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H.O.P.E Hold On Pain Ends
H.O.P.E Hold On Pain Ends
H.O.P.E Hold On Pain Ends
Ebook76 pages1 hour

H.O.P.E Hold On Pain Ends

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While we are made to believe that it takes time to release pain this book is a testimony that if you Hold on to Jesus that Pain eventually ends. Dominique shares her many testimonies with scriptures from The Holy Bible that will assist you with holding on and finally becoming all that God has called you to be.

Release dateJan 9, 2024
H.O.P.E Hold On Pain Ends

Dominique Farmer

Dominique C. Farmer is a mother, licensed minister, minister of arts through dance, serial entrepreneur, author, and so many other titles. Dominique was licensed as a Minister in November 2019, under the direction of Bishop C. Guy Robinson of the Tabernacle of the Lord Church & Ministries. Dominique received her education in the Baltimore City Public School System attending the Edmondson-Westside High School and the Community College of Baltimore County. She enrolled in Liberty University pursuing a degree in Theology and Biblical Studies. Author of "Just for Today… 21 Day Devotional," Dominique is an advocate of free will praise. She believes that 67 you can praise the Lord wherever you are and in various forms. In addition, Dominique is a firm believer of the WORD of GOD; specifically, as stated in Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added to you." She lives, breathes, and demonstrates this verse in everything  "she does. While Dominique enjoys praising the LORD, she also enjoys spending time with her daughter, Jelani, and son, Jonathan II, writing, preaching, and doing whatever she can for the LORD and His Kingdom.

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    H.O.P.E Hold On Pain Ends - Dominique Farmer


    I dedicate this book to Ms. Carla McCoy who asked me to teach on this during my divorce but what I didn’t know was it was the title of my next book. Thank you.


    Hope can be succinctly defined as positive expectation. The hopeful person is one who is filled with expectation of a future experience that is both desirable and favorable. Subsequently, he or she can envision a positive result prior to the actual experience. And in the interim, the hopeful person remains vigilant or on the lookout for it. Such is the nature of expectation, an English word derived from the Latin verb expectare (as in an exit or a way out, and spectator), meaning to be on the lookout. As a pastoral leader, I have witnessed this ability to see and expect better days despite contrarian current conditions play an essential role in transforming traumatic events, experiences, and effects into testimonies of triumph.

    One of the most notable examples of the transformational power of hope that I have witnessed is the testimony of Minister Dominique Farmer. As of this writing, it has been my honor to serve as her pastor for fifteen years. Over the years, I have seen her overcome various and compounded forms of trauma. Paradoxically, and yet, I believe, providentially, I have also witnessed her spiritual formation, inclusive of the development of a powerful prayer life, prophetic gifts, prolific sermons, and inspirational writings. In a manner reminiscent of the testimony of the Biblical patriarch Joseph, God has taken those things which may have been meant for evil in her life and repurposed (or actually, prepurposed) them for good (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28). Subsequently, I believe that this book is one of the good things that have emerged from the peaks and valleys of Minister Farmer’s experiences. As such, we as readers and survivors of our own tests and trials are beneficiaries of her hopeful testimony!

    Finally, I would be remiss to omit the fact that hope has been known to have some powerful allies. As you prepare to read further, do so knowing that the inspired words of the apostle Paul to believers in ancient Corinth are still relevant:  And now abide faith, hope, love, these three… I am clear about the fact that Minister Farmer’s hope is inspired by her faith and love of God, family, and ministry. Therefore, I pray and trust that what she has been inspired to share will encourage and empower many others to confront and overcome life’s challenges via the powers of faith, hope, and love. After all, pain ends, but faith, hope, and love abide.


    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Why Me?

    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3

    This Hurts (Growing Pains)

    Chapter 4

    Ugh, Not Again!

    Chapter 5

    F, It!

    Chapter 6

    Process is Progress

    Chapter 7

    Where is Everyone?

    Chapter 8


    Chapter 9


    Bonus Chapter

    It’s Time for WAR!


    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Why Me?

    Baby, when I tell you this is a major question I tend to always ask. For me, it’s always Lord Why? I never understood why I had to deal with some of the things I had to deal with but I was certain that it was necessary. If you were led to pick up this book then I know like myself you would love to tell Jesus, Get somebody else to do it. Especially when these circumstances come with pain, dysfunction, and rejection. Of course, when I shared this with my close friends and family they all said I should change my question from Why Me? to Why Not Me?

    Again, if you are anything like me, you think asking why not me is just straight ghetto. I am not asking Jesus, Why not me? Heck, I don’t want it to be me at all however this is just the cross I was given to bear. Will I complain about it? Yup, I sure will. Will I trade it in for something less painful? Yup, again, I sure will. Nevertheless, I am grateful that God chose me. And because Jesus made me in his image He knows that questions of passing up this cup of suffering was an option, just like Him, I still would choose to do what is required of me. Pain has always been and probably will always be one of the teachers of life. Pain has taught many of us what God does, what He doesn’t do, what He allows, and what He does not allow. Yet, my favorite lesson from pain is who God truly is.

    During some of my darkest and most painful times, I was able to learn the most about the God I served. In 2020, during COVID it was in the middle of my divorce that I learned that Jesus would never leave or forsake me. In 2021, it was in the middle of my suicidal attempt that I found out Jesus was a keeper even when I didn’t want to be kept. In 2022, when I lost everything from my business to my ex-husband through death, I learned that Jesus was a comforter and the best friend a girl

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