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The Prison Boss’s Sex Bribe: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse
The Prison Boss’s Sex Bribe: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse
The Prison Boss’s Sex Bribe: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse
Ebook40 pages40 minutes

The Prison Boss’s Sex Bribe: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse

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He was a bent cop, recently convicted in the courts and now in prison; his corrupt past had finally caught up with him. He was well known by the inmates on the wings and an obvious target for a revenge attack from all those he had fitted up with false convictions over the years; he needed protection – Fast!

But he had bargaining power; a secret stash of money that he'd made from all his illegal sidelines over the years. As much as it hurt him, he had no choice and made the offer to the warden; payment for protection, but the warden wanted more – He wanted ass flesh too.

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PublisherTosh Turner
Release dateJul 18, 2020
The Prison Boss’s Sex Bribe: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse

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    The Prison Boss’s Sex Bribe - Tosh Turner

    The Prison Boss’s Sex Bribe

    An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse

    At one time Danny Green had been a man to be respected, trusted and admired. At one time he had been a cop, and all cops are good at heart, so we are fooled into believing. Even the ones who turn bad like him.

    When I met Green he was no longer wearing the blue uniform of the Police Department; no longer one of The City’s Finest. No. When I met him he was wearing the orange and white prison uniform and he was an inmate in the County prison I controlled as Chief Warden. He had just spent a very harrowing three days trying not to get stabbed or beaten by the men who he had played a big part in putting inside these walls during his time as a lawman. Being an ex-cop on the inside is a tough gig.

    On one side you have the guys that you had a hand in putting away that want to get you because of revenge, and on the other side you have the guys who want to screw with you just because you were a cop and they hate all cops. There are also those guys in here that couldn’t care less about whether you were a good or bad cop, or if you put this guy away or put that guy away; they don’t like you because they just don’t like anybody.

    No matter how you slice it, being an ex-cop on the inside is a shitty thing to be and for Danny Green, life for the next twelve years was not going to be a walk in pastures full of sweet smelling roses, that is if he managed to live that long. The current office gambling syndicate that we run between us in admin and the duty guards had him surviving anywhere between nine and fourteen months at max.

    All of this being taken into consideration, it’s little surprise that he was now in my office begging for my help, nothing unusual in that, I got new inmates who were at risk and on the hit list coming up here every day. It got quite boring actually, but all part of my job, but because it’s part of my duty I listened to this sad excuse for a cop. He was pleading his case.

    Please warden I need to be placed into the isolation unit. I need to have protective custody because I fear my life will be at risk if I am housed with the main prison population.

    I don’t see how I can do that, Green I replied, I mean, basically you’re asking me to keep you in protective custody for the next twelve years and that’s just not feasible.

    I don’t care how feasible it is warden. You got to do it. Besides my lawyers are working on an appeal and I’m gonna be out of here soon, He said sitting forwards on his chair, staring hard into my face.

    Really? I said with a laugh, Then you’ll soon be out of here then won’t you? So you won’t need protective custody will you?"

    This guy had no chance of an early walk; I’d studied his case and knew the score. He’d be here for the full twelve years alright, if I had something to do with it, that is.

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