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The Billionaire's Servant
The Billionaire's Servant
The Billionaire's Servant
Ebook99 pages45 minutes

The Billionaire's Servant

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In this very dark and steamy 12,000 word M/M gay fantasy romance, 22-year-old Lian, who is a housekeeping servant, makes the decision to legally sell himself to his rich employer for two years—in exchange for a hefty monthly sum and a chance to experience true passion. There was no harm in being the plaything of one of the wealthiest men in Arardosa Kingdom, right? But Lian quickly realizes that the intoxicatingly aggressive and domineering Noah Cross is a fractured man who was brutalized in the past. And Lian can't help but love every part of Mr. Cross. The man was becoming Lian's addiction. Because he was a man who craved control in all aspects of his life, Mr. Noah Cross needed his 'toys' to be absolutely obedient. However, Lian seems to be more interested in HIM, than the money that he has agreed to pay the younger man. Why? Why was Lian falling in love with him? And why was he starting to return Lian's feelings? He was too damaged for romantic relationships, but his heart was starting to yearn for the younger man. Lian and Noah soon learn that love plays by its own rules. Together the pair embark on a journey through the realms of dominance and submission as they sort out their feelings for each other. Can Noah learn to open up and trust Lian with the truths of his traumatic past as well as his delicate heart? (This short gay instalove romance contains adult language and sexual content. Readers should be 18+)

PublisherLyela Pariu
Release dateApr 23, 2024
The Billionaire's Servant

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    Book preview

    The Billionaire's Servant - Lyela Pariu

    Ebook Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2024 by Lyela Pariu, N. Govan

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author(s).

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Published in the United States Of America

    Neon Beat Press






    CHAPTER 01

    CHAPTER 02

    CHAPTER 03

    CHAPTER 04

    CHAPTER 05

    CHAPTER 06

    CHAPTER 07

    CHAPTER 08



    I would like to dedicate this story to any and everyone who decided to give it a read. I've been working hard to get this whole writing and publishing thing right. Hope you enjoy this tale!



    To my husband/co-editor, my parents (who read every single page of this story), and my friends who pushed me to get each volume written...

    Thanks you guys.


    I, Lyela Pariu, would like to take a second to remind you all that when it comes to fiction there are no consequences.

    Please keep in mind that safe sex is the best sex! :-)


    The Billionaire's Servant

    (A Short and Steamy Dark Gay Instalove Fantasy Romance)


    Lyela Pariu

    CHAPTER 01

    PART 01

    AUTHOR'S NOTE: This tale is written in a chat-fiction-like style and contains adult language and sexual content.



    I took surreptitious glimpses of him as I hurried to help the other servants tidy up the kitchen.

    He was on one of his mobile phones discussing work-related things.

    After ending the long call, he focused on finishing his very healthy breakfast.

    Come here, young man. He suddenly called out to me, beckoned me over to him with his right index finger.

    My heart slammed into my rib cage, and I felt my cheeks flush.

    I stopped what I was doing, went to him.

    His eyes traveled the length of my body, studied my face.

    You most certainly aren't what I expected when Mr. Mercado had informed me that he had hired a new servant to replace the recently retired Mr. Shon, he said, his eyes locked on my face. What is your name? And how old are you? And why in the hell aren't you on a college campus somewhere?

    I took a deep breath, fought to calm my speeding pulse. My name is Lian Capanna. I'm twenty-two years old. And… I licked my dry, trembling lips. And I can't afford to go to college. Mr. Mercado knows my androgynous father very well, and he was kind enough to hire me. I'll always be grateful for the opportunity he has given me. But please don't be fooled by my appearance, sir. I've worked for a housekeeping service before. I will work hard for you.

    The terms androgynous and non-androgynous were used to refer to the two types of males found in my world. Androgynous males were the exceptionally beautiful subset of Tarju men who could birth sons. Non-androgynous men didn't possess that particular function.

    Tarju was the name of the lush and verdant planet that we all called home.

    Mr. Mercado, myself, and the staff of housekeeping

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