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Are You A Good Christian?
Are You A Good Christian?
Are You A Good Christian?
Ebook195 pages2 hours

Are You A Good Christian?

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It occurred to me years ago that many people think they are good Christians because they attend church every Sunday and that's all they have to do; they don't know they need to be more understanding and more loving.

Release dateMar 16, 2021
Are You A Good Christian?

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    Are You A Good Christian? - Margie Sullivan


    wdd. short version. not anchored

    anchor 2. any device that holds something else secure.

    long version.

    Anything that gives or seems to give stabilIty or security is an anchor. You’re not able to give stability or security because you’re unanchored. You’re not able to give a person a firm resolution to a problem or give them security in life because you don’t have a firm purpose, and by you being unanchored you cause young ones to not have a firm character for good, which gets them in trouble. You cause them to be unanchored too. You cause people to not have the capacity to return to mental or emotional stability after being moved from their proper place. You cause them to not be able to return to being evenly balanced. It causes them to not be in their proper place and to take the place of someone else to replace what they’re missing.

    2. Because you’re unanchored, you worry people. You cause them fear, doubt, or anxiety because your freedom loving self will not be committed. You cause anxiety because what the average person thinks is a good plan, or a good reason to commit yourself and keep your word, to stay secure, free from fear, care, doubt or anxiety, so that you may stay or settle down. You seem not to care about. It might not be what you really need or want to make you feel safe and protected, or it might not be what makes you happy because you’re to unanchored to be satisfied. If it’s not what you need or want, you become unanchored. You won’t stay or settle down until you have what you want or get what you need. Then you settle down for a minute because you don’t know what you need. But you won’t stay because you’re not anchored.

    3. You need a cure for selfishness to make you stay with apian, because you will not do things for others, and you’re a person who’s hard to take by force. You can’t be made to do anything. You’re able to resist and endure people trying to make you settle, trying to make you give people what you owe them. You won’t settle because you won’t be satisfied. You cause people to lose ground with you. To drift because of the failure of the plan to hold you. You cause people to look elsewhere for security and permanence.

    4. You force people to say you’re guilty of wrong doing. You cause them to inflict a penalty upon you, or to condemn you, or take your property and give it to someone who appreciates it, or you cause them to disapprove of you strongly because you make it impossible for people to be kind to you. You make them slip back to denying you, to try and control you by fixing your mind on an attitude to learn humility. They know if you could acquire that habit you might be saved. You make people think you might try to learn humility. But then you don’t. You make them very angry, and by them getting angry, it’s like slipping if they fail to not chastise, scold, or condemn you because you cause them to get into a habit of using abusive language with you, or to find fault with you angrily. They know if they don’t punish or chastise you in order to collect you, or make you better you will not restrain yourself from excessively free behavior. Behavior that is expressing excessive undisciplined freedom, which is constituting an abuse of liberty. They know if they don’t scold you, you think it’s a sign to go ahead and do what you want. You leave the burden of being stopped on other people.

    5. Because you’re unanchored you’re like a boat set adrift around a coral reef. You act stupid. People think you should be under constant surveillance to keep you from hurting yourself and others, and when you’re really bad the only way a person can stop you from hurting them is to leave you. If they don’t get away from you, you make them hate themselves. You make them hate what they become, because you are not liable to be called to account for your actions.

    6. If you could only develop a conscience so that you could see how mean you are to cause others pain and suffering like you do, maybe, you could stop. But you won’t get a conscience because you won’t get knowledge or skill by study, or experience, or instruction. You don’t want to know what happened to people who are wrong, because then you would have to change. You’re such a coward you’re afraid to change. You won’t suppress your action, thought, and emotion. You will not control your impulses.

    7. Because you’re unanchored, any plan that guarantees you will do anything, like securing a loan with collateral, or any plan that is intended to ensure something with a pledge will not guard against you breaking the pledge, or losing the collateral. You’ll lose the collateral because you will not keep yourself under control, because you’re unanchored. You just don’t have the ability to use strong force or authority either in preventing, or suppressing, and controlling wrong action.

    8. You drift, the plan won’t hold you because you think it’s okay to act anyway you feel like acting. When in reality it would be better for you to be able to have some tolerance, and be able to wait for something (without complaining) and to be able to be responsible, to take your punishment, then change for good. But you can’t be satisfied because you will not control your emotions or your impulses. You will not limit your liberty or confine yourself. Nothing has a restraining influence on you. So you won’t perform well or act in a normal manner. It’s hard to make you feel secure or safe, to guard and protect you, or put you under restraint, because you’re so unanchored and insecure. You haven’t learned enough. You don’t have enough understanding to be able to reason and stick to it. You change your mind too much. You want all the wrong things, or you want things the wrong way. You want things that will cause you pain and unhappiness. You want too much admiration and attention from people, or you want too much.

    9. You’re being pulled to destruction but you can’t stop because you don’t have an anchor. God will be your anchor if you would just give in to God. But when you’re unanchored, you don’t want to learn so you can change. You don’t want to be better than you are, because you’re unanchored. You’re too weak to be performing well or act in a normal manner. You’re too weak to be morally powerful, to have strength of character and will, to be intellectually powerful, to be able to think clearly, to govern or lead with firm authority or to be able to make your mind up. You just want people to leave you to your plans, allow you to do as you wish. Please snap out of it. You’re too good a person to be going through this. Please have good reason and stick to it.


    wdd. short version.

    not restrainted, or not restraining, or being restrained

    not using a restraining influence or action

    not showing a means of restraining

    no limit to how far you may go no restriction on what you may do.

    wdd. long version.

    You will not restrain yourself from excessively free behavior. Behavior that is expressing excessive undisciplined freedom that is constituting an abuse of liberty. Because you’re unrestrained, you will not keep yourself under control. You just don’t have the ability to use strong force or authority either in preventing or suppressing and controlling wrong action. You won’t be satisfied because you will not limit your emotions or your impulses. You will not limit your liberty or confine yourself.

    Nothing has a restraining influence on you. It’s hard for you to have to have the means of restraining yourself, because you will not practice self-control. You need to be able to suffer a loss or limitation of liberty. At times you need to suffer confinement, or restrict your actions and emotions. You need to be able to suffer confinement, stay home for your own good. You need to be able to think ahead, be excited about a good possibility. Make up something good that could come of your confinement.

    Be able to have restraint, because when you do, you’re able to hold back from action. You’re able to check something or check yourself. When you check it, you cause a slowing up of action or progress. When you’re able to restrain you can curb something. When you curb, you show a sudden sharp action to bring something under control like to curb your tongue. Just stop talking. You need to have those abilities because then you could stay out of trouble and be happy and loved by others. Whenever you can keep something under control you can lead the way. Learn to have restraint, to have a suppressing or repressing of some action, thought or emotion, so that you can really be good.


    wdd. short version.

    dealing with ideas or matters in a way that is not realistic; impractical or visionary.

    wdd. long version.

    You are unrealistic because you’re a dreamer. A person whose ideas, plans and stuff like that are impractical, too idealistic, or fantastic. And that’s because you have visionary achievements, you achieve things in your mind that can only exist in the mind. Because you want to go by the generally accepted standards of goodness or rightness you want to go by what most people think or do is right to do. You think you have the right to be jealous, when only God has the right to be jealous. But you think you’re God. Or that you are better than others. And you show a feeling of being better than others.

    2. Because you’re unrealistic, you want something done that is not reed, that’s imaginary. That’s not capable of being put into effect because you’re not concerned with everyday activities and things you have to do, because you’re too worried about what you want done. You won’t give people enough of what is needed for what they have to do, or you won’t be concerned with the application of knowledge to useful ends. You’re only concerned about your theories or speculation.

    3. Because you’re a visionary person, you don’t want to be concerned with real things so it makes your mind lazy, and your body and soul too, because your mind can leave out the part that takes physical work or action. You just see the end result and you will only think about things you can think up not things you can do. Something cannot be done the way you see it because what you see is not the real way it happens. It’s not a real way of doing things, it’s too hard to do it that way, or it’s an exception to the rule.

    4. You want something done that can only be done through practice or action.

    But you won’t permit practice or action. The way you think is not useful or sensible and what you say is showing you’re not handling practical matters well, because you won’t face facts, or you won’t face what must be done by you. You’re not concerned with the real things you must do and practice. Or with the real action you must take or be concerned with in order to achieve what you want.

    5. Because you’re unrealistic, you will not deal fairly with others, because you won’t consider what they would have to go through to produce what you want. You want too much. You want someone to cope with achieving something the way you see it. But they would have to act in a way that is impossible, or you want them to do something impossible.

    6. Because you’re unrealistic you will not speak, write or express your thoughts in ordinary language. And talk about things that are a matter of fact. You only concern yourself with ideas or matters that are not realistic, ideas or matters that have not actually happened or that is really true. A person has to struggle to make you talk about real things or talk about something that has been really happening, or that is happening, or is the state of things as they are. You won’t talk about something that is reality, actuality, or truth, because you don’t want to distinguish fact from fancy when you’re unrealistic.


    wdd. long version.

    Because you’re vain, you’re a liar. When you’re vain you lie a lot. You lie because what you say has no real value, or significance because you make up stuff too much. What you say has no real importance because it’s not true. What you say and how you act shows you’re conceited. You’re not true because you have an exaggerated opinion of yourself and you think that you deserve the rewards, praise or gratitude for something. (your merits) You want respect and affection for yourself from others. So you give yourself whatever is

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