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Lola's Journey
Lola's Journey
Lola's Journey
Ebook201 pages2 hours

Lola's Journey

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A woman can only take so much before she breaks. Not her. In this story, you will meet Lola. Follow her as she embarks on many adventures. See how she takes the world by storm all because she is tired. Tired of not being seen, tired of being treated like she was worthless and unwanted. On a quest to find herself and to take charge of her life, her way of taking charge is very unique. Follow her story as she seduces men and women along the way. In the end, she finds not only herself but a familiar sense of worth that has been buried for years. There is a Lola story in all of us, this is hers.

PublisherJ.R. Ryder
Release dateAug 27, 2022
Lola's Journey

J.R. Ryder

J.R. Ryder is a newly self published author who had always loved poetry, fantasy with his head in the clouds. J.R. currently lives in sunny Southern California, where after 17 longs years in the United States Marine Corps he was able to retire. J.R. Ryder was the dorky kid that was always made fun of growing up, because he always had a story to tell or a poem to write to someone. So after years of bullying he set it aside and locked it away. Sports was his outlet, where football became his new passion. J.R. Ryder, wasn't your all American athlete nor was he built to play beyond high school. After High School, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as engineer mechanic. He spent 17 years of faithful service, serving our country. J.R. has 3 Combat deployments that we are all aware of to include an array of humanitarian missions. After retirement from the Marine Corps, J.R. struggled to find his place or find his new belonging. Going from job after job, nothing seemed to fit his personality or need. This caused J.R. to fall in a low. Depression was real. J.R. also had to come to terms with himself that he was broken. Needing an outlet J.R. Ryder found an old passion that he thought was long gone. His writing's. After gaining attention on Social media, he decided to give it a chance. His writing passion has always been romance. J.R. Ryder put out his first book Nightstand Desires with erotic short stories to allow the reader to go on a journey with him and explore his mind. J.R. Ryder's goal with his books, is to share his mind and to take you on a journey and explore the creative mind the universe has blessed him with and inspire closet writers that anything is possible!

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    Book preview

    Lola's Journey - J.R. Ryder



    BY. J.R. RYDER

    Lola’s Journey

    Copyright © 2022 by J.R. Ryder-All Rights Reserved.

    First printing 2022

    This book is copyright protected. The content within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated, or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

    Cover Design by J.R. Ryder

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Operation New Me

    Who is Lola

    Naughty Lizzie

    Where Do I Go Now

    Where It All Went Wrong

    What Happens in Vegas

    Vegas Never Closes

    Amateur Hour

    Finding Myself

    Here We Go Again

    Closing In

    Forgetting Ian


    A woman can only take so much before she breaks. Not her. In this story you will meet Lola. Follow her as she embarks on many adventures. See how she takes the world by storm all because she was tired. Tired of not being seen, tired of being treated like she was worthless and unwanted. On a quest to find herself and to take charge of her life, her way of taking charge is very unique. Follow her story as she seduces men and women along the way. In the end, she finds not only herself but a familiar sense of worth that has been buried for years. There is a Lola story in all of us, this is hers.

    Operation New Me

    Well, that's it! After 15 years of marriage, I’m finally putting myself first. My marriage didn’t hit a rough patch it hit a fucking wall. The passion was gone, the touches are gone, I feel so unwanted and useless. He would come home from work late and just reek of cigarettes. The aroma of bourbon would spill out through his breath. There was no point in asking where he had been because the bastard would just lie and blame me. I was tired of arguing about the same things over and over again. I started to lose who I was. I gained 35 lbs. since he started neglecting me and my self-respect went from priority to non-existent. So finally, I had enough.

    I drove to the local gym to sign up. I found the youngest and hottest personal trainer for my own motivation and went every day for 2 months. I still wore the same clothes because that bastard was not going to benefit from my hard work while he stays our late drinking and smoking. Kyle was the name of my personal trainer. He is 10 years younger than me, but his body was chiseled from the Gods. He had the softest of brown eyes that sparkled. His light brown hair was styled like he was posing for a Men’s fashion magazine. His tight tank top hugged his body like it was painted directly on him.

    His tattoos screamed Fuck Me Now. His beautiful white teeth seemed like they have never been touched by a drop of coffee or soda. This was a beautiful man. Now, before you start thinking I fucked the personal trainer, let me jump ahead and tell you that I did not. I mean how cliche. Plus, I was still technically married but not for long. Once I get back to my pre-marital weight is when I will set my plan in motion. See I made this plan. I arranged for my lawyer friend to draw up divorce papers and when my soon to be ex leaves for work, I will leave a letter and a picture of me in my new body flipping the bastard off.

    So, today is that day! Before I can leave, I need to do some running around. I stop at the local outlets to pick out some new clothes. I don’t even know what fashion is in now. After shopping, I head over to my friends to pick up my copy of the papers. I hand him a check that covers the filing fee and to have him served at his work. I give him a quick hug as I leave his office. Now on to the bank. I clean out everything in the safety deposit box, including our savings. I’m not worried about him being alerted because the low balance alerts only come to me, I made sure of that. As I walk out of the bank, I cross the street to A-Z mobile to apply for a new phone. I want to make sure he cannot get a hold of me. Forty-five minutes later I head home.

    Once home I begin to pack my suitcases and my bags. I only pack what I care about the most and load it into my car. I stand in the living room as tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. Not because of him but because I had allowed this to go on for so long and I am finally going to be happy. Fifteen fucking years of my life wasted on someone who didn’t love me, want me, or even touch me. I take one last look as I walk out the door, closing it behind me. How ironic, I close one door and open a new one as I start my journey to California. Far enough away from him, his friends and anyone who knows us and the life we had. I am on my way to reinvent myself and it feels damn good.

    It takes me 12 hours to get to San Diego were I rented a cute little B&B just outside the city. The city’s name is La Jolla. The B&B is located a block away from the beach. So yeah, it’s really expensive, however I’m not paying for it. See, before I had left, I cleaned out the account and left $127.38 exactly. That was the exact amount he spent at the local bar when he said he was working late. That was my breaking point. I explained it all in the letter I left him just in case he couldn’t put two and two together.

    A sense of excitement comes over me as I pull up to the B&B. The pictures on the internet did not do it justice. As I walk inside to check in, I can feel the history radiate off the walls. The stucco tan walls with white trim fits perfectly. The fiery orange with teal accent completes the look and uniquely matches the view of the beautiful coastline. The gardens, the ponds, along with the overflowing planter beds, and landscape give off this romantic yet serene ambiance and Zen. It’s exactly what I need.

    After I check in, I collect my bags and head to my room. As I open the door, a sense of freedom fills my breath, as I take in the pure beauty of this room. The detail and the décor excite my eyes as I walk through the room like I’ve entered another world. Tired from the drive, I place my bags in the closet and head for the shower. After my shower, I lay in the bed with just my towel on and fall asleep. It feels like I only blinked as the morning birds start to sing, and the seagulls screech across the sky like an early morning alarm.

    So here I am starting day one of Operation New Me. When I say, new me, I mean it. I will not allow another man or partner, because honestly at this point, I’m up for anything, take advantage of me again. This time I will be in charge. Everything will be on my terms, and I am going to do what I want, when I want and with whoever I want. Am I scared shitless? Hell Yes! However, I need to try this. I get ready, as I throw on my new red spaghetti strap sundress that stops right before my knees. I Curl my hair and apply a very small amount of makeup. I spray myself with body spray from Victoria's Secret, slip on my heels and walk out the door. The entrance to my room leads directly out on to the sidewalk. The stores and shops are a block away, so not too far the B&B. First stop, is coffee.

    As I walk to the coffee shop, I start to realize that maybe I was a little too ambitious. It’s 8 am and hardly any of the stores are open or they are just beginning to open. The smell of saltwater fills the air, and I can feel the warm touch of the sun as it wrestles through the ocean cloud cover or marine layer as the locals call it. Insecurity starts to set in as I feel like I am a bit over dressed but fuck it.

    As I make it to the coffee shop, I pull the door open and make my way through. I quickly notice a corner booth kind of tucked away so I think to myself Perfect. I order my coffee; the cashier gives me a table number and I proceed to the corner booth. The coffee shop is just like my marriage, everyone has their noses in their laptops, or staring at their phones. Oh my god, I think to myself, I got up way too early. I didn’t know what I was going to achieve or gain by being all dressed up at 8 am inside of a coffee shop. An embarrassment suddenly comes over me as I sit in this booth alone waiting for my coffee. So, I just figure once my coffee gets here, I’ll head back to my room and try it again later. That is until I notice a guy by himself directly across from me.

    I catch him secretly looking at me. He would look at his laptop screen, then look at me, then back down at his screen. Nerves take over as I attempt to flirt. I look down and adjust my top for no reason other than to get his attention. I am way out of my comfort zone. When I look up, I notice he has left.

    Oh my god, I think to myself shaking my head.

    I grab my coffee and purse and proceed to leave. Walking out, I hear a man's voice call out to me. Startled, I look over and it’s him, the man from inside.

    Excuse me, would you like to join me? the man asks.

    No, thank you, I reply hesitantly.

    Come on Please? Just for a couple minutes, the man responds. I saw you, you know, looking at me, the man continues, with a smirk on his face.

    Ok, and? I respond trying to hide my blushing cheeks with sarcasm. This is my first encounter with a man other than my ex, Manny.

    I mean if you are going to stare, might as well get to know me, he says sarcastically.

    Well, when you are fun to look at, it makes it easy, I say flirtingly

    Well then, here have a seat and look all you want, he responds, while pushing out a chair for me.

    I walk over and introduce myself as Lola. He introduces himself as Robert. Robert and I chat for a good hour or so. He tells me about himself and how he is pretty much well off, single, no kids like me and he just moved to La Jolla about 8 months ago. He retired from the Marine Corps about 6 years ago and so on. I tell him my story, however I leave out the part of me reinventing myself and taking charge.

    Robert is good looking. He still maintains his military appearance. With his hair freshly cut, faded and slicked back. He has a medium build, I guess that is called a dad bod these days and he has tattoos up and down his arms. He has a smile that is infectious and his eyes are brown but have this amber glow when the sun hits them. I start to really check him out and I think he notices. I begin to flirt more aggressively, however I am nervous because I don’t want to come off desperate. My mind is all over the place and my face doesn’t hide it. He scoots his chair over closer to me making this awful grinding sound across the concrete. He positions his chair in front of me. He then places his hand on my bare knee, looks at me and says,

    It's okay love, I feel it too.

    What the fuck! I scream to myself.

    I cannot allow him to pick me up, because then the cycle will just start all over. I need to know I can do this. Even though he is hot, I know I need to out flirt him. He is very good with his words, as I banter back. Our flirting grows more intense and graphic. I haven’t had a good fuck in so long. I’m craving this, I want this, but I need to be in control.

    Scoot closer, I whisper, staring at him.

    What? he asks, with a confused look on his face.

    So, I lean forward, grab both sides of

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