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Learning New Tricks
Learning New Tricks
Learning New Tricks
Ebook34 pages34 minutes

Learning New Tricks

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At fifty-eight years old, I don't have the Playboy Bunny body that I used to, and I'm pretty set in my ways. Some say that makes me an old dog. That may be true, but I can learn new tricks. My young neighbor Amber showered me with the most sensual sexual treats and taught me incredibly erotic new tricks.

PublisherDallas Allyn
Release dateMar 8, 2024
Learning New Tricks

Dallas Allyn

It started with a provocative whisper: "Write me a story. Fill it with sexy, strong women and hot men who enjoy the extremes of physical pleasure and caring, and love. Make it juicy, salacious, and above all, believable."So I wrote – and I've kept on writing explicit stories about consenting adults (frequently married couples) who enjoy unbridled physical pleasures with each other, and often with others. They discover new ways to to please and be pleased usually by breaking though their own boundaries. They're "normal" people, like one of your co-workers, friends, or even relatives, who find themselves, sometimes by accident, in unusual situations that allow them to unleash their hidden passions and lusts.

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    Learning New Tricks - Dallas Allyn

    Learning New Tricks

    By Dallas Allyn

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return it to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting this author's hard work.

    Copyright 2024 Dallas Allyn

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    You cannot teach an old dog new tricks — William Camden

    You can teach an old dog new tricks with the right kind of doggie treats. — Cynthia Lewis


    I'll admit it: I'm an old dog. After fifty-eight years, my ways are pretty much set. But I'm not dull, not by a long shot. Along with my husband, Dale, who is three years older than me, I’m active, athletic, physically fit, have lots of friends, love going out, and enjoy learning. However, we have routines, live within well-defined boundaries, and like things a certain way – our food cooked just so, our clothes more comfortable than flashy, and our household running in a familiar pattern. All of that also applies to our sex life. We know what we like and don't stray outside our mutually fulfilling but well-established groove. That’s not to say we’re boring. Sometimes, we run around the house naked, go a little wild in the living room, and otherwise have sexy fun. And my orgasms are as fantastic as Dale’s seem to be. But it's been a very long time since we've colored outside the lines sexually. I was entirely comfortable keeping things that way … until Amber.

    I met Amber years ago when she and her mother moved into our neighborhood. Thirteen years old and self-assured, she knocked on our front door and told me she would be pet-sitting our two Doberman Pinchers.

    You're not afraid of them? I asked.

    Nope, was her one-word answer. Then she marched into the house and immediately made friends with the dogs, whom everyone else in the neighborhood called vicious.

    It didn't take long for Amber to become a fixture in our home, dog sitting, doing random household chores, and otherwise figuring out ways for Dale and me to pay her. Although we never had a parent-child relationship, Amber often opened up to me as she grew up. She shared the joy of her first kiss, how proud she was to win a spot on the field hockey team, and the triumph of getting accepted to college. Her life wasn't all sunshine, however. I learned about the rocky relationship she had with her mom and distant dad and the

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