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God Says, 'satan Let My People Go.'
God Says, 'satan Let My People Go.'
God Says, 'satan Let My People Go.'
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God Says, 'satan Let My People Go.'

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This is an extraordinary and profoundly unique book of excerpts from over sixteen years of spiritual journaling where while reading you will experience the personal character of God. He wishes to reveal Himself (the Deity) in an intimate and real-life way to His beloved people. Have you ever heard the soft, beautiful voice of the Holy Spirit addressing you and then putting on your heart to write down what He said? If so, that's called spiritual journaling. Be warned that each entry is different, for God is our vast and unlimited Father in heaven. God speaks of many subjects that are on His heart, from trying to teach a follower to journal; to life lessons that need to be learned by all; to calling, preparing, and gathering the bride of Christ from around the world; to revealing the true and awesome closeness of the Lamb of God; and also to the daunting task of addressing all His people about the modern-day trickery that satan so easily uses to deceive the world. As you explore each entry, you will discover there is a newness and an urgency about God's words. Hear ye, hear ye, the time has come. The Lord is calling all Christians for such a time as this, for the Lamb of God is coming, and is coming soon!

Release dateNov 12, 2018
God Says, 'satan Let My People Go.'

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    God Says, 'satan Let My People Go.' - Reca Risley

    As a young farm girl from the Midwest, I went to Sunday school and church most Sundays and Bible school in the summer. But it wasn’t until my fifth-grade teacher invited me to a church holding a revival in a neighboring town that I came to know the Lord for myself personally. At my regular church, I never, to my recollection, ever witnessed anybody being saved. This concept was foreign to me. But at that church service, an altar call was given, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior that night.

    I remember getting in my teacher’s car and peering out the backseat window and watching the pole lights in the distance come and go on the straightaways. At that moment, I knew that I was different; I didn’t know how different, but I knew I was different. As the days passed, it became summertime, and I remember hanging clothes on the line. Back then, you know we did that kind of thing, and I liked that job because something inside of me wailed up in the afternoon air, and I would begin to sing not just in English words but also in beautiful mysterious words that I’d never heard before, and they would just come out of my heart in a melody. I was very happy when that happened. I never in my life ever heard anybody singing like that or saying anything even remotely close, and so as a child, those parts of God got put away in the back of my heart. As time went on, there was really no follow-up, and I kept what had happened mostly to myself.

    Days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into years of not quite understanding what the hunger was that was in the deepest part of me. I remember sitting at my regular church as a young adult, and the voice of the Holy Spirit would drown out the voice of whoever was talking. As I sat there, I would look up at the beautiful cross behind the pulpit. God would say, There’s more, Reca. Come find Me. And finally as I matured in the Holy Spirit, He began to instruct me to move on.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of people who go to that church that I love dearly, but I know in my heart there are some who go there year after year and decade after decade who are still so starved for the Lord that they don’t even realize they’re hungry anymore. My heart screams for them.

    I have been guided to visit many different churches in my lifetime. Some I have left voluntarily and even one I was kicked out of. One of the most memorable church services I’ve ever attended was when the congregation was singing a hymn, and the worship leader all of a sudden started singing in tongues. It was absolutely beautiful, and as she invited everyone else to sing in their prayer language, my heart lept as people started to singing. It sounded like one thousand angels singing. I was instantly taken back to the time just after I was saved; I remembered singing like that while hanging the clothes on the line so long ago. At that moment, I knew that I belonged to God and that He had a plan for me and my life. The church service ended, and I got in my car, and all the way home, I sang in tongues a beautiful and mysterious song that came from somewhere other than myself.

    Months passed, and I was at another church service with several friends and colleagues. That day was special also because during the praise, worship, and prayer part of the service, the Lord spoke to me audibly and said to build a church with a specific gentleman/colleague/friend of my husband and me, who happened to be sitting in the same church service. So when I say my mentor, I am referring to that gentleman because my entire concept of him changed in an instant to the utmost respect, not because of his or anyone else’s demeanor changed, but because of the Lord’s words that the Holy Spirit spoke to me about him that day. When God verbally reveres a human, it would be against God to not fully revere that person. Are we not to be like-minded children of God?

    The encouragement to journal came from my mentor. He journaled and put great weight on what the Lord spoke to him. I saw how this one-on-one interaction with the Holy Spirit made a huge difference in him, and as hindsight would have it, it was God’s grand plan to teach him how to journal so that he would teach me so I could open my heart and be able to hear God’s words and put them on paper for God’s children, His beloved children, to read.

    This book is about reaching those with similar experiences with the Holy Spirit. I know that it is the Holy Spirit that is talking to me and that He also talks to other people.

    On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty wind storm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. (Acts 2:1–4)

    The gift of tongues is God personally and individually expressing Himself to His children. Tongues spoken is the expression of God through man.

    In the last days, God said, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit upon all my servants, men and women alike, and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below–blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon will turn blood red, before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. And anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Acts 2:17–21)

    Those who are against the gifts of the Spirit tie the very hands of God. God wants to save you, those whom He created by His own hand in their mother’s womb. God is calling His people to become sensitive and open to hear His message of salvation. God is readying His people to be the bride of Christ. I know that there are people out there who say to themselves, What am I to do with what God has given me? And I say to them, here is your opportunity to understand. God is calling you out to the forefront to be a voice to this dying world and to strengthen His beloved children. He wants you to openly and willingly receive His good and wonderful gifts. You also must submit to the Holy Spirit and to come to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus, the Christ, for He is the great expression of God, and when you hear God tell you to do something, it is then decision time. You’re going to have to be willing to do His will and submit and let the Lord be the Lord.

    Jesus said in Acts 1:8, But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere–in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. You can’t receive the Holy Spirit if you don’t believe that God can use the natural man to express Himself. God needs for His people to stand up and to believe in Him unequivocally over and above anything that anyone else can say or do, and that He is alive and well and reigns over the earth. Many people are looking for Him, and I’m telling you without a shadow of a doubt in my heart that He is alive and well. He is kind, gentle, and loving, and He loves you, and He created you. He wants to draw near to you and for you to be open to Him, and that He will come and dwell with you in your heart. He has a place for you in heaven, and He has a treasure box just for you, and He puts treasures in it just like a daddy/father does.

    He loves His children so much that He breathes every breath so that you may have life and have it more abundantly. God sent His Son because we were so corrupt and full of sin to die on the cross; that was our Brother’s destiny; that’s what He was created for, and that was what He was born for. Jesus was to defeat satan at every turn. Jesus, God’s Son, came as full man and full spirit. John 1:14 says, So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father. There was no sin upon Him. He took our sins—the ones that satan talks us into doing and then points his ugly finger toward us and accuses us of doing what satan himself convinced us to do.

    I promise you, dear brothers and sisters, that God is alive, and He speaks, and He says He wants His children to come to Him. He is calling His children to Himself, Crawl upon My lap, My beloved child, come, shelter yourself underneath My wing and put your head upon My chest and rest, for I am your Father, and you are My sons and daughters, and I love you. I invite you to explore the pages of this book with your heart and mind open, just seeking God, experiencing my experiences and what God means and what He has to say to you. He has revealed many secrets to me, and I’m sure just as He has to others.

    He wants His beloved children to know that they are not alone, and that He does speak, and that there are other people who go through the steps of cleaning out their heart by sitting and prayerfully waiting on Him. He may only give you one word at a time, but that’s the way I started. He gave me one or two words when I would go in and pray in the beginning. While journaling, please remember the rule of thumb is to remember that every original thought comes from the Holy Spirit, unless it’s evil. If it’s evil, that comes from satan, the devil, so identify it for what it is. God is good; God is all good. satan is evil, satan is all evil. If there are thoughts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, then the Holy Spirit is communicating with you and is using Jesus Christ’s example to teach you. But if your thoughts are the opposite of all of that, then you would be under the influence of satan/the devil. his lies, tricks, strongholds, etc., are the reasons in this day and age that things are so out of whack, upside down, reversed, and you hear things on the news that are mind-boggling.

    People’s opinions are so topsy-turvy, and when you know that’s the opposite of God and is not what the Bible says at all, then get a clue. That’s not God, and that’s not the Holy Spirit talking to you. Either you are for God, or you’re against Him. There are only two sides to the line. There is no middle ground. You’re either for God, or you’re against God; there’s not a wishy-washy middle area. He wants you to know that He created every one of you in your mother’s womb, and it’s the strongholds of satan and his ideals and beliefs that are contrary to God’s character. Jesus came to save your life, not take it. There are many going down the wrong road because they are going toward satan.

    I truly believe that God wants to speak to His people and to awaken them and warn them of what is to come. This book is designed prayerfully with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of prayer over sixteen years of my life. God says, satan, Let My People Go was not written lightly, and I truly believe that God has commissioned me to write it.

    God’s people, this book is designed for you, His loved ones, to show the light of God and to show the right way toward Jesus and to deliver an invitation to explore the Bible for yourself. This book is not to take away from the Bible, but is to be with the Bible and to walk alongside, so to speak, to give a little different perspective. I can only give you my perspective because that’s the only perspective I have. There are a lot of journal entries that are absent from this book for a variety of reasons; some journal entries are too personal, some were about other people and their struggles, some were repetitious, and some that even God didn’t want explained or published just yet. But know this that I started journaling because my mentor suggested it heavily, and I kept on journaling because of the calling God has put on my life.

    I have always felt called to a greater purpose way beyond myself, even as the little girl who just got saved and would spend her afternoons hanging clothes on the line. You can be rest assured that I have prayerfully considered every entry, and I know some are controversial, and I understand that. I serve God, and by the world’s views, He is controversial. I can’t change what He has said to me or what is in my journal. The Bible’s controversial; as upside down as the world is, I could sneeze, and people would be upset about it! The world as a whole is far away from the teachings of the Bible. This book is about God calling us. God’s trying to set us right before the Lamb comes and before He calls the bride, the bride of Christ.

    Before it is too late, He says, "Wake up, listen to Me, I am calling you. Listen to Me for yourself, not what your neighbors say, not what your friends say. You go, and you set in your prayer closet in the dark and in the quiet. You give Me your whole heart, your whole mind, your whole being, and it may take a while for you to hear Me, but be rest assured I am with you. I might start off by whispering a single word to you, or giving you a poem out of thin air, or maybe song lyrics to praise Me with. But in your heart, know I am with you. I’m going to tell you to be excited when you come to Me, and you must say ‘Jesus is My Lord and Savior’ (meaning, you have come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and have taken Him as your Lord and Savior), and then the angels will shout in glee.

    Ask, My child, and I will fill you with My Holy Spirit. Then, My precious child, I want you to crawl upon My lap, for you are My beloved child now. I know things on earth aren’t always going to be just perfect, they never are. But heaven is perfect. I will stand by you. I will whisper in your ear, and I will love you, and you will love Me, and we will walk together through life. Please, prayerfully, I ask you to read every page, for I call My people. Do you hear Me? Come, experience Me. Learn My ways, and you shall sit upon My lap for all of your days."

    And so, my precious Christian sibling, come join me on my journey as the Holy Spirit reveals the Holy Trinity through me to you.

    Late Fall, 2003

    A comment:

    The Lord keeps speaking a single word to me, so I’m going to write it down.


    Late Fall, 2003



    Abide in your time. He/the Lamb is coming.


    A prayer:

    I stand in Your promises. My palms are ready for You, my Lord. Use me, my Master. Use my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart, my soul, my hands, my whole being is Yours. Take me, Lord, use me. Command me. I am ready to serve You. Let me, please. Call me. Command me to edify You. In Jesus’s name I pray, dear Lord, amen.

    Late Fall, 2003

    Your mentor is to take the love that he has for Me and place it on his breastplate for the whole world to see.

    Late Fall, 2003

    I will not cause you shame, only glory.


    For I am the bird before the egg.

    Late Fall, 2003

    Jesus, your Brother, was asked to endure many things: persecution, beatings, being nailed to the cross/crucifixion, gossiped about, unbelieved, fasting, agony, heartache, rejection, laughed at, scorned, stripped, and marked, etc. When His people hurt, He hurt supernaturally and unexplainably. Why are you so upset? Have I asked any more of you than I have My own flesh and blood? For My chosen must endure the same things My Son has in order to become what you are to be in My Kingdom. Persevere.

    Late Fall, 2003

    A prayer:

    I pray to You, my Lord. Teach me how to wear the crown You have given me. I’m not against wearing it. I do not know how! I ask You as the worthy child that I am. Teach me, show me, and love me. What will it take from me to get it done? I will do it. For Your glory is what I breathe for. To follow You, to advance Your people, and to come to You forthright and not through the back door but with my head held up. Worshiping You over and over never gets tiring. Feed me, my Lord, You are the only One I trust. Most people have turned from me quickly and hatefully. If I think of it, I want to throw up. Deserters! Abandoners! Why do they not see, why do they turn from You? If they are not with You fully, then aren’t they against You? You are my guide. Guide me. No one else will I stand upon. Only You. Oh, dear Father, thank you for loving me. It’s in your Son Jesus’s precious name I pray, amen.

    Late Fall, 2003


    Open with prayer, the pledge, and God Bless America.

    God’s calling His people. You must travel. Leaders first, then followers will come later. Someone must lead them the right way.


    A confession:

    I pray when I am in my closet, when I am on my knees, when I am in the bathtub, when I am at work, when I am eating, when I am driving, when I am listening, when I am walking, when I am over at the pond, when I am going to sleep, when I am sleeping, when I am waking up, and when I am at a ball game, etc. The only thing that matters is God; everything else is secondary.

    A prayer:

    Dear God, my heavenly Father, You are my Master; I am Your willing slave. You are my King; I am Your servant girl. You are my Father; I am Your daughter. You are my eyes and ears and the very breath that I breathe. You are all that I am and all I will ever be. Without You, I am merely dust under Your feet. With You, I am endless. In Jesus’s name, I pray to You, oh Lord, amen.

    A comment:

    satan hates believers when they speak in tongues. The reason being he simply can’t understand the language. God intends it that way. Speaking in tongues is God’s way of communicating what He wants us to pray. He speaks it to us, and we speak it to Him, so He hears it from us. Judas is on the same line as a follower of satan; therefore, he is as uncomfortable as satan when it comes to listening to someone conversing with God because he cannot combat it. he is rendered helpless. The Holy Spirit told me recently that Judas was among us. You can tell who he is by the fire of evil that comes from his eyes, and the taste of God’s presence makes him shake with anger, and then the bile/puke will start to flow out from his mouth.

    Late Fall, 2003

    A vision:

    I was driving this afternoon, and I had a vision of two celestial beings dancing passionately. He was clothed with the darker colors of the sunset, and she, the lighter colors. And both with sun yellow hair, and as they were entangled together while dancing, the colors and vapor came from the bottom of their clothes like clouds mingling together to make the colors of the sunset. They are from the land of giants, biblically speaking. They were dancing to a love song from heaven. Each day, there is a new love song. The endless sunsets that we see come from the endless amount of love songs from heaven. God’s love has no end.

    Winter, 2004

    A comment:

    God keeps giving me words and phrases.

    Antagonistic, dynamic, flight, purity, awesome, foretell, prophecy, frontage, forevermore, master, friar, friendship, abode, mystery, grateful, beyond, better, below others, overpowering, pursuits, all okay, blessed, love, cherish, command, company, future, believe, unbelievable, awesome, God’s way, your way, right way, so much, atrophy, cognitive, become you, like never before, ever, allow all to come to pass, more than ever before, all around Me, people everywhere, searching for the way, your way, child, love, encourage, be there, never look back, constantly above all, below none, King forever, frightened maybe, stay calm, focused, ready, able, love mostly, smile, consider it, fortunate, understanding, all the time, hold tight, beware, lean on Me, I’ll be there for you, ask and I’m there, love and I’m there, breathe and I’m there, hold fast, steady, believe, consider others too, lead.

    Become a leader of nations for Me and only Me, all for Me, no one else, ever!

    Bow only to Me. No one else. I am your King.

    Find My people. Bring them to Me one or one hundred at a time, more even.

    Don’t be frightened, I’ll be there for you always and forever, nonstop, no matter what.

    Yes, you are like Ruth in the Bible, do as I say. All for Me, no one else. Just Me. Your Lord and Savior is dedicated beyond all.

    Heaven is here; see it. Find it.

    It is yours for the taking. I love you, truly I do.

    Consider all I have said.

    Act, my child.

    Love, my child.

    Pray, my child.

    Winter, 2004

    A comment:

    More words and phrases.

    Overbearing, sad, frightful, rearing, telltale sign, happiness forever, parade, catapult, beyond all, tomorrow, gracious, lovely, musing, create a ballad, carry on, believe, beforehand, stupendous, you are forever mine, today, tomorrow, always, all the time here, conscious and loving, all to do, be happy, love the Lord, become a creator of life, joy and happiness, trust and loyalty, a conscious effort to do all right, do what you are meant to be—mother, wife, and all to Me, become you, exuberantly happy for all to see, smile, laugh, enjoy life, be conscious of your blessings, never forget, breathe, worship, love above all, honor Me, show My sunshine in your face, smile, contentment, we’ll be a team, good team, awesome team, become harder in a loving way, consistent, knowledgeable, exceptional, feed My sheep again and always, your children are important in My kingdom, raise them right, love, honor and cherish. Amen.

    Winter, 2004

    A poem:

    The Lord is our Shepherd

    We are His only sheep

    We were lost and wandering

    We are the Lord’s to keep.

    He comes to claim us for His own

    We await that day

    He’s going to rid the devil

    And take His people home to stay.

    That’s His promise

    No matter what the critics say

    I am ready, my Lord

    Come what may.

    Winter, 2004

    A comment:

    More words and phrases.

    Understanding, considerate, confident, assurance, love, loyalty, King and Savior, holy man, true, tried and true, legible, on the wall, today, hurry, life is a luxury, for you and Me continue on, My child, smile, love, behave, continue on, be My servant girl, no stopping, not ever, continue, subservient, crucial, not for long, become one in Christ and stay there, hold your head up high always, stay calm, cool, collected, don’t waver even a little, strike, wholly, make satan look bad, defeat him again and again, over and over, never let go, he is like a viperous snake, strike the devil down, beat him, kill him, claim victory, it’s yours for all to see, love, love everyone, smile, you’ve won, he’s lost, too bad for him, stick to your character, consistent, true, loving, get ready, all the way, no other way, defeat him, keep our riches intact, love, honor and cherish yours, together forever, he’s defeated once again. Amen, hallelujah, hallelujah, for it is the day of the Lord’s second coming, hooray, hooray! Amen.

    Winter, 2004

    Everyone is here ready to help. Many see the need; others will tomorrow. Money isn’t everything. Trust, and rivers will flow. After much discussion, all will come to pass. Believe truly, unadulterated, pure, and complete. Move the former to the latter. Move the latter to the former. Take a stand, make a difference. Become one. Troubles here and there, overcome them. Love, after all, is the greatest gift. America is beautiful. Too many times, that is forgotten. Slay the dragon and leave him in piles and heaps. Stand on your Bible and pray. satan can’t stand that. Truly he can’t. Jesus’s blood is more powerful. Blessed are those who do My work. Kings or paupers make no difference. They are all one body, piece by piece. Bring Me in. Wherever I go all across the nation. Holy, holy, holy, I am holy. Help Me. You’re getting the job done. Patience. You’re here, My child, in the kingdom forever. Help those you can, then move on, dig. Become more in Me before moving on. Yes, I am in your heart and everywhere. Consider that, My child, remember that. Let your heart smile all the time. Don’t let the flame go out; it attracts, just like with bugs on a light. All over the place. Your heart aches for spiritual fulfillment, but it cannot be filled with hurt in there.

    Winter, 2004

    You’re all right, my child. It’s excruciating when you want to be something you’re not yet. Plagiarism, constant loving, morally right, make sacrifices; everyone needs to live below their means. Extravagance no more. Lifeline, the true meaning of life is everlasting. Troubles come and go. Commands are steady. Love, honor, and cherish, keep them holy. Consider this, all are here to help; use them. I will, My woman friend, in time, when I am ready. Much is to and will happen. Be ready to become you. Always ready. Overridden; translucent; fraudulent; flagrant; they are foolish; flippant; foremost mean; they are excruciatingly stupid; awesome revival; character building; all-abounding; joyous; conditions are right for growth; take charge; be a leader; grow over the limit; ha, what fun; keep on keeping on today and tomorrow; go get them higher; colossal; huge; monstrous; more frightful, yes; keep going; you’ll see, be with Me.

    Winter, 2004

    I love you extraordinarily; be conscious of that. Not turning back, steady as she goes. Become what I see. Only Me. Blessed beyond and further so. Gorgeous, divine, and good to go. Glorious and detailed, Oscar-winning. Glorious for Me. Copy that of which you are to Me. Steady, able, fun to be with, sincere, delightful, exquisite. Shine, My child, like a ruby or emerald. Soon to become more. All for one, and one for all. Keep My commands, and you will see. Trouble here and there, just a speck. Borderline to medium is expected. Keep your head on straight. Never nasty, smile. Come to Me when weary. I will shower you. Keep away from troublemakers; they are constantly evil. Far away.True friends will come; patience. Necessities first, life and love. Seek the power of God. Teach others. Swim in My glory. Touch it, feel it, smell it; it’s yours. Continue on; success awaits. Above is below, and below is above. Terrible news to many is good news to you. Become a mainstay, rock, pillar not shaken, but your heart stirred. Smile, comfort, be a blessing. Never lose sight of Me. All the way, even though it is no way you can see now. Believe. Train and be trainable, listen to Me. Control the situation with a smile. Courageous, uplifting, upholding. Miracles do come. Wait and see. Glory be to Me.

    Winter, 2004

    Over and over again, I speak to you of being blessed and again I say you are. Together forever. United in Kingdom. Like thinking: vibes/vibration. Attitude, extraordinary believer. Constantly be my friend here with me, constantly. Purple and gold are primarily for you, treasures consisting of purity, love, and commonality. Below are the ways of the world. High are My ways. Continue high or even higher. I am your provider and advocate; speak what you need. Blessings are yours. Control is mine. Love is ours. All are abounding (to be present in great supply). Joyous. Call around, my lady, and see which way to turn. Frightened maybe? Granted I am perfect, but the world’s ways are not. Be consistent, considerate, loving, passionate, courteous. Find your niche and stick to it. Bounty comes in many different ways. Ballads—more to come; write them down. Keep them handy. You never know when you might need one.

    A poem:

    Crosses to bear, count them slowly

    Crowns to wear, wear them lowly

    More to come in, your treasure box from Me

    Just you wait, My child, and see

    Never too late to bring more in

    Forever you and I are going to win

    Forever and a day, they say

    Forever and a day

    You had better make adjustments

    Because I’m here to stay


    I am pleased with your activity. There are some with ingenuous qualities. Glory is theirs. Its obvious people don’t see that about themselves. Bring their attention to it again and again; comrades first, then others. Extraordinary living comes from noticing others gifts given. Look at them and tell them what you see. I will help you with that. Gifts given are from Me only. Your hands work through Me. Your life works through Me. You are through Me. All around there are people waiting to be praised; see it and then speak it.


    A confession:

    I am a beacon of God’s love that shines from my eyes, mouth, and hands.


    Ecstatic, glorious, triumphant behavior

    All in all, good to go


    More confessions:

    If it is not possible to be obedient to the Lord among friends, then what chance is it that we will remain friends?

    You may be important to me, but you hold only mortal promises. My allegiance has and will always be to the one that holds eternity in His hands.

    No friendship is more worthy than the one I hold with my Creator.

    Winter, 2004

    Today is a new day.

    All is new and fresh.

    Contentment over troubles here.

    Flowing your way, My way, everlasting

    Everlasting comfort, My friend, is there for you.

    Distinction, glory, gratitude, display it.

    I am in Christ.

    Several million are in Him.

    Kings trust Me, can’t you?

    Be patient.

    All will be ready soon.

    Faith is needed; look My way, not yours.

    Consider this: being My girl is important.

    Loving Me is important, praising Me is important; continue to do so.

    Contentiously won’t work

    Armor on

    And flowing through

    Every day is new

    Happy, joyous, lively


    Mosaic, masterfully put together, precious pieces

    Turning the tide

    All abounding, never let go, make a team

    Grime and grit needed

    Lowliest wanted

    You are calling the shots; I can’t make you do it.

    Pressure, feel it; uncomfortable, isn’t it?

    Kill the dragon and try.

    his blood means you have wounded him (satan).

    Careful but progressive

    I never intended for you to keep so much baggage.

    Rules don’t always apply.

    Regular people fear him (satan) as well as they should.

    Stomp him out.

    By glorifying Me over and over again

    Trusting, loving, knowing Me

    Lend an ear to hear.

    People want you to understand.

    Collect your thoughts and move on.

    Trouble will not stay.

    A poem:

    Crimes of passion are laid to rest

    To whom many people are blessed

    Help the soldier at the bend

    Making him a lifelong friend

    Keep him up and away he’ll go

    Never become what you aren’t to Me

    I love you dearly, don’t you see?

    Help the farmer, your neighbor and the cabinetmaker

    Trust in all to do their best

    And I will do the rest

    Believe in Me quite often

    So that the blows will be softened

    Never turn your back on them

    They will soon be your pals and friends

    Trusting Me will get you places

    The beach, a cottage, and horse races

    Never doubt who got you in tune

    Most people think you are a loon (insane, not stable)

    People everywhere will know

    That I am responsible for everything you know

    No one else can claim that this day

    I am yours, and you are Mine every day

    Soon to be lots of people knowing

    You’re responsible for the sowing

    Winter, 2004

    Above all, you are My child.

    Consisting of many good qualities

    All qualities of Mine are needed to further you—more coming.

    Nowhere have I said you are perfect, nor is it expected.

    More times than not, other people will see it anyway.

    Inconsistent with their way

    A lamb of God you are, stay awhile

    Course of action is simple, direct, and to the point.

    Come to Me all, and stay with Me, never leaving.

    Continuously becoming a forbearer and believing it so

    Become a living vessel; the Way, the Truth, the Life.

    Others will begin to understand

    Love comes in rapid succession; learn to deal with that much love.

    Aiming your sites high and on Me

    Continue to bless others, eventually yours will come.

    Be focused, brave, understanding, and witty.

    Blessings are a girl becoming a woman, someday.

    Gorgeous, continually fruitful


    satan is a defeated foe. How many times must I beat him?

    All is well—turmoil in your heart needs to leave, and sunshine is to take its place.

    Proper people in the proper place doing proper things

    Most likely affordable and down-to-earth

    Gateways to heaven are not purchased; they are plowed to.

    All people everywhere are waiting for the Messiah’s return, hear the Truth, learn the Truth, speak the Truth.

    Careless lies are around us, be careful. Challenge them with the Truth.

    Winter, 2004

    All around the world, there are people everywhere who are willing to believe satan over Me. What a pity. The blessings they miss are of abundance.

    So often, extraordinary people are the ones who miss out the most.

    Digging too quickly to find the gems of life

    Overlooked quite frequently

    Love will find yours; involve peace and kindness.

    Become a leader, never fake.

    Tendency is to be a robot; be conscious of that.

    Discover everyone for who they are, and love them for whoever they are.

    Decide you are going to like them and continue to do so.

    Consciously love, condemning none, become great at caring.

    Decide all is well, and it will be.

    Superhuman power awaits

    Connect with many, keep the relationships going, constant effort of love and continuity.

    Close the door to sadness and distress. Provide for others what they seek.

    Love and encouragement

    Clap your hands to My beat and then continue on your way.

    Clarify your meaning.

    Trade in your hopes and dreams and trust in Me.

    Keep a tight grip/grasp, clinging for your life, never letting go, ever.

    A poem:

    Continue on your journey, girl, ever so gladly go

    No one can see the ending except for Me you know

    Find your wits about you and take a big stride

    Become all you can be but best of all My bride.

    Never let the world say that there’s not room for you

    They would be wrong in assuming because in here I do

    No more bad looks will penetrate; your barrier is thick and sheen

    Because, My love, you are My faith working machine

    It will never let an arrow through, be constant in your way

    Remember who loves you and consider it each day

    Don’t bother to look for the holes because there are none

    I pick you and only you; you’re the only one

    To do the job I asked of you was strange I know

    But just remember who God is because He will surely sow

    Teach the world what you are made of and who you have continued to be

    Not necessarily because of you but because of Me

    The cross was a lonely place, I remember it well

    The only thing I thought of though was you, My dear, so you could tell

    The world of My undying love for them

    It was hard I did it, never to be done again

    I did exactly what was needed to defeat satan at his game.

    I’ll never have to bother now with him ever again.

    Winter, 2004

    I am in love with your actions; singing to Me is important. Continue to do so for Me and to Me.

    I am the Giver, no one else.

    Never to become an opera singer; your voice is for Me.

    Tune it to My wants and needs, and it will be perfect in My sight.

    I am the Giver, the Healer, the Lover; all is through Me.

    Together forever, we will make a pair: you here, and Me everywhere.

    Choose your path; slow is okay.

    Dynamic speakers look out; more will come than that today.

    Close encounters of My kind will come here, My lady.

    From tabletops to dewdrops, with mountains in the way

    Treasures are in the treasure box loaded to the hilt.

    Challenges and troubles don’t mean anything.

    Gracious is He, that’s Me!

    A poem:

    So hold on to your socks

    Blessings flow here and there even under the rocks!

    Graduated, ungraduated alike, they all seem to be

    Together in one area, and that’s okay with Me!

    Collective their strides are big, consider this to be so

    Because the Lord your mighty God knows that glow

    Go and find My people; they are ready for you

    Try their houses, cornfields for farmers, just to name a few

    Try the stores, the hospitals, and even the zoo

    You, My lady, will have everything I can give you

    Plant seeds of many varieties, some will soon grow

    All is for Me, and I want you to keep it so.

    It was My Body and My Blood that I did sacrifice

    So that I may give you and others abundant life

    Remember Me, remember Me

    Today and tomorrow and for eternity

    Winter, 2004

    Every day I say to you to come to Me. Many do not know or understand that.

    Continuously they await, concerned only with themselves.

    Trouble comes and stays, never leaving them.

    It takes conscious effort to rid the devil from their lives. No matter what they say, it can be done. Continue on trouble-free. Never letting go of Me.

    Contact the people and have them trade their lives for the unknown. Me. They are to come to Me. I am responsible for their breath in life. My way is the only way.

    Keep your sites on what’s important. Me, the Creator and the Life-Giver. Understand the meaning of what I am saying and smile. You’ve won! The devil has no place in you. I’ve claimed you. Show it over and over again. Trade every whim in for Me. I am your Balance, your Rock, and your Life. Control your life through Me. Make all your decisions through Me. Be a believer in My words.

    Appreciate My love for you. It is great. Calmly understand the meaning spoken to you.


    A comment:

    You will guide me minute by minute, each and every day.


    Yes, you’ve got it. I’m here for you. A lengthy process it may be but worth it, huh? Controlling situations on your own is risky business. You don’t have to, and you won’t. Come to Me. I will guide you. Concentrate on Me. I will guide you. Thanksgiving is always needed. Find your pipelines and pump them. Your track record is good, but we can do better together. I’m sure of it. Step out. Have a smile that radiates Me!

    A close encounter of My kind will come to follow with you.

    Joy is the condition given to you after our relationship is set in stone. Never again will you be alone, wondering where I am. I’ll never be gone again. Live each day to the fullest, cordial and bubbly.

    See people for what they can be in Me. Connect and be connected. Love and be loved. Have joy and be joyous continually, no matter what.


    Consider this, My child, forget all the pleasantries and become one with Me.

    A constant flowing is available to you.


    A question:

    What must I do to become one with You?


    Others may not understand your ways; do them anyway.

    Behave, look them in the eye, and connect.

    Allow others to laugh and be funny. Continue in grace.

    I am excited for you; you have come to Me. Build a life.

    Remember, on time, considerate, loving, and praiseful. Close your eyes to insults, smiling all the way.

    Winter, 2004

    Lowly are the great—great in My kingdom means many things. Terrible means only one thing: hell.

    Construct a battlefield; the lines drawn, stay on My side; others will waver and then they go on the other side. Stay firm, controlled, ready, willing, and able. Don’t give up on your position to anyone; they are ignorant of My ways for you.

    Below is above, and above is below.

    Invite the trusted ones in.

    Places and people and troubles there

    Overabundance down the road

    Cordial and peculiarly nice needed

    They will come to My wisdom.

    Troubles will stay the way they are because they do not know Me.

    They are consistently praying to whom? I wonder.


    A question:

    Is this not between you and them? But, please, speak what is needed.


    All righty then; not being reluctant is good. We shall move on.

    Needed; corralling. My people are needed

    Time seems to be wasting away; are you ready to become what I need for you to be?


    An answer:

    I shall go only where You go, nowhere else. You are my Advocate, Provider, Counselor, Lover, Mentor, and Best Friend.


    Then continue on showing your love and being obedient.

    Corral My people and bring them into My heart.

    Pick an avenue, and I will bless you.

    Tear/run down the road, and I will open doors for you. Blessings will flow.

    Consider many roads, plant many seeds, people can be multifaceted; you can too, believe it so!

    Trundle and tumble but slide right through. There are many blessings waiting for you.

    Awesome in My site

    I Am; just go toward Me. Jump, hurtle, or pole vault. You’ll soon be there. Waiting for the others to come, they’ll soon be there. All gifts given are purely from Me. Treat them as such. Continually shout hooray, hooray, it is the day of the Lord’s second coming, hooray, hooray!

    Winter, 2004

    More and more My strength comes to you. I am pleased with the progress made each day. Go ahead and keep plowing through the muck. Keep your eyes on Me, and I’ll keep Mine on you. Treasures are everywhere, keep recognizing them. I like that. Hold your position steady as she goes. Armies fill the streets of glory. Ready to fight, they are. Continuous battles everywhere: drugs, gambling, and ghosts haunting around; troubles soon for them.

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