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How to Develop Your Mental Strength (Motivational & Inspirational)
How to Develop Your Mental Strength (Motivational & Inspirational)
How to Develop Your Mental Strength (Motivational & Inspirational)
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How to Develop Your Mental Strength (Motivational & Inspirational)

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Students or young people, everyone wants to grow up to be something. Someone wants to be a doctor, engineer, barrister, judge, skilled administrator, and skilled publisher or wants to be a cricketer, footballer, actor, singer, scientist, or successful businessman. Everyone wants to grow up and succeed in life. But that is not the case, if you want to succeed; you want specific goals and perseverance, dedication, attention, and strong will to reach those goals. Not everyone may be Amartya Sen, Harbind Khorana, Chandrasekhar, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Rabindranath Tagore, Sachin Tendulkar, SaniaMirza, or Jamshedji Tata, but will certainly be able to reach a stated goal. There is a wide gap between seeking and receiving. In order to get the desired items to reduce the distance, one should remember the issues discussed in the various chapters and try to apply them in one's life as much as possible.


We all know the importance of inspiration in life. Everyone wants them to always be inspired; adherence to these inspiring judgments in real life can change the lives of any human being. I hope the purpose of this book is to succeed with the help of generous readers. Mental Strength will be boosted if someone reads and understand the contents of the book.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
How to Develop Your Mental Strength (Motivational & Inspirational)

Pradip Kumar Ray

The author decided to voluntarily retire from banking services after many years of service. At that time, he was posted as Chief Manager (Offing) in the Purshura Branch of SBI. At SBI, he worked in various assignments like Branch Manager, HR Manager, Systems Manager, etc.  His first book "Prerana" was published in 2013. His various articles and essays have already been published in many widely circulated newspapers and magazines. I The educational qualifications of the author are B.Sc. (Hons. in Physics), M.Sc. (Computer Science), Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA), Cisco Certified Network Associates-Global (CCNA), Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Banking (CAIIB). He has also done various certificate courses such as photo, video, and audio editing, animation, hardware, COBOL programming, Hindi Praggya courses, Cert. course from IRDA, etc. After retiring, the author worked with several academies in different parts of India as an expert instructor in "Banking" and also he continues his work on his YouTube channel, Facebook page, Website, Blog, Stock Photography, writing various articles, self-published his written books, Various types of internet-based work, etc. Some of the Books which are written by Authors have already been published (More than 95 books) and are available at different Online Outlets. 

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    How to Develop Your Mental Strength (Motivational & Inspirational) - Pradip Kumar Ray

    II- When our morale plummets in the face of adversity in life, new energyis created in the mind.

    Sometimes in the course of life, we ​​get tired. I don’t think I can go any further. Then I feel mentally weak. When our morale plummets in the face of adversity in life, we have to keep in mind the last word of our journey. Then new energy is created in the mind and with that energy, one can move forward on the path of life. We live in people and society. We have to go with everyone. There is no guarantee that we will always be on the right path in life. Sometimes our path stops. But with the advice and words of the wise men in mind, new motivation and enthusiasm come along the way. We all know the importance of inspiration in life. Every human being wants to be always inspired. If these inspirational judgments are followed properly in real life, the life of any human being can change effortlessly. His life is as a man thinks. The day he starts with a positive thought, his day also gives him some gifts, and whoever starts his day with a negative thought, but his day also ends in a negative.

    There is also an evolution of ideals & ideas. Man’s idea of ​​the ideal did not find a constant in a single day. Foresight, far-sightedness, past experience, history, experimentation and the pursuit of a better life have always given new definitions to the ideal. Today’s society is the owner of this whole history, the partner of the whole tradition. Today’s people, when they sit down to think about what their ideal is, all the possible ideals & ideas come to the fore. Does the artist wonder what will be the ideal of his art creation? Which ideology will sacrifice life energy? Does the teacher think that the students will make an ideal? Does the author think to write a standard? And the general wonders are the ideal of survival. Maybe for ages, he has been trying to improve in this way with the help of ideals, but Swamiji came and showed and taught that this improvement is the applied form of Vedanta used. In this way Vedanta can be used more - there was a method but the name of the method was unknown to us.

    Religion is to walk on the path of growth while enjoying life. Yet it was not understood how much religion! Where is the difference between religion and science? When science helps our life and growth, it is religion, but when it destroys life-growth, it is ungodliness. Excessive attachment to anything also creates problems. Because of the attachment, many people forget the difference between right and wrong. Moha is considered a symbol of inertia. Inertia means it does not allow any person to move forward, it binds. A person who is fascinated is not able to use his intellect properly. If the person does not make progress, there will be no success in the work. In the epic Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra was very attracted to Duryodhana and Hastinapur recitation. This is why Dhritarashtra was also silent for the irrational deeds committed by his son Duryodhana. Because of this fascination, the Kaurava dynasty was destroyed.

    Fate is like rainwater, and hard work is like well water. Bathing in rainwater is easy, but we can’t depend on rainwater every day, just like luck we get a lot of things very easily, but we always depend on luck. We can’t depend. That is why Lord Krishna has said in the Gita: -KarmanyebAdhikarasteMaaFalesuKdachana, which means Do your duty but don’t expect anything from that.

    III-The secret of karma can be known as a result of the practice of karma yoga.

    Everyone has faults . Whatever good or bad deeds are done, it must be enjoyed. But it is better to do good than to do evil. Action must be done; it is very difficult to cut the side of action. If I sit idle, will I cut the work side? So we have to work by giving up authority. It is big in action and also small in action. Some are being worshiped for their deeds and some are being abused. ‘Karamse’ cuts Karam. Doing good deeds is good for one and good for others, and doing bad deeds is bad for oneself and others. So the action has to be done until the action is cut. Doing evil will bring fear and sorrow. If you do honest work, you will find peace and you must be fearless. The more honest the work, the happier it is. To do well is to suffer first, to be comfortable in the future, and to do evil is to be happy, to be sad in the future.

    Whenever we feel that we are not confined within the body, we are free from the domination of diseases. The reason we do not know ourselves is the strong attraction towards desires, lusts, and worldly objects. Whenever we know our pure being, we can overcome the fear of death, because death is just a change of body. Some people have a tendency to act. But the mind cannot concentrate on any subject. They are deprived of the judgment of the intellect, so they must pursue selfless deeds to purify their hearts. The practice of yoga in this way will reveal the secrets of karma and travel; shopping or storytelling will all seem like worship.

    The speed of action is very incomprehensible. Those whose deeds are devoid of lust and whose deeds have been burnt by the fire of knowledge are called Pandits. He who has renounced addiction to karma, he who is eternally satisfied does not do karma. He who has no hope, whose mind is restrained, who has renounced all kinds of attachments, does not become bound by sin even if he performs bodily deeds. He who is satisfied with the things obtained arbitrarily, he who is uncontroversial and fishless, in whose perfection and imperfection he is conscious, he too is not bound by action. The ideals of Vedanta are to solve the problems of life, to point out the purpose of human life, to improve human life, and to make human life more compatible with the world-will that is at work in nature. Vedanta makes us realize that the will power that is currently active in our body is actually a part of the world-will power.

    Many people say that there is no motivation for selfless action, it is purposeless. That’s not right as creation by action, protection of creation by action, so nature makes everyone work. It is the duty of the living being to make the action useless and turn it into Bhagavata’s action. This is action. If the worker is selfish, then how will the sorrow of the world are relieved. So Prahlad said sadly, Bhagavata (8/9/44) - PrayenaDevamunayhSwabimuktikama. Maunangcharantibijanenapararthanisthah. Altruism: 'It is often seen that munis do austerities in solitude, they do not look at people. They are not altruistic; they are busy with their own liberation, so they are selfish. From ancient times the people have been glorified by their deeds.

    IV-Lust, anger, and greed are the gates of hell. But human life also needs these.

    Nothing in this world has been created for any reason. Everything has some or the other need. We may not understand it at first but we can realize it later. According to the verses of the Gita, lust, anger and greed must be the gates of hell. But these are also needed in human life. Religion and iniquity depend on the purpose of human work.

    Lust: Lust is an emotion or feeling of strong desire, lust and desire felt in the body. If there was no lust, the whole human society and even the animal kingdom would be destroyed. You, me, we would not exist. The desires/feelings of the human mind work behind the creation of lust. And if the desires of the mind are dishonest, then your majestic lust is also unrighteous. God has made husband and wife lawful for every man and woman. And the marriage yajna has been recognized not only as of the union of two men and women but also as the union of two souls. That is to say, through marriage, husband and wife will fulfill all their desires through each other and give their offspring to their next offspring, give birth to a new life on earth, and gain virtue in this world and the hereafter. Destroys your character and ultimately hinders your spiritual path .Amorousness of the sixth deyatabe the road will take you to hell.

    Anger: An expression of intense dissatisfaction is usually called anger. The manifestation of intense dissatisfaction is usually called anger. Now this dissatisfaction can be caused in two ways. Seeing the injustice done to someone or seeing someone’s happiness/success. He must have already understood which of the two is righteous and which is unrighteous. Then he punished him out of dissatisfaction with the wrong done by the criminal. If it were not for the anger of King then he would pardon which would increase crime in society. But if you feel angry when you see someone succeeding or not achieving something, that anger will surely lead you to hell.

    Greed: Greed is usually caused by expectation/aspiration. If it were not for this expectation or aspiration, society would not be so prosperous. And then he wants to fulfill all his expectations in a wicked way, if you want to have something over which you have no right, then that is greed. This greed will surely lead you to hell.

    In other words, as long as your needs, dissatisfaction and expectations are under your control, they are valid. But then they will go out of your control and cause uncontrolled lust, anger, and greed which is harmful to you and society. It will grow into a beard.

    V-Human life is governed by the will, not by intellect.

    Body or sensual pleasures do not bring proper welfare to human life. We need to figure out how we can live in this world without being overwhelmed by any kind of misery and misfortune that will come to every human life in one way or another. We need to accumulate the knowledge that we can accept death without the slightest fear and attain perfection in this life to live a selfless and holy life. We need to be aware of the power that lies within us and how great and glorious it is. We need to establish true brotherhood based on sincere and selfless love. In fact, intellect, desire, determination are all forms of the mind. Good luck depends largely on their combined

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