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Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos: Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos, #1
Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos: Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos, #1
Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos: Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos, #1
Ebook53 pages42 minutes

Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos: Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos, #1

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Life as a model is not nearly as glamorous as everyone imagines. Young Vicky experiences this every day on her own beautiful body and, in need of money, accepts a job that takes her into the disreputable corners of the fashion world.

But as prejudiced as this underground may be, she found it to be just as stylish when she met the owner of the business. It was the attractive, young and well-groomed billionaire Enrico Verratti, who knew how to make people look their best without a lot of clothes. Guided by his hand, Vicky also discovered her bawdy side that day and immediately used it to please her potential client.

But his aura also had an effect on the young model and before she knew it, it was about more than just business. In the end, she found herself a submissive toy who wanted nothing more than to be used by him.




He gently took my hand and led me to a corner where there was an oval, free-standing mirror slightly larger than I was.

"Look at yourself," was all he said to me.

Then he stepped into the background and left me alone with my reflection. The rococo frame of the mirror enclosed my image like the frame of an expensive painting. It contained a full-length portrait of me.

I hardly recognized myself.

The person looking back at me was a mysterious, seductive stranger whose naked body made up most of the image without looking cheap.

The mask brought my ice-blue eyes into focus and accentuated my red-painted lips. The collar had a ring attached to the front that hung loosely from the eyelet. I knew what it meant and, surprisingly, I even liked seeing it on me. The lace gloves that reached above my elbows gave the whole thing something noble and the high heels of the Louboutins made me stand up straigt and pushed my chest out.

Despite being scantily clad, I couldn't remember ever feeling so attractive.

He had been right when he said that a woman's body is a masterpiece. Together with the right accessories, nakedness was more sensual than being covered up by the most expensive lingerie. Concealment was arousing, but when used tactically, exposure could also stimulate the imagination. And he knew exactly how to show it off - after all, he hadn't become wealthy for nothing.

I looked like a powerful seductress who had wielded all her allure.

"I would like to go one step further," I heard his voice after he had given me enough time to admire myself.

Release dateMay 11, 2024
Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos: Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos, #1

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    Book preview

    Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire - A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos - Lorena Darling

    Not suitable for under 18s!

    Seduced by the Fashion Billionaire

    A Young Model Breaks Her Taboos


    Modeling is tough business.

    Nobody believes you when you tell them.

    Me neither, that's why I ended up here.

    Well, maybe not just because of that.

    But let's start from the beginning. The only thing my life has ever given me is a great body. Not a bad starting point as a woman, but the people who gave it to me weren't the best company. As a 21-year-old, I wasn't very old yet, but my mother had been dead for most of my life. And my father ... I never want to say another word about him. I left home as quickly as I could back then.

    From one hell to the next, so to speak.

    Apprenticeships were out of the question, as the salary would only have been enough to lead an independent life after graduation. So I went straight to looking for useful part-time jobs. This didn't allow me to make any big leaps, but it brought in enough money to keep me above water.

    I went on a few dates, but the guys were all just out for a quick fuck. It was disappointing, but it reminded me of the fact that I had a beautiful body.

    Play the hand you are dealt, I guess.

    So I thought about it and listed all the possibilities it could give me. I came to the following conclusion: If your body is all you have, you have three options: You marry someone who sees you as their trophy, you go prostitute or you try to become a model.

    As I wanted to remain independent and didn't feel like sucking cock for a twenty bucks, I was left with option three.

    I found out how to do it and somehow I managed to convince an agency to hire me. That was the start of my dream job.


    The modeling life.

    You only ever see the beautiful side of it and that's exactly what attracts so many girls.

    Exuberant wealth and the opportunity to shape your own life. Not having to do anything other than wear great clothes and smile on and off the catwalk.

    But when you're competing against the most beautiful girls in your country and busloads of Eastern Bloc girls who all want the same thing, you realize the bitter truth behind the whole thing: the few winners get the flash, a few fortune cookies get photographed in wool pajamas for the housewife mail-order catalog and the losers find themselves in their thirties in a job as a waitress or behind a supermarket checkout. But I didn't want to give up yet. Life had made me tough and I was determined to win one day.

    For this reason, I had been living for some time in the kind of places where girls with this kind of dream live: in a model apartment.

    Such a hostel is characterized by young, half-naked and three-quarters desperate people scurrying around between full ashtrays and empty salt shakers, waiting for some booker to show up. This species is two steps above God, even among Russian Orthodox girls. Whenever someone like this stood in the room, which was only declared as a living room in the rental agreement, everyone in the house would immediately gather around them.

    That's exactly what happened while I was sitting on the throne.

    Vicky, come quickly, one of the other girls called out to me. A new booker is here.

    She knocked frantically on

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