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Beyond Limits:: Building Your Flow Stack to Achieving Superhuman Performance
Beyond Limits:: Building Your Flow Stack to Achieving Superhuman Performance
Beyond Limits:: Building Your Flow Stack to Achieving Superhuman Performance
Ebook205 pages3 hours

Beyond Limits:: Building Your Flow Stack to Achieving Superhuman Performance

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"In 'Beyond Limits,' author Blake Cahill aka Padme OM takes you on an exhilarating journey into the realm of the superhuman. This transformative book is your guide to unlocking hidden potentials, optimizing your mind and body, and entering the elusive state of flow. With a captivating blend of personal experiences, practical wisdom, and cutting-

PublisherBlake Cahill
Release dateOct 4, 2023
Beyond Limits:: Building Your Flow Stack to Achieving Superhuman Performance

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    Beyond Limits: - Blake Cahill


    Becoming Superhuman

    Imagine a near future where a group of beings whose exceptional abilities and mastery of inner power of the force were widely revered. Through rigorous training and discipline, they learned to tap into their inner potential and achieve feats that most beings could only dream of. But what was the secret to their success? How did they achieve such incredible feats? One possible answer lies in the concept of flow state. Flow state, also known as being in the zone, is a mental state where one is fully immersed in an activity, to the point where everything seems to come naturally. It is a state of effortless concentration, where distractions melt away and one is fully absorbed in the present moment.

    For those who strive to become superhuman, flow state can be the key to unlocking their full potential. When one is in flow state, they are able to perform with exceptional ease and grace, and their actions become almost instinctual. They are able to react quickly and accurately to any situation, without being hindered by doubt or hesitation. The benefits of flow state go beyond just enhanced abilities. It can also help in training and development. When one is in flow state, they are able to learn and retain information more effectively. They are able to stay focused on their studies, and their minds are open to new ideas and perspectives.

    But achieving flow state is not easy. It requires a delicate balance of challenge and skill. If the task at hand is too easy, one may become bored and lose focus. If the task is too difficult, they may become frustrated and overwhelmed. But with practice, one can learn to find that perfect balance and achieve flow state more consistently.

    We can see the Flow State in many aspects of life. Athletes often experience flow when they are completely immersed in the game and lose track of time and space. They feel as though everything is working together perfectly and their actions flow effortlessly. This state of mind has been linked to improved performance and is a key factor in achieving peak performance in sports.

    Flow state has also been found to play an important role in business, particularly in creative fields. For example, designers and writers often report entering a state of flow when working on a project, where ideas come easily and they feel completely absorbed in their work. Flow state can also help improve productivity and focus in the workplace, allowing individuals to complete tasks more efficiently and effectively. Flow state has been recognized as an important aspect of spirituality and meditation as well. Many spiritual traditions emphasize the importance of being present in the moment and completely focused on one's thoughts and feelings. Flow state can help individuals achieve this state of mindfulness and awareness, allowing them to connect more deeply with their spiritual practice and themselves.

    Where Does Flow State Come From?

    It is a complex state that arises from a combination of factors, including the task at hand, our level of skill and experience, and our psychological state. When we are engaged in a task that is challenging, yet within our level of ability, we are more likely to enter into a flow state. If we are in a state of focused attention and have a clear goal or intention, we are more likely to enter into flow. Psychologists have also noted that flow state is associated with a release of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are associated with feelings of pleasure and focus, and they can contribute to the intense concentration and sense of fulfillment that are characteristic of flow state. As we continue to explore the mysteries of flow state, we may unlock new ways to achieve optimal performance and live our lives with greater joy and purpose.

    Flow state is not just a mystical concept, it is rooted in science. When we are in flow state, our brainwaves change, and we enter a state of hyperfocus. This allows us to block out distractions and focus solely on the task at hand. We also experience a rush of dopamine, which is the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This feeling of pleasure reinforces our desire to stay in flow state and can help us achieve even greater levels of success. Researchers have also found that achieving flow state can lead to a number of benefits beyond just enhanced abilities. For example, it can reduce stress and anxiety, improve our mood, Increase confidence, self-esteem, energy levels, focus, it boosts your immune system, increases joy, happiness, increases creativity, increases health, and moves things with your mind. Well maybe not that last one, but it is the closest we can get to becoming those revered Individuals from a distance Galaxy. This is because the flow state requires us to be fully present in the moment, which allows us to disconnect from our worries and concerns.

    The concept of flow state was first introduced by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the 1970s. He observed that individuals who were engaged in activities that were challenging, yet matched their skills, were more likely to enter into a state of flow. He also noted that flow state was associated with feelings of joy, creativity, and a sense of connection to something larger than oneself.

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a Hungarian-American psychologist who is best known for his research on the concept of flow, also known as the optimal experience. He is considered one of the foremost experts on positive psychology and is a pioneer in the study of happiness and creativity. Csikszentmihalyi started studying people who were highly skilled in their respective fields, such as musicians, athletes, and artists. He found that these individuals often experienced a state of flow while performing their craft. He identified several key characteristics of flow, including intense concentration, a sense of control over the task, the merging of action and awareness, a loss of self-consciousness, and a feeling of timelessness.

    People in a flow state often report feeling energized, focused. Csikszentmihalyi's research has shown that flow is not just a subjective experience but also has numerous benefits for individuals. For example, it has been linked to increased creativity and productivity. People who experience flow regularly are also more likely to report higher levels of happiness and satisfaction with their lives. Csikszentmihalyi has written several books on the topic of flow, including Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience and Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life. His work has had a significant impact on the fields of psychology, education, and business, as many individuals and organizations have sought to understand how to cultivate flow in their work and personal lives. Csikszentmihalyi's research on flow has provided valuable insights into the nature of optimal experience and its benefits for individuals. His work has helped us to better understand the conditions that foster flow and has provided a framework for individuals and organizations to cultivate this state of mind and a higher level of consciousness.

    To be connected to a higher state of consciousness in oneself is the path of a Superhuman. It is like the study of Taoism and the I-Ching. Though there are some similarities between the idea of flow and Taoism, it is not accurate to say that the philosophy of flow is Taoism. Taoism is a philosophical and religious tradition that originated in ancient China and emphasizes living in harmony with the natural world and the Way or Tao. The concept of flow is not a central idea in Taoism, although there are some connections between the two, because of how Flow State has evolved throughout history. One connection is the Taoist concept of wu-wei, which can be translated as non-action or effortless action. This idea emphasizes the importance of acting in accordance with the natural flow of things, rather than forcing or imposing one's will upon the world. Similarly, the state of flow involves a sense of effortless action and a feeling of being in sync with one's surroundings.The philosophy of flow state is simulator to the wu-wei. This may seem a little out there, but this action of non-action is actually the Flow State. To move through time and space effortlessly and not force anything is to be in alignment with the universe. Everything flows its natural course. To live in the flow of the universe one must practice Yin which is our inner experience. It is to still one's mind while remaining in action of life.

    I believe we are all here for a purpose and when we engage in that purpose it awakens us. The expression of divinity it’s in the now. And when we are fully engaged in that moment divinity is expressed through us. When you are in this state, the universe conspires with you.

    It’s the remembrance that we came to this planet for a purpose. And when we act on our purpose all of humanity is nourished. - Patrick Haize


    The Way of Flow State

    Welcome to the captivating realm of Flow State, where the ordinary takes on an extraordinary hue, and what seemed impossible suddenly feels within reach. For those venturing on the path to superhuman mastery, the art of self-mastery and seamless alignment with life's flow emerges as the ultimate journey. Within these pages, we'll delve into the intricate chemistry of the brain, where neurochemicals like dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, and anandamide choreograph the enchanting dance of the Flow State. Alongside, we'll explore the pivotal concept of optimal arousal, a key ingredient in unlocking this remarkable state. Optimal arousal strikes a harmonious balance between stimulation and skill, ushering us into the mesmerizing realm of Flow.

    Aside from the neurochemical and arousal factors, flow state is also characterized by a sense of control and confidence. The feeling of control and confidence that comes with flow state can reduce anxiety, promote motivation, and encourage perseverance. For those on the path to Flowstate Mastery, understanding and achieving flow state will help them unlock their full potential and become true masters of their craft.

    When the powerful chemicals of dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, and anandamide are active in our brain it puts us in an optimal state to take on whatever the day might have in store for us. You could get in a flow state before a business meeting, an investor pitch, painting or being creative. This pharmacy of chemicals that we have in our body supports us as we move through life.

    Wouldn't it be amazing if you're in the middle of a business meeting and you feel fatigued and you just stopped for 5 minutes and did some intense breath work and felt more focused than ever? What if you were in a creative block where you were painting and you just shut your eyes and meditated and had visions of the next paint stroke? Or having a conversation with a potential business investor and taking a minute to feel the connection between you both and create heart coherence that allows you to feel each other's words deeper and build more trust?

    Our brain is wired to create habits. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Do you find yourself reaching for your phone immediately upon waking up? If so, how does this habit affect your mindset and overall well-being? Are there alternative activities you could engage in upon waking up that might promote a more positive mindset and set the tone for the day? Like, speaking positive affirmations to yourself. How might your mornings and subsequent mindset be different if you intentionally chose to engage in a flow-triggering activity, such as meditation, exercise, or creative expression, instead of reaching for your phone?

    To begin your journey into flow state you must change your habits and try something different and a bit challenging. To establish a new habit that promotes a positive mindset and supports flow experiences, it's important to be intentional and open to making changes in our routines. Consider instead of immediately reaching for your phone upon waking up, try starting your day with a mindfulness practice, engaging in physical activity, or practicing gratitude journaling. You can also dedicate time to a creative pursuit that brings you joy or use your phone mindfully, focusing on uplifting content. Remember, creating a new habit takes time and consistency, so start small and gradually build upon it. By embracing these alternatives, you can cultivate a positive mindset and increase your chances of experiencing flow throughout the day.

    Flow state is a breakthrough from your normal projection of reality and habits and it puts us in a heightened and altered state of being that is fully focused and present. It's basically turning on your own inner supercomputer. Allowing you to process complex problems, perform physical feats with optimal precision, and feel more alive and connected to the oneness of all of life. Flow State is a practice that helps awaken our totality. It awakens all 6 senses in the body to bring forth the best version of yourself and become a Superhuman.

    Flow state can also help in crisis situations as well. During Covid, what happened is people begin to get in their heads, because they no longer have access to the things that brought them joy, or help get them into those routine patterns that brought them into a flow state. Like going to a gym or out to the bar to socialize. When a crisis strikes the first thing to do is to find that bass level thing that you love to do, yoga, music, writing, reading, painting whatever it is that puts you in a flow state to get you out of your head and into your joy. When you get into a flow of something you absolutely love to do it calms down your nervous system, boosts your immune system and increases your cognitive function. These kinds of flow triggers bring your attention to the present moment, which is a state of hyperfocus and bringing you in complete connection within every moment of life.

    Flow Triggers

    Finding your flow triggers is essential for optimizing whatever task you are taking on and could significantly upgrade your performance in every facet of your life. Just like any new thing that you learn it takes time to create a new habit. Scientists say it takes about 21 days to create new habits in your neural pathway or you could be more in tune with the natural cycles of life and take 28 days, which is a full moon cycle. So with that said, there is no better time to start than now.

    I have broken down 8 key things that can help get you in a flow state. Not everything that I have found is going to work for you and there might be some things that work better for you than have worked for me. But these 8 key things have been the foundation for me getting into a flow state. I suggest you create your own routine and identify your flow triggers that work for you to become a Superhuman (Check out chapter 14, for more about creating your own routine). Remember you are your own guru. So listen to your intuition and inner guidance and have some fun along the way.

    Foundations for flow state:

    Identifying where you are on the Trine (Chapter 4)

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