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Chaos Of Attraction
Chaos Of Attraction
Chaos Of Attraction
Ebook132 pages1 hour

Chaos Of Attraction

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An evocative collection of poems and very short stories that delve deep into the tumultuous realms of love and heartbreak. Each piece is a fragment of a larger mosaic, capturing moments of passion, longing, and the poignant aftermath of lost love.

Release dateMay 16, 2024
Chaos Of Attraction

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    Chaos Of Attraction - Scarlett Everhart

    Emotional Attachment

    When you lose an emotional attachment to someone, you realize how ordinary they are. It is your love and your energy that makes people seem so special. You build walls of illusion, adorned with gleaming emblems of affection and admiration. You convince yourself that they are the most extraordinary person you have ever encountered, capable of miraculous feats that no one else could accomplish. You turn a blind eye to their flaws, their insecurities, their moments of weakness. In your eyes, they are flawless and invincible.

    But when the attachment disintegrates, when the love fades away like a waning moon, you begin to see them for who they truly are. No longer held captive by the enchantment of your own heart, their ordinariness overtakes your perception. The pedestal upon which you had placed them crumbles, and they are standing before you, just another human being amongst an ocean of ordinary souls.

    You watch them go about their routine, clueless to the shattering of your illusions. You see them engage in mundane conversations, laughing at jokes that once felt like the greatest punchlines ever uttered. You hear them speak, and their words lose their luster, becoming as common and predictable as the morning sunrise. Their passions and dreams, once a symphony of inspiration, now resound as a monotonous hum.

    Suddenly, their quirks become annoyances, their idiosyncrasies grating against your sensibilities. That whimsical way they used to tilt their head back when they laughed now seems forced and pretentious. The endearing way they crinkled their nose when they were puzzled now appears irksome. The very things that once drew you closer now push you further away.

    You notice their flaws with a newfound clarity. The way they interrupt others in conversations, drowning out voices that deserve to be heard. The way they dismiss opinions that challenge their own, unwilling to engage in meaningful dialogue. The way they always put themselves first, leaving little room for empathy or compassion. You see their weaknesses, their insecurities, their capacity to hurt others without remorse.

    You begin to understand that it was not they who were extraordinary, but rather your love for them that made them seem so. It was your energy, your belief in their exceptionalism, that elicited the illusion of their greatness. The realization dawns upon you that the person you loved so fervently, the person who once held your heart captive, was but a mere conduit for the love and energy within you.

    But in this realization lies a newfound freedom, a liberation from the shackles of illusions and obsessions. While they may be ordinary in their flaws and weaknesses, you recognize that the extraordinary lies within you. It is the power of your love and the vastness of your capacity to care that elevates the ordinary to the extraordinary.

    And so, as you shed the layers of attachment, you feel your own brilliance radiating from within. You begin to channel your love toward those who deserve it, those who reciprocate and amplify your own magnificence. You understand that attachment is not a measure of worthiness, but rather a reflection of the depths of your own soul.

    As you navigate life, encountering new souls and forging connections, you understand that the power lies within you to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. The world around you, once dull and monotonous, becomes a canvas upon which you paint your own vibrant hues. You become the alchemist, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, through the sheer force of your love and energy.

    And even when attachments fade, and the people you once held dear become ordinary in your eyes, you embrace the knowledge that it was never about them. It was always about you, your capacity to love, and your desire to imbue the world with light. In this understanding, you find solace, for you carry within you the extraordinary, and it is in this realization that you find your own greatness.

    Echoes of Love Lost

    I'm in love with my best friend, and we got together once. It was a fleeting moment, a stolen kiss under the moonlit sky, but it ignited a fire within me that has yet to be extinguished. We were both hesitant, unsure of whether risking our friendship for a chance at love was worth it. And so we retreated, returning to the comfortable roles we had before, as friends.

    In the days that followed, our friendship seemed unchanged, but the landscape within my heart had shifted, forever altered by the taste of his lips against mine. We laughed and joked, shared secrets and dreams, but each moment seemed to carry a weight, a secret longing that I buried deep within me.

    Silly arguments became the norm, masks to conceal our unspoken desires. Every disagreement would escalate, fueled by an unspoken fear of losing one another. We would argue over the most trivial of things, both of us desperately searching for validation of our importance in each other's lives. In these moments, it was evident that our invisible bond went far beyond friendship.

    Late at night, when the world slept, I would replay those stolen moments in my mind, reliving the tenderness of his touch, the way his breath hitched against my lips. The memory of his eyes, filled with both desire and uncertainty, haunted my dreams, rekindling a flame that refused to be subdued. But I couldn't bring myself to confess the overwhelming love that consumed me, fearing it would shatter the delicate balance of our friendship.

    We boasted of telling each other everything, but there was one secret I couldn't bear to reveal. How could I possibly confess that every word he spoke held a profound significance to me? That every smile, every laugh, was like a balm to my soul? My heart ached with the weight of this unexpressed love, a love that seemed destined to remain buried beneath the soil of our friendship.

    As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, our bond only grew stronger. We became each other's lifeline, sharing our hopes and fears, supporting one another through the darkest storms. And yet, as much as our friendship blossomed, so did the unspoken torment within me.

    There were moments, stolen fragments of time, when I thought he reciprocated my feelings. His gaze would linger a beat too long, his touch grazing my skin with a tenderness that betrayed his true emotions. But uncertainty clouded my mind, crippling my ability to trust what my heart yearned to believe.

    I longed to be brave, to confess my love and risk everything for the hope of reciprocation. But the fear of losing him, of damaging this beautiful connection we had built, kept my lips sealed shut. How could I disrupt our harmony, knowing that the truth could potentially destroy the very foundation of our friendship?

    I continued to live in the shadows, to watch him from a distance, always craving more but never daring to take that leap of faith. Each day, I carried this secret love within me, like a hidden treasure buried deep within the recesses of my soul. It remained my bittersweet burden, a constant reminder of the unspoken words that weighed heavily upon my heart.

    And so, we carried on, two souls bound together by an unbreakable bond, yet oblivious to the depths of each other's hearts. We laughed, we cried, we loved, all the while oblivious to the silent anguish that danced beneath the surface. And while our friendship thrived, the echoes of a love lost whispered through my veins, an eternal reminder of what could have been.

    Time to Let Go

    He maybe happy, but you will be too. When you let go of the skeletons of yesterday. There are always stops, no matter how smooth a journey is, there will be stops. Tiny or big, imagine him as that.

    Forgive yourself for your wrongs, and watch how lovable you are for other people who are meant for you.

    The sun sets in shades of orange, casting a warm glow upon the scenery. It colors the sky with a fleeting beauty, reminding you that even in the darkest times, there is always a glimmer of hope. You stand at the edge of a vast woodland, the trees towering above you, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. It feels serene, as if the world has paused just for a moment.

    As you walk through the woods, you can't help but think of him. The one who once held your heart, but now only resides in fragments of memories. You find yourself replaying moments in your mind, all the laughter, the tears, the nights spent under the stars.

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