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2400+ Essential German Vocabulary Words: A Frequency Dictionary of the Most Common German Words in Context
2400+ Essential German Vocabulary Words: A Frequency Dictionary of the Most Common German Words in Context
2400+ Essential German Vocabulary Words: A Frequency Dictionary of the Most Common German Words in Context
Ebook377 pages2 hours

2400+ Essential German Vocabulary Words: A Frequency Dictionary of the Most Common German Words in Context

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About this ebook

Do you want to expand your German vocabulary, but don't know where to start?

If so, keep reading…

Our book of over 2400 essential German vocabulary words will help you accelerate your understanding of this exciting language. By focusing on these frequently used German words, you will quickly build a solid foundation to communicate effectively in a wide range of contexts.

Through this frequency dictionary, you will better understand the patterns and structures of German. You will start to see how nouns, compound words, adjectives and verbs are used in context, and how they fit together to form basic sentences.

In this book, you will discover:

  • Over 2400 common German phrases organized by an easy-to-follow structure
  • Each entry includes a German word in English, as well as its usage in a sentence
  • Each term is indicated in bold for easy learning
  • Learn the most common types of nouns, organized by people, places and things.


Become a better German speaker with this handy guide!

PublisherCB Books
Release dateJan 6, 2024
2400+ Essential German Vocabulary Words: A Frequency Dictionary of the Most Common German Words in Context

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    2400+ Essential German Vocabulary Words - Fluency Pro



    Learning a new language is a rewarding experience, and German is a popular choice for many reasons. Firstly, Germany is the largest economy in the European Union and a major player in global trade. Therefore, learning German can open up career opportunities in fields such as engineering, science, and finance. In addition, Germany is home to many internationally recognized companies, which attract professionals from all over the world. German is also an important language in the academic world. Germany has a rich history of academic excellence, with many Nobel Prize-winning scientists, philosophers, and writers hailing from the country. Therefore, learning German can give you access to a wealth of academic resources, including books, journals, and research papers.

    You chose this book to focus on frequently used German words to accelerate your understanding of the language. By focusing on learning these high-frequency words first, you can quickly build a solid foundation of vocabulary that you can use to communicate effectively in a wide range of contexts.

    One of the benefits of using a frequency dictionary like this book is that it helps you to prioritize what you need to study. Instead of trying to learn every word in a language all at once, you can focus on the words that are most commonly used first, building your confidence and fluency in the language more quickly. This can be especially helpful if you are a beginner who may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of words in a language.

    Another benefit of using a frequency dictionary is that it can help you better understand the patterns and structures of a language. By focusing on the most commonly used words, you will start to see how these words are used in context, and how they fit together to form sentences and longer pieces of discourse.

    With all this being said, this book can be used in a number of ways. You may choose to use it as a reference tool to look up unfamiliar words as you encounter them in reading or listening activities. You may also use it as a basis for creating flashcards or other study aids. Finally, if you are a teacher, you may use it to help inform you lesson planning, ensuring that you are focusing on teaching the most relevant and useful vocabulary to your students.

    How This Book is Formatted

    In this book, you will find over 2400 common German phrases organized by usage. Each entry includes a German word in English, as well as its usage in a sentence and translation into German. For nouns, the gender is also indicated.

    The following types of words are generally considered to be among the most common in German:

    Nouns: As in most languages, nouns are the most common type of word in German. Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. German nouns are usually capitalized.

    Adjectives: In German, adjectives can take different endings depending on the gender, number, and case of the noun they are modifying.

    Verbs: In German, verbs can be conjugated in different tenses and moods to indicate the time and manner in which the action is taking place.

    Compound Words: German is well known for its extensive use of compound words, which are words that are formed by combining two or more words to create a new word. In fact, compound words are a common feature of the German language and are used frequently in everyday speech and writing.According to some estimates, German has more than 100,000 compound words. Despite their length, compound words are an essential part of the German language and are used in a variety of contexts. They are commonly used in technical and scientific fields, where they allow for the creation of precise and descriptive terminology. They are also used in everyday conversation, where they can be used to express complex ideas in a concise and efficient way.



    Ball (male) - Ball

    Der Junge spielte mit dem Ball.

    The boy played with the ball.

    Fahrrad (neutral) - Bicycle

    Das Fahrrad gehört meinem Bruder.

    The bicycle belongs to my brother.

    Fenster (neutral) - Window

    Das Fenster in meinem Zimmer ist kaputt.

    The window in my room is broken.

    Finger (male) - Finger

    Ich habe mir den Finger beim Schneiden geschnitten.

    I cut my finger while cutting.

    Fuß (male) - Foot

    Ich habe mir den Fuß verstaucht.

    I sprained my foot.

    Gebäude (neutral) - Building

    Das Gebäude ist sehr alt.

    The building is very old.

    Gehirn (neutral) - Brain

    Das Gehirn ist das wichtigste Organ im Körper.

    The brain is the most important organ in the body.

    Geld (neutral) - Money

    Kannst du mir etwas Geld leihen?

    Can you lend me some money?

    Geschäft (neutral) - Shop

    Meine Schwester arbeitet in einem Geschäft.

    My sister works in a shop.

    Gesicht (neutral) - Face

    Das Gesicht der Frau sah glücklich aus.

    The woman's face looked happy.

    Glas (neutral) - Glass

    Das Glas ist zerbrochen.

    The glass is broken.

    Hemd (neutral) - Shirt

    Mein Vater trägt immer ein Hemd zur Arbeit.

    My father always wears a shirt to work.

    Jahr (neutral) - Year

    Mein Geburtstag ist in einem Jahr.

    My birthday is in a year.

    Schmuckstück (neutral) - Piece of jewelry

    Das Schmuckstück war ein Geschenk von meiner Großmutter.

    The piece of jewelry was a gift from my grandmother.

    Schnürsenkel (male) - Shoelace

    Ich habe meinen Schnürsenkel verloren.

    I lost my shoelace.

    Wettbewerb (male) - Competition

    Meine Schwester nimmt an einem Wettbewerb teil.

    My sister is participating in a competition.

    Anweisung (female) - Instruction

    Die Anweisung war sehr einfach zu befolgen.

    The instruction was very easy to follow.

    Gewürz (neutral) - Spice

    Das Gewürz gibt dem Essen den Geschmack.

    The spice gives the food its taste.

    Huhn (neutral) - Chicken

    Meine Mutter kocht heute Huhn zum Abendessen.

    My mother is cooking chicken for dinner today.

    Wortschatz (male) - Vocabulary

    Mein Wortschatz hat sich durch das Lesen von Büchern verbessert.

    My vocabulary has improved by reading books.

    Spülmaschine (female) - Dishwasher

    Die Spülmaschine ist voll.

    The dishwasher is full.

    Karton (male) - Carton

    Der Karton war schwer zu tragen.

    The carton was difficult to carry.

    Blume (female) - Flower

    Meine Schwester liebt Blumen.

    My sister loves flowers.

    Apfel (male) - Apple

    Der Apfel fällt vom Baum.

    The apple falls from the tree.

    Baum (male) - Tree

    Der Baum ist groß.

    The tree is big.

    Auto (neutral) - Car

    Mein Auto ist blau.

    My car is blue.

    Haus (neutral) - House

    Ich wohne in einem Haus.

    I live in a house.

    Hund (male) - Dog

    Mein Hund bellt.

    My dog is barking.

    Katze (female) - Cat

    Die Katze schläft.

    The cat is sleeping.

    Stuhl (male) - Chair

    Ich sitze auf einem Stuhl.

    I am sitting on a chair.

    Tisch (male) - Table

    Das Essen steht auf dem Tisch.

    The food is on the table.

    Vogel (male) - Bird

    Der Vogel singt.

    The bird is singing.

    Computer (male) - Computer

    Ich benutze meinen Computer jeden Tag.

    I use my computer every day.

    Telefon (neutral) - Telephone

    Ich rufe dich auf dem Telefon an.

    I am calling you on the phone.

    Buch (neutral) - Book

    Ich lese ein interessantes Buch.

    I am reading an interesting book.

    Film (male) - Film

    Wir schauen heute Abend einen Film.

    We are watching a movie tonight.

    Musik (female) - Music

    Ich höre gerne Musik.

    I like listening to music.

    See (male) - Lake

    Der See ist wunderschön.

    The lake is beautiful.

    Fluss (male) - River

    Der Fluss fließt schnell.

    The river is flowing fast.

    Meer (neutral) - Sea

    Das Meer ist sehr salzig.

    The sea is very salty.

    Himmel (male) - Sky

    Der Himmel ist heute blau.

    The sky is blue today.

    Sonne (female) - Sun

    Die Sonne scheint heute sehr hell.

    The sun is shining very brightly today.

    Mond (male) - Moon

    Der Mond ist heute sehr groß.

    The moon is very big today.

    Pferd (neutral) - Horse (neutral gender)

    Das Pferd galoppiert über die Wiese.

    The horse is galloping over the meadow.

    Löwe (male) - Lion (male gender)

    Der Löwe brüllt laut.

    The lion roars loudly.

    Tiger (male) - Tiger (male gender)

    Der Tiger jagt seine Beute.

    The tiger hunts its prey.

    Elefant (male) - Elephant (male gender)

    Der Elefant hat einen langen Rüssel.

    The elephant has a long trunk.

    Giraffe (female) - Giraffe (female gender)

    Die Giraffe hat einen langen Hals.

    The giraffe has a long neck.

    Schildkröte (female) - Turtle (female gender)

    Die Schildkröte zieht sich in ihr Haus zurück.

    The turtle retreats into its shell.

    Ameise (female) - Ant (female gender)

    Die Ameise trägt ein Blatt.

    The ant is carrying a leaf.

    Biber (male) - Beaver (male gender)

    Der Biber baut einen Damm.

    The beaver is building a dam.

    Schuh (male) - Shoe

    Der Schuh passt gut.

    The shoe fits well.

    Jacke (female) - Jacket

    Die Jacke hängt an der Garderobe.

    The jacket is hanging on the coat rack.

    Hose (female) - Pants

    Die Hose ist zu kurz.

    The pants are too short.

    Hut (male) - Hat

    Der Hut schützt vor der Sonne.

    The hat protects against the sun.

    Krawatte (female) - Tie

    Die Krawatte passt gut zum Anzug.

    The tie goes well with the suit.

    Hose (male) - Trousers

    Die Hose ist zu eng.

    The trousers are too tight.

    Mantel (male) - Coat

    Der Mantel hängt am Haken.

    The coat is hanging on the hook.

    Rock (male) - Skirt

    Der Rock ist zu kurz.

    The skirt is too short.

    Tasche (female) - Bag

    Die Tasche ist schwer.

    The bag is heavy.

    Uhr (female) - Watch

    Die Uhr zeigt die richtige Zeit an.

    The watch shows the correct time.

    Sessel (male) - Armchair

    Der Sessel ist bequem.

    The armchair is comfortable.

    Sofa (neutral) - Sofa

    Das Sofa ist zu groß für das Wohnzimmer.

    The sofa is too big for the living room.

    Regal (neutral) - Shelf

    Das Regal ist voller Bücher.

    The shelf is full of books.

    Schreibtisch (male) - Desk

    Der Schreibtisch steht im Büro.

    The desk is in the office.

    Stift (male) - Pen

    Der Stift schreibt nicht mehr.

    The pen is not writing anymore.

    Tafel (female) - Blackboard

    Die Tafel ist voller Kreide.

    The blackboard is full of chalk.

    Kamera (female) - Camera

    Die Kamera macht gute Bilder.

    The camera takes good pictures.

    Fahne (female) - Flag

    Die Fahne weht im Wind.

    The flag is waving in the wind.

    Dach (neutral) - Roof

    Der Vogel sitzt auf dem Dach.

    The bird is sitting on the roof.

    Knopf (male) - Button

    Der Knopf ist kaputt.

    The button is broken.

    Lampe (female) - Lamp

    Die Lampe spendet helles Licht.

    The lamp provides bright light.

    Luft (female) - Air

    Die Luft riecht nach Blumen.

    The air smells like flowers.

    Brille (female) - Glasses

    Die Brille liegt auf dem Tisch.

    The glasses are on the table.

    Schlüssel (male) - Key

    Der Schlüssel passt nicht ins Schloss.

    The key doesn't fit into the lock.

    Straße (female) - Street

    Die Straße ist voller Autos.

    The street is full of cars.

    Flasche (female) - Bottle

    Die Flasche ist leer.

    The bottle is empty.

    Uhrzeit (female) - Time

    Kannst du mir die Uhrzeit sagen?

    Can you tell me the time?

    Fensterbank (female) - Windowsill

    Die Katze sitzt auf der Fensterbank.

    The cat is sitting on the windowsill.

    Fingernagel (male) - Fingernail

    Der Fingernagel ist abgebrochen.

    The fingernail is broken.

    Schokolade (female) - Chocolate

    Ich esse gerne Schokolade.

    I like to eat chocolate.

    Staubsauger (male) - Vacuum cleaner

    Ich muss den Staubsauger benutzen, um das Zimmer zu reinigen.

    I have to use the vacuum cleaner to clean the room.

    Brücke (female) - Bridge

    Die Brücke führt über den Fluss.

    The bridge goes over the river.

    Wasserhahn (male) - Faucet

    Der Wasserhahn tropft.

    The faucet is dripping.

    Schere (female) - Scissors

    Die Schere schneidet nicht mehr.

    The scissors don't cut anymore.

    Schrank (male) - Cabinet

    Die Teller sind im Schrank.

    The plates are in the cabinet.

    Nase (female) - Nose

    Ich muss meine Nase putzen.

    I need to blow my nose.

    Lippen (female) - Lips

    Meine Lippen sind trocken.

    My lips are dry.

    Geschenk (neutral) - Gift

    Das Geschenk ist für dich.

    The gift is for you.

    Kissen (neutral) - Pillow

    Das Kissen ist sehr bequem.

    The pillow is very comfortable.

    Bett (neutral) - Bed

    Das Bett ist sehr gemütlich.

    The bed is very cozy.

    Decke (female) - blanket

    Ich brauche eine warme Decke, um mich auf dem Sofa zu entspannen.

    I need a warm blanket to relax on the couch.

    Teppich (male) - carpet

    Der Teppich in meinem Zimmer ist grün.

    The carpet in my room is green.

    Treppe (female) - stairs

    Bitte gehe vorsichtig die Treppe hinunter.

    Please go down the stairs carefully.

    Tür (female) - door

    Ich schließe die Tür, wenn ich ins Bett gehe.

    I close the door when I go to bed.

    Wand (female) - wall

    Ich möchte das Bild an die Wand hängen.

    I want to hang the picture on the wall.

    Hocker (male) - stool

    Kannst du mir bitte den Hocker geben? Ich möchte etwas aus dem oberen Regal nehmen.

    Can you please give me the stool? I want to get something from the top shelf.

    Kaffeetasse (female) - coffee cup

    Am Morgen trinke ich immer Kaffee aus meiner Lieblings-Kaffeetasse.

    In the morning, I always drink coffee from my favorite coffee cup.

    Topf (male) - pot

    Ich muss einen Topf finden, um das Essen zu kochen.

    I need to find a pot to cook the food.

    Messer (neutral) - knife

    Bitte gib mir das Messer, damit ich das Fleisch schneiden kann.

    Please give me the knife so I can cut the meat.

    Gabel (female) - fork

    Wir brauchen mehr Gabeln, um alle Gäste zu bewirten.

    We need more forks to serve all the guests.

    Löffel (male) - spoon

    Kannst du mir bitte einen Löffel geben? Ich möchte Suppe essen.

    Can you please give me a spoon? I want to eat

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