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Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric
Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric
Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric
Ebook39 pages30 minutes

Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric

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Through Gritted Teeth: Unveiling the Anti-LGBTQ+ Playbook

Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric isn't for the faint of heart. It confronts the raw, unfiltered negativity hurled at the LGBTQ+ community. We endure the anger-inducing rhetoric, not to condone it, but to expose its core. This book dismantles the anti-LGBTQ+ playbook, laying bare the tactics and motivations behind the hate.

Unmasking the Voices offers a powerful counter-narrative. We don't meet bigotry halfway. We dissect it, exposing its flaws for all to see. This book empowers you to understand the enemy and become a stronger advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.


Release dateMay 12, 2024
Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric

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    Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric - Jeremy Johnson

    Unmasking the Voices Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric


    Jeremy Johnson

    Jeremy Johnson

    New York

    Copyright © 2024 by Jeremy Johnson


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.



    On a recent journey to Russia, Uganda, and China, three countries navigating complex issues surrounding LGBTQ+ rights, I sought to understand the perspectives driving these conversations. During my travels, I encountered an individual with strong views against homosexuality. While their views may be considered harsh or offensive (and it's important to acknowledge that), sharing them allows us to engage in a more informed and nuanced discussion about LGBTQ+ rights on a global scale.

    Read the story. Hear him...


    " ....So, let us talk homosexuality and possibly offend some persons. We currently live in a politically correct culture. In this atmosphere, the individual is expected to agree with whatever would please other people or else he is punished.

    The individual is discouraged by the gatekeepers of political correctness to express his opinion if it is contrary to prevailing socially approved opinions.

    One no longer dare hold views that challenge the views of vocal minorities such as homosexuals. The question is no longer what is right or wrong but who defends a position? If feminists, for example, believe that a point of view is detrimental to their position they would penalize men who express such point of view.

    Political correctness has compelled several people to jump unto the homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle bandwagon. No one bothers talking about the rightness or wrongness of homosexual behaviors. My God, did one say wrongness? Who is the individual to talk about what is right or wrong?

    Who gives one the right to tell other people what is right or wrong, God? What God, does God exist; did not Nietzsche tell us that God is dead? Scientists, our latest high priests and arbiter of truth, have not demonstrated the existence of God.

    Political correctness defines the individual’s role as merely to rubber stamp whatever is currently championed by powerful vocal persons who shape public opinion; the individual is not supposed to think for himself and ascertain what is correct or not.

    The human mind is dismissed as incapable of knowing the truth, except the truth told it by the gatekeepers of political correctness.

    Homosexuality is sexual behavior that defies what

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