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The versatility of Jose Rolando Varela, as a literary author, is manifested once again in this book, small in size, but large in content. Without a doubt, everyone who reads it and is open-minded and sensitive will applaud Mr. Varela’s efforts, expressed in HUNDRED REFLECTIONS.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 20, 2024


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    HUNDRED REFLECTIONS - Jose Rolando Varela

    Copyright © 2024 by Jose Rolando Varela.

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    Rev. date: 05/20/2024







    1. Let us see life in colors

    2. The Real splendor of the human being reaches Forty

    3. Let’s be realistic, let’s live the Present to the fullest

    4. Love is vital, feeling it makes us very happy

    5. Our way of thinking and acting identifies us

    6. Why mistakenly believe in predetermined destiny?

    7. The mark we leave conclude our existence

    8. They suffer from a negative sedentary lifestyle only humans

    9. We can control our actions, but not our feelings

    10. Who is interested in my Biography?

    11. Let us revitalize our being with Meditation

    12. Assumptions are mirages, optimism, on the other hand, is positive energy

    13. The Creed of the Optimistic Romantic

    14. Without planning in our lives, we get nowhere

    15. Reflecting on Love

    16. When the sunset approaches in our life

    17. What color is Happiness? How long does it last for us?

    18. Our actions in life are a Boomerang

    19. We are all looking for a sentimental salvation board

    20. Let us not waste our life

    21. Loneliness is Ambiguous

    22. Is scientific knowledge on Dogmatic bases?

    23. The human brain was made for Constant change

    24. The Three Personalities of the Human Being

    25. Fame, illusion or reality, how it affects to the human being

    26. War, its protagonists and the mark it leaves

    27. Our Life is governed by Cycling

    28. Cannibalism, a bad human habit

    29. The reality of children

    30. Can you really save time?

    31. Self-esteem and Egoism, Opposite Extremes

    32. Luck, Reality or Superstition?

    33. How far do we know our Family Tree?

    34. We can solve other people’s problems, but not our own

    35. To believe or not to believe in the Media?

    36. Extreme Apathy in Some Humans

    37. The eternal desire to break records established

    38. Suicide, an action of Bravery or Cowardice?

    39. Possession, a Right with Limited Validity

    40. Old Age is the most critical phase of Life

    41. Ignorance is a Voluntary Disease

    42. Thanks to Individuality, life is Pluralized

    43. The Physical Form of Everything, has a reason for being

    44. Antagonism is a determining factor in Life

    45. Who guides us, the feeling or the reasoning?

    46. The two faces of money

    47. Why do we always want to be Winners?

    48. If we work on what we like, we will do it well

    49. The eternal search for our other half

    50. The world of the Pseudo-Gifted

    51. Repetitive and uncontrolled fun becomes an addiction

    52. Fanaticism, a violent and low Passion

    53. Natural reproduction is a wonderful event

    54. The Conventional Language of Animals

    55. People determine the environmental energy of a place

    56. Few characters generate unlimited production

    57. We all have our own Achilles heel

    58. Everything imaginable has a place in time and space

    59. The unpredictable human metamorphosis

    60. The great importance of the cardinal points

    61. Advertising, a mechanism that manipulates the masses

    62. Does human reincarnation really happen?

    63. Resentment, an evil that lasts only in humans

    64. Self-determination is a right and a duty of adults

    65. Mistakes are only made by humans

    66. In the face of life’s uncertainty, there are no guarantees

    67. Our decisions made are decisive

    68. Phobias and Fear, how they affect us

    69. Sorrows and joys have a limited time

    70. Rendering honors in life would be better than posthumous ones

    71. Indecision is insecurity and instability

    72. What do we prefer, platonic love or the conventional one?

    73. Why are we attracted to the forbidden and improper?

    74. Human tastes and preferences are incomprehensible

    75. If we change our way of life, we will improve it

    76. The human tendency to do the wrong thing

    77. Emancipation is relative, as everything in life

    78. The worst always happens to the most dispossessed

    79. The strange coincidence in the actions of humans

    80. The cooling and deterioration of love within the family

    81. According to our order of priorities, this will be our life

    82. Determination is good sense, obsession is insanity

    83. Freedom is the most valuable and difficult ideal to achieve

    84. Curiosity is generalized and has two faces

    85. Although life has no price, if you pay to live it

    86. Loyalty is a noble gesture, servility, a low submission

    87. Let us accept adversity as part of our life

    88. The false satisfaction that revenge produces

    89. Our life is a constant competition

    90. Patience, a virtue that very few possess

    91. Saying No is a right every human being has

    92. Love and kindness are usually repaid with betrayal and enmity

    93. The time factor is decisive in our life

    94. Crime, a social and progressive cancer without a cure

    95. Being a good father of a family, not an easy mission

    96. Light, vital energy for life and beauty

    97. The intrigue to know the past will never be satisfied

    98. No one is satisfied with the justice meted out by man

    99. Controversy and mystery revolve around UFOs

    100. Life in our world is in danger of extinction


    I dedicate and thank our Creator for the lucidity and ability to visualize the life and behavior of human beings, virtues without which I would never be able to express to my fellow human beings my personal appreciations on topics of relevant importance in our daily lives. I extend my dedication to all those people who unconditionally dedicate themselves to teaching us how we should live and enjoy life, without so much attachment to materialism.


    Before making a proper decision; to reach a conclusion; to make a fair and impartial judgment and to become aware of a reality, we need reflection. The content of this work exposes a variety of them, made on a topic that I considered important. The intended purpose is to motivate, raise awareness and comment on a reality that we live. If after reading these reflections, there is a positive change in attitude and mentality, no matter how minimal, I will feel satisfied and grateful. I am aware that there are many negative things that one cannot change, even if one wanted to.

    Let us see life in colors

    Tears are the expression of crying. It is sometimes the relief of sorrow. Grief is the loss of our emotional balance. When grief is continuous and intense, it sinks us into depression and this in turn leads us to the dark tunnel of unhappiness. Let us be brave and face problems no matter how difficult

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