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Kingdom Vision: Heaven to Earth
Kingdom Vision: Heaven to Earth
Kingdom Vision: Heaven to Earth
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Kingdom Vision: Heaven to Earth

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Kingdom Vision is a book that covers many desires of God the Father's Heart for mankind and concerning what the church should presently be doing. God is waiting for this present church age to manifest His kingdom on the earth, according to the Lord's Prayer. This is the Will of God!

This book is most definitely a direct revelation to God's people from His throne room. It informs God's people that God's church is not a building hidden within four walls. It reveals how religious spirits have kept God's church confused and out of order. It instructs remnant believers how to unify and be the church on earth. It explains an end-time plan on how individual believers, ministers, and ministries can (come together) with "walls down." It also reveals how all saints of God are true ministers and how they can know their callings and vocations. God wants His people activated into His plan in communities. This will be outside of church buildings to win the lost at all costs!

This book informs the church how it can (rise up together) in divine service for mankind. It will be a mighty army that (joins together) through what God refers to as The Technique of Unification. There can be no walls to answer this call!

The Holy Spirit will lead humble, surrendered hearts and minds in this unification assignment. This united force of believers will usher in God's Glory and Latter Rain!

Release dateApr 9, 2024
Kingdom Vision: Heaven to Earth

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    Book preview

    Kingdom Vision - C.A. Mccall


    Kingdom Vision

    Heaven to Earth

    C.A. Mccall

    ISBN 978-1-68570-770-5 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88943-304-0 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-68570-771-2 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by C.A. McCall

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    God's Will on Planet Earth

    Acts Attack

    Kingdom Vision

    About the Father's Business

    Thy Kingdom Come

    The Original Plan

    It Is Finished

    Spiritual Universalism

    The Love of Money

    The Call to Oneness

    Church Connection

    The Technique of Unification

    Church Gone Wrong

    Walls Within

    Correct Doctrine

    Kingdom Power Withheld

    Relentless Rebellion

    Correct Baptismal Teachings

    What God Wants

    God's Voice Is Calling

    Kingdom Builders

    God's Plan for You

    World Influence Hampering God's Unity

    Safe Haven

    The Final Unity

    Community Living

    The Invitation

    Sinner's Prayer

    Scriptures for Christian Knowledge

    Concluding Remarks

    About the Author


    This book was written after the Holy Spirit had spoken, manifested, and imparted church reformation revelation knowledge through unctions and visions for (His Body)—the church. God is (presently grieved) by the division, pridefulness, self-imposed agendas, and self-appointed callings within (divided walls) of His church. Ministries within (the walls) of His true and unseen spiritual body are competitive, suspicious, and jealous of one another. They Are Divided!

    God said that they are also hoarding His finances for their (own) plans, visions, and presentations. However, God's Spirit is calling for all resources to (come together) to be able to do a King-size work for the Kingdom! He needs "all-hands-on-deck" with "all supplies available" to bring in a "net-load of souls" into His purpose in these end-times (last days).

    Through a vision and a conversation that the Holy Spirit had with me, the Father has revealed how this work of bringing His people together can happen so His mighty work of outreach can begin.

    The first work that needs to be accomplished prior to "the work" of an awesome sweeping of souls—into the Kingdom, is the (coming together) of the true church on earth. God said that various non-denominational churches and some denominational churches will follow and participate in the coming out of religious captivity. They will answer (the call) from The Lord's Prayer, where God is calling for His united (Heavenly Kingdom) to manifest on the earth. However, there will be many that won't come!

    Believers will be challenged to re-evaluate who their allegiance is to. Will they see the mighty spiritual remnant church rising up and serving mankind with a (personal call) from the Father for them to participate? Or will they remain in their comfort zone: walled-in buildings, doing minimal good works within these walls, and following programs and agendas of men?

    In this book, what will be revealed is a way for the (body of believers) to be able to unite as an enormous number of individuals working together. They will be joined and united together to bring the religious dividing walls down! The Holy Spirit labeled this work of uniting the church "The Technique of Unification."

    Different times that I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pick up the pen and write again, I would ask the Lord to please let the purpose and message of this book be clearly understood.

    He told me that it would be read by believers, and they would gain and receive revelation insight. Believer's eyes will be opened to see and understand how this modern church age has missed their mark in Christ!

    God said that things would be imparted into the chapters of this book for church knowledge, guidance, and correction. There will be instructions to teach leaders so they can take back the reins of their ministries according to the Father's Heart, by using correct doctrine. There will be a call to leaders to begin to implement (spiritual governmental authority), so they can assist in the unification of God's church and His order of things.

    Sin must be addressed when it is obvious or known about. It must be confronted and repented of within the walls of God's end-time church. The remnant body of believers are to (come together) and have pure hearts (intentions) and spotless souls (pure thoughts). There will be NO TIME to judge each other's motives or even to personally choose to have wrong motives. There will only be time to "come clean" and trust God to unify His saints. The slate of the true church of believers has to be wiped-clean as a whole!

    The call of the message in this book is for the church to become reformed, revived, and to (come together). The church is to be resurrected so Christ can be shown forth as alive!

    It is to use it's time, talents, abilities, and resources to win and apprehend souls. It is called to show forth God's loving Heart to mankind! The body must (move together) undivided and single-minded to reveal and implement the Father's end-time (last days) purpose. The remnant movement of (coming together) and moving forward strong and anointed will be accomplished by using The Technique of Unification!

    I became very excited when the Spirit of God spiritually coined that term for church unification and then downloaded to my spirit the revelation of how this concept operates. He revealed to me how it can happen!

    I wanted to go quickly and begin giving this information to pastors, church leaders, and other believers. God told me, no! He told me to wait! He instructed me to write the message and revelation to His people in a book, and He would do the rest!

    God's Will on Planet Earth

    (Commissioned to Tell)

    I was a small child when the God of the universe began to (draw my heart) to Himself. God graced me at a very young age (around five years old) to have my ears intently listen to sermons in the pulpit. I would especially want to hear anything that had to do with (caring for the less fortunate), feeding the poor, and taking up (my OWN) cross daily by denying sin and self to be like Jesus! I was taught the Lord's Prayer. I was taught that God is good, and He is my heavenly Father.

    In Christian school, I was instructed to bow my head downward whenever I heard or said that wonderful name of Jesus. This act of reverence toward the Holy One of the universe remained implemented by me throughout my teenage years. I was taught that Jesus is God in the flesh, who came as the sacrificial Lamb, and was innocently slaughtered for ALL of humanity's sins. After our wrongdoing was justified brutally in His flesh, He still loves us and continually prays to God the Father for our (well-being) of body, soul, and spirit. I wanted my heart to be like God's!

    One night when I was just nine years old, I was lying on my bed in the dark. I was looking up on the wall in the direction where I knew a figure of Jesus was hanging on a crucifix. I did this routinely every night prior to praying. I was asking God to allow me to have a heart like His. All of a sudden, a small red light appeared on the cross over the Heart of Jesus. The small red light got brighter, and it illuminated the chest area on the figure of Jesus. I called my mother to come to my room. I instructed her not to turn on the light. She came into my room and saw the small red light over the Heart of Jesus. It began to encircle from the area on the chest, over and around the top of the cross, and then back to the chest area on the figure of Jesus.

    At that time, neither I nor my mother really knew what that experience meant. Now, many years later, and being born in this time that is closer to the end of all things as we know them, I believe that the Lord has revealed to me what was the purpose of that night. I now believe, as I had prayed that night as a child, that the Spirit of God (led my prayer) concerning the Father's Heart. As I prayed by God's leading, the Lord chose to download in my spirit an end-time revelation that He would not reveal to me until half a century later.

    From the time I was a child over five decades ago, many things on earth have changed. Technology has speedily progressed as we have gone from black-and-white television to color, cable, and satellite viewing. Telephone booths that were on many street corners are now the customized cell/smartphones in most everyone's hands!

    I have been born in a very unique time in history talked about by the prophet Daniel. The Lord told him to seal up the book even to the time of the end when many shall be (running to and fro), and knowledge should be greatly increased on the earth (Daniel 12:4).

    The Lord allowed me to be born in a time that I can recall simpler things. I have also experienced and seen the insanity of humanity, leaving the wholesomeness and slower paced era to become radical, self-centered, egotistical, unholy, and materialistic. They have no room for the God that I was so honored to get to know as a small child! He is the God who wants to take care of us and wants us to seek out His presence for relationship and fellowship. There is no other!

    What I and some others of my generation have observed, is that it is not just the secular world system that has attempted to overturn, misrepresent, and snuff out the One true and living God of the universe. It is also much of this modern and present church age!

    God wants His people to become childlike! He wants them to pray and be like little children, appearing to know nothing but are just waiting for the Father to instruct and lead them.

    In this book, God is going to reveal an end-time (total church surrender), entitled Kingdom Vision. However, before God's people (the church) will be able to clearly hear the voice of their heavenly Father's call and direction, the church must receive a (RESTORED IDENTITY) that has been depleted and stripped away by religion. The church must receive it's (TRUE IDENTITY) by identifying with the Father's own Heart! It must then move forward with the instructions received from a kingdom that will parallel the very written Word of God—beginning with Genesis!

    He is wanting to reveal the manifestation of the Lord's Prayer that the corporate church has prayed for many generations. This is including all those numerous past church ages. God from heaven has heard many saints cry out in prayer, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven!

    God said that His kingdom should be the most visual and the most viable institution seen on the earth. This can only be done when the walls of a divided church are (literally) down. This will be accomplished when masses of kingdom people (come together) with their time, talents, abilities, and finances that God has imparted to them. They will be (joined together) for one purpose!

    God wants these resources to be (used corporately) to reap a dying harvest of souls. God is calling out to His church to (come together). God is commanding His church to pick up the Corporate Cross and to go out and reach and serve the lost! The hourglass is moving fast! God is calling His church to — move quickly!!!

    Acts Attack

    (Coming Together)

    There is a new order of things manifested in the earth that does NOT portray anything that looks like God! We are living in the times that many people call good evil and evil good. God told us in His Word that this time would come! Confusion and chaos are on most every street corner and in every country throughout the world! People play, work, and live their lives blinded to God's righteous truth and view it as a form of weakness and not strength. Satan has used the media of television, radio, and theatrics to (globally desensitize) societies concerning God's morality, righteousness, and holiness.

    Violence and filthy lewdness are viewed everywhere. Violence is televised to instill fear into the hearts of mankind. It is (robbing children) of gentleness, peace, and innocence. It is being used to mentally and emotionally rape young and old hearts alike from purity, chasteness, virtue, and God's holy standards.

    People are mockers and scoffers against the One who created them when they see things they do not understand. Witchcraft fills the atmosphere to dominate and control the earth that God originally established for Himself to be ruled by His images.

    Seduction has infiltrated the minds and the hearts of those God created to fill the earth to be in His likeness and to be as numerous as the sands of the sea. People are confused, distracted, and detained within their (own souls) and do not

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