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A Rival Most Vial: Potioneering for Love and Profit
A Rival Most Vial: Potioneering for Love and Profit
A Rival Most Vial: Potioneering for Love and Profit
Audiobook10 hours

A Rival Most Vial: Potioneering for Love and Profit

Written by R.K. Ashwick

Narrated by Brendan Robert Kane

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Two potion shops, one heated rivalryuntil hate bubbles over into something else.

Any adventurer worth their sword knows about Ambrose Beake. The proud, quiet half-elf sells the best, and only, potions in the city—until a handsome new shopkeeper named Eli opens another potion shop across the street, throwing Ambrose’s peace and ledgers far off balance. 

Within weeks, they’re locked in a war of price tags and products—Ambrose’s expertise against Eli’s effortless charm. Toil leads to trouble, the safety gloves come off, and right as their rivalry reaches a boiling point…

The mayor commissions them to brew a potion together.

The task is as complex as it is lucrative, pushing both men to the limits of their abilities and patience. Yet as the fires burn and cauldrons bubble…they find a different sort of chemistry brewing.

Release dateDec 11, 2023
A Rival Most Vial: Potioneering for Love and Profit

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was ok at best. I liked the main characters, especially once the story moved past the kind of silly and pointless rivalry and on to the collaboration part of the story. But a lot of plot points were not integrated especially well into the story. I also felt like the book could have ended better.The worst thing was when Ambrose and his friend Dawn were searching dangerous caves for potion ingredients. They had an argument and in response she used their return-home portal and abandoned him in a dangerous cave, alone. I honestly hardly have words for how much that horrified me (I admit I may be relating a bit too much to Ambrose in this particular situation), and the resolution of it is even worse. Ambrose made it back fine, but he soon decided that he needed to apologize to her, which I simply find breathtakingly awful. He did literally nothing wrong. Their argument was even because she wanted them to do something unsafe!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    I don't usually like enemies-to-lovers romances, but this book was actually really lovely. Eli is new in town and sets up a potion shop right across the street from Ambrose's The Griffin's Claw and so the rivalry and animosity begins. Unexpectedly they land a commission brewing a potion for mayor's daughter's birthday, on which they need to work together as well as spend time together. I enjoyed the world building and the motley crew of lovable characters, especially Tom the automaton. Ambrose and Eli were soooo cute together. This was such a delightful read. Oh, and the illustrations were really good too.

    I received a free copy of this book from the author through LibraryThing Early Reviewers. I'm leaving this review voluntarily.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cozy and fantastical and lovely! I’m a sucker for maps so I was very excited to see some world building right from the beginning. The scar is an original and exciting setting with lots of details and character. Immediately my heart belonged to Ambrose. He is a loner who is a little awkward and antisocial, but you can tell deep down that he doesn’t have the social experience as others. That is why the first half of the book was so hard for me to get past. I understand that Eli has a lot riding on his new store, but his words and actions were horrible. But perhaps even worse than that, Ambrose’s best friend Dawn has absolutely no care for his feelings. There is a difference between being friendly with a new neighbor and abandoning your friend and acting like a witch. Gut wrenching. I was so mad. The good news is that everyone finally starts treating Ambrose like a person and working harder to understand him instead of bully him. After that tipping point the book becomes amazingly epic. The potion work is fun and the adventure is exciting. The chemistry and protectiveness between Ambrose and Eli is adorable. Overall I really enjoyed the story and would love to read more from this world. I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I got this book through the Early Reviewer program here on LibrarythingThis book was such a surprise! I picked it up because I loved the cover. I was not expecting the PERFECT cozy fantasy that I'd been waiting for. I loved how Eli made Ambrose smile. R.K. Ashwick now has a new constant reader. The worst thing about reading books early is having to wait longer for the next one! I'm thrilled to see this is a series and I can't wait to come back to Side Quest Row soon.Grumpy x SunshineFound FamilyCozy FantasyLow stakesHigh reward