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Chosen by Blood: Mafia Ties Dark Romance, #1
Chosen by Blood: Mafia Ties Dark Romance, #1
Chosen by Blood: Mafia Ties Dark Romance, #1
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Chosen by Blood: Mafia Ties Dark Romance, #1

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I'm the daughter of Harrison Kingsley, Don of the Kingsley Crime Family. So, I guess that makes me a Mafia Princess, but I'm no princess at all. I'm anything but. Dad raised me alone and I've just known him as my father. But now, all that's about to change.

After an incident in college, I'm back and dear-old-dad appointed me the new Underboss for the Kingsley Crime Family in this male-driven world. Many of the men don't like it, but too bad. I happen to be Harrison Kingsley's only child and the sole heir to the kingdom… and I'm as ruthless as they come.

Many doubt I can do the job. But that's their mistake.

Now, I have to prove myself while navigating this world and learning the ropes. Although I knew many aspects of our world before, it wasn't nearly everything.

Eli Gold is the son of Bradley Gold, head of the Gold Crime Family. He's second in line to his throne… and he's also my lover. With our commitments deeply rooted in our families, we can't be together… but we are. Even though we try to keep our relationship a secret, I'm sure everyone knows. But he's the only one I trust in this world where few can be trusted, so I refuse to give him up.

After an attempt on my life, I discover that someone is out to take me down before I can get started. But what they don't know is that I'm my father's daughter and as ruthless as they come… but they're about to find out. Soon, they will come to fear and respect the name Adrienne Kingsley. For I don't want to be the next Queen of the Kingdom. I want to be King.

*Note: All books in the Mafia Ties Dark Romance Series end in cliffhangers until the final book, Blood & Lies, Book 6 in the Series.

Triggers: steamy sex, Mafia attacks between warring families, language, mention of a past rape, … oh! And a little maiming, but who's counting? If any of these things disturb you, please do not read this book. I trust you know what your triggers are. 18+

Release dateMay 3, 2024
Chosen by Blood: Mafia Ties Dark Romance, #1

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    Chosen by Blood - Sophie Slade

    Cover by: Dark Water Covers Premades and Formating

    Editor: Editing by Grace Brennan

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    For Tommy

    Chapter 1

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    You can’t be serious. Reggie Friscia, one of the capos of the Kingsley Crime Family, rose from his seat and paced, waving a hand in my direction. I would have liked to take off that hand and feed it to him. I like Addie. Always have. But to choose her as the next Don of the Kingsley Crime Family? Come on!

    My father was Harrison Kingsley, Don of the Kingsley Crime Family, and I am his daughter, and his chosen to take over. Take that, Reggie. The only reason why he was still alive for speaking to my father that way was because he’d been with my father for years—or else he would be lying in a dumpster somewhere by now. I shrugged. He still might, if my father felt so inclined. Harrison Kingsley was known to be the most ruthless crime boss in the whole East Coast. That is, until now.

    Some of the men rose from the table, complaining as they surrounded my father, while others remained seated. Their voices rose, each one making their disapproval known. I turned my head slowly, taking them in. There weren’t many details that didn’t escape my notice. Were the men seated my allies or my enemies?

    My cousin, Kent, was one of them. Our eyes connected and he smiled, nodding, as relaxed as ever. He definitely approved. Kent always did. Even when we were children, he always had my back. The other men watched the commotion at the end of the table awaiting the outcome, their eyes wide, too scared to do anything about it.

    Tucking a loose strand of auburn hair behind my ear, I fought the urge to gnaw on my fingernails... a nervous habit from my youth, but I folded my hands over my knees instead. Whenever I thought I’d moved past it, something happened and the urge came back. But in this room, it wouldn’t do for the newly appointed Don of the Kingsley Crime Family to bite her nails like a scared child. I was anything but. Instead, I sat up straight and squared my shoulders, looking each man in the eye, determined not to show fear. In this business, fear will get you killed.

    But she’s a woman! Damaso waved his hand in my direction again.

    I shifted in my seat, uncrossing my legs.

    My father’s head snapped up from across the room and shook his head slightly, giving me a stern look. If I killed him in this room in a show of power, the other men would revolt. Or better yet, I’d find myself with a knife in my back while I slept. No, the only one who could kill him was my father. Damaso was protected.

    She’s a woman? I hadn’t noticed. My father smirked, shaking his head. Then his expression turned serious, his eyes ice. My decision stands.

    You can’t seriously think that she’ll be able to take over the Kingsley Crime Family and do just as good a job as you, no disrespect intended. Damaso oversaw all the family’s business dealings and took care of laundering the cash or he’d be a dead man right now. Surely someone else would be better suited for the family’s... less suitable businesses. What about Kent?

    My father slowly rose to his feet, looking Damaso straight in the eye. Are you questioning my judgement?

    All of the color suddenly drained from Damaso’s face. Uh... no, Boss. I just thought—

    Then I suggest that all of you sit back in your fucking chairs... now. My father was not a man to mess with and he rarely rose his voice to prove it. You want to talk this out? Fine. My father gestured to the table before him. Sit down and talk. After the men were seated, he took his seat and raised his chin, giving the men a moment to collect their thoughts. So, who wants to begin?

    The men glanced at each other but said nothing. Finally, Reggie cleared his throat. I was just saying that... someone like Kent... might be better suited for such a prestigious position. He knows the business and he’s been here since the beginning.

    So have I. I leaned forward in my seat, arching an eyebrow.

    All eyes turned to me.

    It’s true. I smirked, sitting back. I was educated in the family business at the same age as Kent, and Father CCed me on all of the financial statements and business dealings. I leveled my gaze at Reggie, daring him to defy me. And I’m well aware of all our... business dealings, legitimate and otherwise.

    She won’t have the stomach for it. Reggie smirked as one corner of his lips curled into a smile, looking straight into my eyes.

    My eyes never wavered from his as I uncrossed my legs, squeezing the arms of my chair, ready to stand when my father caught my eye and shook his head in another silent warning. Reggie didn’t know how lucky he was.

    "She is sitting right here. I sat back in my chair and crossed my legs. From here on out, don’t talk about me as if I’m not in the room."

    Reggie snarled, his face contorting in disgust, taking me by surprise. Reggie had always been nice to me in the past. I thought he liked me. Now he hated me. Well not me. What Reggie hated was the idea of me running the Kingsley family. It was understandable, I guess. I would be the first woman to sit at the top of the Kingsly Mafia Crime Family. I understood his revulsion. But if he was going to survive in my world, he was going to have to get used to it, and fast.

    I understand your concerns, Reggie, but this isn’t a democracy. Addie is my replacement and that is my final word. My father glared at Reggie, daring him to defy him.

    The crowd started to get up again.

    But... Everyone froze as silence filled the room. My father had a way of getting everyone’s attention without having to raise his voice. We will give her a chance to prove herself. He raised his chin, his eyes filled with pride as they met mine from across the room. She will prove to you that she can and will fill my shoes.

    The men glanced at each other, their eyes wide in disbelief.

    I bit my lip so hard, I half expected drops of blood to trickle down my chin. I nodded as one corner of my lips curled into a smile. "Yes, Padre. It will be my pleasure."

    A broad smile spread across my father’s face as he sat back in his chair, pride evident in his demeanor.

    The men murmured their agreement.

    Then I guess we’ll give her a task. Reggie smirked. And when she fails, you can give us your real choice.

    My father rose to his feet and slowly crossed the room to Reggie, his face contorting into something evil. He stopped right before Reggie and looked down his nose at him. Be very careful, Reggie. I’m still the Boss. Got it?

    Reggie’s eyes grew wide and then he nodded once. Yes, sir. Of course.

    As the thought of strangling Reggie floated around my head, my father dismissed them.

    Congratulations, Addie, Kent said, his voice low as he walked past and then disappeared out the door with the rest of the men.

    When the men were gone, Father sat in Reggie’s chair. Damn prick. Although I hated to even think it, I knew my father’s days were numbered. Although he had fought several foes, it appeared that cancer would be the one to take him in the final battle.

    While I understood what he was trying to do, I hated that he had to do it. He wanted to ease the men into this new transition. I doubted any male head of the family had to go through what was expected of me, but I didn’t care. I would do it for my father, so he could rest assured that the family would be safe and that his legacy would be carried on.

    Father looked up at me and laughed. You handled that better than I thought you would. He started to get up, but I stopped him.

    No, Padre. I said, jumping to my feet. I’ll come to you.

    But he stood and waved his hand dismissively as

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