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Shimmer of Fate: Helena Foster Paranormal Mystery, #7
Shimmer of Fate: Helena Foster Paranormal Mystery, #7
Shimmer of Fate: Helena Foster Paranormal Mystery, #7
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Shimmer of Fate: Helena Foster Paranormal Mystery, #7

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Ike started this with his threats, he ran away like a coward, and I'm the one who's dead. How's that for fate?


Billy Clanton sat on the pile of boulders which held his grave marker. It should have been his resting place, but he hadn't rested since that day over one hundred and forty years ago. He'd been itching to get back at the Earps. It seemed now—maybe—he had his chance.


He'd bought his girl Molly a pretty pin but she lost it, now it seems someone found it.


Helena Foster's friend Todd is enchanted by a pin he found in Boot Hill at Billy Clanton's grave. Now she must find a way to remove the spell which pulls Todd back 142 years and encompasses him in the mind of Billy Clanton.


Todd reveals Billy's life in Tombstone through the tough time of 1879, his proposal to Molly and his death in 1881.


Helena works on gathering the witches and wizards she knows for a trip to Tombstone to unlock the mysterious spell holding onto Todd. But is the enchantment more than meets the eye?




Release dateDec 6, 2023
Shimmer of Fate: Helena Foster Paranormal Mystery, #7

Mary Ann Carman

Mary Ann is passionate about writing, particularly in Paranormal Mystery. Her love of reading is matched only by her desire to make it accessible to all. She envisions a world where the joy of reading is not just celebrated, but is a part of everyday life. Established in 1997 with the creation of "The Clan Hewit Trilogy," Mary Ann's venture into Paranormal Mystery drew on her passion for reading, and her desire to impart this love to others. She strives to deliver works for fans of Paranormal Mystery. Drawing from her various experiences—observing people, watching television and movies, or reading news articles—Mary Ann has a unique way of transforming daily events into her work. Her writing career spans over two decades and encompasses twelve published books (soon to be thirteen) alongside five that have been retired from circulation. Her understanding of the industry led to extending her expertise as a coach and consultant to numerous authors over the past four+ years. Beyond her writing Mary Ann is: a mother and grandmother, an author coach, a retired registered nurse holding two degrees, a former realtor, and of course, an author. Her travels across Europe filled her with a love for history and the paranormal, igniting a passion that runs through her veins. Mary Ann's latest works, the novella Shimmer of Fate and its novel sequel, Curse of Misfortune (scheduled for release in May 2024) mark the start of her new publishing schedule where a novella will be released each fall, followed by a related novel each spring.

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    Book preview

    Shimmer of Fate - Mary Ann Carman

    Shimmer of Fate

    Helena Foster Paranormal Mystery Novella

    Mary Ann Carman

    My WordsWorth


    Title Page

    Special Note from Mary Ann









    Please enjoy the first chapter of the next


    About the Author

    Shimmer of Fate

    a My WordsWorth Publication

    Copyright © 2023 Mary Ann Carman

    All rights reserved.

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment. It may not be resold or given away. If you would like to share this ebook, please purchase an additional copy for each person with whom you want to share it. If you're reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, please return to the bookseller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


    This is a work of fiction, a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance or similarity to any actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Cover Design — Marisa Darling of Cover Me Darling, LLC

    Formatting by Debora Lewis —

    Also by Mary Ann Carman

    Clan Hewit Trilogy

    Never to Love

    All Will Be Well

    Up to No Good

    Helena Foster Paranormal Mystery

    (Previously Love After Life)

    Murder Avenged (Previously Something Old)

    Alone in the Desert (Previously Something New)

    Ghostly Allies (Previously Something Borrowed)

    Left for Dead (Previously Something Blue)

    Sinister Obsession (Previously A Silver Coin)

    Cold Stone Corpse

    Coming in 2024: Curse of Misfortune

    Chronicles Between the Pages

    It’s About Time

    Life’s Eclipse

    Join Mary Ann’s First Readers Club and get access to her books before anyone else. Go to or PM me on Facebook Messenger.

    You can find Mary Ann on Facebook:



    This novella and the book that will follow next year are dedicated to the people who work and live in Tombstone and make it what it is today.

    The town too tough to die!

    Especially to the reenactors who show us what was or might have been in

    1879 to 1881 Tombstone.

    Special Note from Mary Ann

    First a note about the word Cow Boy. It was a derogatory term and was separated for that reason in the late 1800. It has taken on a new connotation in our modern era and thus the two words have become one. It is not an error on my part.

    I have taken artistic license and moved some historical happenings in this novella so it would fit better with my story line. The information is as accurate as possible considering some parts of the history of Tombstone are not available on the internet. A visit to Tombstone doesn’t prepare a writer to gather all the information needed, but it helps a great deal. 

    I would like to have stayed a few days in Tombstone, but it didn’t happen. Even so, I still wouldn’t have all the wonderful history this exciting town has to offer. I hope you enjoy my story and the book that will follow in 2024. I also hope that you will take a trip to visit Tombstone when you’re out this way!

    "When you buy a book from an author

    you’re buying more than a story.

    You’re buying many hours of errors and re-writes. You’re buying moments of frustration

    and moments of sheer joy.

    You’re buying not just a book,

    you’re buying something they delight in sharing,

    a piece of their heart and soul—a small piece

    of the author’s life."

    —Author Unknown

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    ith coffee in hand, I dialed Beth again. When she answered, we caught up a bit, then she said she had some strange news to tell me.

    The other day Todd took a road trip to Tombstone. He thought he could clear his head and pick up some ideas for a story he’s working on. He was walking around in Boot Hill and found a small, shimmering piece of silver. When he picked it up, it was a pin with a small bit of turquoise. He thought it was pretty, old, and crusted in dirt but he brought it home. Then he began having strange dreams, nightmares really. He’s afraid things will happen like before when he was pulled into the book. Can you come over? Bring Audrey if you can?

    I agreed and called Audrey to ask her if she would come with me. When she agreed, Jeffrey and I left to pick her up.

    Audrey and I hurried to meet Beth at Todd’s townhouse. Todd was sitting on his gray sofa in what seemed like a trance, staring at the walls. He jerked when Beth closed the door, then looked toward us with glassy eyes.

    Beth hastily sat next to him and put her hand on his shoulder. Todd, you remember Audrey and Helena, right? Todd nodded but hardly made eye contact.

    I leaned in toward him. Thirty shots in thirty seconds! It must have been some gun fight. I glanced upward to see if Todd would have any reaction. Jeffrey made no comment on seeing this man in near shambles. Seems impossible, if it even happened. I can’t imagine anyone shooting as fast as they did.

    It absolutely happened. You can look it up if you don’t believe me. Todd took a deep breath and his eye contact intensified; he began to engage. There are tons of websites and YouTube videos on the gunfight.

    Todd held a small object covered in cloth. He’d pulled it from his shirt pocket when we entered and his fingers moved across the cloth lovingly.

    I watched him closely. Is this the item you found in the desert? I’d like to see it if it’s all right.

    Todd brightened up. Yes... I found it in Boot Hill near where Billy Clanton and the McLaury brothers are buried. I can show it to you... later.

    I itched to reach out and grab it, but Todd seemed so attached to it I sat back. Beth told us you’ve been having a hard time since returning from Tombstone. I know you went down there to clear your thoughts. Have you been able to write since you got back?

    Todd looked up, his brow crinkled, and his eyes filled with unshed tears. Yes, and no; yes I went down to clear my head and came back with another piece of trouble, and no I’ve not written a word. I can’t get rid of these visions or whatever they are. They seem to haunt me day and night. I wish I could release them, but they won’t leave me alone. The hand holding the cloth-covered item was shaking.

    Could you tell us about your trip? We’d love to hear about it. It sounds fun. I’ve not seen Tombstone.

    Todd shook his head, but when Beth touched his arm, he stopped and nodded.

    When I arrived in Tombstone, I checked into the Grand Hotel. It’s not the original one on Allen Street. This one is on a hill a short distance before entering town. After I got settled, I walked about a quarter mile and found Boot Hill. I wanted to check it out but I thought it would be better to wait until later. There were so many people milling around and I sensed I needed more privacy.

    "I walked on past, but had the strangest feeling something was waiting for me there, pulling at me. I dismissed it and moved on

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