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Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel
Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel
Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel
Ebook137 pages1 hour

Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel

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About this ebook

Dajuan, a young man devastated by heartbreak, seeks solace at the renowned Heartbreak Hotel nestled in a magical fantasy world. The hotel, run by a group of mythical creatures, offers a unique opportunity for healing and moving on through the completion of seven labors of love.


Upon arriving at the hotel, Dajuan encounters Lorraine, a captivating and enigmatic cupid who manages the establishment. Drawn to her compassionate nature and intrigued by her backstory, Dajuan finds himself falling in love with Lorraine against his original intention of merely mending his broken heart. 


As Dajuan embarks on his journey to complete the seven labors of love, each labor presents him with challenges that reflect his own emotional wounds and insecurities. Along the way, he receives guidance from the hotel's diverse staff, including wise elves, mischievous fairies, and other mythical beings who have also experienced the power of love and loss.

PublisherAmbrose Wade
Release dateAug 28, 2023
Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel

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    Book preview

    Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel - Ambrose Wade


    Dajuan’s POV

    VROOOOM MMM! I GRIPPED the steering wheel tightly as my car sped down the road. I rolled down the window, allowing the refreshing breeze to caress my face.  Ahhh, the air just dey sweet for body! Mesmerized by the passing scenery, it brought back old memories and made me feel nostalgic.

    The lush greenery outside danced with elegance, as if secretly whispering words of comfort meant only for my ears.  It was as if they were saying, Hey, buddy, we've got your back! Those swaying trees and lively plants had a knack for solace, reminding me of nature's incredible healing powers. Nature sure knows how to heal the soul, doesn't it?'I whispered to myself.

    Unable to contain my thoughts, I chuckled softly and spoke to myself, This is quite the sweet escape, isn't it? Even Mother Nature herself is trying to cheer me up because, well, this damn man is a bit broken, you know? I shook my head, giving a playful sigh. Tsk, tsk. Thanks for the effort, trees. I appreciate the moral support.

    With a grin on my face, I continued driving, relishing in the absurdity of my one-sided conversation. Sometimes, the best company you can have is yourself, especially when you can find humor even in your own brokenness.

    Just as I was about to turn on the radio and enjoy some music in my car, I noticed a crumpled piece of paper right next to it.  What the hell is this? I exclaimed. I reached it out and carefully unfolded it. Ah! It's a flier for the Heartbreak Hotel. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I reminisced how this flier ended up in my possession.

    I WAS AT CONQUEST, a busy event where people were dressed up as their favorite characters. Yeah, many of them looked amazing, and everyone seemed excited to take pictures of these cosplayers. Dang! I keep on sneezing here. What are they putting on their body and faces, making me sneeze? As someone who is shy and doesn't feel comfortable approaching or talking to people, especially girls, I didn't feel like joining in. They’ll find out how awkward I am! Haha!

    Instead, I stayed on the sidelines and watched from afar. It was really cool to see how dedicated the cosplayers were and how they transformed into their characters. They looked like they had just walked out of the stories they loved. Even though I wanted to connect with others who shared my interests, my shyness made it hard for me to start conversations.

    Dajuan, you made it! my cousin exclaimed as she kissed me on the cheeks.

    Sho' thang, cuz! I know I got a lotta things goin' on, but you know I'll always find time for ya, I responded, showing my cousin that I appreciate the invite since she's one of the folks running the whole event. We chatted for a while, you know, discussing various topics, before she excused herself to attend to other guests.

    Oh, pretty woman. While looking around, I noticed a woman with glowing skin. She looked like a fairy. She had long silver hair that cascaded down her back. She was adorned with numerous pearls and stood out from the crowd due to the shimmering attire she wore. In my eyes, she was the deserving winner of this event. She walked slowly towards me, and I was mesmerized by every step she took. Would I be able to hold a conversation with someone so enchanting? I asked myself. Why does my heart beat so fast? Why do I feel so nervous? My heart started racing and I felt this anxiety creeping in. What the heck is going on with me right now?

    I looked around, making sure no one was listening, and said to myself, Man, do you see that woman? She's got me feelin' all sorts of anxious. I can't explain it, but there's somethin' 'bout her that stirs up all these feelings. It's like I know her from somewhere, or she reminds me of someone, and it makes me feeling' uneasy as hell.

    Her movements were graceful and captivating, and I was fascinated by the way her wings gently fluttered as she walked. She truly looked like a fairy, straight out of a storybook. Suddenly, she stopped right in front of me and flashed a warm smile. I couldn't quite understand it, but something about her presence instantly lifted my spirits. It was as if she had this magical ability to make all my worries and problems disappear.

    Hmmm... why am I feeling so excited? I asked quietly to myself. It's like my spirit is dancing with joy. Is this woman selling some sort of enchanting potions or what? Haha! It's amazing how my emotions can swiftly shift from nervousness to a sense of comfort around her.

    Here, she said as she handed something to me. I took it slowly, A paper?Why did she give it to me? I couldn't understand the reason behind her action, and it puzzled me. My gaze locked with her silver eyes. In that moment, it felt as though she understood exactly what I was feeling.

    Ah, a flier, I smiled a bit and furrowed my brow as I saw the name on the flier.

    Wait, hold up! What's this flier all about? I called out, but she had already started mingling with other folks, like she had places to be. It was ironic, though. She hands me a flier for the Heartbreak Hotel, and right now, I'm feeling all kinds of heartache. Memories of my first love flooding my mind and so on. Is she like some sort of fortune teller or something? Or maybe I just look like a total mess, obviously going through some tough times. Oh well, Dajuan, it's okay to be broken, but at least try to look good while doing it.I chuckled to myself

    I WAS LOOKING FOR A chill spot, so I made my way to the corner of the event hall. Now let me sit here and see what’s with the flier I sat down and stared at the piece of paper in my hands. Suddenly, a wave of memories with Mixie, moments we shared together, started flashing back in my mind. Oh Mixie, my Mixie It was my friend's birthday, and I had decided to join him at a club to celebrate. We were having fun on the dance floor when outta nowhere, someone accidentally stomped on my foot. I was about to let my anger bubble up, but when I caught a glimpse of who did it, my heart started pumping like crazy.

    What the... I blurted out, caught off guard.

    Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Mister! I didn't mean to step on your precious kicks, she exclaimed. She kept apologizing, looking genuinely concerned.

    I cracked a smile, feeling the anger fading away as I tried to keep myself cool. No worries, sweetheart. Accidents happen, ya know? Just remember to watch your step next time, I responded, as I tried to compose myself.

    The alcohol had already started taking its toll on me, and I could feel a shift within myself. Bruh, it feels like I was transformed into a whole different person, someone more carefree and spontaneous. The music pulsed through my veins, fueling this energy.

    She let out a relieved sigh and flashed me a grateful smile. Thank you for understanding. I'm Mixie, by the way, she introduced herself, extending her hand.As I shook her hand in return, the thought crossed my mind Now this is sweet,

    I took her hand in mine, feeling’ a jolt of electricity shoot through me. Nice to meet you, Mixie. I'm Dajuan. I introduced myself, trying to maintain my composure. I couldn't believe it, and my mind was filled with surprise. Gathering my courage, I continued, You know, accidents like this often lead to unexpected connections. How 'bout we take this night to a whole new level? Can I get your number?Thoughts raced through my head like, Did those words just come out of my mouth? What in the world did I drink? I should always have that with me!

    Her eyes widened, seemingly taken aback by my boldness. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she nodded, a shy smile graced her lips. Sure, Dajuan. Let's see where this night takes us.

    After a month of courting, she finally said yes to me, and from that moment on, I made it my priority to bring her happiness and give her my time. She had a fondness for parties, and I always supported her in her endeavors. We would often travel together, creating countless joyful memories.

    I PRESSED MY FOOT ON the brake pedal, bringing the car to a sudden halt. Damn those memories, playing on repeat in my mind like a broken record. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

    Enough is enough, I muttered to myself in frustration. I can't keep dwelling on the past like this. It's time for a change.

    I glanced down at the flier in my hands, the words, Heartbreak Hotel jumping out at me. I became really curious and started thinking about finding comfort in a special place made for people who have had their hearts broken.

    Maybe it's not wrong to give it a try, I reasoned, as if trying to convince myself. "Who knows? Maybe they have

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