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The Blockchain Government
The Blockchain Government
The Blockchain Government
Ebook127 pages1 hour

The Blockchain Government

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About this ebook

It's obvious to many by now that our antiquated method of doing the business of government is no longer working.  The two party system is a great way for politicians to establish a long, very long-lasting and very profitable positioni for themselves.  They learn how to posture and pose and make tidy little speeches full of promises and age-old wisdom, but gets nothing accomplished.  Is it any wonder when we know that the system was designed by people who only knew horse-and-buggy technology.  

As we write these words of introduction to The Blockchain Government, we are on the brink of total financial collapse.  Violence of all kinds rules over our streets.  Six college students are murdered.  Hundreds of other innocent Americans are slain every day on the streets of this country.  Inflation is rampant.  People are going homeless by the thousands every day.  Another pandemic is raging.  The forest fires in 15 states are raging out of control for months.  There is a drought everywhere, except in the East where there are record floods.  People are fearful.  AND, 6 out of 10 people know that the Climate Crisis will greatly impact their lives.  The other 4 are just sticking their head in the sand.

Throughout history - whenever great turmoil, uncertainty and fear arises, a form of dictatorship always arises because in a panic people are willing to forego their rights and freedoms in exchange for a little more security.  This is too great a cost.

Perhaps it is time to turn to something that we invented just a few short years ago and took to like ducks in water.  The Internet is something that we know and love and is an expected utility that we must have every day like heat and light, food and water.  Why not trust the latest developments of the Internet to rule over us all and give us the solution to problems PRIOR to them running out of control?  The Blockchain is the most secure form of information that the world has ever known.  Not perfect, but as close to perfect as anything human-built can get and getting closer to perfection every day.  We can trust it to formulate suggestions to common national problems.  The best solutions are pushed up by the Community.  Then, we vote on the best proposals.  The whole process of solving a problem may take as little as ONE DAY or as long as a month or two, rarely any longer, depending on the complexity of the problem and its corresponding solution.

Our voting data can not be corrupted or compromised because in the Blockchain there are thousands of computers in the Blockchain who back up every single bit of information.  Changing only one computer cannot happen because the others in the network, block any unauthorized attempts to alter the information.  It can be done, but only with the commitment of millions of dollars and thousands of workers all dedicated to doing something that does them no good because in our final version of the Blockchain Government - everything in the Blockchain will be backed up by a paper trail.  

Our money says on it - "In God We Trust."  I say: "In the Blockchain, We Trust!"

Release dateOct 16, 2021
The Blockchain Government

Michael Mathiesen

I have authored and published over 100 books, ebooks, audible books, online courses.  My latest and most important to me are:  The Science of Physics - Proof That God Exists, The 4 States of Consciousness, Zentanglements - The Three Laws of Consciousness for Smarties, The Blockchain Government, America 2.0, Inc - Take Stock in America, The God Particle Bible, The Origin of Creation, et al.  My scientific theories are on the cutting edge and many of my colleagues are not yet true believers, but when the 2nd Big Bang hits this part of the universe as I have predicted in this book - they will have to eat their words.  What will it mean to you?  Lots, I think. 

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    Book preview

    The Blockchain Government - Michael Mathiesen

    The Blockchain Government

    Engineering The Future

    Michael Mathiesen

    Copyright 2021 © – Michael Mathiesen 

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021905161



    Chapter One  – What Is The Blockchain?

    Chapter Two   –  The Blockchain Economy

    Chapter Three –  The US Constitution Rejuvenated

    Chapter Four   –  The Smart Contract

    Chapter Five   –  The ‘Community’


    About The Author


    THE BLOCKCHAIN AND ‘Good Government’ go together like a ‘hand in glove’ because the heart and soul of a truly useful government is one that is honest, transparent, dedicated to the common good, fast and efficient, inexpensive to operate and totally trustworthy so that the governed may follow their ‘Pursuit of Happiness’, without having to put in the hard work daily at the vigilance and obsession with the daily mistakes and misconceptions that a bad government can make so regularly and without rectification or even mitigation by the electorate.

    At present we are at the mercy of the Two-Party system.  Both parties are devoted to making money for their members over and above service to the country.  An excellent and very timely example of this basic fundamental and unchangeable corruption in our system of government is the fact that they appointed Joe Manchin to be the Chair of the  Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. 

    This means that all laws that are proposed by any member of Congress must pass through Joe Manchin’s scrutiny.  As the Chairman of this committee, if he doesn’t like a proposed law, he merely ‘Tables’ it.  This means it is squelched, hidden, blocked from a vote in Congress.  Committee chairmen and women do this all the time, especially when a proposed law goes against on of their bigger donors. 

    Joe Manchin has taken millions in ‘Campaign Contributions’ from the coal and oil Industry, otherwise known as the Fossil Fuel Industry, the Green House Gas-Passers, the biggest contributor industry to the destruction of all life on this planet by pouring billions of tons of Carbon Dioxide and other toxic fumes into the atmosphere. 

    Therefore, due to the special interests of this one man, there is no hope that we will ever be able to reverse Global Warming in any big ways in time to save our species and all other life forms now living and struggling to stay alive today.  We will inevitably come to a final day for our kind – a Total Extinction all because the world’s most important governmental law-making system is run by the Industries that are killing us.  Of course, whenever the Republicans have the ability to appoint committee chairmen or women, they appoint the same kind of people who are willing to take all this money from the wrong people. 

    In fact, if you ever show that you are independent of this type of thinking, which does happen from time to time, both parties will merely isolate and marginalize you, appointing you to no signficant committees, whereupon your tenure in office is rendered moot.  It’s a system that is NOT in our Constitution, by the way, yet persists in our lives because the two parties make up all the rules AND there is no one who has the power, under our Constitution to fight this kind of thing, other than joining the system, and that sucks.  AND, the truly terrifying truth is that all other government systems in operation on this planet today have the same or worse principles.

    You must also realize that the jobs that these people in Congress spend millions of dollars to obtain pay them personally only around $250,000 per year.  Yet, whenever they decide they have saveed enough money to retire very comfortably, the end up with millions in their possession.  How does that happen?  I believe they have ways to divert these campaign contributions to their own personal use.  I have no proof of that because this is all shrouded in so much smoke it’s very difficult for ordinary reporters like me or any of the rest of us to determine how they do it.  Yet, have you ever heard of any member of Congress returning their left-over campaign funds to the actual donors of same?  I never have.

    Clearly we need to abandon this type of government system with something far better and far less likely to be corrupted.  A blockchain form of Government is the only answer in my book.  I am hopeful that by the end of this book, you will agree.

    With a National and later a Global Blockchain in place, the promise of providing ‘We The People’ with a totally democratic and free system of government will be fulfilled at last because the Blockchain allows the ‘Community’ to make changes to the system at any time in a secure and majority-approved manner every time.  Everyone in the system has equal participation and influence.  There are no celebrities, professionals, political parties, historic ideologies, special interest groups, or any other centralized system of making decisions because the basis of the Blockchain is that it is ‘Decentralized’ in all aspects of its operation.  And it comes to us just in time.

    Believe it or not, we live under a tyranny of what I will call throughout this book, the rule of ‘Limited Brain Power’  We suffer a government where anyone can stand up in the middle of the floor of the Senate or the House of Representatives and say one word – ‘Objection’ and the whole machinery of our government in the United States comes to a screeching halt.  No more consideration or debate can take place.  Nothing can be done about the decision in question.  If a leader of either political party stands up and says ‘Objection’, the entire government must consider other things like the weather or who won last night’s ball game even as the most serious threats to our democracy may be gathered at the door, breaking them down threatening to send us all into total chaos.

    And so, due to hundreds of years of neglect by the American people, it’s going to take a major shift in our way of doing things in order to save this country and save this world from the worst case of corrupted, rusting old machinery, tyranny and apathy we’ve ever known.  And this will be called the greatest revolution, both technological and political in history. 

    But it’s going to require us to replace some of the major thinking, customs and culture of older people and replace it with ideas that burst forth from much younger, more agile brains.  I myself am older, so I may not be comfortable with all of the changes that will be made, but if I am not comfortable with them, it doesn’t matter, because the planet we are handing off to our younger generations is in foul shape and therefore, only the younger generations will be effected the most and therefore, these people should be in charge, no matter what we older people think about it, because we who are on their way out have done little or nothing to prevent the coming disaster.  This book is all about how an amazing new technological, political and social revolution, already in motion, can and must be encouraged.

    Most of you are acutely aware that the United States Election system is pretty much useless.  It takes months, if not years to complete.  It is not secured.  Foreigners have been allowed to access it in many states.  It is subject to the administration of thousands of people in all of the separate states, all using different standards and protocols and influenced by their own prejudices, some even promoting fake fantastic conspiracy theories.  (Believe it or not, there are many people in our government, some even in the Pentagon, making decisions for ALL of us who believe that the Democrats are slaughtering and eating human babies.  How long can we afford the incredible risk of keeping this system in place?)  AND, above all, it is based on an antiquated system of electing our Chief Executive Officer, someone who now has the greatest power in the world by a small diffuse group of political ‘hit men’ known as ‘Electors’. 

    Unbeknownst by most people, we do NOT elect our President by popular vote.  This possibility is not mentioned in the Constitution and instead, it is directed that we must elect our President by an ‘Electoral College’, which we have done in all elections in the past, while they fool us into thinking our vote on the Presidential ballot makes a difference.  It does not.  In our latest election, the out-dated, stodgy system broke down into a malevolent chaos, making us the laughing stock democracy of the world, one that few can understand and no one can be proud of.

    AND, because the Electoral system is so complicated, not one of us can guarantee with any certainty that it was done correctly or that the results accurately portray the will of the people.  We have even arrived at a time when one person can stand up in the House of Representatives or in the Senate and declare:  I will not allow any proposals to be voted on in Congress no matter how needed such proposals may be for the health and safety and security of the People.

    And none in our government does anything to have this person ejected from the Congress?  Anyone who blocks legislation that comes from the People’s duly elected representatives should be jailed immediately.  Instead, they are lauded and revered by too many of us and they attract more and more cash-paying co-conspirators every day.

    We no longer live in a real democracy.  We live in a tyranny of single individuals who believe they have the power to thwart the country’s progress into the future

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