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LIFE OBSERVATIONS: Lessons from Daily Living
LIFE OBSERVATIONS: Lessons from Daily Living
LIFE OBSERVATIONS: Lessons from Daily Living
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LIFE OBSERVATIONS: Lessons from Daily Living

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Many say they don't know how to hear from God. But the Lord desires to connect with us throughout our days, and He uses various means to do so. God can speak to us through His word and while in prayer, but He can also show up in our everyday lives. He gives us eyes to see, ears to hear, and the Holy Spirit to give insight to help us see the lessons He wishes to reveal. As we pay attention to the mundane happenings around us each day, we just may hear God communicating to us in ways we did not expect.

In Life Observations: Lessons from Daily Living, you will learn of the many lessons that can be seen and learned by observing what is going on around you. God can use any event in our lives to teach us valuable truths. He shows up in unexpected ways and in unusual times. Our lives are a collection of powerful events like the parables Jesus used to teach truth and wisdom to the people of his day. If we're paying attention and seeking the Lord's wisdom and perspective, God will give us understanding, teach us through these natural object lessons, and show us how we can apply these truths to our lives.

About the Cover

What do you see when you look at this picture? Just some yellow weeds and dead leaves? This plant is called coltsfoot, and it's one of the first flowers to greet us in the spring. As I see these little circles of sunshine push their way up through the decaying remains of the past fall and winter, they are alive with the promise of hope and new life. They encourage me that I, too, can break through all the old, dead debris of my life, the things that have weighed me down and brought pain and sorrow. I can emerge from it filled with the hope of new life and a brighter future. Jesus offers us this hope of new life, for if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, and the new has come.

Release dateApr 16, 2024
LIFE OBSERVATIONS: Lessons from Daily Living


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    Book preview

    LIFE OBSERVATIONS - Diane Houghtaling



    Lessons from Daily Living

    Diane Houghtaling

    ISBN 979-8-89345-095-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89345-096-5 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Diane Houghtaling

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    In memory of my parents, John and Josephine Them, who were my biggest fans. They loved their children and grandchildren deeply.

    Endorsements for Life Observations: Lessons from Daily Living


    Life Observations

    Lessons from Daily Living



    A Child Shall Lead Them

    Reckless Abandon

    Peekaboo, I See You

    Getting My Attention

    Stuck in the Mud

    The Rewards of Obedience

    Get Me Out!

    To Be Understood

    It's Only Noise

    Let It All Out!

    Fighting Temptation


    Honor Thy Mother

    God Loves Me

    Compelled by Love

    A Lifetime of Regrets

    A Mother's Heart

    That Was Fast!

    Watch for Opportunities

    My Mother's Hands

    The Power of Suggestion

    A Good Sense of Humor

    I Forgive You


    Feline Antics

    Chasing the Elusive

    Out on a Limb

    Before We Ask

    Throwing Scraps

    Freedom or Captivity?

    Watch Where You Sleep!

    Grab the Lifeline

    The Battle Is the Lord's

    Fight for Your Children

    Compassion for Prodigals


    Intimacy with God

    Forget Me Not

    A Slower Pace

    Knowing God's Voice

    God Desires Intimacy

    Keep Singing, Keep Fighting

    Instructions in the Night

    That Special Voice

    Don't Touch the Devoted Things

    Red-Letter Words

    Listen with Your Heart


    Trust in the Lord

    He Holds Us

    Fear Not

    Where's the Spark?

    Soaring above the Storms

    Umbrella Faith


    The Little Things

    We Were Bumped!

    It All Works for Good

    The Debt Is Cancelled


    Creation Revelation

    Hanging on by a Thread

    Attacking Self

    On Wings of the Wind

    Come and Get It

    My Neglected Garden

    Spreading Roots

    A Good Pruning

    Doing My Part

    Secure in the Lord

    Find Your Place


    Guard Your Heart

    A Hard Lesson

    The Little Choices

    Listen and Obey

    Time to Clean Out

    Dead Wood

    Let Go!

    Change My Routine?

    Someone's Listening

    A Job for God

    It's All in the Finish


    Abundant Life

    The Path of Life

    Stopping Short of God's Blessings

    You Will Know the Truth

    It's That Simple

    Taking Possession

    Learning to Crawl

    What Is It?

    Mercy and Grace

    Loving Life

    Resting in the Lord


    Apply God's Word

    Life Application

    Eating the Seed

    Asleep in the Light

    The Evidence Is Gone

    No One Reported It

    Leave Your Hands Off It

    A Priceless Treasure

    A Gopher for God




    Encourage One Another

    They're All around Us

    Sometimes You Have to Get Messy

    Use Your Gift

    The Completer

    Random Acts of Blessing

    He Upholds Us

    Hurting Parts

    A Little Reprieve

    Just an Idea

    What Are You Worth?


    A Matter of Perspective and Focus

    Open My Eyes

    A Constant Effort

    A Matter of Perspective

    What's around the Curve?

    Refusing God's Provision


    Don't Be Intimidated

    How Important Is It?

    Interrupted Sleep

    Focus on Your Assignment


    The Shadow of Death

    The Next Moment

    Carrying the Burden

    The Pain Won't Stop

    God's Compassion

    It Was His Time


    A Prepared Room

    Finishing Well

    Leaving a Legacy

    Jesus Is Our Aide

    About the Author

    In memory of my parents, John and Josephine Them, who were my biggest fans. They loved their children and grandchildren deeply.

    Endorsements for Life Observations: Lessons from Daily Living

    Diane Houghtaling, my friend for over thirty years, is a thoughtful and inspirational writer. It is her intention to open eyes of her readers to learn and grow in their search for a fuller relationship with Jesus Christ. Diane often uses day to day experiences in her life in the country. The Lord gives Diane clear vision of her surrounding environment to express the Lord's love and oversight in each of our lives. What a gift God has given to my friend to show a reason to follow Him each day.

    —Barbara Hust, New York

    Founder and president of Hope Ministries Christian Counseling Center

    Diane Houghtaling has been a longtime columnist of the Sullivan County Democrat, penning Hope for the Day. This column deals with the spiritual side of life, giving our readers exactly what it promises—hope for the day. Diane's everyday stories about her life are woven into ways in which God's teachings and spiritual awareness affect our everyday lives. Her columns are a must-read for our many Sullivan County Democrat subscribers, and her outlook on life and the true meaning of so many of our everyday actions is truly inspirational.

    —Fred Stabbert III

    Publisher, New York

    Diane Houghtaling is an amazing writer who takes life's experiences and shows the reader how God is always at work, even in the smallest details of our lives. This devotional will be an encouragement to the reader as they read of the love and faithfulness of God.

    —Shirley Blum, South Carolina

    I've been blessed to call Diane Houghtaling my friend for nearly thirty years. We have fellowshipped, worshipped, prayed, studied the Bible, and shared our love of writing with each other. I consider her one of my spiritual mentors since her life is consistent with her godly counsel. Diane has a gift with words and a passion for people to know Jesus and live the abundant life in Him. Her devotional book needs to get into people's hands and hearts and will surely impact generations to come!

    —Melody Balthaser, Pennsylvania

    Author of Seeking Sophie (Come to Light Book 1) and Chasing Claire (Come to Light Book 2)

    I have a nickname for my sister Diane Houghtaling. She is a superhero whom I call the harbinger of hope, bringing hope to the discouraged everywhere. (I even drew her superhero image, complete with a cape.) If you ever have the good fortune to spend time in her company, it will become quickly apparent that Diane is a woman who has walked with Jesus long and through some dark valleys. Her words and observations never fail to bring comfort and encouragement. God speaks, she listens, and then we all benefit as words come splashing out to drench everyone around her with God's love, compassion, and wisdom. Diane is a wonderful, godly women who, in her quiet unassuming way, reflects the love of Christ to a suffering world.

    —Lori Lightfoot, North Carolina

    I have known Diane Houghtaling for forty years as a friend, Bible study leader, and a writer. I can attest to her encouragement and inspiration through her biweekly newspaper column, Hope for the Day. Her illustrative Bible narratives captivate listeners by giving the characters heart and soul. Diane is known for her mission of motivating and uplifting others. She truly has a desire to share biblical truths and hope to all people through this book.

    —Beverly Whitmore, New York

    I've known Diane for thirty years and have found that she writes from the heart of God. I am always interested in hearing what Jesus is going to give her to bring to the body of Christ for our admonishment, joy, and healing.

    —Brian Szawiola, New York


    Life Observations

    Lessons from Daily Living

    I am so thankful for my Father God and His unfailing, matchless, amazing love. He created me with purpose and never gave up on me. I am thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ, for while I was yet a sinner, He died for me and continually intercedes for me. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit who drew me with loving kindness, who comforts me, leading and directing my every step, and gives insight to teach me through my daily happenings.

    I am thankful not only for God's great love for me, but that He has also surrounded me all my life with others who have poured out much love upon me. I am thankful for the many years I had with my parents, John and Josephine Them, and my in-laws, Arnold and Beverly Houghtaling, who are all home with the Lord, waiting for me to join them one day.

    I am thankful for my husband and best friend, Keith Houghtaling, whose undying love, faithfulness, and belief in me continued steadily through all the ups and downs of our lives. I'm thankful God continued to give him back to me, both after being divorced for six years and then after he had a heart attack, so we could fulfill the plans He has for us. We still have a hope and a future ahead.

    I am thankful for my children, Rebecka and Paul Tesseyman, and Aaron and Naomi Houghtaling, and for the great love and care they pour into our lives. They are always there if we need them. I am also so thankful for our grandchildren, Cierra and Cole Fredo and little Sadie Jo, Keith Tesseyman, and Dylan and Drew Houghtaling, who have added much joy to my life and poured out their unconditional love upon me. God has used them to teach me many lessons.

    I am thankful for a loving extended family, especially my sister, Lori Lightfoot. As we have journeyed through this life together, she has been my greatest encourager and confidante. We have lifted each other up through the hard times and scaled the mountain tops together. I can also count on my sister-in-law, Lori Frick, to always stand beside me and be there for me. I am also thankful for my brother, John Them, and especially for our carefree early years together on the farm.

    I am thankful for each of our pastors, their wives and families, who have been a constant source of instruction and encouragement in our lives through the years. They have prayed for our family, helping us through the many difficult sorrows and trials we've been through. I am also thankful for the many loving friends that God has given to me who pray for me and encourage me to write my life's stories. I pray God's love and blessing be poured out upon each one in abundant measure.


    We live in a hurting world surrounded by suffering people. I am no stranger to pain as I spent many years plunged into a deep pit of despair and depression. Soon after my marriage to my loving, devoted husband, this Vietnam vet became a stranger to me. Our children were born within the first two years of marriage, and my babies were the only thing that gave me the will to keep going.

    I understand the pain of rejection, loneliness, divorce, and being a single mother. I have dealt with the bondages of codependency, a victim mentality, control, and feeling worthless. I know what addiction can do to a family. I spent many years feeling so lost and hopeless that I believed I would never have another happy day for the rest of my life.

    But my story doesn't end there. When I was at the bottom of my pit without the strength to try even one more time to reach up for help, God broke through my darkness and lifted me out of the miry clay and placed my feet on a solid rock. He gave me new life, hope, the peace that passes all understanding and a good future. He poured His mighty love into my broken, wounded heart to bring healing, deliverance, and wholeness. He restored the years of the canker worm and brought healing to my family and restoration to my marriage.

    I have had many years of painful experiences, but joy comes in the morning. Our God is so faithful to work all things out for good. He has used my pain to bring healing to others. As I share my life and experiences with hurting women, they know that I really do understand what they are going through because I have lived it.

    The Holy Spirit gives insight to see the lessons He reveals in the occurrences of everyday life. As we pay attention to our daily happenings and seek the Lord's wisdom and perspective, God will give understanding and teach us through these natural object lessons and show us how we can apply truth to our lives. Our lives are a collection of powerful events like the parables Jesus used to teach truth and wisdom to the people of his day. We are no different and can still learn from the parables of everyday life.

    Life Observations: Lessons from Daily Living is a collection of the parables from my life that God has used to teach me truth and bring healing and wholeness to me. My life is an open book for all to read and learn from as I strive to live the life of a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. As I share the lessons the Lord has taught me from mistakes and wrong choices I've made, others will see that we are all fallen people in need of a Savior.

    As readers travel with me and my family through this journey, they learn valuable lessons and gain spiritual insights through our experiences and through our lives. Readers will laugh with me at my grandchildren's antics, sympathize with me through trials and suffering, and cry with me at my mother's deathbed. So open your heart and receive what the Lord would share with you through these devotions.


    A Child Shall Lead Them

    I have received much insight through my relationships with my grandchildren, as well as from watching other children. Jesus was quick to point out to His disciples the value of learning from children. He says in Matthew 18:3 that unless we change and become like little children, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. He follows this up in Matthew 19:14 by telling them not to hinder the children from coming to Him as the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Jesus also shares the way to becoming greatest in the kingdom of heaven. It is to humble ourselves like little children (Matthew 18:4).

    God has shown me the reckless abandon of a child's complete trust. The Lord used my times of playing peekaboo with my grandson to show me how He sometimes plays peekaboo with me, revealing little glimpses of Himself in my times of darkness when I've felt forsaken by Him. Before my grandson could talk much, I learned the frustration of feeling like no one really understands us. Children have also taught me that we are more apt to give into temptation when we take that second and third look at the forbidden.

    Adventures with my granddaughter have taught timeless lessons. Once we got stuck in the mud of our little pond while reaching for tadpoles, and I saw the deep mire we can get stuck in after giving into temptation. My granddaughter's time of being stuck in a snowdrift showed me that there are times when only surrender to the Lord can get us out of the pits we dig ourselves in to. Her struggle to obey me one day revealed how we all struggle to obey, but that the rewards of obedience are worth it.

    I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it (Mark 10:15).

    Reckless Abandon

    Our grandson Keith is all boy, with a love for anything action/adventure. At two years old, he loved to run, jump, wrestle, be tickled, throw stones, play with cars, and sword fight with his papa. (Foam swords are the greatest invention!)

    One of his favorite past times was to run and hide. When I called him, he would come running at me at full speed, leap into my arms, and expect me to swing him up over my head, spin him around, turn him upside down or some variation of all this. He was happy as long as he was flying through the air. He hadn't yet learned that he couldn't fly. When my arms got too tired, that's when the tickling on the ground began.

    Keith had no fear that just maybe one time I might drop him on his head. He ran at me with reckless abandon for the pure joy of it, fully trusting that I would catch him, and he'd get to fly. He believed in me because I'd never let him down yet.

    Reckless abandon may seem like a foolish, rash thing to adults—to relinquish all fear and release all control, to depend completely and utterly on someone or something you're trusting in. But it makes perfect sense to a child who hasn't yet learned to fear taking risks or hasn't decided yet that they can't depend on anyone but themselves.

    Maybe that's why Jesus loved children so much. They could come to Him with reckless abandon, with no fear, trusting Him completely and whole heartedly, knowing that He was God and that He loved them.

    In Mark 10:13–16, people were bringing their children to Jesus for a blessing and the disciples rebuked them. Jesus became indignant at this and said to them, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

    How does a child receive the kingdom of God? With reckless abandon and pure joy! They are simply quick to believe, trust and love. They are willing to receive God's love and trust Him to take care of them. They are willing to run into His arms at full speed, knowing that He will catch them, hold them, and never let them down.

    Just as my grandson had learned to trust me because I have never dropped him, so we can learn to trust God like that. We will see that He is completely trustworthy, that He cares about everything in our lives, and He only wants the best for us. As we receive His love and goodness to us, we slowly begin to surrender control of our lives to Him, knowing that He will never let us fall. The more we taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8), the easier it will be to release our lives to Him with reckless abandon.

    Father, help us to simply believe You, trust You, and love You. Help us to take a risk and surrender control of our lives to You, and to jump into Your loving arms with reckless abandon. In Jesus's name. Amen.

    Lord, how does this apply to my life?

    Your face, Lord, I will seek. Do not hide your face from me (Psalm 27:8–9).

    Peekaboo, I See You

    Peekaboo was our grandson's favorite game. It was the first game he learned as a baby, and as a fifteen-month-old toddler, Keith had come up with many variations. It had progressed from hiding behind his blanket to hiding behind tables, chairs, and in corners, to covering his eyes with his hands. He even learned that he could play peekaboo by just closing his eyes, for surely, we couldn't see him if he didn't see us.

    There were times while sitting at the dining room table I would feel a little tap on my back. I knew that Keith was hiding behind the chair waiting for me to ask, Where's Keith? Finally he would pop his head out on either side, and I'd exclaim, Peekaboo, I see you! No matter how we played the game, it always involved hiding and finding.

    One day, I thought that maybe God had been playing peekaboo with me. I'd been going through a difficult time of much stress and heartache. As my life was feeling darker each day with no options to escape the many trials upon me, I continued to cry out to the Lord for help. But it felt like He was hiding from me. I couldn't feel His presence, I didn't get any answers and even any kind of comfort was in short supply. I felt utterly forsaken.

    But that night, my sister called. After telling her of my dark day, she poured out much love and encouragement upon me. I hung up feeling some gratitude that the Lord had provided this comfort for me. I caught a glimpse of my God who had been hiding from me. Peekaboo, I see you.

    The next day, our twelve-year-old granddaughter, Cierra, spent the day with me. She was especially loving and good that day. Peekaboo, I see you! In the afternoon, we went to one of our favorite parks. We walked the trails through the woods, having adventures and a lot of fun. Peekaboo, I see you!

    On the way home, Cierra waited in the car while I stopped in a grocery store. Suddenly, she came running into the store searching for me. She was panic-stricken, crying out, Grandma, there's a bat in the car! She had glanced over toward my side and saw a bat on the headrest of my seat. It must have gotten in at the park where I'd left my window partially opened. By the time we got out to the car, the bat was pulling itself out the window and flopped down to the ground, obviously sick. I thanked the Lord that He had kept us from harm and gotten it out of my car. Peekaboo, I see you!

    I'm so grateful to the Lord that when we're going through times of darkness,

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