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Blocking And Reversing Pronounced Curses
Blocking And Reversing Pronounced Curses
Blocking And Reversing Pronounced Curses
Ebook86 pages57 minutes

Blocking And Reversing Pronounced Curses

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About this ebook

"Blocking and Reversing Pronounced Curses" is a Christian ebook that shows believers how to defend themselves from negative energy and curses through prayer and faith in God. It explains how to identify and overcome curses using teachings from the Bible. This ebook is for Christians who want to protect themselves spiritually and live in victory with God's help. Topics include:  Breaking Curses, Healing and Recovery, Strengthening Spiritual Defense, Seeking Support, Strategic Prayers and others.

Release dateMay 7, 2024
Blocking And Reversing Pronounced Curses


Bishop Dusan Pobee, the Presiding Bishop of Transformed Life Ministries International, offers practical guidance and wisdom to help believers find freedom and victory in their relationship with Christ. His extensive knowledge of the Bible and commitment to aiding believers are evident in this ebook, born from years of ministry experience.

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    Blocking And Reversing Pronounced Curses - BISHOP DUSAN POBEE


    Pronounced curses are negative words or statements that are spoken with the intention of causing harm or bad luck to someone. These curses can come from other people who wish ill on someone, or they can even come from our own negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. It is believed that pronounced curses have a spiritual or supernatural power that can affect a person's life in negative ways.

    Overview of Blocking and Reversing Curses:

    Blocking and reversing curses involves taking steps to protect yourself from the harm caused by these negative words and turning the negative energy into positive outcomes. This can be done through prayer, spiritual practices, and seeking help and guidance from spiritual leaders. By breaking the power of curses through confession, repentance, and claiming God's promises for protection and healing, it is possible to overcome the effects of curses and move forward in faith and victory.


    Question : How can you tell if you are under the influence of a curse?

    Answer: You can tell you are under a curse if you experience recurring bad luck, unexplained obstacles, or a sense of heaviness and negativity.

    NLT Scripture: Proverbs 26:2 - Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse will not land on its intended victim.

    Bible Examples: Job faced multiple curses, including the loss of his wealth, health, and family.

    - King Saul faced a curse due to his disobedience to God's commands.

    Question: How can curses impact different aspects of your life?

    Answer: Curses can impact your health, relationships, finances, and overall well-being by creating barriers to success and hindering progress.

    NLT Scripture: Galatians 3:13 - Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.'

    Bible Examples: The Israelites faced curses for disobeying God's commandments, leading to various hardships.

    - King Solomon's descendants faced curses due to his disobedience to God.

    Question: What are some signs of curses affecting your life emotionally and mentally?

    Answer: Signs of curses affecting you emotionally and mentally include feelings of fear, hopelessness, and despair, leading to a cycle of negativity.

    NLT Scripture: Psalm 37:22 - Those the Lord blesses will inherit the land, but those He curses will be destroyed.

    Bible Examples: King Nebuchadnezzar faced a curse of insanity due to his pride and arrogance.

    - The people of Israel faced curses for turning away from God and worshiping idols.

    Question: How can you empower yourself to break free from the negative effects of curses?

    Answer: You can empower yourself by seeking help from spiritual sources, such as prayer, meditation, and guidance from spiritual leaders, to overcome curses and move towards healing and restoration.

    NLT Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

    Bible Examples: The prophet Elisha broke a curse of barrenness for a woman by praying and seeking God's intervention.

    - Peter broke free from the curse of fear and denial by receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

    Question: How can keeping a journal help in identifying potential curses in your life?

    Answer:Keeping a journal can help in identifying potential curses in your life by allowing you to track patterns, emotions, and events that may be linked to negative influences or recurring challenges.

    NLT Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

    Bible Examples: David kept a journal of his thoughts and prayers, which helped him navigate through challenges and seek God's guidance.

    - Jeremiah recorded his struggles and emotions in a journal, seeking comfort and direction from God in times of distress.

    Question: What role does forgiveness play in breaking the cycle of curses in your life?

    Answer: Forgiveness plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of curses by releasing negative energy and emotions, promoting healing, and allowing room for blessings and restoration.

    NLT Scripture: Matthew 6:14-15 - If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

    Bible Examples: Joseph forgave his brothers who had wronged him, leading to reconciliation and blessings for his family.

    - Jesus forgave those who crucified Him, demonstrating the power of forgiveness in breaking the curse of sin and death.

    Question: How can seeking spiritual guidance and counsel help in recognizing and addressing curses in your life?

    Answer: Seeking spiritual

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