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Airport Spa
Airport Spa
Airport Spa
Ebook39 pages32 minutes

Airport Spa

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I walked into the hot tub, and sat where I could watch Tom. He looked even better out here in the sunlight, than he did in the dark, dingy TV room. He was very handsome. Like I noticed inside, he had a sexy button nose, chubby cheeks, short, light brown, wavy hair, and cute little ears. And his body, was perfect size and shape. But not hairy. He looked amazingly good for a smooth chub. His man boobs, and his big, round, firm belly, nicely tanned.

Release dateNov 29, 2022
Airport Spa

Ron Williamson

I started writing with the idea of it being an autobiography, but realized that my life is basically only interesting to me. So I focused on the men in my life, and turned each person into a chapter, or short story. So each story not only has sex with someone particular, but it also tells about a specific period of my real life.All of my stories are true. Based on times, people, and events from my past. Names have been changed to protect the (not so) innocent.Except for the story ‘Paranoid’. I ‘ghost wrote’ Paranoid, using information provided to me by someone who wished to remain anonymous.My personal favorite is 'Tunnel of Love'. This story not only tells about my first experience with an uncut, but also about my trip to Switzerland, and most importantly one of the few men that I have falling madly in love with. To this day, each time I read 'Tunnel of Love', it still makes me smile, laugh, cry, and gets me so hard that I feel the need to.. well, you know.There is very little kink in my stories. But there is a lot of passion. The sex is mostly oral, and anal. The sex in my stories is mostly about the magic feeling that two people can create, and share, while they are experiencing each others bodies. The sparks that fly when two people become one. Even if only for a short while.In the words of Janis Joplin: ‘If you’re gonna love somebody. Love them like it’s the last minute of your life.’ And that, I did.All of my stories can be found on the Smashwords website. At the end of each story there are; samples of my other stories, and links to take you to them. I would love to hear feedback about all of my stories. If you read one, please take a moment to write a review at the bottom of the stories page.

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    Airport Spa - Ron Williamson

    Airport Spa

    By Ron Williamson


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters in this story are over the age of 18 years old.

    The Airport Spa

    Copyright © 2022 by Ron Williamson

    ISBN: 9781005716868

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


    Tom Brunner (Part A)

    Hey Joe, I said, walking in to the Airport Spa.

    Hey Ron, Joe said, from behind the counter.

    The Airport Spa was an interesting place. It was like a book store in the front, selling movies and magazines. It also had the dollar video booths, on one side, and on the other side was an eight dollar theatre. In the back, for fifteen dollars, was the spa area. Oh, and there was no airport anywhere near this place.

    In the back spa area, there were a number of things. A pool, a jacuzzi, a dry sauna, two out door showers, a small locker room, a separate building with private rooms available for rent, and six different public TV rooms with couches.

    I lived only two miles away from the spa, and at that time in my life I only worked a few months out of the year. My business partner and I had a food truck. We sold BBQ at fairs. The Arizona state fair, the San Diego County Fair, the Sacramento State Fair, and the Pima County Fair. Each fair took about one month to do. So I had a lot of free time (eight months to be exact), and I spent a lot of time at the Airport Spa.

    I was very good friends with Joe, Terry, and Frank, the three guys who worked at the spa. I think they were all straight, but gay-friendly. They

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