the first time sad. In this new universe of waves there existed both happiness and sadness. Before its existence there was only The Song. Everything now had a mirror image. There was heat and non-heat, light and dark, energy and matter, sound and silence, life and death and finally us and them. Our song had been sung for all of Eternity, our knowledge was infinite; but, infinity was infinite and this was a new infinite reality. We were as cold is to warm, empty.

    In our inner council we decided that the only good choice was to end the cycle of matter and return to the Great Song Of Eternal Unity. In the Beginning, Our universe had been anything we wished it to be, for all of eternity, or it had seemed so. In this new universe there were now beings of matter and spirit, beings that were blind to the truth of either reality and very small in intellect. They were by our standards flawed and failing. This material universe appeared to be an accidental and failed experiment that had to end. In addition, being not of such physical structure as these beings, we were in this new reality, demoted from omnipotent to simply observers of everything material. Our first goal was to reverse these events and recreate the perfect universe rather than this apparently flawed one.

    To this end, we scanned the universe in its time flow and found possible options. As the new universe created itself from our infinite scalar energy, so could the cycle reverse. After all, the new universe was all about cycles of waves. The new universe was expanding infinitely small and infinitely large as we observed it. It was a simple repetition of infinite fractals of invisible energy sculpted into geometric forms of tetrahedrons. The mathematical forms created laws of existence while the energy lit countless stars. It was a simple fractal structure we could easily understand. Though we could not physically manipulate this physical universe any longer, for reasons we could not comprehend, we knew we could influence its weak sentient beings and have them do the work for us! After all, despite the unexplained loss of physical control, the thought connection with all of this universe was intact! As time flowed forward, countless civilizations filled this new eternity, their trivial pain and suffering, in the death we planned for them, meant nothing to us compared to the glory we would regain! After all, they were infinitely weak dust compared to our grandeur.

    We planned a final event. We worked on this goal endlessly. After aeons of failed experiments to influence these sentient beings to do our bidding, we finally perfected our technique. Today we would begin the final solution. Across this new universe we would plant seeds of its destruction. Our central focus would be a small third planet of a yellow sun that had a life form we might again try to control. In our search we had found that the minds of all life forms, were one with the ultimate mind of this new universe. Though we had no physical body with which to move physical form, and our energy, possibly weakened by infinite space could no longer influence matter, we knew that our thought process could influence the thoughts of all these physical beings. With our mental concentration they would perceive our influence as if it were a burst of creative thoughts from the Cosmic Consciousness of this new universe. They would not detect our real goals in manipulating them to their very destruction. If we could destroy these pathetic creatures with their simple minds we could duplicate this event endlessly. In the end we would also destroy their Cosmic Soul. A new Song was to be sung for this little planet and the rest of this ill formed universe, ours alone!

    Chapter 2 - Turning Mater Into Energy

    Our first experiment on this world was with the continent they called Atlantis. Atlantis was the one great landmass upon which life had become sentient. This was the only significant dry area of this planet as nearly 75 % of this planet was sea. We had watched patiently over almost 4 Billion years as their world formed and their civilization rose to power. There were over 7 million sentient beings, all of an advanced enough civilization, to serve our purpose. Here we had nearly succeeded. We could whisper into their minds as they slept at night. With our communication in their sleep state, we had distorted their perception of reality so that their science was flawed. This was easy with such limited minds. In addition we had lead them to a disastrous economic precipice. They were running out of energy to sustain their civilization and yet tantalizingly close to what they thought was a science, which would bring them unlimited power. They had the beginnings of space travel and a thirst to expand their civilization to other planets. We had helped them discover the dangers of remaining on one world where a new Ice Age or stellar calamity could end their civilization. We led them down the path to a science which we anticipated they could not understand or control. We led them to create a source of infinite energy, through destroying matter. As their massive engineering marvels sought to crush matter, they were to soon learn how little they knew about the true structure of this universe. Through our influence, they had gained the use of this force to power their space ships and so they thought they knew all they needed to know. In the last minutes, of what we planned to be the end of their existence, they failed us. In their quest for infinite energy, most of their continent and nearly all its life forms were converted to pure energy, as was our aim. However, our goal was not achieved as all of this planet and the entire universe was not drawn back through the birth process into pure energy. All that ended was the lives of much less than the 7 million beings and with it a small part of this planets mass. An infinite universe still remained with countless worlds of intelligent life, standing in the way of our goals!

    The waters of this planet rushed to fill the vanished continent. We knew we would have a second chance with those who would now populate the newly dry continents. Now nearly 10 thousand years later, our second chance was taking shape. We did as always guide their thoughts in their sleep states. In short time the new civilization was once more at the precipice of energy shortage. The time was right for their destruction! This time we would not fail. The only challenge might be the few creatures who seemed immune to our mental influence. A few of some concern lived in an area they called New York.

    Chapter 3 - What Messages Do Dreams Foretell?

    It was a cold January in New York, one of the coldest and iciest in years. Janr had asked his friend, Marcy to his home to help him with my recurring nightmares. Lately they were frequently filled with visions of black holes that could swallow our planet. She had been kind enough to come to his home to practice her psychotherapy on him in private, as he had requested.

    Janr had a dull ache in his stomach, not from the cold, but from recurrent nightmares hinting at the destruction of the Earth. The year 2029 was again thought to be the long expected beginning of a dangerous global warming but it seemed anything but. Janr sat talking with Marcy in his home office, enjoying her pretty smile.

    Marcy had known Janr a long time but never this professionally. Marcy glanced around at his favorite room appraising his unique eccentricities. He had told her he sometimes liked to call it his cave, as it was half below the ground forming the basement of his home. In building the home they had blasted granite from the earth for days so that he could have this very special room. One entire wall of this subterranean room was mirrored; the ceiling was studded with recessed lights of varying colors. Ropes of glass lights snaked across the silvered mirrors. The floor was a checkerboard of black and white squares. Couches and chairs lined one long wall and a huge leather L shaped couch filled the end corner on which Marcy and he reclined comfortably surrounded by small pillows. It was meant to be a party room for dancing. All the lights would pulse with the beat of music. Unfortunately Janr had found that most of his friends had no interest in dancing. Either that or they were too busy raising children to enjoy dancing and partying. With that long proven reality, Marcy observed a new feature that adorned the room. A long gold bar in the ceiling hinting at a well hidden projection screen that made this room a movie theater on lazy evenings. There was a lot to learn for the trained eye.

    It was Janr's second session with his friend Marcy who was a well-respected psychologist. He was wondering if he would ever sleep a night without the eerie Sci-fi dreams that had haunted him since childhood. He told Marcy of how he had discovered that his daughter, Dawn, had the same strange Sci-fi dreams. He also told her that his Mother, Sara, had implied this in the stories she told him of her visions of a strange future. Stories that had, in fact, come true 20 years after her death. Janr had recently been working for days on end with little sleep, excited about a possible breakthrough in Zero Point Energy. Now however, his lack of sound sleep was causing him back and stomach pains that interfered with his work progress. He thought that he needed desperately to reduce his work stress by perhaps being less exhausted. Janr suspected that either that or the nightmarish dreams of a coming Armageddon were the current source of emotional and physical pain.

    As Janr spoke, he noticed that Marcy was carefully appraising his appearance in a way she had never done.

    Marcy said, Janr, you are about 5 feet 9 inches tall, slender and oddly tan for late in Winter. You must be must spending time outside despite the bitter cold we have experienced.

    She could see the bulge of huge leg muscles rippling through his sweat pants, a sure sign of physical discipline. Perhaps he still rode his bicycle outside even on these frigid days. For early 60's Janr was very fit. Though his hair was thinning on top, his silver and brown hair was long and tied back in a pony tail. She knew that Janr believed in the myth of Sampson and choose not to cut his hair. His eyes were soft brown and warm, there was a look of concern on his face. He had a strong chin and high forehead. Marcy knew him as someone she could count on in an emergency and she was now quickly learning more.

    She recalled the time he told her he had noticed a car parked near the center guardrail on the Saw Mill Parkway. Thinking it was odd, Janr had stopped a 1/2 mile down the road and run back in the dark of night to see if the car was occupied, all on a gut feeling. He found the driver pinned in the back seat. Janr had recounted for Marcy how the driver complained of leg pain. When he looked down he saw her leg from the knee down was missing. He told Marcy he had reassured the driver that she was okay and then flagged down a car to get cloth to use a tourniquet and to enlist the driver’s help. Then Janr ran to his car to radio for help. He saved her life and did it all with total calm.

    Marcy, who I knew was in her late forties, sat comfortably surrounded by a sea of pillows. Her red hair floated around her face like an aura. Her green eyes were inquisitive and were only overshadowed by a warm smile that reminded me of Shirley MacLaine. Dressed in a long red dress, that accentuated her tall, slender figure, Marcy looked appropriately professional but not at all mundane.

    Marcy and Janr had been talking for nearly 3/4 of an hour and still she was not sure how to help. Finally Marcy asked, When do you first remember having these hypnotic sleep disturbances, Janr? Did they at first appear as inspirational ideas and visions of the future, as you mentioned last time?

    Janr told her that he was very little when it started about 5 or 6 years of age. At the time, his father and mother had challenges that lead his father to want to leave his mom. He recalled the event starting one morning, while he was standing with his naked feet in the deep green pile carpet of the parlor, which opened to the front door. All around he could smell the polished mahogany wood and leather seat covers. All the furniture was bigger than him and on this day it all looked very big and threatening. That morning his father walked out the door suitcase in hand. The cold winter air from the open door was freezing Janr's uncovered feet. He was crying and his father could hear the sobs. As his father walked out he had turned around to face them. While standing at the door, suitcase in hand, his father looked down at his tear stained face and changed his mind about leaving. His father then told him that he would stay because he loved him. Janr stopped crying, but it did little to warm his mother's heart and if anything it made her more distant. It was about then Janr recalled that he had stopped sleeping. He was always wondering if his father was going to try to leave again. He would awake at 4:00 AM and find himself listening to every noise in the house. It was so still and silent that he thought he could hear the swish of a feather floating in the air. He was listening for his father and mother's voices, anticipating angry sounds that he would have to interrupt. Janr said his listening was, he thought, a heightened state of mind. It was like being in a hypnotic trance focused on listening. After the trance state became a routine, nothing about these night time awakenings were quite normal".

    Marcy asked, How do you feel these events affected your daily life then and now? She then observed, Janr's eyes go out of focus as he gazed far away, seeking a response to her question.

    Janr said, "In these nighttime trances, the intriguing ideas floating through my mind led me into the field of science, physics and energy research. There was something about the patterns of my thought that seemed programmed. I was so logical and focused, even in the day, that in high school they nicknamed me Spock, after the long ago famous Star Trek Character (whose movies were still popular). My thoughts were frequently contrary to everyone else's and I took joy in seeing things differently.

    For a period of time in elementary school, I imagined that people or aliens could hear my thoughts. To counter that, with imagery, I built dome of brick around my mind to shield me from the prying minds. This seemed to work, but not at 4:00 in the morning. This feeling of mental contact with others has never left me. I seem to be infused with an infinite source of creative ideas too. I think this creativity flows from an odd connection to the universe.

    In addition my family can trace itself back over 5,000 years to the tribe of Levy, one of the twelve Hebrew tribes to conquer the land of Canaan and form the Jewish State. The Levites were the musicians and keepers of the temple of God. They were gifted with the muse, creativity. I have always believed this muse was really a connection to the higher power call it what you will.

    When I was in high school, my friend Elliot Kakoff and I experimented with trances as a source of solutions to perplexing physics problems. It started by accident when we used to sit and talk by the docks in Miami Florida on the cooler dark evenings that gave me rest from the intense Florida heat. I then lived in Coral Gables, near Miami and it was easy to drive to the docks and let ourselves dream. The dark night and the gentle splashing of the water on the docks was hypnotic. The pulleys on the wind-rocked sailboat masts would ring out like church bells in the distant night. Hundreds of sailboats rocking in the wind created a melody that was entrancing. In the cool evening air, as we talked, I would slip into an altered state of mind and see nothing but Elliot's eyes. Then he could ask me about perplexing problems in physics and I would come up with an answer for which I had no training or knowledge. At first I was not even aware of my slipping into a different plane. Then we both realized that something unusual was happening. It was somewhat after a year of this research that Elliot got scared and we stopped this experiment.

    Elliot had read in Einstein's autobiography that Einstein had believed that this type of practice, becoming one with the Cosmic Conscious, as many called it, would lead to death. The Kabbalah, which Einstein knew, warned that those who strove to understand the nature of the universe through the Cosmic Consciousness would end in madness. Elliot was very concerned. He was especially terrified when I had a vision of a black spinning spiral erasing all the night’s stars from the sky. One thing that has puzzled me for years is the seeming coincidence of finding that many people who I know also have odd psychic talents like this. I know quite a few people who seem to have some sort of paranormal gift. They seem attracted to me as if by an invisible force."

    Janr continued, "One such person was Elliot's father. Elliot Kakoff's father was able to predict financial markets. He was well respected for this talent and he traveled to foreign countries where he consulted with the leadership counseling them on their investments. He also helped the oil rich nations make plans to generate wealth and control the future growth of the world. He was well paid for his mysterious financial skill and creative ideas.

    Elliot Kakoff's best friend, Elliot Qrenner also had some odd experiences. He told me that he felt he could, at times, hear people’s thoughts without trying. When we all went off to college, Elliot Qrenner was identified by a screening test, added to the entrance exams at Hunter College, for high scores in ESP. He wrote me that he later faked all the other tests to fail them, as he knew the military would like to own people with ESP potential. He had real fears that he would disappear into the military's control, if they knew too much about him."

    I gazed out the one small basement window at the barren winter landscape and lost myself in thought. Then I said to Marcy, over the years after college, we lost touch with each other but lately we have been re-united via the Internet. We had all found ourselves recently on PlaceBook, when looking for friends in our old hometown. It was interesting to know that we still had much in common. Elliot Qrenner (who I called Q) had gone into psychology and paranormal studies. He liked being called Q. Elliot Kakoff had gone into physics and was now associated with a group advising those working on the Second Large Hadron Collider at CERN (The Super Collider). Much of my life had been spent as a doctor. I had been driven to help people who were ill, after watching my sister lose her mind to hearing voices as she entered her teen-age years. Over time however, my creative impulses drove me into odd research projects and into a new adventure. I had learned a lot about physics and computer programming. Since I had so many creative ideas, I gradually became an inventor and programmer. Now, like many others, I was intrigued by the many opportunities for alternative energy as our world was rapidly approaching a third crisis in energy needs.

    Marcy, I believe that my life has been shaped by these weird hypnotic dreams. Where some people find themselves with a dearth of ideas, I am in an ocean of ideas that are constantly competing for my attention. This too is vying for my attention at four in the morning. These dreams of Armageddon are more recent however.

    Marcy said, Since I know you are open to alternative health care, I will give you some energy exercises to practice. This will strengthen some energy pathways in your body and weaken others. It will help restore balance. We will also do some EFT exercises that you can practice to desensitize you from your child hood experience. I will email you with instructions. Try this for a few weeks and lets see if this helps you sleep.

    I thanked Marcy, for coming to my home, as I was uncomfortable with going to her office, since I knew most of the people in town and feared being viewed as unstable as my sister supposedly was. After planning a next appointment, Marcy left me to work on my project.

    Chapter 4 - Q Senses Danger

    The evening of the day of my second visit with Marcy, I got a call from Q. Q said that he had heard from Elliot Kakoff regarding the upcoming first test of the newly expanded collider. Apparently there was a debate shaping up over whether the new larger collider might produce a viable black hole that could endanger the Earth. Since the first collider, almost all the physicists agreed that if one formed it would only last for milliseconds and there was no danger. Elliot said he was confident the test was safe. I did not trust Elliot's judgment. Q was also not at all sure Elliot's judgment could be trusted and asked to meet with me. He also said, that even though he was not sure why, he had this compulsive desire to talk with me. He too was not sleeping well. As he and I talked, his expressed concern had amazing resonance for me! I suddenly felt strongly that there was a real danger in this CERN Project. As I thought of my nightmares and Q's concern, my growing intuitive vision was making my heart pound and my skin get cold and sweaty. CERN should have had nothing to do with me. It was not part of my life or Q's. But, I felt a connection I too could not explain. If however it was a threat and in some way Q and I would be involved in opposing it, we would need some help. We would perhaps need people who knew more about physics than I did and people with psychic ability to help us get at the truth. The truth might be hidden in minds that had other motivations. We would surely need help, after all, what did people like us know about CERN?

    I have always been a bit of a nerd and as such I found people hard to understand while science and technology was easy. To deal with this I had created a database of all my friends and acquaintances. This was to help me keep track of what interesting things I learned about each of them. I did this because though I had nearly total recall for scientific material that I read or saw visually; I was not so adept with listening to long conversations. By taking notes, on meetings, after they were over, I got to later mentally store more of what had happened.

    After Q's call, I was sure a very important challenge was in the making. It was really a hunch but I could always count on these types of hunches! These hunches, in the past, invariably led to fascinating projects or the creation of new interesting networking and educational organizations. I always found it exciting to find people whose unique talents could blend into a formula to meet a new challenge. In the back of my mind I knew it excited me like mixing chemicals in organic chemistry for some dreamed of magical result. I guess this is where the expression about people having a special chemistry together came from. I decided before I met with Q, I should brush up on everyone who might be fun to work with. Especially some of the people I knew whose psychic abilities might be of value later. I had lots of notes in my database but chose the sketch mode to quickly review a few dozen people I thought might be helpful.

    When I first studied organic chemistry in college, I made a huge effort to learn all the most important chemicals that were basic to organic synthesis immediately. As a result, my college professor had to take me out of the curve of the classes test scores as most of my fellow class mates, by contrast, would fail. Knowing the key players in chemistry had made me very much

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