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Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully
Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully
Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully

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Once you have tasted that wonderful feeling, you will hardly forget it and you will want to repeat it. You need to act as follows:

Remember the feeling of that first big moment

What started it? Review it carefully before recreating it so that all conditions and expectations remain the same as at the beginning. That's what all good pi

Release dateMay 1, 2024
Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully

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    Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully - Leland Kornegay

    Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully

    Moments Most Often Occur When You Successfully

    Copyright © 2024 by Leland Kornegay

    All rights reserved








    Once you have tasted that wonderful feeling, you will hardly forget it and you will want to repeat it. You need to act as follows:

    Remember the feeling of that first big moment

    What started it? Review it carefully before recreating it so that all conditions and expectations remain the same as at the beginning. That's what all good pilots and good hosts do. And that is also something that any person who walks on water must do.

    Create confidence

    The only way to gain confidence is to really know what you are doing. You will not be able to walk on water if your understanding is incomplete. Always prepare everything well, understand your work and the surrounding issues. You should also be prepared to deal with any challenges or rejections you may encounter.

    Always ready to present your ideas

    Don't get caught out right when you first start working. Be ready to defend your opinion. These walking on water moments most often occur when you successfully present your idea to the public. The more you practice, the better your chances of making great moves.

    Be worthy of compliments and make sure you receive them

    If you don't receive feedback, you won't be able to know your position. Even the most confident-looking people need to be told how well they're doing... Work with people who give you honest feedback. But remember to choose people who help you feel good about yourself. That is, even though their comments are criticisms, ultimately their purpose is to help you improve your performance.

    Make the feeling of walking on water second nature to you

    When you think, I can really do this and do it well, or when you truly believe that you can walk on water, you will want to repeat it over and over again:

    • You build it with practice, by repeating it many times and with greater concentration than others.

    • You build it by trying to see things from someone else's point of view.

    • You build it by trying to chase the feeling of winning.

    • You build it by trying to love what you do.

    • You build it by guiding others to achieve it too. The best way to strengthen your knowledge is to teach others to do as you do and even better than you

    .Imagine that walking on water moment. If you do, you're halfway to making it your regular norm instead of just a rare exception.

    Capture the WOW feeling you experienced

    Keeping that WOW feeling you had depends on good and careful management by those above you. However, you also need to make those around you feel satisfied and confident that they are working with a winner. Human confidence is easily broken, so don't lose it just because of common carelessness. Don't think that the feeling of victory comes naturally, consult with sports athletes who have stood on the podium to know how special that feeling is.

    I believe it is the job of leaders to make all their employees feel like they can walk on water, or in other words create a WOW club that everyone can enjoy. want to join. Besides, keeping the fire alive for these emotions for a long time is also their mission.

    However, despite all of the above arguments, I still have to reiterate: We are all living in an era of change. No one can know for sure what will last forever. What we must always remember (and this is the most important thing we need to preserve) is to believe that we can always do the best we can.

    How do you measure the feeling of WOW?

    You ask an actor and they will answer: With applause and applause. It's the intersection of your self-awareness and the sense of empathy you create with anyone around you – your boss, co-workers, friends, employees or customers.

    Next to my house there is a boy practicing juggling balls. Yesterday, the boy was very confused and kept dropping the third ball. The boy switched to juggling with two balls and performed a few more complicated movements. However, juggling with just two balls is easy, right?

    Today, after many hours of practice, I noticed that the boy has improved significantly. Not only could he juggle three balls longer, but he could also practice with a bottle and two cups. Every time he drops something, he patiently gathers it all up and continues practicing.

    I guess his WOW moment will come next week if he can continue as he is now.

    Donald Bradman, the world's best cricketer and baseball player, once practiced with just a baseball bat and a golf ball that bounced off a barn wall. Tiger Woods is a golfer who practices all the time. He is the world athlete with the most WOW influence, but for him, it only explains one truth: Practice and practice! The harder you practice and the harder you try, the better you get.

    WOW happens when you focus on whatever you can do best or the things that can make you special if you just try.

    Jack Welch, the greatest CEO of our time, said:

    Decide your destiny, otherwise someone else will do it for you.

    Things to think about:

    • Create WOW moments by deciding your own destiny and really trying for it.

    • Always believe: I can do it. And maybe you will get the feeling of walking on water.

    • Create encouragement around you.

    • If you feel okay, then you probably will actually be okay.

    • Discover, build and keep the WOW feeling in your spirit. It will lead you to true success, respect from your managers, and it is something you can absolutely achieve if you think carefully and positively.

    • You also need to be mentally prepared for all the risks, imagine you are standing on a stage and having to make a speech, or in a meeting and discussing an issue, all Both these situations contain the risk of failure and the possibility of success to walk on water.

    Make your wish come true. Let's see how many WOW moments you can have this week.

    1. Understand your true self

    Look in the mirror. That's who you really are… say hello, lovely and awe-inspiring

    All the experts say success is within your reach and all you need is the desire to get it, but no one tells you you have to understand what you're working with. So, you can become a pianist in a symphony orchestra, a national-level baseball player, or a business author. They said: it's so easy. Just know how to dream and do it.

    But don't underestimate this journey to glory.

    And if you don't deeply understand yourself, your abilities, your strengths and weaknesses, your hopes and fears... then you certainly won't go far.

    Congratulations to those readers who have made it this far and can say calmly and firmly: I really know myself. Maybe this is a bit unfair to the rest of you, but I do this just for your good.

    How well do you know yourself?

    At first glance, this seems like a silly question. You must definitely understand yourself very well because you have been and will be your own companion throughout your life. But really, you may not have paid much attention to yourself, how you see yourself, and what others think of you.

    We often lose sight of the most obvious things in life. We accept ourselves as natural and lose sight of what is right before our eyes. Our untapped talent – our WOW factor – is hidden right under those simple things.

    Not understanding yourself clearly can lead to very wrong decisions in life. It's as simple as finding out you're doing a job that's completely unsuitable for you or waking up one morning and realizing you're married to the wrong person...

    Self-awareness can change your behavior

    One day after having dinner at a Japanese restaurant and drinking a lot of sake, two friends and I went to a Soho club. The entrance ticket at that time was 10 shillings (equivalent to 50p now).

    It's so shabby there. We went down a narrow and dirty staircase. Spider webs spread across our faces as we walked. There was no sound around. We pushed open a dirty door and entered a large, messy warehouse. My two friends looked uncomfortable, especially when two burly men with Mediterranean looks walked out and shouted at us, Go away. We were fooled. My friends quickly ran away. I don't know if it was because I drank too much sake that day, or because I couldn't stand the injustice, so I decided to talk things over with them. In anger, two men rushed towards me with baseball bats in hand and extremely threatening expressions on their faces. Wait, this is stupid, you guys are smart, let me explain why I'm not happy with this. The people who were about to attack me suddenly hesitated, one guy said very softly: Get out now. I'm not smart at all. I said: Of course you are smart. I can see it on your face. What about me? the other guy asked grumpily. I reaffirmed that both of them are smart and their behavior right now is strange. They agreed with my analysis and took us (the two friends were still waiting outside) to a club further up Dean Street. There, we admired the wonderful performances of female dancers with names: Patrica Bronte, Charlotte Eliot and Matilda Austen. While leading us in, the two dark-skinned bouncers said: Sorry about the misunderstanding. I then said: No, thank you. I'm lucky to have met you guys." And that's true.

    This is a story about them, not about me. Their very confrontation with the things they had long suppressed created a powerful resonance in the mind. They are very smart – but they forget it. And when reminded, they begin to behave more politely and understandingly. Try telling someone they're an idiot in the same way and you'll see how much worse they behave.

    Understanding yourself means understanding your entire being

    If you don't discover yourself and what you can do, you will probably never go in the right direction in life. On the contrary, if you understand yourself and can confidently affirm: This is who I really am then you are in a very good position to create a new and bright career. Your knowledge about yourself is the most effective tool to help you find the ideal job and the right direction for you. This is very different from pursuing an image that you absolutely love but has absolutely nothing to do with who you really are.

    So, you start by seriously reviewing who you are, what you can do, what you can and cannot become.

    However, this is not easy at all. You have to think carefully, be very fair and even brutally honest with yourself when looking at reality. This feeling will probably not be very pleasant. However, as Adam and Eve discovered, understanding always comes at a price.

    Find out your strengths and weaknesses

    The most basic and most useful analyzes about yourself are drawn from very simple and necessary questions such as: what are your talents and what are your passions?

    John Scott, Head of Human Resources at Lazard Bank, said:

    Let people do what they truly love and you will see how successful they are.

    Scott also added that things may not actually be that easy.

    Take a little test about yourself and see how wrong your previous assessments were.

    In each quadrant of this chart you will see the things you do well and not well, the things you don't like doing and the things you like.

    And here's the list of things I want you to put in their respective quadrants:

    1. Data and mathematics

    2. Write a report

    3. Presentation of graphics and pictures

    4. Work independently

    5. Teamwork

    6. Present in front of a crowd

    7. Present to small groups

    8. Train others

    9. Give people bad news

    10. Criticize others

    11. Reward everyone

    12. Fulfill your promise

    13. Think about things

    14. Creativity

    15. Assign tasks

    16. Lead people

    17. Standing backstage

    18. Get up early to go to work Monday morning

    19. Go to a bar with co-workers

    20. Face the crisis

    21. Do your own administrative work

    22. Do administrative work with everyone

    23. Have good organizational ability

    24. Travel

    25. Meet new people

    26. Working late or working overtime on weekends

    27. Attend meetings

    28. Working with customers

    29. Sales

    When you've finished this exercise, convince your two closest friends and two closest co-workers to do it together. Then you need one more moderation, ask them to give their opinion by taking that quiz on you.

    You will be surprised at the discovery about yourself because these people will give you the most accurate comments.

    At this point, you

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