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Where Was I Before I Became Mortal?: Where Will I Go When I Die?  &   What Will I Do in Eternity?
Where Was I Before I Became Mortal?: Where Will I Go When I Die?  &   What Will I Do in Eternity?
Where Was I Before I Became Mortal?: Where Will I Go When I Die?  &   What Will I Do in Eternity?
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Where Was I Before I Became Mortal?: Where Will I Go When I Die? & What Will I Do in Eternity?

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This book reminds, renews and explains the phenomena of how and why we exist in this mortal condition and answers the often very silent questions:
How did I get here? What am I to be doing? Where do I go when I die? and all the nagging questions that every mortal thinks of, but has failed to find the answers. This is a teaching book for those who fail to understand God and His reasons for being as well as their own life and how each of us must conduct ourselves while in mortality because there are trillians of years yet to come in which we will live- eternity.
Release dateAug 21, 2013
Where Was I Before I Became Mortal?: Where Will I Go When I Die?  &   What Will I Do in Eternity?

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    Book preview

    Where Was I Before I Became Mortal? - Elizabeth St.Denny


    Chapter One


      The insistence by many that man is the end results of millions of years of slow changes in his physique, that instead of clothes he wore a skin of fur or hair, that he was anything but what we, today, would think of as handsome; that he grunted instead of speaking in a language, and climbed trees and ate leaves, roots and barks. Then the most illiterate of humans, who insist there is no real God, are seriously floundering in his own lack of importance to everything that exists upon this earth.

      God made you in His image and that image was in no way that of an ape or the Neanderthal, and those few who have been privileged to see Him in the course of this world have described Him many times.  Why is it that few believe them? Why is it that people can’t succumb to the truth that this whole, wide, wonderful globe is as ethereal, and as real as is the sky, the winds, the sunlight, the moon and the stars? Each of which can not be explained except to repeat the scientific description they have devised to lessen the sting of their unrequited knowledge. How do they explain who invented it all, and made work the mechanisms each requires to fulfill its usefulness?

      Could it be that our God really does exist and you have whittled away the great share of your life denying it because it takes less energy and actually you don’t care anyway?

      Is it your desire to just get out of this world as easily and quickly as possible because you don’t like it and hate the idea that this burden of understanding why you exist was put upon you?

       You may wonder why, if there is such a great God, why didn’t He give His children a choice of being created or not.  He is omniscient. He could have done that.  But His creations were spirits needing development, much of which depended on the truths they were to be taught while yet in the spirit.  No thing, without any information, can make permanent decisions of what will become of itself.

      How do you know that He didn’t give them the choice? How do you know you aren’t here upon this earth because it was your fervent wish to be so?

       Perhaps we have been willed to forget much more than we first suspect. Then again, God has given us the steps required for finding the road back to that home in Heaven, and those beloved friends you knew there.  The fleeting feeling that you don’t belong on earth, that another hazy place keeps entering your day dreams is what you yearn for. They have become items you seemingly only sense, now and then, and you aren’t sure if it’s imagination or real.

      Our intense feelings about that grand home, wispy though they seem, may be the very things some consider real and they long to find.  There are those who may set them aside being unsure, or even aware, of the Divine Spark Heavenly Father has set into our soul.  We have all inherited that gift. All of us are capable of divine inspiration but fear it.  The truth is: we do have power to know, without doubt, things that we believe we only make up for our need of comfort. How many people can say they haven’t had those moments when they feel something greater, more spiritual whispering to them?

      When such feelings occur be comforted that it’s the Holy Spirit speaking to you.  Why would we believe that we arrive upon earth totally alone? No one comes to earth without a spiritual counselor.  Our Father doesn’t send amateurs to this mortal world without a protector anymore than mothers throw their child into rush hour traffic.

      This heavenly spirit speaks to each of you frequently. Once you are baptized by emersion and the priest lays hands upon your head you have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost which will lead you to all the truths you secretly want and need to know. It becomes your duty to ‘listen’ and know that it is the spirit speaking to you and guiding you.  His advice is more perfect than anything we mortals can devise.

       It takes practice to know when it is your spirit speaking to you, however softly. It is His advice you seek. He knows your needs and the problems you ponder. It is the wise person who follows the Spirit’s suggestions.  Your Creator knows the rocky way you will travel and that you are an amateur in mortality, and as a thoughtful Father, God provided you an experienced consultant in the person of the Holy Ghost. 

      Your heavenly Father has given answers to most conundrums this earth can provide, but He hasn't forgotten to bequeath each of His children the wise assistance every man, regardless of whom he may be, the power to find the answers within himself. The greatest answer is, of course, to put all your faith in God.  No mortal can make a true success of life upon earth without His help.

      Unfortunately, too many have shut Him out of the equation: that it is through God, the Father and Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of us all, that we manage to be happy, joyous, fulfilled, comfortable and prosperous. People more often blame God for most of the problems they suffer. Yet never suspect that their troubles exist because they have forgotten that God exists.

       Rely on Him and erase the image that your fear of error is greater than your love of truth.

      People have forgotten that conferring with God through prayer would overcome most of what humans think of as troublesome and imperfect. They take advantage of knowing that they are free to make their own decisions, but forget that they are also responsible for the outcome of those decisions, most of which will determine their worthiness for entering God’s Celestial Kingdom.

      Mortals have forgotten that the life of all mortals is eternal. There is no other way out!

       In the pre-mortal world we lived with God our father long before we became mortal. We possessed a self-awareness and this great power of choice, and long before this wonder of wonders called earth came into existence.  The lessons were taught to us by those who have lived for thousands of years on other earths; those who earned their right to live eternally with their Creator.  For those who have ignored the presence of the Deity, no matter how little they have lived by the Commandments, that they will also live for all eternity.

      The true realization of that statement is a conversation stopper for it is man’s own freedom of choice whether he will live in glorious happiness, or have among his associates only the companionship of the likes that only Satan can supply.

      Freedom of choice is probably the most audacious experiment in creation: man’s endowment with total freedom.  No other creature on earth has such. Everything else in the universe, animate or inanimate, follows a pattern to which it is bound and from which it cannot escape.

       Only man is free to control himself or run uncontrolled, to pray or to curse, to become a saint or be a sinner.  As we regard ourselves in this light, the conviction dawns that God’s divine light which is in us is aiming at the production of superior beings, creatures of such high order that we may be both worthy and capable of cooperating with God in the unfinished work of all creation. It is well for each of us to know that we are that worthy because in the Lord’s eyes we have always been such.

       He plans on our readiness to willingly follow His gospel. Why? Because we promised to do so.

      Such cooperation, in the finishing of all creation, is possible because space is endless.  The world we tread upon is one of the youngest of worlds, and will become one of the ancient worlds by billions of years, with new worlds appearing.  The process of God’s creations becoming Gods and Goddesses is ongoing. The Bible holds the promise of join-heirship with Christ but only for those who don’t consider it the paid price for excessive ambition.

      The Council of the Gods waits for the many who will pass through their mortal life, following the Savior to the fullest.  They can become, and are, worthy to preside over their own world when they live by the Commandments.  You may become one of those deities yourself. You can if you try. You were born with the ability through the aegis of this God-given power.

      Heavenly Father gave the gift of freedom only to his Spirit Children, but He related us to the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the polar bears in the Arctic, and all other wild animals that trod the earth.  He gave us the myriad of plants, vines, nuts and fruit because they contribute to our basic happiness and joys and work as barometers He has provided for humankind to see and study their habitats, their ability to reproduce; the understanding of their uses beyond being mere weeds: the daily understanding of the health of this world.  All are signs of how well man relates to taking care of this earth which God made so perfect.  He gave billions of centuries to the perfecting of this world for His Spirit Children and asked them to take care of this garden for His and their own sakes.

      True to form, however, humankind has come to believe that God controls the health of this world.  He made it, they say, so it is His job to see that it remains healthy; but, it is humans who are doing their best to destroy it. Mortals see fit to remind Him over and over, that they have no intentions to weed His garden. They only prove that they think only of themselves, and evidently so far they have remained convinced that seeing to the health of the world is either not necessary, or that somehow something or someone, other than we mortals, will find a way to see that it will remain in good health for the generations of yet to be born spirits destined to occupy it. Instead, with abandon of all responsibility, humans are hurling this world into total destruction.

      Individuals will not only confess to their own faults and sins, but will have to repent for their deliberate destruction of the world.  The many miracles required to build a world such as we own lapsed into mere events when all that God has provided for the well-being of his children became just so much irritation to man’s leisure and wealth.

      When one considers that life is eternal and with that concept pressed into one’s gray matter sufficiently to cause him to believe it, he will stop in awe, and hesitate with wonder on the depth of the meaning that holds.  On the other hand, mortals may do it all again, since they will live for all eternity, and will likely diligently work and live on many other future worlds. What a sorrow that thought becomes when we realize, to it’s depth, that we live for all eternity

      God has been explicit when He speaks of: many worlds have I, and that we will all have lease to work upon, and study in depth every last inch of any world He owns. Will we continue to destroy them as well? How many second chances does humankind ask for? We have settled into the supposition that this world upon which we live is the only world we will ever know. 

      He has also told us that when we follow His Commandments and live a good, thoughtful, decent life we will be owners of all He possesses. Thus we know that however many worlds there are in space and however many others there will be at His decision we, as His children will have permission to live upon, study, and wander through them at will. 

      That, like everything else, will be dependent upon the way we choose to live this mortal life. Evidently as mortals we are solely responsible for the kind of eternal life we wish to have.

       It thus behooves us all to remember how long eternity is.

      Now is the time to lean with all our weight upon our Heavenly Father’s promises of the wondrous world of His kingdom and the unbelievable joy we will experience because we can’t possibly envision or calculate the length of eternity, no matter how many theorems we have memorized, or to devise the number of pencils it will take to come up with that answer.

    Chapter Two


      Our belief in God and that He does exist, and that we need Him forever in our lives has been proven over and over by the power which He has set within our form. How is it that man and woman can bring forth another human? Doesn’t that sound miraculous? Think about it. Look at yourself, your hands, your feet, your face, your body.  Is that not a miracle that you stand there in that beautiful form functioning in every manner to maintain life - all without pushing any buttons to make it happen? Your heart beats, your stomach digests food, your mind thinks, you walk, you talk. Are you not impressed with the miracle of this?

      When one looks at a human in a nonchalant manner with, shall we say, disinterest in its fascinating structure, he sees the whole of a person, but when one takes a small part  and really analyzes it with great interest - say a hand for  instance - are we really aware of the number of tiny bones and muscles it contains, fitting perfectly to the next bone and muscle, each having an entirely different movement, function and purpose, to make the perfect hand do the innumerable things a hand can do? Are we not impressed the way one can lose an arm or a finger, or even a leg or two, that the human body can withstand all that and still manage to survive? The superior form of man survives but the bird with a broken wing can not.  A goose with a broken beak can not. Obviously, He has composed His worlds for his children with animals for

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