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A Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World
A Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World
A Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World
Ebook201 pages2 hours

A Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World

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For those who has ears to hear . . . his words force us to make difficult choices. The Reverend Thomas Vanleer’s composition “A Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World” is a powerful anthology of God’s righteous word of judgment and hope, calling back to its roots and original mission.

Speaking in a dynamic prophetic style, Vanleer challenges the Church to de-institutionalize the Biblical message of the “Beatitudes” focus less on denominations and more on the body of Christ!

— Reverend Lonnie Branch
ELCA Pastor Emeritus

Pastor Thomas Vanleer new book My Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World is a brilliant and inspired must read book. It is profound and challenging in transformation of one’s understanding of the plan of God. Thank you, my friend, for listening to our Savior, for He has given you to write a masterpiece of a book.

—Thomas J. Salen, president of Salen Incorporated

A Pastor and friend, Reverend Tom Vanleer has been my friend and church brother for ten years. I have been honored to know him during that time as a thoughtful, wise, loving man who has improved and continue to grow as his years extend. One cannot find a better man. The labor of this book is sincere and honestly written, it is as God Himself dictated the very words he has written. The message is heartfelt and challenging to God’s Church.

—Jeff Pelletier
Founder of the Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work

The word of God received and transcribe in this book is Powerful, inspirational, compelling, instructional and a warning and hope to the Church and to mankind. This book gives us reassurance of who God truly is to us and refreshing for those that are truly walking with God and following his Commandments. This is a MUST READ.

—Reverend Christopher Brooks
Executive Director, SHINE
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 22, 2023
A Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World

Thomas H. Vanleer

The author has served on numerous civic and religious boards in the Twin Cities. A former member on Progressive Baptist Church of St. Paul, Minnnesota, Associate Minister under the leadership of the Reverend Dr. Melvin G. Miller. The author now lives in Mansfield, Texas. was commissioned as one of God's Ambassadors, where the Embassy is located.. He is a member of the Pleasantview Baptist Church, of Arlington, Texas, the Reverend Jimmy McNeil , Pastor. He is the great grandfather of five generations,

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    A Word to a Fractured Church and a Broken World - Thomas H. Vanleer

    Copyright © 2023 by Thomas H. Vanleer.

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    Rev. date: 01/19/2023







    Chapter 1     Who Is in Charge? I AM!

    Chapter 2     What I Hate!

    Chapter 3     Truth Personified

    Chapter 4     Things You Need to Know!

    Chapter 5     Because I AM!

    Chapter 6     The Simplicity of My Salvation

    Chapter 7     The Fractured Church

    Chapter 8     A Broken World

    Chapter 9     Clarification on Prayer and Its Power!

    Chapter 10   How to Obtain Happiness

    Chapter 11   The Adamic Covenant

    Chapter 12   The Covenant I Made with Noah!

    Chapter 13   The Abrahamic Covenant

    Chapter 14   The Mosaic Law

    Chapter 15   The Davidic Covenant

    Chapter 16   My Promise Fulfilled

    Chapter 17   My Last Will and Testimony

    Chapter 18   My Divinity/ My Godhead

    Chapter 19   My Messengers

    Chapter 20   Take Heed!

    Chapter 21   The Time Is at Hand

    About the Author


    My Word to a Fractured Church

    and a Broken World!


    I, Thomas H. Vanleer, a bond servant, an ambassador of God and His Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ, I am writing this under the supreme guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    God has spoken to me and said,

    I have chosen you, not a scholar or a theologian, to write this communication to My church. I chose someone that I have personally trained. I taught you the art of writing, first by writing your autobiography, From Promise Land to the Promised Land. Like My Servant David, you confessed all of your past sins in your first book. All who I called must follow My commandments and confess your sins and repent. I was very pleased, of course, when you not only confess your sin to Me, but also to your trusted friend. No one can hide or cover up their iniquity. My first children tried this by covering themselves with self-made aprons.

    My training put you through many trials and setbacks. Like Jeremiah, I put a fire in your belly, testing your sensibility, until you finally submitted; then I put it in your heart to write I’m Just Say’n, using the words uttered by a colleague and friend, George Garnett. I knew he loved you and respected you, that is why he chose you to perform his marriage. I then inspired you try your hand writing a third book, The Conversation. Look Who’s Talking is a fictional story of a family revealing both sin and righteousness. Yes, by My Permissive will, I put you through many trials and setbacks, even a near-death experience, a disease that only I could cure, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS); then I took away your sexual prowess, watched you succumb to pornography, but you proved your love for Me. I kept asking you the same question that I ask all my followers, Do you love Me more than these? You finally submitted. Some may ask, Where does your authority come from to write such a book?

    Send them to My Book of Life. It is written in the Book which you call the Bible! My servant, the Apostle Peter, wrote his pastoral letter to My fledgling church to encourage and give them hope to sustain them as they lived and witnessed a pagan society. He wrote this to My churches.

    As each one has received a gift, employ it for one another as good trustees of God’s many side of grace faithful stewards of extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by the unmerited favor of whoever speaks the oracles of God (let him do it as one who utters) whoever renders service let him do it as with strength which may be glorified through Jesus Christ [the Messiah] to Him be glory and dominion forever." So might it be! (1 Pet. 4:10–18).


    To those who will read this, please allow me to further explain one of the most profound statements in the universe that is found in the Book of Life (Bible), and the Torah, the first five Books of the Bible, a.k.a. Word of God, or the Scriptures. It begins with In the beginning. Exactly what does that mean? The simple answer is a point in time or space in which something starts.

    To help you further understand what we, as finite creatures can grasp, it can be a birth or the emergence, or a starting point, or perhaps the debut of something new that never existed before.

    Of course, we understand a beginning because we at birth have a beginning, but can we really say that the seed of our birth is our beginning? While I do not profess to be a scientist, I know a little something about the human chromosome (DNA), which is a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes. These genes are the basic physical and determine our heredity of who we are as human beings, so the logical question is, where does life begin? There are many theories about the beginning of the universe, and the beginning of the human species. It’s the word that follows In the beginning that most fail to comprehend, and that Word is God!

    God spoke to one of His prophets, Jeremiah, and said, I knew you before you were conceived in your mother’s womb. I find this fascinating in the invisible world, which cannot be seen by us, unless God wills it so, who has always existed!

    I believe that I have been commissioned to write this epistle to the Church; this will be my fourth book. It is especially written to the Western Church because to them; that much has been given much, much is required.

    It is written too, and for the Christian Church, after the resurrection, Jesus claimed. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me (Matt. 28:18).

    It is quite clear that the church is one body; Jesus Himself is the unconditional head of the church (the chief cornerstone). It exists both in the physical and spiritual realm. The Church has always existed in the mind of God; it existed before time as we know it, it was hidden until Christ came, and the first time we learn about it is from the mouth of Jesus, when He led His disciples to a country of Caesarea Philippi. He asked them, Who do people say that the Sin of Man is? And they answered, Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others are saying Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. But Jesus wanted to know what their thoughts were, so He asked, But who do you say that I am?

    I think most Bible readers are familiar with Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. He is best known for his denial of Jesus when he stood with others in the courtyard, following Jesus and the entourage of His captors. When they thought they recognized him as one of Jesus’s disciples, they said to him, Aren’t you one of His disciples? He denied it and said, I am not. One of the high priest’s servants, a relative of the one whose ear Peter cut off, said, Did I not see you with Him in the garden? The text tells us that as Peter denied it again, immediately a rooster crowed. Jesus prophesied that Peter would deny Him three times and a rooster would crow.

    I must make this disclaimer; I am not trying to prove the existence of God. Jesus has done this, as both the Son of God and the Son of man as He often referred to Himself. Secondly, dearly beloved, if the Gospel message (the Good News) is unrecognizable or rejected, then it’s because of unbelief, and you are among the lost!

    Simon Peter, always, quick to respond, replied, You are the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) the Son of the Living God.

    Before we continue, let us look back to the early church Fathers who spoke about the last days. This was written around AD 100. From their writing, we learn how the apostolic church tried to understand the of the church Didache, it reads,

    Watch for your life’s sake. Let not your lamps be quenched, nor your loins unloose; but be ready, for you know not the hour in which our Lord cometh. When lawlessness increased, they shall hate and betray and persecute one another, and then shall appear the world deceiver as the Son of God, and shall do signs and wonders, and the earth will be delivered into his hands, and he shall do iniquitous which never yet come to pass since the beginning. Then shall creation of men come into the fire of trial, and many shall be made to stumble and shall perish, but they that endure in their faith shall be saved from under the curse itself. And then shall appear the signs of the truth, (a) first the sign of an opening in heaven, the out spreading of the heaven(b) then the sound of the trumpet; and third; the resurrection of the dead, yet not all, but as it is said: The Lord shall come and with all His saints with Him. Them shall the world see the Lord coming upon the clouds of heaven. (Ante-Nicen Fathers, Vol. VLL, p. 382) My dearly beloved saints; take heed and listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

    Jesus begins His ministry with twelve men, mostly common men (fishermen) today. We perhaps would call most of them blue-collar working men, noticeable when He called, as they immediately responded. This informed us that they were chosen before the foundation of the earth, and so were we!

    Most of us can identify with Peter, often acting on impulse, outspoken, a loyalist at heart. Jesus answered Peter and said, Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but My Father who is Heaven. And I say to you are Peter. And on this Rock, I will build (MY) church and the gates of Hades (the powers of death) shall not prevail against it, and I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever doors lock on earth shall be locked in heaven, and whatever doors you open shall be open in heaven.

    There are many who lack understanding of Jesus’s answer to Peter. He said on this Rock. The Rock he was referring to is Himself; He is the Rock. The hymn writer got it right when he penned these words, Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me written by Augustus M. Toplady (1740–1788). In years gone by, the hymn writers wrote more theology into their prose than most of the current writers do these days. Please, sir and madam, I am not bashing these writers of music; but on careful examination of some of the music we hear today, are they glorifying God or their own artistic ability? I’m just say’n’.

    Let us pray,

    O Lord, God, I feel so inadequate for this task that You have laid on my heart, but how can I say no to You, how can anyone say no to you? There are many others You could have chosen, even now I am suffering from a silent anguish and loneliness. I am not sure about what to do next, yet I will obey You, that I might not sin against Your will. I will rely on You because You are a Deliverer and Comforter.

    Speak, Lord, your servant is listening. My King and the Rock of my salvation. Amen.




    Who Is in Charge? I AM!

    Beloved, what is often overlooked by some and others, who add their own spin on what I have commanded to teach, I gave the order then I explain it to My followers how and what to do. I told them to teach them to observe [obey] everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always (remaining with you perpetually, regardless of circumstance, and every occasion) even to the end of the age.

    Herein lies your problem. This was not a new idea. When the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, I spoke these words to them, Take heart all the words of warning which I am speaking to you today; and you shall command your children to observe them carefully—to do all the words of this law (Deut. 32:46).

    Perhaps you need a better understanding of the word teach. It simply means to impart, to communicate or explain. Failing to teach you, the church has failed to carry out a direct order by Me, your Commander-in-Chief; therefore those who believe themselves to be followers of Christ are walking blindly without knowing the precepts (teaching) and the statutes (commandments) of God.

    My servant, Thomas, whom I have chosen, has asked this question of a variety of believers, including ministers: Where is Jesus right now? Invariably, many will say, He is in my heart.

    But this is incorrect. My Son told His twelve disciples, I am returning to Him who sent Me, yet none of you ask Me, ‘Where are You going?’ But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your hearts; nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away, the Helper [the Holy Spirit] will not come to you, it is imperative that I leave, and I will send Him to you (John 16:5–7).

    You will understand when you hear Me utter these words Father, into Your hands I commit my Spirit.

    Much later, one of My writers will pen these words concerning Me in the Book of

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