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The God Particle Bible
The God Particle Bible
The God Particle Bible
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The God Particle Bible

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It should be obvious even to the Scientists that discovered the God Particle, otherwise known as the Higgs Boson, that only some form of God would be the one to send out all of his particles.  But, too many of us are so objective and jaded that we miss the most obvious lessons in Science right in front of our eyes.  The God Particles were the first of such things created during the Big Bang and we know this because it is only the God Particle that can give all of the other particles their mass.  Not only in the subatomic world, but all of our  lives depend on the God Particle Field remaining in effect from the beginning of Time all the way to the end of Time.  And, if it was the first thing to be created in the universe by the Creator of the universe, do we  not owe this most amazing event in the history of the universe just a little more investigation and perhaps even reverence?


When you look at the universe, both to the outside of us or to the inside of us, you see the magnificent footprints and fingerprints of a master Creator.  Nothing is more obvious than the fact that the way things snap together so perfectly can't possibly be an accident or a random series of events.  There is an obvious patter to it, so God's Particles, the ones in the center of the current model of the common understanding of Physics and subatomic physics had to have something in the middle, like a keystone for a building, something that keeps it all together and in this model we finally have reality cemented together, or at least most of it.  Today, they are saying there may be a Fifth Force in the universe and a particle that carries it.  But, in order to understand that fifth force, should it prove to be real, we need to fully understand the God Particle first..


This book is for anyone who has ever wondered why major events take place in their lives for which there seems to be no explanation.  The explanation is clear now thanks to the discovery in Geneva Switzerland in 2012 using the most expensive scientific apparatus in history, the Large Hadron Collider, to discover the God Particle.  God is no longer just a myth and part of a mythology, no longer is God based on fairy tales, or stories in children's books.  God is now based on the best Scientific exploration that is possible using the human mind.  The God Particle, it turns out is the most basic fundamental force that makes everything in the universe happen according to a plan.   Since the discovery of this amazing new energy, we now have at our disposal a pathway to finding our source.  Since the God Particle was the first thing created by the Big Bang and since it gives everything else in the universe it's mass, the stuff that makes things matter, it is simple logic to see that the God Particle Field is the way that God promulgates his will all over the universe.  That means these particles are constantly working to create all of our life's events in such a way that follows God's laws, especially the ones we call the Laws of Physics.   The good news is that anyone can understand these laws and use them to their own advantage.  You don't need a Ph.D in any scientific discipline to fully appreciate these concepts.  All you need is a little bit of curiosity as to how the universe works and your place in it. The God Particle Bible is a new Book that will take you on an adventure in Science where they have proven the existence of God.

Release dateSep 27, 2023
The God Particle Bible

Michael Mathiesen

I have authored and published over 100 books, ebooks, audible books, online courses.  My latest and most important to me are:  The Science of Physics - Proof That God Exists, The 4 States of Consciousness, Zentanglements - The Three Laws of Consciousness for Smarties, The Blockchain Government, America 2.0, Inc - Take Stock in America, The God Particle Bible, The Origin of Creation, et al.  My scientific theories are on the cutting edge and many of my colleagues are not yet true believers, but when the 2nd Big Bang hits this part of the universe as I have predicted in this book - they will have to eat their words.  What will it mean to you?  Lots, I think. 

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    Book preview

    The God Particle Bible - Michael Mathiesen

    Table of Contents

    Introduction:      4

    Chapter One - The Force Awakens  9

    Chapter Two - The Equation   20

    Chapter Three - The Ripple Effect  35

    Chapter Four  - The God Particle Bomb  42

    Chapter Five - For the Atheists   52

    Chapter Six - The God Particle Technology  75

    Chapter Seven - The Meaning of Life  95

    Chapter Eight - The God Particle System 109 

    Chapter Nine - Cracking The Code  121

    Chapter Ten - The God Particle Space-Time  Continuum        146

    Summary - The Rubber Soul   162

    About the Author     165

    - Introduction -

    ANYONE WHO IS NOT IN awe of the mind behind the  majestic beauty and serenity of the universe is nothing   more than a burned-out candle.  Albert Einstein.

    THE GOD PARTICLE BIBLE, The Force Awakens was written by myself was begun in a kind of an interesting way.  I'm actually a Science Fiction writer by trade and I've produced many books about Science Fiction over my life and a few years ago, when it became known to me that scientists were getting closer and closer to what they called the God Particle or the Higgs boson, I started researching the subject thinking that it might make the basis of another science fiction novel and right away upon learning what it was and how it worked, I knew my instincts were correct.  So, after a little bit of research, I wrote a book called 'Realia: E Pluribus Unum'.  It's a story about a young Buddhist Monk who uses The Force in a very peaceful and loving way.

    It was a very fascinating journey writing 'Realia: E Pluribus Unum' because I found that in Quantum Physics, there is something known as the Probability Theory.  Scientists learned long ago that when you delve into the smallest particles of the universe, they really don't exist in the real-world sense. You either know the location of something or you know its momentum, but you can't know both.  And, therefore to Quantum Physicists, everything in the universe is based on the probability of events, not on certainty. 

    And so, when I put the scientific knowledge that we had at the time together with the discovery of the God Particle, it made for some very interesting plot twists and in that story, we actually turn back time and we get to re-do many events in history in a way that makes for a much more exciting future, all based on the God Particle and the way that I have my main character manipulate it through a very unique software program that he developed as a Tibetan Monk.

    But, when I finished that book, I was very dissatisfied because I felt that there was so much more to what the God Particle is all about.  So, I decided to write another book - non-fiction - that would explain the God Particle from the physicists or the scientific community's point of view to make this available to the average person because this knowledge is extremely complex and abstract when you get down to the nitty-gritty. 

    So, I began to do more research and thinking about the implications of the God Particle and one of the most interesting parts was that the man who predicted the God Particle, a Professor Peter Higgs of Edenborough University in Scotland did not want to call his prediction the 'God Particle' and in fact he vehemently objects to calling his particle the 'God Particle'.  He would much prefer for it to be called the Higgs boson because being a normal egotistical human being, he's much rather have the most significant particle in the universe named after him, and not God, especially since he's probably an atheist. 

    And, that sets up a whole range of discussions about the significance of this discovery and I believe that the God Particle, despite Professor Higgs objections will stick throughout the future history of this world because it is the first creation of God.  The God Particle came first in the opening round of the Big Bang and it was all done in the first trillionth of a trillionth of the first second of the Big Bang.  The first trillionth of a trillionth of a second, God created all of his little particles that we now call the God Particles and sent them in all directions from center of the locus of the Big Bang and on to infinity. 

    For the last 13.7 billion years, the God Particle wave has been filling out nothingness and creating the universe that we know and live in today.  The God Particle had to come first because it gives weight to everything else.  Without the God Particle, you can't have the electrons, the protons, neutrons, positrons, anti-matter.  You really can't have anything.  Because the God Particle - and this is the genius of Professor Higgs - actually supplies the 'mass' to every other part of the Atomic structure and as we all know it's 'mass' that causes everything - heat, light, gravity - everything, including us.  Without the 'mass' contained by our atoms and our molecules, we'd be nothing more than a vapor floating around somewhere in a soup of chaotic atomic particles that would have nothing to them, no ability to stick to each other, no ability to create molecules and molecules, of course, are what creates life.

    We are composed of trillions and trillions of molecules all hooked up together doing all of their separate things for us every second of every day.  That's all we are.  Without atoms you can't get molecules - if you go back to your High School Physics - you'll remember it's the atoms, the elements - remember the periodic table - all of those elements go into creating molecules and it's the molecules that everything is made of in the universe.  Without the God Particle you don't get atoms because the atoms - we now know - depend o the God Particle Field for their mass. 

    Isn't that amazing?  And, this is why I was so intrigued by the significance of this discovery just a couple years ago and it's being reconfirmed and there's more information coming out about the God Particle all the time.  But in this book, you have the most up-to-date scientific information given to you from a non-scientist.  And, that's important because a scientist will only give you the facts of what they know.  They won't tie it all together in any kind of theory that makes sense in a spiritual way.  I do.

    I think it's becoming obvious to you now, even in the opening stages of this book that the cause of a God Particle would have to be God.  Some kind of God.  Not the kind that we read about in the Bible who gets mad at people and sends out armies to fight his enemies and who instructs people to do strange things like to kill his son, to sacrifice animals to him and all of these strange things that I just cannot imagine the God of the entire Creation doing. 

    He is not sitting up in a cloud in a rob with a big long white beard.  That's not God.  This is the earliest primitive conceptions of God that we developed as we emerged out of the jungle.  And, that God has served his purpose. 

    Now, a new one emerges from scientific inquiry and experimentation, from the scientific method, things that can be tested and proven and that's the most exciting part about the discovery of the God Particle that again the scientists want to keep hidden from you because most of them are atheists, oddly enough, even though they see the universe more clearly than most of us because they see so much more detail.  Yet they get lost in the details.  And they forget - or they fail to see - the larger picture.

    But, it became very clear to me and blatantly obvious that if someone or something can create all of the particles in a trillionth of a trillionth of a second of the opening round of this universe, and enough of them to create everything that we see and everything that we do, everything that we eat, everything that we breathe, everything that we drive, everything that we fly, everything that we hear, everything that we see, everything that we know, everything that we feel, everything that we taste, everything that we touch, has to have to have a God Particle Field all around it at every moment in order to exist. 

    Without the God Particle Field, all atomic structure collapses in a huge silent heap of dust, and not even into dust, just nothingness. 

    So, the universe was created with a specific plan and the God Particle is the keystone in the blueprints of the plan.  And that plan implies a Master Planner.  You can't have a plan that happens randomly.  That's where my scientific friends fail so miserably.  They show us the plans and yet they have no knowledge, no awareness, no desire to know more about the planner.  I do.  I always have my entire life. 

    I've had a few - what I call - a few religious experiences in my youth and they've stuck with me for all time and you'll find out more about those in this book and how they've influenced me and taught me everything I know that I now give to you.

    The most important thing to remember as you go through this information is that we now have scientific foundation for all the greatest ideas that humans have ever had or possibly ever will have.  And we now know that every moment of our lives is specified very clearly, very succinctly in a code.  We've discovered our own code of life - the human genome - and today we're closing in on some very detailed parts of how the human genome controls everything that happens to us.  This is scientific proven fact.  The food you eat, the health care you receive is based on this current research. 

    But now, with the discovery of the God Particle, even greater research regarding the code of life has begun.  And, it's a code that goes all the way back to the Master Coder, the Master Programmer who set all of this in place 13.7 billion years ago.  And, every single event in the universe from the opening round of the Big Bang to where you're at right now, wherever you are and whoever you are is traceable to this code of life produced by billions upon billions and countless trillions - there's really no number big enough to express the number of events that are all probability events. 

    Again, nothing is certain.  But one thing is certain, the God Particle is there helping to create these events and as they happen in your life, up until this point, only a very, very few of us have been able to see what I will be attempting to reveal to you in this book and that is how to understand the probability of events in your life from the perspective of God's plan for you and then, even how to exploit this system for your own benefit. 

    And then, in a wonderful collective event - now ongoing - how we can exploit the probabilities and turn them into the greatest possibilities for Mankind that we have ever known.  This is not only life-changing for the individual, but it's Civilization-changing for all of us.  And, we're on the verge - believe it or not - of a completely new version of the human species because of the power that is being unleashed, even as we speak. 

    The God Particle Bible

    Chapter One

    - The Force Awakens -

    IF YOU HAVE ANY KIND of curiosity about the universe and your place in it, your purpose, your ultimate fate, then the discovery of the God Particle may be interesting, to say the least. You may have often wondered about the existence of God. God knows we talk him an awful lot. There are preachers on TV from all denominations every day of the week citing some form of their belief or religious teaching, called dogma. Dogma, if spelled backwards is 'AmGod'. I don't know what that means. I just find it very interesting.

    At any rate, we've all had our moments in life when things have happened to us and if they're in the negative, we want to blame God. God why did you do this to me? And if it's a positive thing we say Thank God, even though we may not be religious or spiritual. I've known many people who may use that term even though they're atheists. Thank God. When they get older and if they are still atheists, they'll change it to Thank Goodness as if that would make any difference.

    So, if you've ever wondered what God or 'Goodness' is, you've come to the right place and I think that's the vast majority of us. And up until now, up until the year 2012, when the God Particle was announced by CERN, the scientific organization that administers the research at the Large Hadron Collider announced that they had found the God Particle, but up until that moment in time - and I will always remember that day for the rest of my life, it was July 4th 2012.

    I was landing on Maui for a little vacation when the announcement was made. And over the next few days I started my work on this book basically bobbing up and down in the beautiful blue waters of Maui, getting the message from God about the God Particle. So, not only was it announced to the world on that day, but it was announced to me very heavily and I continued the amplification of that announcement up until now and probably all the way up until the end of my days.

    I found my purpose quite easily on the day of that announcement because I had always wondered about God since I was a little boy. What was this thing going on in my head, this little voice that kept trying to guide me onto the right path. And things would happen to me even as a little boy that I knew was influenced by something much larger than myself. Sometimes I was influenced by my parents, sometimes by my friends, sometimes by my teachers in school, but most of the time, the most significant impacts on my consciousness were brought about by some other influence, my own internal discussions with myself, I thought.

    As I got older, I realized that these were not discussions with myself, because where would myself get all of this wisdom and information that was flowing more and more with each passing year? I believe we all have this. I believe we all have gradually increasing wisdom through our lives, through discussions mainly with ourselves, or so we think. But there is a larger force out there, I've always felt instinctively, always felt that there was a larger force that guided my thoughts to some extent. Some of course were completely random, generated by hormonal impacts on my brain, created through millions of years of Evolution, the need of survival. Of course, we cannot deny that at all. Take great pride in some of those, indeed, because I have survived and I have survived well, thank you very much.

    I have the very great fortune of reaching an older age, looking back at my life and not regretting a single moment, not one moment. And I'm extremely grateful for every moment in my life, the good, the bad and the ugly, because they have led me to this point, a very satisfying moment in my life where I can feel my purpose being fulfilled. And I truly wish this upon us all. This degree of satisfaction in life, in achievement in the final days of my life, I believe is what it's all about. And of course I'm not talking about superficial monetary achievement, financial achievement or even artistic achievement or social achievement, political achievement, or anything like that because that all goes away, washed away in an instant at the moment of your death. You can't take any of that with you.

    But you can take your purpose with you. At whatever level of purpose that you have achieved, you do take that with you. And if you have not fulfilled your real purpose in this life, you will get closer to it, but not fulfill it in the next life either, but you'll get close to that end goal of your life at some life form that you are born into. I know that sounds very Buddhist, but it's true. Because energy cannot be created or destroyed, not by humans. Energy is only transferable. And we are powered by energy and I'm going to get more into that power in a moment. But I have to lead you there piece by piece.

    So this life's purpose, if it is fulfilled, as I believe mine has been - and I am so grateful for that - then what happens to me or a person like me in the next life? If I have completed the cycle, I believe there's a huge party waiting for me on the other side. Now, by 'Party' of course I don't mean that literally. You don't party with a lot of booze, your friends and relatives and food and celebration like that, the noise makers and funny hats. Oh no. But there's a celebration at the end of a fulfilled life. In the old Bible they refer to that as 'Heaven' don't they? And they conjure up images of you sitting next to Jesus who's sitting next to his father, The Almighty God. And what happens while you're sitting there all that time, the scriptures are unclear, but it's a good thing, we can say. And to a certain extent, I believe that it's true.

    But I don't believe that you just sit there beside God. I believe that you return to God and you become one with God. You're a part of God, when you leave this flesh and blood person. And that lasts for all eternity. I believe you see everything the way that God sees it. Because we came from God and so back to God, we must return. The whole cycle of a life fulfilled and your promise met and life's goal achieved as set forth by God in his infinite planning of everything, means that at the end of your cycle you go back to your Creator and that means that you become God. You're not a secondary figure. You're not at a lower level of consciousness. That does not exist. It cannot exist. There is only one level of consciousness and it's all connected.

    Nor does it make any scientific sense for there to be levels of completeness or oneness. You're either in the oneness or you're not. While we're on this planet, or on any planet, we're not. And there is life on many of the billions of other planets, because this was the purpose of the universe - to create little nooks and crannies like Earth where life could evolve and take hold. Why? Because God, being total consciousness, creates our consciousness because the first law of consciousness is wanting to share it. Imagine wanting to keep the glorious consciousness a secret forever and selfishly maintaining infinite consciousness and wisdom to oneself forever? That's not God-like. That's not in the cards for consciousness.

    Consciousness reaches out, and this is what created the Big Bang. It's literally the

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