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I am God We are God
I am God We are God
I am God We are God
Ebook239 pages3 hours

I am God We are God

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We are God. Me, myself, and I.

Am I but an ageing Catholic schoolboy? Who, as I am informed by my own mother, in writing this book, has lost his soul. When one has no God, no soul, and no heaven. When one has lost everything. What can one do?

Are my writings the last ramblings of a madman? A soul lost unansw

PublisherStephen Jed
Release dateFeb 10, 2023
I am God We are God

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    I am God We are God - Stephen Jed


    I am God We are God

    I am God

    We are God

    Stephen Jed

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The question is can God, the Devil, Jesus, angels and demons ever be considered fiction? Can you or I? What is truth except what you or I belief and decide it to be.

    Copyright © 2022 by Stephen Jed

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, contact:

    First paperback edition 2022

    978-1-80227-924-5 (paperback)

    978-1-80227-925-2 (ebook)


    A Catholic Childhood

    Part 1   I am God.

    Part 2   Saklas created us in the likeness of God.

    Part 3   Noah the Ark and the flood.

    Part 4   Did Jesus die on the cross?

    Part 5   Belief

    Part 6   Jesus did not die for me

    Part 7   The Gospel according to Peter

    Part 8   Life and existence

    Part 9   The law of attraction and me

    Part 10   The Gospel of Thomas

    Part 11   What is life?

    Part 12 The Gospel of Judas.

    Part 13   Do we live?

    Part 14   The fall of Adam.

    Part 15   Are we not Gods?

    Part 16   Prayer and Jesus

    Part 17   Time

    Part 18   Baby steps

    Part 19   What is Prayer?

    Part 20   We become whom we believe ourselves to be.

    Part 21   Gardens of the mind

    Part 22   Nvidia and heaven

    Part 23   Manifestation and heaven

    Part 24   Who is our God?

    Part 25   My mother’s dog and heaven.

    Part 26   Dinosaurs

    Part 27   What is it that I would like?

    I am God, We are God

    A Catholic Childhood

    For most this is a scary thought. For if we are God, what then? We fear what has not come to be. We fear for our soul, for heaven, for hell, for life and we have no reason. For we are the new Gods.

    God exists because I exist. If I did not exist, God for me would not. For me, I am the most important being in this universe. If I should end everything for me ends. Nothing will matter, not even my God.

    We have each of us been sold God. In part to limit believe we have in ourselves, whilst increasing the need we have for God. If we are able to believe in ourselves, in us. We will do great things. I was brought up with Jesus. He has always been a friend of mine. I belief most of the stories I have been taught of Jesus, at least half. Not the over the top, get your bums on the seat, made up stuff by our Catholic Church.

    God, to me, is the universe we all exist and live in. The air that we breathe; our thoughts, our feelings; what we can see, touch and of course, imagine. As such, we are each of us a part of the creation around us as is God. No-one anymore so than anyone else.

    As a Roman Catholic, I was always informed that God has a plan for me and everything; and it is perfect. Unfortunately, it is not. The universe is riddled with inconsistencies, mistakes, and survives by destroying everything around it and starting anew.

    Very much the same as every life on this planet, we as gods can control our own fate. We can create anything we may want or desire. The difficulty is we are only able to do this if we believe we are able. In order to become Gods, we have to believe we are.

    I like to think I know what is right and that I do little, if no wrong. Yet this universe is definitely not black and it is certainly not white. So, what is this universe and what am I? Am I a good man? Do I do good deeds? If I am not good, am I therefore bad? We are what we believe ourselves to be. It is that simple and it is also not.

    The good of this world is not all together good and the bad of this world is not all the time bad. Right and wrong, good and evil, black, and white. We are not these, none of us. We are none of us black, white, right, or wrong. Neither are we good or evil. All of us exist somewhere between them all. We are for want of a better word simply grey. A forever changing colour of grey.

    I have been a Roman Catholic all of my life. As a Catholic, my belief is vastly different from that which I have been taught to be true. The God I believe in, is not the same God as that of my faith. From a very early age I have been taught that there is but one true God. Yet the Roman Catholic faith teaches that we have The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. This would mean that as a Roman Catholic I must believe that Jesus Christ is not a God. We therefore are saying the Holy Ghost is also not a God. My faith is somewhat confusing. Especially as it dictates that I must believe that The Father, The Son, and Holy Ghost are the Holy Trinity. All equal, all one, separate and also not from the beginning of time.

    When the Bible was written seventeen hundred or so years ago the church was very anti women and for the most part still is. The Holy Ghost in Catholic Mythology is not a Goddess? It would make more sense if the Holy Ghost was a woman. Our world, this existence, nature itself is based on continuation and rebirth. The continuation and bettering of ourselves. We continue through our children, through reproduction and religion has taken this away. We have three lone male gods who are actually one. They are separate yet together and have always existed. They are not part of nature. They do not reproduce. They do not multiply. They were never born, and they will not die. They have always been, and they will always be, three separate minds fused into one. Separate from nature and our universe and as we have said quite confusing.

    For me God is the living universe. As such I am a part of God the same as everyone else. My faith says that I am not. That I am not worthy to be in God’s presence. Let me tell you, we are as important as anything else in existence. Nothing matters for you if you do not exist. Everything is, only because we ourselves are.

    Who then has taught us of God? Was it prophets, teachers, Jesus himself or the church? I have never spoken to anyone who has spoken to God. I also do not know of anyone who has. I am not saying others have not, only that I have not had the pleasure. Today the closet I have come to talking to a prophet and in understanding the teachings of Jesus is listening to Neville Goddard. Another interesting lecturer who is still alive is Joseph Alai. What these men teach is a far cry from the teachings of Jesus Christ, yet they are very much the same. We are taught that it is we who decide who we will become, who we are to be, we decide. This may be exactly what Jesus Christ himself taught.

    As a Roman Catholic. My belief of God was decided for me by the council of Nicea nearly two thousand years ago. God has not changed although everything else has. God spoke to me only through the Roman Catholic Church. To not believe the word of God or the church as they were the same was blasphemy. If I did not believe the word of God, the teachings of the church, then I would lose my place in heaven, my soul and also God. I was taught this as a child, my friends were taught this. This is not the recollections of a stranger; this was taught to me, to me.

    For a child, the idea of losing God, one’s soul and heaven is a very scary thing. We were taught to love God through fear. I have always prayed to God. Why I do so is a good question. Why do I pray? Is it because if I do not, I will lose heaven or is it because if I do not, I will be in hell forever in torment. Do I really love God or am I just afraid for my soul? Why do I fear God and why do I pray?

    I believed for so long that I was not worthy of God. That I talked to God through Jesus and also my church. Yet is this world not a part of God? Am I not of this world and as such am I not also a part of God? Is God not a part of me? Are we not all created equal by God? I say to you is it not an insult to God to believe that we are not worthy. The Roman Catholic Church, much of the Bible, my parents, my convent school, my priests all informed me I was not worthy of God. I am, we are, and we are so much more.

    As a Roman Catholic, the God I find in the scriptures and Bible is so vastly different from the loving God I am informed he is. The God we find in the Bible is very much obey me, worship me, honour me, or die. The God in our Bible even punishes those who love him the most. Those who do not do as commanded are simply destroyed. Mostly by one or more angels. Quite simply if we worship God, we live and if we do not, we cease to be.

    Our Bible like everything in this world and the next has many origins in our past. Many believe our Bible is the written word of God. The problem with this belief is that as our Bible dates back to Ancient Mesopotamia. If these ancient writings are true then our Bible was not written only about one God, but many.

    Our Bible was written literally by gods who pre-date ours. The Bible being the unquestionable word of God could actually be based on the lives of our god and others like him. If the stories in the Bible are true and they are eerily similar to what is written on stone tablets found in Mesopotamia, then the stories concerning the Anunnaki may also be true. Writings translated from fourteen ancient tablets in Mesopotamia may also be true.

    If we believe the church, the Bible and also the word of God then are we not also to believe that God is one of the Anunnaki? The truth it seems is in the Bible. The Church has always informed me that the Bible is true, If correct, we, are descendants of Gods.

    What are we to believe is therefore true? Is God one of the Anunnaki? What then of my faith? Have I been fed a story, and why have I been informed of what is true by my church when it is not? If nothing I have been told is true, then who will now grant me heaven? It is God? If God is one of the Anunnaki, he has his own heaven. I am not part of it. The same as a spider or fly is not a part of mine. They can be in mine, although I will not know them. God has never lied to me; he has never said he will take me to heaven.

    In the fourteen Samarian tablets which were found. There is no promise by God or eternal life in any heaven. The Anunnaki looked after their people very well. People worked and served them. The people of God were much better off than the people who were not. Even so, God has never promised us heaven. Jesus has though promised us heaven, two thousand years ago but not God.

    I have not wrote of the Anunnaki in this book. Many others have. I have only fleetingly touched upon this as how could I not. What is strange is that my Church also has not. As a Roman Catholic I am not able to believe in the Anunnaki. The belief I have been brought up to know is we have but one God. Although again, how do I know this? Our Bible is a collection of many smaller books and stories dating back many thousands of years. Much of this is eerily similar to the Samarian writings we as people have only recently learnt to read. Yet our Church informs us these Gods did not exist and yet they obviously did and maybe still do.

    There is just too much evidence of the Anunnaki’s existence to not believe that they are true. On the flip side, there is no proof that God exists at all. Yet we believe because we are informed by our church that we must. If we think of God as but one of many, this world and the universe as a whole makes so much more sense.

    There is also a prophesy of the return of the Anunnaki. This is not a prophesy without an end date, although it does have an end of the world vibe surrounding it. This could be why we fear judgement when God comes. The Anunnaki’s home world, a planet we know as Nibiru, passes our world every 3600 years. This is normally without incident, although the last time this planet came close to Earth it caused chaos. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and death.

    The next time this home world of the Anunnaki, Nibiru, is to come close to Earth is in the year 2046. This date is stated in the book ‘Anunnaki Homeworld’, written by Jason M. Brashear. Twenty-five years is not long to see if one’s belief in God is actually true.

    If I look at my soul, will I find it wanting? Am I, as my mother and sister believe, losing heaven? In writing this book and wanting answers. In questioning my faith, am I losing what it is that I seek and with it my soul? Can one even lose a soul? My soul is mine and belongs to no-one but me, so how can one lose one’s soul? If we are looking for truth, how can one save a soul? What can I do that would make it difficult for God to refuse me heaven? As a Roman Catholic I believe in heaven, but I also believe heaven is whatever I believe it to be. As a good Catholic, can I buy my way into heaven? And if I can, should I? ... For me the answer is yes.

    I have informed God that I will give half of any profits I receive from my writings to anyone who has need of them. In doing this, I admit I wish to buy Gods favour, buy a place in heaven and eternity.

    Now, this is presumptuous! Why do I think people will purchase this book and what makes me think I will have any money to give away? Half of nothing is still nothing. This is all true and yet how can God fail me? We have to believe that the end we envisage and want, is now and it that it will be. It is this simple

    All I have to do is visualise and believe that I am giving away large sums of money gained from writing this book. In so doing, my soul lives forever in heaven and I have everything I want. Yes, simple.

    I write as I speak. This is born from my days as a child in the Convent where I was taught. I had problems with speaking so mostly I did not, as not speaking was less painful than not being understood. I had my own desk at the back of my classroom, away from everyone and the normal speaking children.

    The nuns looked after me well even though I was a handful, I was hard to deal with. I wanted to speak, but I could not, so I began to draw and paint, and in time I was quite good. I had great friends, they would come to my table and talk to me. Without them I would have been quite alone, and yet this was also OK.

    I attended writing lessons once a week, on Wednesday afternoons. My mother would pick me up from my school, St Francesca Cabrini in Forest Hill. I attended a speech therapy centre behind the bus garage in Peckham. It was here I learnt to write words by the sound they make in my head. I am still learning.

    In this book I have tried to give an alternative truth. A second opinion to some of the many questions, I as a Roman Catholic have struggled to find the answers to. My answers may not be correct, and my beliefs may be wrong, but which are wrong and which are not?

    My Roman Catholic upbringing was quite rigid. I could go to hell for the smallest of inconsistencies and yet with confession I would be forgiven. I could in actual fact do anything, as long as I asked God for forgiveness. As a child I was taught very precisely what was and was not the truth. My beliefs today are so very different to what they once were. What I was permitted to believe and what I was not.

    Everything in my childhood was right or wrong, black, or white, good, or evil. There was no grey. I have been haunted by much of the knowledge taught to me as a child. My teachings were very much that God is perfect, and I was not. As I was not able to speak, or at least not correctly, I was informed often that I was indeed not a favourite of God. That I was in fact being punished and not able to talk as I lacked faith in my God. I did

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