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Every Night Star
Every Night Star
Every Night Star
Ebook338 pages5 hours

Every Night Star

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Star that shines, is Stary there?,
I wish for you, I wish
The first star of that night,
A way to the universe today,
Celestial glow, spark of magic,
Take my soul, I want a family,
Past, present and future,
Our treasure will unite everything,
One day,

Once upon a time, there was a path, a treasure map, a path for those who have the courage to start over, a unique path, a future.
But like every path already traced on a map, there always has to be someone to follow, explore, and discover, right?

PublisherAbraão Fox
Release dateJul 29, 2023
Every Night Star

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    Every Night Star - Abraão Fox

    Star that shines, is Stary there?,

    I wish for you, I wish,

    The first star of that night,

    A path to the universe today,

    Celestial shine, spark of magic,

    Take my soul, I wish for a family,

    Past, present and future,

    Our treasure will unite everything,

    One day,

    Once upon a time, there was a path, a treasure map, a path for those who have the courage to start again, a unique path, a future.

    But like every path already traced on a map, there always has to be someone to follow, explore, and discover, right?

    Walking among bright stars, I immersed myself in the cosmic immensity. My soul, already eager to unlock the secrets that the universe held with a treasure map in hand, I walked a lonely path.

    I've always been a fox who knew where to go, but who would have thought that in my first step towards my journey I would get lost, don't judge me I still have a little hope, but after falling into this abyss for so long, I feel like my map was no longer the same, the stellar lines that my soul traced on it no longer exist,

    Was the map written poorly? Stary asks himself,

    Of course, a treasure map as important as this couldn't be wrong, but,

    Stary takes a deep breath am I writing poorly? I feel so tired I could sleep 17 cycles!

    Quickly removing this idea from his head, Stary, who is lying down, tries to gather the strength to get up, however, his spirit does not have the same vocation as before, something tells him to just stay asleep,

    I lost my map, my treasure, sometimes I think I lost myself, Even though it seems like the wrong choice, Stary closes her eyes trying to sleep,

    What was this treasure anyway?

    As darkness enveloped my thoughts, a small spark of determination rose within me. It was time to face my fears and find a new path, even if it meant abandoning the treasure map that had guided me so much. I needed to trust my intuition and the celestial glow that still burned within me.

    With hesitant thoughts, I began to explore new constellations, searching for clues that would lead me to an unknown destination. Each star that crossed my path seemed to whisper ancient secrets, as if they were eager to reveal a new journey to me, perhaps they were trying to help me?

    As I continued forward, thoughts of uncertainty mixed with renewed hope. Did the universe still hold hidden treasures for me? Could it be that there was a greater purpose beyond what I imagined? Will my wishes come true?

    Letting myself be carried away by these emotions I start to feel cold, the purest fear and cosmic cold, wandering through the shadows, ice, I feel my dark gray hair tremble, my dreams trying to find something similar lead me to think of similar things like the sea , is it possible that in the end the cosmos is not bigger than I thought?

    As such a simple treasure could be swimming in this cold sea that is existence, it is definitely there in some corner of the universe.

    I just hope the shining stars get there too.

    Is Stary there?

    Now this is new, this sound would be something I haven't heard in a long time!

    "Is Stary there? Won't you tell me you slept 17 cycles? you know that sleeping a lot does

    bad for the soul!" a faded voice says,

    When suddenly the cold returns once again!

    The universe decided to take revenge for the long hours Stary spent sleeping, sending a gentle hail of water droplets formed from a beautiful stalactite located at the top of her resting place,

    Waking up suddenly Stary gets up like a fox scared by the sudden cold that froze her fur, after all who likes to wake up!

    Scared, for being woken up in such a cowardly way, Stary, using one hundred percent of his perception, quickly looks up trying to find the person responsible for his now wet and frozen fur.

    Only to realize the idiotic choice he had just made, as a result the stalactite decided to launch an attack, causing a few drops of water to fall into his violet eye,

    What’s that? Dude se yoga  backwards in order to stop the stalactite attack.

    There is? How did I get here? Looking up, Stary realizes that he was actually sleeping under a stalactite.

    The second thing that Stary notices is that after waking up, his senses began to slowly return, but his vision, which is now covered by water, would not help him with much.

    After cutely wiping the water from his eye, Stary realizes a third thing, yes he is completely lost, and where is he?

    After all, he doesn't remember going to sleep in a dark cave in the middle of nowhere.

    Stopping to think for a moment, a thought passes through Stary the thought that will change your life from now on and forever!

    I can’t remember anything!

    It would be possible? stopping for a moment and looking around, thanks to his fox-like physiology his feline vision focuses dispelling the darkness of the cave around him.

    Over a tiny line of moonlight, a bit magical I would say, that entered through a simple gap above the cave, Stary looks blindly at a fixed point on the stone walls around him, he states in a thin and soft voice.

    Stary that’s me! That’s my name, I am I am I not? Looking at his somewhat faded gray tail he states,

    Or at least I remember who I am, I’m a fox!! My obvious physique didn't lie, I was definitely a fox, although I never saw a gray fox, I always remembered it being like that. At least I didn't forget everything, right?

    Now stopping to think about how I ended up here? Stary immediately notices a firm survival drive, he immediately feels the cold of the night, and obviously being in a dark cave was not the best option.

    Thinking for a moment it seems like I know some things, my name for example Stary, I love my name!, I remember things like books I've read, it's so strange the feeling of knowing some things and not others,

    I can’t just remember my past? In my mind I simply exist, I really don't know how I got here, do I have a family? as far as I remember I know how to do several things, I love robotics, I love cooking, I love strawberries, I love ships, I always wanted an adventure, but not one where I don't remember who I am,

    I will definitely find a way out of this! Stary motivates himself in his thoughts

    I don't usually lose my memory easily, at least not that I remember, now I better get going gathering the necessary strength Stary starts walking around trying to find a way to get out.

    Without suitable clothing for the place, but well rested thanks to the graceful place he was sleeping, gathering all the remaining determination of his tired body, Stary assumes his new imposing objective, first to leave this cave, second to find some fruit to eat, preferably strawberries, third but no less important than the rest, try to find out where he is.

    Mental reminder, before I decide to lose my memory again, it would be nice if I tried to find a less risky place to sleep than under a stone spear about to fall, I don't blame her, after all, thanks to the water I woke up. I'll just try to be more selective next time.

    Wandering around the place, and resisting the temptation to kick some pebbles he found along the way, Stary notices that it doesn't look like any other cave, the stones he walks through are very airy and well polished, pillars, silhouettes and ornaments don't exist anywhere. an ordinary cave right?

    Noticing your surroundings, the thin lunar light immediately catches your attention, oh a light, I see stars too. The path seemed closed with some rocks. Although easy to see, there was no space to pass.

    Supporting itself on the rocks with its front paws, the rocks in its path seemed more imposing now than before.

     I remember not being as strong! At least not as I would like. Trying to fight an already lost battle with the stones, pushing or pulling, they continue unshakable.

    These rocks don’t look like they’re going to get out of here anytime soon After all, how could they be rocks, this certainly didn’t seem like a situation I could force my way out of.

    Looking around Stary begins to ponder a question about a path to his current location, although the cave he now finds himself in was all dark, the little things he saw don't make sense for a simple cave.

    I decide for a moment to ignore the temptation to continue my fight against the pile of stones, I decide to take a better look around, the moonlight, like a mentor, begins to illuminate the cave better, in Stary's current position, which previously seemed like a simple cave. now it appears much more magical, adventurous and mystical.

    Ohhh, seriously, how did I not notice this before? this was not a cave! Could it be some kind of temple?!

    With a lot of focus, before my vision was everything that a typical temple to some deity or something similar had, pillars, basic architecture, and best of all, a large statue in the center with smaller statues in the corners, very comfortable I would say. I also see that besides everything looking so old and old, things like simple vases, and places to light torches are in the corners of what should be the pillars, some still standing and others trying to do their best to maintain the structure.

    An old place like this should generally have a lot of meaning from whoever built it, I've never heard of a place that built itself, should it exist? for sure! more in this situation taking into account the places for torches, so someone needed to see it to build it all.

    I think I know how to get out of here, it must definitely be somewhere in this cave, temple" Stary says Starting to get excited about the idea.

    Obviously Stary as an intelligent being would come up with the most correct solution of all, if you are in a dark cave and there are places to light torches on the walls, well torches light the way, more torches also hide things, the answer isobvious!.

    There must definitely be a secret passage here, it must be in one of these torches Stary tries to pull, push all the torches in the temple, including the torches on the broken pillars, and the torches that are on the ground, you never know if the passage secret may or may not be on the floor, right?

    After much reasoning and searching through the temple's torches, Stary realizes some curious things, one is that he is an idiot and that I fall like a duckling into the old cliché of secret passages in ancient temples, the other is after wasting several precious minutes of current life as a survivor with amnesia, he realized that the temple was actually not that big, with 21 pillars and 32 statues, and some braziers, however he noticed something that had been spread throughout the entire temple all this time, and it was the only thing he could remember. forgot to notice, the countless simple vases.

     Hmmmm Stary stares at a vase that has been next to her this whole time. These vases were spread throughout the entire temple, medium, small and large, of various sizes, but all closed.

    Thinking of the most obvious answer, Stary rudely kicks the rotten vase causing it to fall and the echoing sound of a beautiful vase shattering on the floor revealing something intriguing inside.

    sniff, sniff Stary smells a strong smell in the air, that sounds like hmm, some magical substance!

    Feeling a slight excitement Stary quickly threw herself down to try and get some in her paw, just to prove the truth it was really something a bit magical, a bit strange, it seemed to have some blue crystals in the middle, some kind of alchemy?

    Finally I can get out of here if I just take one or two of these vases and place them at the cave entrance and, Boom!! Stary screams, hysterically with so much excitement after throwing some of the powder in her hand back onto the pile of broken vase in front of her, instantly causing some blue sparks to appear.

    For some reason, in the end, the crystals weren't just charm, a chemical compound? In moments a large and powerful blue flame appears like magic, placing a beautiful and unstable blue-silver fire in the vase destroyed by Stary.

    Yes, he had realized at that moment, he had fire!, but not a normal fire in a normal situation, more a magical fire in a closed room with piles of magical gunpowder.

    Stary was sitting in front of the blue fire, preparing to activate his survival instincts, and use several pre-learned tutorials on how to put out an out-of-control fire, but he noticed something curious: the fire is cold!, not only that, but now the The room is finally lit, having a sense of space, he plans his plan A, he would have to think it through.

    Usually if it was explosive or something like that it would be very unstable at the moment I dropped it and the vase caught fire, new sparks were supposed to have appeared But instead nothing happened.

    Still afraid of everything exploding, before he thinks of a humiliating escape plan, he decides to think of the obvious, put his hand on top to see if it was hot, and as expected, it really wasn't, the floor under the fire was on the contrary. , freezing instead of burning,

    Looking around, the giant statue in the center of the room that was previously incomprehensible, now appears to be an imposing statue of a fox, but a different fox that had several tails, it really was a very beautiful temple.

    Could it be that if some of these vases were gathered together the stones on the door would explode or just freeze? Stary sits on the ground again now twice as cold as before thanks to the magical fire,

    Stary comes to the conclusion he can't just stay here doing nothing, waiting for the entire room to freeze, he carefully separates some vases from the others, and stacks them in a rustic way at the cave's collapsed entrance,

    At least it’s ice so there’s no risk of blowing up the entire cave,

    The innocent blue flame in the center of the room dances shyly as Stary gathers all the vases away from the entrance, with fire obviously this wouldn't be the best idea, but ice doesn't explode, it just freezes!.

    Stary notices that the blue flame creates some ice crystals around the fire, if this powder really manages to freeze so much that it creates crystals, then if I strategically place the vases in some places on the stones, the crystals created will be able to collapse, and I will finally have defeated the rubble,

    Of course, taking into account that these vases won't be broken, I hope that when the fire starts, it will be enough to ignite all at once and create a small to medium explosion.

    Really proud of himself, for having managed to delicately fit all the vases in all the randomly planned places, Stary moves a little away from the door and throws the substance again with delicate force, aiming towards the innocent vases, thus lighting several points of fire. blue flames along the collapsed entrance,

    The ambient temperature quickly reduces, giving the feeling similar to being on the whole of a snowy mountain, crystallization crackles can be heard, echoing the melody on the walls of the cave temple, Stary thinks it's best to find a high point to hide, the ground can be a very effective spreader of temperature, staying in contact with it could possibly result in a future flu,

    In the current situation I really better start climbing that statue soon, it's not like I have a warm bed and hot chocolate waiting for me outside,

    At the base of the statue, looking back, is the entrance to the cave, the magical fire is practically covering the vases, ice crystals are already forming, but with something different, different from the flame previously located in the center of the room, crystal bases larger ones can be seen forming, does this mean that it would be possible for the crystals to completely close the passage to the outside?

    Grabbing his claws and climbing faster than a frightened cat on an ornate house curtain, Stary, now safe from any icy feelings, found himself atop the head of the fox statue, but quickly, just as he was beginning to warm up, a quick gust of cold wind hit his back resulting from the cold fire, noises of magical sparks, flashes indicated a future explosion,

    A brief moment of calm happens, Stary already knew what that meant, always something calm predicts a future storm, wrapping itself around its tail and waiting for the next few seconds, its current location actually had a good view of the unstable fire,

    A mean freezing explosion happens!!!

    In moments a powerful sound of ice, as well as a blast of freezing wind reaches Stary, immediately giant ice crystals form, growing almost to the ceiling of the cave, trails around, small and harmless crystals form as well,

    Practically the only thing that exists now are piles of rubble separated and thrown from the exit, the cold night air and some trees can already be seen outside, firmaments of ice crystals are all over the front, the rubble has finally been removed. defeated!,

    Ok, it worked Stary, acrobatic as he is, manages to climb down from the statue in the most clumsy way possible, quickly after already being on the ground running towards the exit, he feels a quick earthquake, what could it be? Something happened wrong?

    Still stable because of the moment, Stary now motionless notices that in addition to being so close to the exit in a mixture of fire and crystals, a now giant stalactite of pure magical ice, grown sideways, gives rise to the explosion, damaging the upper side of one of the cave walls, incidentally in the only place where there were no support pillars,

    Jeez Stary activates his instincts, and starts to run as fast as he can, throwing himself towards the exit, the magical fire will not burn him, half of the substance must have been burned and would no longer have any effect,

    Stary feels a quick chill from jumping through the exit, but this feeling is quickly washed away by joy and relief. He was out, finally free, falling violently to the ground he could feel the soft earth, no longer stone,

    Using her remaining strength and getting up quickly, Stary feels a quick sensation of heat from her effort of having managed to perform such a risky maneuver, being outside now, this hot adrenaline is quickly replaced by the cold of the night,

    The Wall collapses above the entrance, opening the entire side of the temple, apparently the temple was located inside a small mountain, which is now half exposed, ice crystals now decorate the exterior, and the beautiful construction of a giant blue crystal, can now be seen emerging from within the mountain like a tree and towering a few meters above, all thanks to Stary's special escape tactics,

    Finally, phew I thought I would be frozen now, but it actually worked out My situation now is not the best, I'm freezing, I have to think quickly,

    Come on Stary, you can do it!, it’s not that hard to survive in a forest after all

    The radiant light of the magical fire has now gone out, leaving it completely dark outside the temple, leaving Stary with only her ability to see simple shapes in the dark thanks to her eye, look for food or keep warm?, a difficult answer when usually you have to survive you already know your planet,

    Why the planet? Well, looking back, Stary notices something a little different, the landscape behind him doesn't look ordinary at all, the trees do, of course, but the plants were different, something he had never seen before

    It seems like I'm in a forest, with pine trees to be more exact, it's pretty much at night, there's a wind, a dense fog surrounds my vision further away, looking closely, I saw some lights ahead similar to an aurora borealis further into the forest closed, right in front of me were several plants, some had beautiful blue flowers,

    In front of me there were some bushes, I remember bushes having blackberries or blueberries or strawberries, I vaguely remember that I loved strawberries, but not fruits in the shape of crystals, the crystals looked like hexagons and seemed very attractive for your current hunger,

    At that moment I was either lucky or unlucky, I decided to ignore the blue fruits, I wasn't hungry at the moment or at least I was trying to fool myself, as far as my knowledge takes me, unless I want to be crystallized and die, that's it. better not to eat a random fruit,

    Indeed Stary found himself in a dilemma, not for a moment did he think about venturing into the forest, looking back at the same vision of chaos, only the frozen temple,

    This place isn't normal at all Stary lets out a sigh thankfully, I remember exactly how to get out of a situation like that, Maybe I just read it somewhere, I hope I didn't go through this before I lost my memory,

    Let’s see, I just have to get up somewhere high, then just find something that looks nice and safe and walk there!

    Looking around Stary begins his investment in starting his newest project, trying to climb the temple mountain to see what's up there, luckily it's a small mountain, so it won't be that difficult, I just hope you can see something from above,

    Starting his endeavor, and first looking for the best place to start climbing, Stary sees that next to the ice crystal there is a passage, with some pine trees on the side, some rocks, and a path with branches that conveniently lead to the top, It's good that anything I can hold on to the branches so I don't fall,

    Not needing it anyway, his natural fox biology would help him climb it easily, supporting himself at the base and with a quick push, thanks to his mobility and his claws that help him hold on, he quickly finds himself at the top. ,

    His body is rudely complaining to him, from the various acrobatics performed in that short space of time, but the view from the top took away any possible pain,

    It was a really beautiful sight, what Stary saw was a typical boreal forest, a little different, some pine trees looked different, up front there was a forest that caught his attention, to the right there was a whole forest of blue trees, imposing mountains to the side. far away, that even in the darkness of the night they could be seen easily, and a giant lake on the horizon to their left,

    Driven by a natural instinct Stary looks up, looking for answers looking at the cosmos, only to find a sight so beautiful that it would take anyone's breath away, the stars seemed so bright, the cosmos in its immensity was dazzling tonight, the pupil of his fox eye tries to adjust for better lighting, trying to understand the beauty, various colors filled the skies, green, purple, red, blue, it had everything that would be perfect for a painting

    Sitting on an improvised bench made from a log next to him, the second thing that Stary immediately notices is the confirmation, this was not a normal planet, the imposing presence of 2 giant moons, occupying almost half of the sky,

    Wow how did I not see this before? really Stary you outdid yourself, am I really lost on another planet? Stary tells himself

    The night surrounds Stary with a magical and serene atmosphere, providing a unique and relaxing experience. As he strives to admire the scenery around him as much as possible, his senses gradually awaken after a well-deserved rest. As he looks up at the night sky, Stary is treated to a melodic concert of owl calls, which echo softly in the stillness of the night.

     The cold wind gently blows through the leaves of the trees, creating a soothing whisper that blends into the environment. Despite the cold, Stary, with his fluffy fur, manages to ignore the icy sensation, allowing him to completely surrender to the experience.

    Stary's sense of smell delicately picks up the fresh scent of grass and wet earth, signs that rain fell in the region a few days ago. These earthy scents awaken a deep connection with the nature around you, As the wind continues to caress your fur, your mind surrenders to the enveloping serenity of the night.

    The temptation to let yourself be carried away by the relaxing night wind is strong. Stary is almost tempted to go back to sleep, surrendering to the night and its silent charms. Soothed by the soft sounds, the enveloping aromas and the comforting freshness.

    The night proves to be truly calm and inviting, enveloping Stary in its soft, mysterious darkness. It is a moment of peace and renewal, where nature whispers its secrets and the purest magic.

    Wow, maybe waking up in this place wasn’t so bad Stary cheers up

    I may not know where I am, but I will try my best!

    With his eyes closed Stary takes a deep breath and stands up from the wooden log, feeling refreshed, he begins to plan his next move, looking down he begins to think,

    I really have to make a plan, let's see I was looking for treasure, I'm sure of that, I definitely had a map, but it wasn't a normal map, but I can't remember what it was, my mind is so clouded Stary says to himself,

    Stary starts to get discouraged, when he notices something, in his peripheral vision he can see a figure, he quickly turns to see, only to be surprised by nothing but the darkness of the night,

    Looking ahead Stary looking at the night full of mysteries and secrets through the gloom that surrounds him, he starts to hear something, words?, trying to pay more attention, he notices whispers, voices coming around him, what could they be?

    Scared, he goes into defensive mode, and tries as much as possible to

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