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505: Resurrection: 505, #2
505: Resurrection: 505, #2
505: Resurrection: 505, #2
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505: Resurrection: 505, #2

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A group of people attending their high school reunion deal with strange things happening. 

Release dateJan 8, 2024
505: Resurrection: 505, #2

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    505 - Aaron Abilene

    505: Resurrection

    505, Volume 2

    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Syphon Creative, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. January 8, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8223005452

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene


    505: Resurrection


    Dead Awake (Coming Soon)

    Before The Dead Awake (Coming Soon)

    Carnival Game

    Full Moon Howl


    Shades of Z


    Deadeye & Friends

    Cowboys Vs Aliens


    Life in Prescott (Coming Soon)

    Afterlife in Love (Coming Soon)


    Paradise Island

    The Lost Island

    The Lost Island 2

    The Lost Island 3

    The Island 2


    Pandemic (Coming Soon)


    The Compound


    Slacker 2

    Slacker: Dead Man Walkin'


    A Vampire in Texas








    Bloodline (Coming Soon)

    Decontaminated (Coming Soon)


    Raising Hell

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride 2

    Zombie Bride 3


    The Victims of Pinocchio

    A Christmas Nightmare


    Fat Jesus

    A Zombie's Revenge


    The Headhunter



    The Island


    The Quiet Man

    Joe Superhero


    Good Guys

    Devil Child of Texas

    Romeo and Juliet and Zombies

    The Gamer

    Becoming Alpha

    Dead West

    Small Town Blues

    Shades of Z: Redux

    The Gift of Death

    Killer Claus


    Home Sweet Home

    Alligator Allan

    10 Days

    Army of The Dumbest Dead


    The Cult of Stupid

    9 Time Felon


    Bad Review: Hannah Dies

    Me Again

    Maurice and Me

    Breaking Wind

    The Family Business (Coming Soon)

    Lightning Rider : Better Days (Coming Soon)

    Lazy Boyz (Coming Soon)

    Sparkles The Vampire Clown (Coming Soon)

    From The Future, Stuck in The Past (Coming Soon)

    Honest John (Coming Soon)

    She's Psycho (Coming Soon)

    Vicious Cycle (Coming Soon)

    Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All (Coming Soon)

    Hunting Sarah (Coming Soon)

    Random Acts of Stupidity (Coming Soon)

    Born Killer (Coming Soon)

    The Abducted (Coming Soon)

    Broken Man (Coming Soon)

    Graham Hiney (Coming Soon)

    Paper Soldiers (Coming Soon)

    Zartan (Coming Soon)

    The Firsts in Life (Coming Soon)

    Giant Baby (Coming Soon)

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene

    505: Resurrection

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    Also By Aaron Abilene

    505: Resurrection

    Written by Aaron Abilene


    Jenna Thompson's heart skipped a beat as her car rolled into the familiar streets of Millfield. The town had barely changed since she'd left, with its neatly trimmed hedges and freshly painted picket fences embodying small-town charm. A wave of nostalgia washed over her as she approached the venue for her high school reunion. Her palms were slick with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

    Here goes nothing, Jenna muttered to herself, applying a fresh coat of lip gloss in the rearview mirror before stepping out into the cool evening air.

    As she entered the elegantly decorated hall, she couldn't help but feel transported back to her teenage years – the same sense of camaraderie and tension that had pervaded those halls now hung heavy in the air.

    Jenna! Oh my gosh, is that really you? a melodious voice called out from across the room, breaking through the din of clinking glasses and animated chatter.

    Jenna turned to see Melanie Carter, her former high school best friend, striding towards her with open arms. Melanie's blonde hair was swept up into an effortless chignon, her warm smile as inviting as ever. She had always been the epitome of grace and poise, and it seemed that time had only honed these qualities further.

    Mel! You look amazing! Jenna said, wrapping her arms around her old friend in a tight embrace. I can't believe it's been so long.

    Neither can I! Melanie replied, pulling back just enough to give Jenna a once-over. You look absolutely stunning, Jenna. That lawyer life must be treating you well.

    Thanks, Jenna said, flushing slightly under the scrutiny. It has its moments, but it's definitely not as glamorous as running your own business empire.

    Ah, you've heard about that, huh? Melanie chuckled, a hint of pride glinting in her eyes. Yes, it's been quite the adventure.

    As they continued to catch up, Jenna couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort enveloping her, despite the years that had passed since their high school days. Melanie had always been the one person she could count on, and it seemed that even time hadn't managed to erode that bond.

    Come on, let's grab a drink and find the rest of our old gang, Melanie suggested, linking arms with Jenna as they navigated through the crowd.

    Sounds like a plan, Jenna agreed, allowing herself to be swept away by the excitement of reconnecting with her past – and the anticipation of what the evening might hold.

    As Jenna followed Melanie through the crowd, her eyes swept over the sea of familiar faces. A sudden burst of laughter caught her attention, and she spotted Lucas Parker, leaning against the bar with a drink in his hand. His dark hair was now speckled with gray, but the slim build and glasses were unmistakable. He looked every bit the successful author he had become.

    Lucas! Jenna called, waving enthusiastically. It's been forever!

    Jenna! he exclaimed, his face lighting up in a genuine smile as he made his way towards her. You look fantastic! How've you been?

    Busy, she admitted, shaking his offered hand warmly. Being a lawyer is no walk in the park, but it's rewarding. And I've heard about your success as an author – congratulations!

    Ah, thank you, he replied, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, a gesture that hadn't changed since high school. I still can't believe people actually enjoy reading my ramblings.

    Your 'ramblings' are brilliant, Lucas, Melanie chimed in, grinning. Now come on, we need to find Charlotte.

    Charlotte Davis? Jenna asked, her curiosity piqued. What's she up to these days?

    Teaching, Lucas supplied, taking a sip of his drink. She's really passionate about it, too.

    Before Jenna could respond, Melanie pointed across the room. There she is!

    A woman with shoulder-length red hair and freckles waved back at them. Her eyes sparkled with warmth, and Jenna knew immediately it was Charlotte. As they approached, she found herself enveloped in a tight hug.

    Jenna, it's so good to see you! Charlotte gushed, her voice barely audible above the noise of the surrounding crowd. Teaching has been such a dream for me. How's life treating you?

    Busy, as I was saying to Lucas, Jenna replied, pulling back to get a better look at her friend. But it's great to see everyone again.

    Isn't it? Charlotte agreed, her eyes shining with nostalgia. I can't believe how much we've all changed – and yet, in some ways, we're still the same people we were back then.

    True, Jenna mused, her mind already cataloguing the subtle differences between their high school selves and who they had become. She couldn't help but feel a strong sense of camaraderie with her old friends, even though years had passed since they'd last seen one another.

    Hey, remember the time when Lucas accidentally set off the fire alarm during our chemistry exam? Melanie said, chuckling at the memory.

    Or when Jenna single-handedly dismantled the entire debate team from that snobby private school? Charlotte added, grinning.

    As they reminisced, laughter bubbled up between them, filling the gaps left by time and distance. Jenna felt a comforting sense of familiarity settle around her like a warm blanket, the weight of her professional life momentarily lifted. Little did she know, this reunion was just the beginning of a wild and unexpected adventure.

    As Jenna's laughter subsided, she glanced across the room and spotted another familiar face. Travis Johnson stood near the punch bowl, holding court with a group of former classmates. He hadn't changed much since high school – a muscular build and short, dark hair that gave him a rugged appearance. His charming smile remained as captivating as ever, drawing people in like moths to a flame.

    Hey, look who it is! Charlotte exclaimed, pointing towards Travis. The king of Millfield real estate himself! I've seen his face on billboards all over town!

    Doesn't surprise me, Lucas chimed in. Travis always had a knack for making people feel at ease. Perfect for selling houses, I guess.

    Let's go say hi, Melanie suggested, leading the way towards their old friend.

    Travis! Jenna called out as they approached, catching his attention.

    Jenna! he grinned, wrapping her in a warm embrace. I was just talking about you with some of our old classmates. You're quite the hotshot lawyer now, aren't you?

    Ha! I wouldn't say 'hotshot,' but I'm doing well, Jenna replied modestly, feeling a twinge of pride at her accomplishments.

    Great to see you, Jenna, Travis said sincerely, his eyes meeting hers with a genuine warmth that momentarily disarmed her usual caution.

    Just then, a figure entered the room, immediately capturing everyone's attention. Jenna's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the sandy brown hair and strong build of Caleb Martin, the high school football star who still held a special place in her memory. Years had only enhanced his charm, adding a touch of maturity to his easygoing demeanor.

    Is that... Caleb? Jenna muttered under her breath, feeling a sudden rush of mixed emotions.

    Wow, I haven't seen him in ages! Melanie whispered.

    Neither have I, Jenna murmured, her mind racing with memories of their shared past – the laughter, the stolen glances, and the unresolved feelings that still lingered like a ghost in her heart.

    Hey, Caleb! Travis called out, waving him over to join the group.

    Travis! Long time no see, Caleb replied, flashing his warm smile as he approached. And Jenna... you look fantastic.

    Thanks, she managed to stammer, her heart pounding in her chest. His presence seemed to fill the room, making it impossible for Jenna to focus on anything else.

    Great to see you, Caleb, Travis said, clapping him on the back. So, what have you been up to since high school?

    Ah, you know, Caleb shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact with Jenna. A bit of this, a bit of that. Trying to figure out life after football, I guess.

    As the conversation continued, Jenna found herself stealing glances at Caleb, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. She knew reuniting with old friends meant confronting her past, but she never expected to face it so directly – or feel its impact so deeply.

    Jenna shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her gaze darting between Caleb's strong jawline and the glass of punch in her hand. She took a sip, the sweet taste not quite enough to distract her from the storm brewing inside.

    Hey, remember that time Mr. Jenkins made us all run laps in the rain for talking during class? Lucas interjected, attempting to break the tension with a shared high school memory.

    Ugh, I thought I'd never get the smell of wet socks out of my shoes, Charlotte chimed in, laughing.

    Better than the time we had to wear those ridiculous costumes for the school play, Travis added, rolling his eyes. I can't believe my mom still has pictures.

    The group laughed together, momentarily easing the tension as Jenna's friends recounted their shared history. But Jenna couldn't help stealing glances at Caleb every few seconds, biting the inside of her cheek as her heart swelled with conflicting emotions.

    Enough about the past, Melanie said, clapping her hands together. What about now? Jenna, you're a hotshot lawyer, right?

    Something like that, Jenna replied, forcing a smile while her thoughts continued to race around Caleb.

    Way to go! And Lucas, last I heard you were running your own software company?

    Indeed, Lucas confirmed proudly, adjusting his glasses. We just launched a new app last month, actually.

    Wow, impressive! Charlotte exclaimed, her eyes wide with genuine admiration. And what about you, Travis?

    Ah, well, I'm a personal trainer now, he answered, flexing his muscular arms for comedic effect. The group chuckled, but Jenna only half-listened, her mind preoccupied with whether she should confront Caleb about their unresolved history or let sleeping dogs lie.

    Hey, Jenna, Caleb said suddenly, catching her off guard. Can we, uh, talk for a bit? His voice was soft, and his eyes held a vulnerability she hadn't seen in years.

    Sure, Jenna replied hesitantly, her heart pounding furiously against her chest. As they stepped away from the group, Jenna couldn't help but wonder if this conversation would finally bring the closure she had longed for since their high school days – or if it would only serve to reopen old wounds.

    Jenna and Caleb returned to the group, their conversation having brought a strange mixture of closure and uncertainty. As they rejoined their friends, the atmosphere shifted to one of nostalgia and shared memories.

    Hey, remember that time when Mr. Thompson tried to confiscate Melanie's cell phone in class and ended up accidentally dropping it into the fish tank? Lucas laughed, recounting the incident with animated gestures.

    Melanie groaned theatrically, but her eyes sparkled with amusement. Oh, I'll never forget that – my poor Nokia didn't stand a chance!

    Or how about senior prom, Charlotte chimed in, when Travis accidentally ripped his pants during that ridiculous dance-off?

    Hey now, those pants were not made for breakdancing! Travis defended himself, feigning indignation before joining in the laughter.

    As they exchanged stories from their high school days, Jenna found herself growing more at ease, her previous discomfort fading into the background. The warmth of friendship and familiarity filled her chest, and she couldn't help but smile as she listened to her old friends reminisce.

    Actually, speaking of prom, Lucas said, turning to Jenna, you were Prom Queen, weren't you? I still can't believe you managed to pull off that stunning dress and crown while giving your valedictorian speech.

    Jenna felt her cheeks flush, but she laughed along with the others. Well, I've always been good at multitasking, she joked, recalling the pride and excitement of that night.

    Jenna, you were always so poised and confident, Charlotte added, her voice tinged with admiration. Even back then, we all knew you'd go on to do great things.

    Thank you, Charlotte, Jenna replied genuinely, touched by her friend's words. Despite the passage of time and the various paths they had taken since high school, it was comforting to see that some things never changed – including the bonds they shared.

    As the evening progressed, Jenna found herself increasingly immersed in the world of her past, feeling a growing sense of excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead. The reunion had been an emotional rollercoaster, but she was grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with her old friends and revisit their shared history.

    Here's to us, Lucas proposed, raising his glass in a toast. To friendships that stand the test of time and memories that will never fade.

    Cheers! the group echoed in unison, clinking their glasses together as laughter and good-natured teasing filled the air.

    For the first time in years, Jenna felt truly at home, surrounded by the people who knew her best and loved her most. And as the night wore on, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises and adventures awaited them all.

    As the laughter died down, Melanie wiped away a tear from her eye. Do you guys remember the time when Jenna tried to prove that she could climb the statue in the school courtyard? she asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

    Jenna groaned, recalling the embarrassing memory. I was trying to impress Caleb, she admitted sheepishly, feeling her cheeks flush with warmth. It didn't quite work out as planned.

    Didn't you get stuck halfway up? Lucas chimed in, his laughter bubbling up once more. And Mr. Thompson, the janitor, had to come and rescue you with his ladder!

    Hey, at least I tried, Jenna defended herself playfully, joining in the laughter. You have to give me credit for that. And surprisingly, Caleb still agreed to go to the dance with me after that fiasco.

    Speaking of Caleb, Charlotte interjected, her eyes scanning the room before landing on him across the hall. Isn't it amazing how he's still single? You'd think someone would've snatched him up by now.

    Maybe he's been waiting for the right person, Travis suggested, nudging Jenna gently. A sly smile crossed his lips. Or maybe he's been holding out for this reunion.

    Very funny, Travis, Jenna said, rolling her eyes but smiling nonetheless. As much as she wished to deny it, a small part of her couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to his words.

    Alright, alright, Lucas intervened, sensing Jenna's discomfort. Let's not dwell on the past too much. We're all here to have a good time, right?

    Absolutely, Melanie agreed, raising her glass once more. To the present and the future! May we continue making memories that will last a lifetime!

    Cheers! they all echoed, their glasses clinking together once more. As they sipped their drinks, Jenna couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and familiarity wash over her. These were her people, the ones who had shaped her into the person she was today. She felt truly grateful for the chance to reconnect with them.

    As the night began to wind down, the group decided to step outside for some fresh air. They made their way through the crowded hallways, reminiscing about old teachers and classes they had taken together. The mood was light and carefree, filled with laughter and shared memories.

    Remember when we dared Travis to eat an entire jar of jalapeños during lunch? Charlotte asked, stifling a giggle. He turned so red, I thought he was going to burst into flames!

    Or when Lucas stole Mrs. Palmer's wig in the middle of class, Melanie added, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She didn't even realize it was gone until she caught a glimpse of herself in the window.

    Those were the days, Jenna mused, her heart swelling with love and affection for her friends. As they stepped out into the cool night air, she couldn't help but feel as though something magical was happening – a rekindling of connections that had been lost but never forgotten.

    As they stood on the steps of their old high school, the moon casting a soft glow around them, Jenna noticed an odd flicker of light from the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she saw a shadowy figure standing at the edge of the trees, watching them intently. A shiver ran down her spine, and an inexplicable feeling of unease settled in her gut.

    Guys, she whispered urgently, not wanting to alarm anyone. Do you see that?

    See what? Lucas asked, squinting in the direction she pointed.

    Before Jenna could respond, the figure vanished into the darkness, leaving her questioning her own sanity. But as she stared at the spot where it had been, a strange sense of foreboding settled over her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something truly bizarre was about to unfold.

    Jenna, are you okay? Melanie asked, her voice laced with concern.

    I'm fine, Jenna replied, forcing a smile onto her face. But as they walked back inside, she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder one last time, wondering what secrets lay hidden in the shadows of Millfield.

    The soft glow of the fairy lights strung across the ceiling of the high school gymnasium bathed the room in warm, inviting hues. Laughter and excited chatter filled the air as former classmates reconnected, reminiscing about their long-gone teenage years. The scent of hors d'oeuvres and nostalgia hung thickly in the atmosphere, creating a sense of nostalgia that was almost tangible.

    Jenna Thompson scanned the room with her sharp eyes, taking in the familiar faces she hadn't seen in years. She straightened her elegant black dress and brushed a strand of her long brunette hair away from her face. It was strange to see her old friends and classmates all grown up, no longer the carefree teenagers they had once been. As a successful lawyer, Jenna knew how much effort it took to maintain a work-life balance, but tonight, for one night only, she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the reunion.

    Hey, Jenna! Caleb Martin, the former football star, greeted her with a wide grin. He still cut an impressive figure, his muscular build evident even beneath his tailored suit. It's been forever! How's life treating you?

    Can't complain, Jenna replied warmly, returning the smile. How about you? Still scoring touchdowns?

    Caleb chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Not so much these days, but I'm keeping busy.

    Amidst their conversation, a tall man with short, dark hair entered the gymnasium. Travis Johnson, the real estate agent, made his way through the crowd, effortlessly charming those around him. His appearance was as polished as ever, not a single wrinkle on his crisp white shirt or his perfectly styled hair. Jenna couldn't help but notice the ease with which he navigated the room, a stark contrast to Lucas Parker, the introverted author who stood by the punch bowl, sipping his drink and observing the scene from behind his glasses.

    Can you believe it's been fifteen years? Jenna mused aloud, her eyes still on Travis as he schmoozed with other attendees. Caleb nodded in agreement, his gaze following hers.

    Time flies, he said. It feels like yesterday we were all stressing over prom and final exams.

    Their reminiscing was suddenly interrupted by a loud gasp from across the room. All eyes turned to Charlotte Davis, the kind-hearted teacher who had just collapsed onto the polished gym floor. Initially, she had appeared perfectly normal - chatting animatedly with Melanie Carter, her red hair cascading down her back like a fiery waterfall. But now, her body lay limp and motionless, causing a ripple of surprise and concern to spread throughout the room.

    Charlotte! Jenna cried out, her heart racing as shock and worry took hold of her. She glanced at Caleb, whose own eyes mirrored her concern. Without another word, they pushed through the crowd, determined to find out what had happened to their former classmate.

    Instantly, the high-spirited atmosphere of the reunion shifted as murmurs of worry and confusion filled the air. Lucas Parker, who had been silently observing from his corner, finally put down his drink and hurried over to the fallen Charlotte.

    Is she okay? Melanie Carter's voice wavered with concern as she knelt by Charlotte's side. Jenna could see fear in her blue eyes as they darted from one face to another, seeking answers that no one seemed to have.

    Give her some space! Dr. Rebecca Foster called out authoritatively, pushing through the crowd. As a medical professional, she was the best equipped among them to handle the situation. The others reluctantly stepped back, allowing her to examine Charlotte.

    Charlotte, can you hear me? Dr. Foster asked gently, checking for any signs of consciousness. But before she could proceed further, an unnerving groan escaped Charlotte's lips, making everyone pause.

    Wh-what's happening to her? Travis Johnson stammered, his charismatic demeanor giving way to genuine fear. Jenna shared his anxiety, her mind racing with questions and concerns. What could have caused Charlotte to collapse like this?

    As if in response to their collective apprehension, Charlotte's body began to convulse violently. Her limbs contorted into unnatural angles, and her once radiant red hair now appeared darker and matted. The freckles on her usually rosy cheeks seemed to merge together, forming grotesque patterns on her skin.

    Everyone stay back, Sheriff Bradley Wilson warned, his strong presence providing a small measure of comfort amid the chaos. Despite having seen a lot during his years on the force, even he appeared shaken by the disturbing transformation that was unfolding before them.

    Is she... possessed? Caleb whispered, his voice barely audible as he stared at the horrifying sight. Jenna couldn't tear her eyes away either, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. The once cheerful reunion had taken a dark and terrifying turn, and she couldn't help but wonder what would happen next.

    The ghastly sight of Charlotte's twisted form sent a wave of panic rippling through the crowd. Hushed whispers erupted into frenzied chatter as former classmates exchanged fearful glances, their eyes darting between each other and the grotesque figure that had once been their friend.

    Someone call an ambulance! a voice cried out, the urgency in her tone only adding to the mounting tension.

    Is she having a seizure? another questioned, his voice shaking with dread.

    Or worse, Caleb muttered under his breath, his words sending a shiver down Jenna's spine.

    As chaos threatened to envelop the room, Jenna's instincts kicked into high gear. She couldn't just stand by and watch as things spiraled out of control. Her gaze scanned the room, taking in the terrified faces of her former classmates, assessing the situation.

    Everybody, listen up! Jenna commanded, her voice firm and authoritative. We need to stay calm and focused if we're going to help Charlotte.

    Jenna's right, Dr. Foster agreed, stepping forward to join her. Panicking will only make things worse. Let's try to keep a level head and figure out what's happening here.

    Shouldn't we evacuate? Travis asked nervously, his eyes never leaving the writhing figure on the floor.

    Maybe, but for now, we should secure the area and make sure no one else gets hurt, Jenna replied. Sheriff Wilson, can you assist with that?

    Of course, he responded, nodding grimly before barking out orders to his deputies.

    With the others rallying behind her, Jenna knelt beside Charlotte, careful not to touch her convulsing limbs. Her mind raced, trying to piece together the bizarre events unfolding before her. Whatever was happening, it was clear that something unnatural was at play.

    "Dr. Foster, have you ever seen

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