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The Definition Of Family
The Definition Of Family
The Definition Of Family
Ebook164 pages1 hour

The Definition Of Family

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About this ebook

A struggling family relocates to a small town. Only to feel live the modern times of government control. With the help of loving friends, The new neighbors find out the true meaning of Family. The small community comes together to help each other. While they all live with the continous battle with manacle forces.   

Ssome lived with the troubles for only minutes, While others live their lives remembering their tramatic experiences. Never forgetting how precious life is to everyone. Read along as the American spirit is thrust into judgement. Prepare for the most thrilling decision a family could make.

PublisherJames D. Nunn
Release dateMay 13, 2024
The Definition Of Family

James D. Nunn

My Band: THREE BEERS BEFORE BREAKFAST. My Clothing Brand: NUNNDAWEAR Clothing LLC. My Books: Ripley/Chasing Memories.Maladies Journal. The Saga of Sally. The Definition of Family. The Little Prince and The Little Princess. The Little Circus. Forgive Me. Forgive Me Not.

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    Book preview

    The Definition Of Family - James D. Nunn

    The Little Circus.

    The Saga of Sally

    The Little Prince and

    The Little Princess

    My Life Matters

    From: Nunndawear Clothing LLC

    Posters and more.

    Three Beers Before Breakfast

    Playing Cards, Pins and more



    Ripley: Chasing Memories

    Three Beers Before Breakfast

    *Free music in media stores*

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    Prayer of Submission

    My Lord, God in Heaven,

    I no longer doubt your will.

    I only believe you are.

    I only believe in you and the scriptures in your name.

    My Lord, God almighty,

    I believe in only you.

    I beg you to come into my heart.

    I beg you to come into my life.

    I fully accept you and your love everlasting.

    My Lord, God in Heaven,

    I beg you to forgive me of my sins.

    I only ask you to help me love you more everyday.

    I beg you to guide me down your path.

    My Lord, God almighty,

    I beg you to protect me from evil.

    What I posse here on earth matters nothing to me.

    I only ask to have you my Lord in my heart.

    I beg you Lord to guide my life, so I can better serve you.


    I have always been reluctant, to single out any of my works. But in this book, it should be pointed out. That I have the ability dramatize my idea. Rather than just talking about them.

    Many different ideas and possibilities appear through out. Several keying in directly making my points. Through dramatic actions within the story. Different key moments gain added power. For the audience to rediscover over and over again.

    You never see the ideas coming directly at you. You do not realize what will happen next. Until much later you realize. How much the characters have reached your heart.

    The following chapters reveal an insistence towards the on going struggle for life. How one mans exsistence, can change everything.

    If one thing tells us about our lives. No matter where you call you own. You must work hard every day.















    Written and Developed by:

    James D. Nunn

    Copyright; 2024.



    Sandra giggles out loudly. I was on the high school track team. But I wqs never that fast. Then the nurse walks into the room. We all say hello to each other. The nurse ask us how we are doing. We reply that we are fine. We both smile. We tell the nurse we do not have any problems today.

    SHE SAYS, LET ME TAKE a look. The nurse performs her daily vital checks. She asked us both to stand up, so she can change the linens on the bed. We both help each other stand up. Mom please stand up for just a minute. While the nurse does her duties. She says, thank you very much for your cooperation. I tell her, I will help anyway I can.

    THE NURSE TELLS US she is finished. She says she has more work to complete. She politely informs us furthermore. That she will be back, before lunch time today. We both thank the nurse graciously. Then the nurse exits out of the room.

    LILY FOCUSES HER ATTENTION to her daughter. Okay Sandy, will you tell me what is so funny? Why were you giggling so much? Sandy replies, mother times were so different in my youth. Sandy pauses for a moment to subside or emotions. Sandy takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. She clears the catch in her throat. She wipes away a single tear away with one finger.

    I JUST CANNOT BELIEVE you do not remember our neighbors. Sandy grasp her mother's hand gently. She can feel that her mother's hand is colder than her own. She stares into her mother's eyes. I was at their house every chance I could. I thought of nothing more enjoyable, then playing with our neighbors children.

    SANDY NOTICES HOW TIME has weathered her mother's face. She says excitedly to her mother. I have a great idea! I will start from my earliest memory. I hope my memories will help you remember our lives years ago.

    I REMEMBER IT WAS IN the summer during 1943. A lot was happening to me back in those days. You were working full-time at the old stamping mill industrial factory. Do you remember working there? I think I do, a little, mom says. Lily lowers her head down. Says no, I apologize. I do not remember the factory. That's okay mom, do not worry. I will remember for us both. I remember so much of what happened back in those days. It seems like it just happened yesterday.

    IT WAS DURING THE TIME of The Great War. But none of us thought it was really so great. Everyone and everything was involved in driving the war effort. Evidently it was more impacting than my small brain could have imagined. Sometimes back then it was so bad in our town. Every family started pitching in to help.

    ALL OF OUR NEIGHBORS treated each other as one big family. We would help our friends do their yard work. We helped each other paint our houses. We gave each other money each other. To help pay bills whenever needed. We cook meals and deliver them to people. We were all one big family back then.

    EVEN YOU MOM, WOULD often work shifts at the factory for other women. Most of the time they could not find a babysitter for their children. Because the husbands had gone off to war.

    I WAS ABLE TO GET A couple of my friends to pitch in and help out. We would pick up trash around town. We would help struggling moms and elderly people clean their houses. We would sweep and mop floor, for what seemed like all day. We would clean thousands of windows, throughout the summer.

    The older kids would do more physical work. Like cutting the grass and trimming the hedges.

    EVERY SINGLE PERSON was doing any extra work to help out. Lord knows, I was dedicated to make a better life. I tried my best to help everyone I could.

    FOR OVER A YEAR, I would dig through all of the trash cans in town. To try to find anything we could recycle or reuse. I never found anything worth any real value. We usually found only a small amount of scrap metal, glass bottles and aluminum cans.

    WE ALL HAD HEARD ABOUT terrible work related stories. Where children our ages and

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