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The Weekend
The Weekend
The Weekend
Ebook72 pages1 hour

The Weekend

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About this ebook

Two college friends go off to a weekend trip and bring there new boy toys along. Eveything was going well until the first night when one friend sees the other being ravished by her man and driving her body to a sexual ecstasy as she hid in the hall. When she returned to her room she realized her boy was just that, a boy. He was a man that acted like a child and not an adult and he eventually left her there.

She was not that upset though. Now she as alone with her friend and the brute of sexual rage that she broguht wiht her. And son she would be able to enjoy his sexual power and not have to spy from a disntance anymore in this threesome, coupling erotic tale. 

PublisherNicole Ramsey
Release dateJun 25, 2023
The Weekend

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    The Weekend - Nicole Ramsey

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    The Weekend | By | Nicole Ramsey

    The Weekend


    Nicole Ramsey

    It was late on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of September. I was busying myself around the small town home I rented preparing for house guests. My college girlfriend, Mandy, and whoever was her flavor-of-the-month boyfriend would be here shortly. They were on their way from Dallas, where Mandy moved for a job after graduation. They were spending the night and then were accompanying my boyfriend Nick and I to the beach for the weekend. My uncle owns a camp right on the beach on Dauphin island near Gulf shores. The camp isn't on the nicest or most groomed beach but the sands are white and it is secluded and peaceful. I had been going there for years and It was one of my favorite places in the world to go.

    I was certainly looking forward to seeing Mandy. We got together pretty regularly after school but careers and life in general had gotten in the way recently. I hadn't seen her in a year, the longest time away from her since graduation. We texted more now than anything else. She was one of those friends, though, that no matter how long it had been since we had seen each other, we fell right back into the comfortable patterns of old friends who used to live together.

    My cell phone rang. It was Mandy just as I was thinking about her.

    Where y'all at? I answered.

    About thirty five miles north of I-10, said Mandy, I can't wait to see you!

    Same here, it's been way too long. By the way, tell me your current boyfriend's name, I can't ever keep them straight, I said in a teasing voice with a touch of sarcasm.

    His name is Brett. You know his name, I've told you about him before. I have been with him for almost a year, remember? she replied. The tone in her voice was sincere and with genuine disbelief that I has asked the question.

    Oh, right, I recovered, I'm sorry, I'm just distracted. I'll call Nick and tell him when we plan to meet him for dinner and I'll see you soon. We said goodbyes and hung up. I stood in the kitchen in shock.

    Brett...Brett...Brett... I racked my brain trying to remember. Had she really been with him that long? The truth is she always talks about her boyfriend but she always has a boyfriend and I quit paying attention to them a long time ago. Mandy attracted men but had a philosophy that men should be like Kleenex: soft, strong and disposable. It was rare for her to keep a boyfriend more than six months. I certainly can't remember when she had a relationship lasting longer. Nearly a year!? I have to admit I was actually curious to meet this one. Mandy had zero-tolerance for supplicating men enchanted by her looks but also would not put up with an abusive asshole with no respect for her. In thinking about it, maybe that's why she never kept a man around as she ultimately decided he fell into one of those two categories. Let's face it, men in between are hard to find. Okay, now I really want to meet him.

    Of course, that just made me think about my man. Where did Nick fall on that spectrum? Honestly he wasn't worth classifying. If Nick were a dress, he'd be the one that fits pretty well in the store, looks okay, is maybe worn once and then spends the rest of its life in the back of your closet. The truth was, he was good enough to keep around until something better came along. He wasn't a complete asshole, was pretty good looking and had a decent job. I had dates on the weekend and regular albeit not very good sex. I knew this relationship wasn't going to go anywhere long-term. If for no other reason, I was a rebound for Nick who had broken up with his off-and-on girlfriend of three years. They had broken up six months ago and we had been together for three months. He was still hung up over her, a girl can just tell. For now, anyway, he was justly slightly better than being alone, even if I wasn't proud of that fact. I am a strong woman and certainly don't need a man...I guess I reconcile it in my head with the idea that it's my choice to stay with a situation that is comfortable, if not ideal.

    I picked up the phone and called the subject of my pondering and told him to be over at my house at 6 o'clock. I finished making up the guest room and picking up the house. I was mostly packed and my suitcase lay open on the floor of my bedroom. I got cleaned up and changed into jeans and a blouse. I was just finishing my makeup when I heard a car pull up out front. I opened the door and saw a large black pickup truck with Texas plates stop curbside as it was hauling a trailer with what appeared to be a covered single-person watercraft, like a Jet Ski.

    Mandy hopped out of the passenger and headed briskly toward me. I was instantly reminded why she was so successful turning men's (and not a few women's) heads. She was gorgeous. She was tall, 5'7" brunette beauty that looked a bit like a more natural looking Megan Fox. She had shoulder length hair currently in a loose ponytail. She had long legs and curves and boobs I would kill for. I am an attractive woman, I don't mind admitting it, but even I felt a little plain standing next to her. No matter that, she was one of my best friends and I was really glad to see her. She strode up to me in her light blue sundress and embraced me in a tight hug.

    Jane! I missed you so much! She said in my ear and then released me with a kiss on the cheek. Come meet Brett. She took my hand and led me toward the car as her boyfriend had exited the driver side and was rounding the hood of the truck, heading in our direction.

    I was shocked. This was unlike any of the pretty-boys and bow-hunks whose arms Mandy typically adorned. The first thing I noticed was his age. Mandy and I are in our late twenties and he had to be at least in his early forties. He wore jeans that fit well and boots and a short sleeve button-down simple white linen shirt. He had dirty blonde hair with noticeable gray. He was good looking but not like I was used to when it came to Mandy. He reminded me of a celebrity but I couldn't place which one. He approached me with a crooked but

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